BREAKING: Terrorist attack in Paris ?

Wish I were just a bit younger. They wouldn't have to draft my ass. I'd volunteer. Enough of pussyfooting around with these scumbags. Time to rid the world of them. Permanently.
Even though I'm prior Air Force, if they EVER called, even though I'm a service connected disabled veteran already, I'd put the uniform back on in a heart beat, without hesitation. In fact I'd LIKE that.
Wow. That photo they just showed on Fox News. Makes the hair on my back stand on end. I'm angry and sad for France.

The world needs to unite to wipe these ISIS bastards off the face of the world.
Consider the attacks at these six or so sites, and consider how many people carried them out. At most there were three attackers per site, two to execute, and another for other purposes. The attacker had to have done pre-operation surveillance before carrying out the attacks.

This was a highly coordinated terrorist attack, no doubt.

It is assumed there were 24 people involved overall, so there were at least 4 people at each site.

French officials are confirming that 6 attacks were carried out at different locations around Paris.
Clearly, France made a big mistake by not creating enough Safe Space for the Jihadis.
Very classy in light of the terror

How would you react if France mocked 9-11
Clearly the "safe place" joke is about you leftists, and it went right over your head.

Wise up.
The degree of gloating over the deaths of over 150 French is despicable

Hey, cool....lets mock the liberals
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I hear borders all over Europe slamming shut. Too bad it took this to wake Europe up to the Invasion
No one can use nuclear weapons. It would green light every other nation on Earth to use them at their slightest whim. And nuclear weapons are not warranted or tactical. There aren't large enough numbers in one place.

If we went back in with overwhelming force it would be the same as the two Iraq wars, over in days with piles of IsiL bodies. THAT is what NEEDS to happen. When force is needed then force is needed and we should show them in no uncertain terms what REAL power is, again. They want our attention, let's give them our undivided attention.
Time to bring back the draft so that all Americans take responsibility for taking care of this problem once and for all.

Don't need one. The force required is likely ready and the time required would be months.

We would be fighting morons who's best weapon is a friggin Toyota pickup.
Nope...need the draft so that everyone participates in this. If it's that important, maybe even put the nation on a war footing like we did with WWII.

We are NOT FIGHTING A WORLD POWER. These are frigging cowards who will run at the sight of the Stars and Bars.

Count on it.

It doesn't matter, in that region they are powerful.

I would drop two divisions of French troops and a division of Turkish troops on any escape routes IsiL troops might use first. Trap them so they can't get away, top priority. Have four divisions of US troops on the border of Jordan and move in as soon as the French and Turks are in place. The 101st and 82nd airborne would be dropped on the flanks to close the circle, all Nato troops with tanks and helos for ground support. Then close the circle and burn them to the ground. No escape, no fair fight, no bullshit.

All this would be put in place in secret before going into action, again so none can escape.

Its war, let us conduct warfare. Nobody hates war like the American people but when its time, no one does it like we do either.

It is time.
Spot on. Don't agree with many of your posts, but you're right here. Quick and devastating total war. I'm sick of seeing the innocent being slaughtered.

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Clearly, France made a big mistake by not creating enough Safe Space for the Jihadis.
Very classy in light of the terror

How would you react if France mocked 9-11
Clearly the "safe place" joke is about you leftists, and it went right over your head.

Wise up.
The degree of glee over the deaths of over 150 French is despicable

Hey, cool....lets mock the liberals
Glee? link please
Choices. Learn from it...prevent it from happening. Or...turn it into hate and go after innocents.
How long until France invokes Article 5?
  • Article 5. The President of the Republic shall ensure due respect for the Constitution. He shall ensure, by his arbitration, the proper functioning of the public authorities and the continuity of the State. He shall be the guarantor of national independence, territorial integrity and due respect for Treaties.
Clearly, France made a big mistake by not creating enough Safe Space for the Jihadis.
Very classy in light of the terror

How would you react if France mocked 9-11
Clearly the "safe place" joke is about you leftists, and it went right over your head.

Wise up.
The degree of glee over the deaths of over 150 French is despicable

Hey, cool....lets mock the liberals
I have no idea WTF you're talking about... glee?

I don't think you even know WTF you're talking about.

Put down the bong.
These terrorists should know by now that you can't attack America or her allies without devastating consequences. These terrorists fail in their objective to terrorize, they instead bring about unity in all those affected.

Those who have died should be avenged. America should come to the aid of the French in any military endeavor they wish to carry out. America can and should sympathize with them, having had 3000 of its own killed by terrorists like these on 9/11/01.

No more time to be feckless and cowardly. It is time to bring the full might of our militaries to bear on these barbarians. No more. Stand and fight!
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While I would consider going over seas and serving in some fashion that a broke down old fart like me could help, I am still TOTALLY 100% opposed to sending American forces to Europe EVER AGAIN.

They have turned their backs on us too many damned times to be forgiven that quickly.

Yes, helping as individuals if that is what you want to do, fine, but sending those who did not volunteer for it? No fucking way.

Too much water under that bridge to ever get it back.

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