Breaking: Ted Cruz's Call Girl Gives Interview Describing Their Sexual Twists (Transcript Included)

What a kinky perverted bastard Cubanadian Cruz is. He is clearly having a Cuban Mistress Crisis.

Interview with a Candy Wrapper, the Lollipop Edition

Mean while, the New York Times etches Obamas Legacy into stone.

The thing i despise about Cruz is his holier than thou bible thumping. I know bill clinton and donald trump have not been choir boys, but they never tell me how to live my life or that im not a real christian if i dont vote for them. cruz is vomit.

glenn beck says he is almost the next coming of Christ

and if you dont vote for him frogs will fall from the sky

the end times are near buy gold


You know just cause you make crap up doesn't make it magically true

another glenn beck nutjob


The only nut jobs are the ones like you who need to make up things Glenn said.

glenn beck has become a nutjob

and if you are listening to him you are one as well
So why did they need the Monica story? Because of another woman who made claims he does have sex (or tries to) with his underlings. And to be honest, all she wanted was an apology to make it all go away, but Clinton was too proud and too pompous to give her that much.

So the 70 million wasn't the fault of Clinton in your mind, it was the fault of Star. Typical liberal.

Well, no. Ken Starr wasn't supposed to be investigating Clinton's sex life. Ken Starr was supposed to be investigating if there was any corruption on the Clinton's part regarding the Whitewater Investment deal... Which there wasn't, the Clinton's lost money just like everyone else involved. But Kenny the Pervert decided it was his place to investigate this issue, too.

So lying Paula Jones just wanted an "apology"? Really? Then why did she agree to a cash settlement without one? She was a gold-digging piece of trailer trash who let herself get used by the President's enemies. Then she took off her clothes for Playboy because her lawyers took most of the settlement and still demanded money out of her.

Here's an idea. INstead of hoping to find a jizz-stained dress inside of a server, how about nominating someone who doesn't take great joy in screwing over working people, minorities and women to benefit big corporations and religious nuts?

Last time we nominated a nominee you described, you opposed him. His name was Mitt Romney.

Are you saying Romney didn't take great Joy in screwing over working people when most of his career was screwing over working people?

Mr. "47% don't pay taxes, so screw them?"

Mr. "I like to fire people"?

Mr. "Binders full of women"?

Mr. "Magic Underpants"?

Frankly, Romney was everything that was wrong with the GOP. A religious nut who likes to screw working people.
You liberals really live in your own little world--don't you? Cops shooting kids playing with guns? It's a real shame you never even read the story apparently.

I did read the story. I also watched the video. They shot that kid within a second of pulling up and really took no time to evaluate the situation.

Oh, yeah, one of those cops had a long record of abuse of force. The other one was fired from another police department for emotional problems.

But nothing to see here. Gotta protect us from those evil darkies.

All our elections are honest including the last two historical mid-term elections. And if you want to debate that, I have my FactCheck folder right here with all the links I need.

Midterms don't count. Midterms are full of gerrymandering, low turnout, etc. You don't get credit for winning Senate races

Point was, the only NATIONAL election you won without stealing it or scaring us shitless you guys won was 1988. Every presidential election since then, where EVERYONE got to vote, you guys either lost, stole the election or used fear to barely win.
You liberals really live in your own little world--don't you? Cops shooting kids playing with guns? It's a real shame you never even read the story apparently.

I did read the story. I also watched the video. They shot that kid within a second of pulling up and really took no time to evaluate the situation.

Oh, yeah, one of those cops had a long record of abuse of force. The other one was fired from another police department for emotional problems.

But nothing to see here. Gotta protect us from those evil darkies.

All our elections are honest including the last two historical mid-term elections. And if you want to debate that, I have my FactCheck folder right here with all the links I need.

Midterms don't count. Midterms are full of gerrymandering, low turnout, etc. You don't get credit for winning Senate races

Point was, the only NATIONAL election you won without stealing it or scaring us shitless you guys won was 1988. Every presidential election since then, where EVERYONE got to vote, you guys either lost, stole the election or used fear to barely win.

Past Conspiracy Theories

Remember the swirl of stories around Diebold Election Systems and its CEO, Walden O’Dell, in 2004? O’Dell was an Ohio resident who held a fundraiser at his home for President Bush and wrote a fundraising letter promising to help “Ohio deliver its electoral votes to the president next year.” Some took him too literally, claiming that Bush “stole” Ohio’s electoral votes and the 2004 election.

But even the liberal New York Times editorial board waved off that conspiracy theory as nonsense. There were some glitches, as expected, with the machines on Election Day, but, as the Times wrote, there was “no evidence of vote theft or errors on a large scale.”

Does Tagg Romney ‘Own’ Ohio Voting Machines?


According to a massive months-long study commissioned by eight news organizations in 2001, George W. Bush probably still would have won even if the U.S. Supreme Court had allowed a limited statewide recount to go forward as ordered by Florida’s highest court.

