Breaking: Ted Cruz's Call Girl Gives Interview Describing Their Sexual Twists (Transcript Included)

My understanding of law is fuzzy, and in the same breath, you say that it's not sexual harassment unless there is retaliation by the offender? Did you ever hear of a term called flashing? Yes, people have been arrested and charged for that. Or perhaps the term indecent exposure is something you're familiar with?

Flashing is done out in public, not indoors. So, um, no. and she never made a complaint about his 'flashing' her. She made a SPECIFIC legal complaint of sexual harrassment which required him to 1) Be her direct superior and 2) to have taken some kind of retaliatory action against her. Neither of these elements in a CIVIL (not criminal) case existed, which is why Judge Weber-Wright threw out the case.

Just because we didn't find stockpiles of WMD's doesn't mean that Bush lied about anything. Was he incorrect about his theory? Perhaps, but that's not a lie. Let me give you another example of a lie:


Okay, here's the problem with that theory. Bush had a lot more evidence there weren't stockpiles of WMD's. He had people like Hans Blix, Mohammed el-Baradai and Scott Ritter saying, "Hey, we think we got them all in the 1990's." He had inspectors on the ground ready to prove the issue once and for all without a war.

Bush lied. People died.

"If you like your insurance company, you can keep your insurance company."

See Joe, that's a lie. Why is that a lie? Because we have proof (in the Commie Care bill) that stated you DO lose your insurance if they increase their rates or change their terms which all insurance companies do. DumBama knew this well ahead of time. It's his bill. Therefore we have rock solid proof that he made a statement, but knew otherwise. He wasn't just incorrect about something, he flat out lied to the American people.

Except Obama never said that. He said if you like your DOCTOR, you keep your Doctor.

Nobody likes their insurance company. Everyone knows that insurance companies change terms all the time and would have c ontinued to make their terms worse if the ACA hadn't passed.

There is nothing in Obamacare that forces you to change doctors or regulates who your doctor is, in any way. Blame the insurance companies.

Politicians create a massive bill and then the people who voted in the Dems who signed it blame they were forced to do it by the Insurance Companies.........

Only in America can people be this dang stupid.

Show me where in the ACA it regulates who your doctor is.

If it offers no plans that cover your doctor, then you don't get coverage and have to change your physician or pay cash outright.
ObamaCare Fallout: Walmart Ends Insurance For New Hires - Breitbart
December 1, 2012???? 1 year before the exchanges opened to the public?

This story had nothing to do with Obamacare, and Walmart isn't quoted saying anything about Obamacare.

I don't know who is more dishonest, Breitbart for publishing this dreck or you for posting it.

Yes, places were dropping coverage before Commie Care went into full swing.
Cherry-picking the data that makes your case while ignoring stronger evidence that refutes your case is not the same as lying. So Woodward is using a strawman.

And why would anyone give a shit about Bob Woodward's opinion on troop pullouts?

And how long have you been boosting the opinions of reporters? Just this one time, since it suits your purpose?

I didn't post the story because of what he thought about pulling out of Iraq. We now all know it was one of the dumbest things any President has ever done; turning a country over to terrorists--the people we are supposedly fighting.

I did post the story about his opinion that Bush Lied which if you want to talk about a straw man, there it is.

And order to prove somebody lied, one must first prove they knew otherwise in the first place; something no Democrat has ever been able to do.
My understanding of law is fuzzy, and in the same breath, you say that it's not sexual harassment unless there is retaliation by the offender? Did you ever hear of a term called flashing? Yes, people have been arrested and charged for that. Or perhaps the term indecent exposure is something you're familiar with?

Flashing is done out in public, not indoors. So, um, no. and she never made a complaint about his 'flashing' her. She made a SPECIFIC legal complaint of sexual harrassment which required him to 1) Be her direct superior and 2) to have taken some kind of retaliatory action against her. Neither of these elements in a CIVIL (not criminal) case existed, which is why Judge Weber-Wright threw out the case.

Just because we didn't find stockpiles of WMD's doesn't mean that Bush lied about anything. Was he incorrect about his theory? Perhaps, but that's not a lie. Let me give you another example of a lie:


Okay, here's the problem with that theory. Bush had a lot more evidence there weren't stockpiles of WMD's. He had people like Hans Blix, Mohammed el-Baradai and Scott Ritter saying, "Hey, we think we got them all in the 1990's." He had inspectors on the ground ready to prove the issue once and for all without a war.

Bush lied. People died.

"If you like your insurance company, you can keep your insurance company."

See Joe, that's a lie. Why is that a lie? Because we have proof (in the Commie Care bill) that stated you DO lose your insurance if they increase their rates or change their terms which all insurance companies do. DumBama knew this well ahead of time. It's his bill. Therefore we have rock solid proof that he made a statement, but knew otherwise. He wasn't just incorrect about something, he flat out lied to the American people.

Except Obama never said that. He said if you like your DOCTOR, you keep your Doctor.

Nobody likes their insurance company. Everyone knows that insurance companies change terms all the time and would have c ontinued to make their terms worse if the ACA hadn't passed.

There is nothing in Obamacare that forces you to change doctors or regulates who your doctor is, in any way. Blame the insurance companies.

Yes, the insurance companies, the same insurance companies that work under Commie Care. So don't blame Commie Care, blame the insurance companies.
Flashing is done out in public, not indoors. So, um, no. and she never made a complaint about his 'flashing' her. She made a SPECIFIC legal complaint of sexual harrassment which required him to 1) Be her direct superior and 2) to have taken some kind of retaliatory action against her. Neither of these elements in a CIVIL (not criminal) case existed, which is why Judge Weber-Wright threw out the case.

Okay, here's the problem with that theory. Bush had a lot more evidence there weren't stockpiles of WMD's. He had people like Hans Blix, Mohammed el-Baradai and Scott Ritter saying, "Hey, we think we got them all in the 1990's." He had inspectors on the ground ready to prove the issue once and for all without a war.

Bush lied. People died.

Except Obama never said that. He said if you like your DOCTOR, you keep your Doctor.

Nobody likes their insurance company. Everyone knows that insurance companies change terms all the time and would have c ontinued to make their terms worse if the ACA hadn't passed.

There is nothing in Obamacare that forces you to change doctors or regulates who your doctor is, in any way. Blame the insurance companies.

Politicians create a massive bill and then the people who voted in the Dems who signed it blame they were forced to do it by the Insurance Companies.........

Only in America can people be this dang stupid.

Show me where in the ACA it regulates who your doctor is.

If it offers no plans that cover your doctor, then you don't get coverage and have to change your physician or pay cash outright.

You have to pay outright anyway.........the deductibles are only get coverage for major illnesses.............You also have to pick your doctors and they must be from a list............not a big deal but if you want to change it you must get permission to do so....................

How to Choose Your Doctor (Primary Care Physician)

There is nothing in Obamacare that forces you to change doctors or regulates who your doctor is, in any way. Blame the insurance companies.

Politicians create a massive bill and then the people who voted in the Dems who signed it blame they were forced to do it by the Insurance Companies.........

Only in America can people be this dang stupid.

Show me where in the ACA it regulates who your doctor is.

If it offers no plans that cover your doctor, then you don't get coverage and have to change your physician or pay cash outright.

You have to pay outright anyway.........the deductibles are only get coverage for major illnesses.............You also have to pick your doctors and they must be from a list............not a big deal but if you want to change it you must get permission to do so....................

How to Choose Your Doctor (Primary Care Physician)

Correct. I'm a patient at the world famous Cleveland Clinic. When Commie Care opened up, they only had one insurance company that would give you coverage using the Clinic, and it was one of the most expensive ones.

The Clinic has been able to make arrangements with the other insurance companies that Commie Care offers, but it was their doing and not the government or the insurance companies.

But even today, Commie Care advises that you double check to make sure your doctor or facility is covered under any of their plans.
Correct. I'm a patient at the world famous Cleveland Clinic. When Commie Care opened up, they only had one insurance company that would give you coverage using the Clinic, and it was one of the most expensive ones.

The Clinic has been able to make arrangements with the other insurance companies that Commie Care offers, but it was their doing and not the government or the insurance companies.

But even today, Commie Care advises that you double check to make sure your doctor or facility is covered under any of their plans.

So what you are saying is that you are so useless you need "Commie Care" to get coverage? Really?

Well you do live in Cleveland.