The Florida Recount of 2000
Jesus, the whole thing reads like it was written by a fifth grader.
The thing i despise about Cruz is his holier than thou bible thumping. I know bill clinton and donald trump have not been choir boys, but they never tell me how to live my life or that im not a real christian if i dont vote for them. cruz is vomit.

glenn beck says he is almost the next coming of Christ

and if you dont vote for him frogs will fall from the sky

the end times are near buy gold


You know just cause you make crap up doesn't make it magically true

another glenn beck nutjob


The only nut jobs are the ones like you who need to make up things Glenn said.

glenn beck has become a nutjob

and if you are listening to him you are one as well

If he is a nutjob why do you need yo lot about what he says?
So why did they need the Monica story? Because of another woman who made claims he does have sex (or tries to) with his underlings. And to be honest, all she wanted was an apology to make it all go away, but Clinton was too proud and too pompous to give her that much.

So the 70 million wasn't the fault of Clinton in your mind, it was the fault of Star. Typical liberal.

Well, no. Ken Starr wasn't supposed to be investigating Clinton's sex life. Ken Starr was supposed to be investigating if there was any corruption on the Clinton's part regarding the Whitewater Investment deal... Which there wasn't, the Clinton's lost money just like everyone else involved. But Kenny the Pervert decided it was his place to investigate this issue, too.

So lying Paula Jones just wanted an "apology"? Really? Then why did she agree to a cash settlement without one? She was a gold-digging piece of trailer trash who let herself get used by the President's enemies. Then she took off her clothes for Playboy because her lawyers took most of the settlement and still demanded money out of her.

No, Jones refused the cash settlement without an apology from Clinton. That's what sparked the Monica investigation.

It all stared out by an interview with an Arkansas state trooper that made claim he was frequently used to summon women that Clinton pointed out. That led to Paula Jones. When interviewed, Jones simply told the truth about Clinton, and Bill sent his henchmen out there to belittle the state worker on public television and newspapers that wrote about the story.

Of course Bill was smart. In spite of his reputation for philandering, nothing could ever be proven because he always made sure he was alone with his subjects. His word against theirs.

When word went out that Monica was one of those many women, that's when the investigation started. Like all the others, Bill made sure anything between him and Monica was one on one with nobody else around. He got so used to his successful strategy that he never thought about DNA or the dress. That's how he got busted.

Had Bill just manned up and apologize to Jones, Monica and the investigation would have never taken place.

Starr was not the reason for all that taxpayer money being spent, it was Clinton's lying that all that taxpayer money was spent.
I don't care for Cruz, but shouldn't we wait for a legitimate news source to provide us with information about Cruz instead of these half-ass internet sites?

You're saying that an anonymous word press blog backed by nothing isn't a legitimate news source?
glenn beck says he is almost the next coming of Christ

and if you dont vote for him frogs will fall from the sky

the end times are near buy gold


You know just cause you make crap up doesn't make it magically true

another glenn beck nutjob


The only nut jobs are the ones like you who need to make up things Glenn said.

glenn beck has become a nutjob

and if you are listening to him you are one as well

If he is a nutjob why do you need yo lot about what he says?

yo yourself buddy

you denying that beck is callin for the end times

are you so full of it that

you cant admit that beck pushes gold frequently

he is a nutjob
I don't care for Cruz, but shouldn't we wait for a legitimate news source to provide us with information about Cruz instead of these half-ass internet sites?

You are a true liberal. :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:
Mitt Romney - a severe conservative - went on TV to politicize Benghazi the very night of the attack.

Yes he did, and Obama went to sleep so he could head out to Vegas for a fund raiser the next day.
So it's OK for a conservative to repeat half-ass info without waiting for a legitimate news source, but not OK for anyone else?

And what would you have rather Obama done instead of going to a scheduled event? Sit around the White House?
The thing i despise about Cruz is his holier than thou bible thumping. I know bill clinton and donald trump have not been choir boys, but they never tell me how to live my life or that im not a real christian if i dont vote for them. cruz is vomit.

glenn beck says he is almost the next coming of Christ

and if you dont vote for him frogs will fall from the sky

the end times are near buy gold


You know just cause you make crap up doesn't make it magically true

another glenn beck nutjob


The only nut jobs are the ones like you who need to make up things Glenn said.
Glenn Beck is also a Mormon, correct?
This whole BS story is a plus for Cruz in the general election. Can anyone imagine Hillary going after Cruz for being a horny politician? I mean can we all just grow up? What do you think the congressional page program is all about? Their all horny old men and power hungry women. Now lets select the best man for the job and put stories like this in the shredder. Oh and who wrote that article? Elementary school level.
I don't care for Cruz, but shouldn't we wait for a legitimate news source to provide us with information about Cruz instead of these half-ass internet sites?

You are a true liberal. :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:
Mitt Romney - a severe conservative - went on TV to politicize Benghazi the very night of the attack.

Yes he did, and Obama went to sleep so he could head out to Vegas for a fund raiser the next day.
So it's OK for a conservative to repeat half-ass info without waiting for a legitimate news source, but not OK for anyone else?

Well, duh. Their accusations are evidence. No matter how inane or poorly sourced. They can literally just make shit up and its evidence.

YOU have to have a legitimate news source backed by video, finger prints and a sworn affidavit from their mother.

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