The ironic thing is, you think that the Insurance companies wouldn't have been keen on screwing you if there wasn't ObamaCare?
You have to pay outright anyway.........the deductibles are only get coverage for major illnesses.............You also have to pick your doctors and they must be from a list............not a big deal but if you want to change it you must get permission to do so....................

So how is that different than any private insurance plan? I had to change doctors when I changed jobs - again - because my new company's insurance doesn't have my primary guy in their network.

Again, you guys on the right didn't want to go to single payer because it was too socialist-y for you. And then you whine when the Capitalists fine a way to screw you.


Conservatism - it's kind of like battered wife syndrome.
I didn't post the story because of what he thought about pulling out of Iraq. We now all know it was one of the dumbest things any President has ever done; turning a country over to terrorists--the people we are supposedly fighting.

Except we did no such thing. We turned it over the Maliki government, the one that your boy, George W. Stupid had picked, after Maliki refused to ratify an status of forces agreement.

And because Maliki was such an inept boob, ISIL formed amongst the Sunni Tribesmen that he had promised to include in the government and didn't.

So Obama was responsible for Maliki's ineptitude and intransigence?

Point was, no mother was keen on her son coming home in a body bag so Iraq can have a stable government.
I didn't post the story because of what he thought about pulling out of Iraq. We now all know it was one of the dumbest things any President has ever done; turning a country over to terrorists--the people we are supposedly fighting.

Except we did no such thing. We turned it over the Maliki government, the one that your boy, George W. Stupid had picked, after Maliki refused to ratify an status of forces agreement.

And because Maliki was such an inept boob, ISIL formed amongst the Sunni Tribesmen that he had promised to include in the government and didn't.

So Obama was responsible for Maliki's ineptitude and intransigence?

Point was, no mother was keen on her son coming home in a body bag so Iraq can have a stable government.

Oh please, Ray Charles could have seen that the government couldn't protect itself from extremists. Why do you think every military leader we had was against a total withdrawal?

Did DumBama care? No he didn't. It was all about politics with him. Screw the sacrifices of thousands of Americans, screw the thousands of Iraqis that died as well. I have a reelection to worry about.
You have to pay outright anyway.........the deductibles are only get coverage for major illnesses.............You also have to pick your doctors and they must be from a list............not a big deal but if you want to change it you must get permission to do so....................

So how is that different than any private insurance plan? I had to change doctors when I changed jobs - again - because my new company's insurance doesn't have my primary guy in their network.

Again, you guys on the right didn't want to go to single payer because it was too socialist-y for you. And then you whine when the Capitalists fine a way to screw you.


Conservatism - it's kind of like battered wife syndrome.
How is it have to get run over by a Mack truck before it pays for anything.'s like an HMO..............and will save you money on Insurance like this saying..........If a Frog had wings it wouldn't bump it's butt when it jumps...........
Correct. I'm a patient at the world famous Cleveland Clinic. When Commie Care opened up, they only had one insurance company that would give you coverage using the Clinic, and it was one of the most expensive ones.

The Clinic has been able to make arrangements with the other insurance companies that Commie Care offers, but it was their doing and not the government or the insurance companies.

But even today, Commie Care advises that you double check to make sure your doctor or facility is covered under any of their plans.

So what you are saying is that you are so useless you need "Commie Care" to get coverage? Really?

Well you do live in Cleveland.

The ironic thing is, you think that the Insurance companies wouldn't have been keen on screwing you if there wasn't ObamaCare?

No, because before Commie Care, I always had employer provided coverage. Medical care for me (and millions like me) was never a problem until this big-eared creep invaded the White House and screwed it all up.

But....... at the time, it was hard to defeat you Cradle-to-Gravers. It wasn't bad enough we had too much government running our lives as it was, you had to give them our medical care system too.
Oh please, Ray Charles could have seen that the government couldn't protect itself from extremists. Why do you think every military leader we had was against a total withdrawal?

Did DumBama care? No he didn't. It was all about politics with him. Screw the sacrifices of thousands of Americans, screw the thousands of Iraqis that died as well. I have a reelection to worry about.

When the Generals are out in the shit getting shot at, then I will really give a fuck about what they think.

Here was the the thing. Obama won in 2008 because he was the guy who said, 'Iraq was a huge fucking mistake, and we need to get out of there." As opposed to McCain and Hillary, who said, "Iraq was a huge fucking mistake we supported, but we can't pull out now, even though we are just delaying the inevitable."

Here's the real problem in Iraq. The Sunnis, Shi'ites and Kurds don't want to be part of the same country. THey simply don't like each other. So really, how long were we supposed to stay there, trying to pretend that there was a nationality called "Iraqis"? How many troops was it worth losing to save George W. Bush's reputation?

How do you ask someone to be the last man to die for a mistake?

We had an election on that in 2008. Obama won because he had the right answer. Get out. Get out now. Get out as soon as you can, and if they can't hold it together, that's on them.
No, because before Commie Care, I always had employer provided coverage. Medical care for me (and millions like me) was never a problem until this big-eared creep invaded the White House and screwed it all up.

I have to honestly ask what kind of fly-by-night company that you work for that wasn't offering you insurance that didn't meet the low standards set up by the ACA? Because frankly, even the shit insurance I had at my last job was still ACA Compliant.

But....... at the time, it was hard to defeat you Cradle-to-Gravers. It wasn't bad enough we had too much government running our lives as it was, you had to give them our medical care system too.

Guy, i used to think like you, until I actually had a medical issue. And even though I opted for the top-line health program my company offered, after I ran up a few thousand in medical bills, that company couldn't get rid of me fast enough. Except they didn't have grounds to, so they engaged in a war of attrition to try to get me to quit on my own.

I'm for the government running health care because I honestly don't trust the private sector.

So your complaint is your company is screwing you, but you want to blame the government. Hey, here's what I do when I think my company isn't giving me a fair shake. I send out resumes.
How is it have to get run over by a Mack truck before it pays for anything.'s like an HMO..............and will save you money on Insurance like this saying..........If a Frog had wings it wouldn't bump it's butt when it jumps...........

I have to wonder what kind of fly-by-night companies you and Ray are working for that don't offer pretty basic insurance.

And how come these awful things only seem to happen to conservatives?
How is it have to get run over by a Mack truck before it pays for anything.'s like an HMO..............and will save you money on Insurance like this saying..........If a Frog had wings it wouldn't bump it's butt when it jumps...........

I have to wonder what kind of fly-by-night companies you and Ray are working for that don't offer pretty basic insurance.

And how come these awful things only seem to happen to conservatives?
Yawn............I had Blue Cross Blue Shield.......80/20 with HMO............

Small company........rates very high before Obama Disaster Care..............Rates went through the roof after passage.........increased over $500 a month............forcing me to drop it..................

Went on Bronze plan because the deductibles all sucked anyway..................Wife needed a Gall bladder removal under the plan..........outpatient surgery............had to pay $6,000 at the fucking door before service...........ended up paying more for it than the high rates I used to have................

I got some back as the cost negotiated by Blue Cross .......of my the same company back under Obamacare........were less......................On her didn't cover shit..............

Guy..........I don't know what you are smoking but under Obamacare the rates went up again for everyone now approaching my old cost for 80/20 plan............yet I have 60/40 now..................

Go crawl back up Obama's ass on his great deal to save America..........because he didn't really fix jack shit except pre-existing conditions and that is all.
Now that Joe Blow has done his job diverting the thread...................If the reports are true on Cruz it will destroy him............which is all by design.
Yawn............I had Blue Cross Blue Shield.......80/20 with HMO............

Small company........rates very high before Obama Disaster Care..............Rates went through the roof after passage.........increased over $500 a month............forcing me to drop it..................

Went on Bronze plan because the deductibles all sucked anyway..................Wife needed a Gall bladder removal under the plan..........outpatient surgery............had to pay $6,000 at the fucking door before service...........ended up paying more for it than the high rates I used to have................

I got some back as the cost negotiated by Blue Cross .......of my the same company back under Obamacare........were less......................On her didn't cover shit..............

Guy..........I don't know what you are smoking but under Obamacare the rates went up again for everyone now approaching my old cost for 80/20 plan............yet I have 60/40 now..................

Go crawl back up Obama's ass on his great deal to save America..........because he didn't really fix jack shit except pre-existing conditions and that is all.

Wow, so your company is screwing you and it's all Obama's fault. Got it.

Is anything in your unhappy, miserable life not Obama's fault?

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