BREAKING: Terrorist attack in Paris ?

This is more than a terrorist attack. It is out and out war from an invading force.

It is, that is exactly what it is. It needs to be treated as war. All out war. When its time to fight its time to fight. Its way past time.

If each of the larger nations in Nato should provide two divisions each, make up a total force of at least 200,000 with supporting air and sea power from our allies and go back into Iraq and Syria and obliterate these tiny groups. And they are tiny relatively speaking.

A few strategically aimed nukes would cut many heads off the hydra as well.

No one can use nuclear weapons. It would green light every other nation on Earth to use them at their slightest whim. And nuclear weapons are not warranted or tactical. There aren't large enough numbers in one place.

If we went back in with overwhelming force it would be the same as the two Iraq wars, over in days with piles of IsiL bodies. THAT is what NEEDS to happen. When force is needed then force is needed and we should show them in no uncertain terms what REAL power is, again. They want our attention, let's give them our undivided attention.
Time to bring back the draft so that all Americans take responsibility for taking care of this problem once and for all.
Clearly, France made a big mistake by not creating enough Safe Space for the Jihadis.
This is more than a terrorist attack. It is out and out war from an invading force.

It is, that is exactly what it is. It needs to be treated as war. All out war. When its time to fight its time to fight. Its way past time.

If each of the larger nations in Nato should provide two divisions each, make up a total force of at least 200,000 with supporting air and sea power from our allies and go back into Iraq and Syria and obliterate these tiny groups. And they are tiny relatively speaking.

A few strategically aimed nukes would cut many heads off the hydra as well.

No one can use nuclear weapons. It would green light every other nation on Earth to use them at their slightest whim. And nuclear weapons are not warranted or tactical. There aren't large enough numbers in one place.

If we went back in with overwhelming force it would be the same as the two Iraq wars, over in days with piles of IsiL bodies. THAT is what NEEDS to happen. When force is needed then force is needed and we should show them in no uncertain terms what REAL power is, again. They want our attention, let's give them our undivided attention.
Time to bring back the draft so that all Americans take responsibility for taking care of this problem once and for all.

Don't need one. The force required is likely ready and the time required would be months.

We would be fighting morons who's best weapon is a friggin Toyota pickup.
This is more than a terrorist attack. It is out and out war from an invading force.

It is, that is exactly what it is. It needs to be treated as war. All out war. When its time to fight its time to fight. Its way past time.

If each of the larger nations in Nato should provide two divisions each, make up a total force of at least 200,000 with supporting air and sea power from our allies and go back into Iraq and Syria and obliterate these tiny groups. And they are tiny relatively speaking.

A few strategically aimed nukes would cut many heads off the hydra as well.

No one can use nuclear weapons. It would green light every other nation on Earth to use them at their slightest whim. And nuclear weapons are not warranted or tactical. There aren't large enough numbers in one place.

If we went back in with overwhelming force it would be the same as the two Iraq wars, over in days with piles of IsiL bodies. THAT is what NEEDS to happen. When force is needed then force is needed and we should show them in no uncertain terms what REAL power is, again. They want our attention, let's give them our undivided attention.
Time to bring back the draft so that all Americans take responsibility for taking care of this problem once and for all.

Don't need one. The force required is likely ready and the time required would be months.

We would be fighting morons who's best weapon is a friggin Toyota pickup.

Oh c'mon! This is a great opportunity! All the Special Snowflake Social Justice Warriors on the rampage at colleges across the country should be drafted and sent to the Middle East where they can shriek at Jihadis for violating their Safe Spaces.
It sounds like a RETALIATORY ATTACK, since France is part of the Coalition of the Brain Dead.


Retaliatory for what? taking in refugees? or for not converting to Islam?

The miserable stupid fucks..............................................................

Why the Refugee Crisis?

The reason so many are fleeing places like Syria, Libya, Afghanistan, and Iraq is that US and European interventionist foreign policy has left these countries destabilized with no hopes of economic recovery. This mass migration from the Middle East and beyond is a direct result of the neocon foreign policy of regime change, invasion, and pushing “democracy” at the barrel of a gun.

The Europeans share a good deal of blame as well. France and the UK were enthusiastic supporters of the attack on Libya and they were early backers of the “Assad must go” policy. Assad may not be a nice guy, but the forces that have been unleashed to overthrow him seem to be much worse and far more dangerous. No wonder people are so desperate to leave Syria."



GTFO of this thread. We don't need your tin foil hat bullshit right now.



Your huge font is annoying and obnoxious! Knock it off!


To the deepest sympathy to those who lost their lives and their families............

This is a time to save the wounded, kill the terrorist, and focus on the security of your nation.

As the sadness and shock disappears, then the Rage will come just like after 9/11.............and the revenge.
Time to bring back the draft so that all Americans take responsibility for taking care of this problem once and for all.

'All Americans'? That was never the case as the rich have always h ad a way to shirk their duty and get plum easy safe assignments or deferments
It sounds like a RETALIATORY ATTACK, since France is part of the Coalition of the Brain Dead.


Retaliatory for what? taking in refugees? or for not converting to Islam?

The miserable stupid fucks..............................................................

Why the Refugee Crisis?

The reason so many are fleeing places like Syria, Libya, Afghanistan, and Iraq is that US and European interventionist foreign policy has left these countries destabilized with no hopes of economic recovery. This mass migration from the Middle East and beyond is a direct result of the neocon foreign policy of regime change, invasion, and pushing “democracy” at the barrel of a gun.

The Europeans share a good deal of blame as well. France and the UK were enthusiastic supporters of the attack on Libya and they were early backers of the “Assad must go” policy. Assad may not be a nice guy, but the forces that have been unleashed to overthrow him seem to be much worse and far more dangerous. No wonder people are so desperate to leave Syria."



GTFO of this thread. We don't need your tin foil hat bullshit right now.



Your huge font is annoying and obnoxious! Knock it off!

But it makes everything he has to say really important ! and then I don't need reading glasses
Retaliatory for what? taking in refugees? or for not converting to Islam?

The miserable stupid fucks..............................................................

Why the Refugee Crisis?

The reason so many are fleeing places like Syria, Libya, Afghanistan, and Iraq is that US and European interventionist foreign policy has left these countries destabilized with no hopes of economic recovery. This mass migration from the Middle East and beyond is a direct result of the neocon foreign policy of regime change, invasion, and pushing “democracy” at the barrel of a gun.

The Europeans share a good deal of blame as well. France and the UK were enthusiastic supporters of the attack on Libya and they were early backers of the “Assad must go” policy. Assad may not be a nice guy, but the forces that have been unleashed to overthrow him seem to be much worse and far more dangerous. No wonder people are so desperate to leave Syria."



GTFO of this thread. We don't need your tin foil hat bullshit right now.



Your huge font is annoying and obnoxious! Knock it off!



Yes, Ive heard that sometimes large font can stop a bullet or deflect shrapnel
This is one time I am not happy with Obama acting 'cool'. He needs to show some outrage and say this is what the fuck we are going to do. Or, just say 'their day is coming soon'.

Again, you political 'my team is always good and you said something for my team', please STFU.

Anyone that sees something like this and STILL doesn't get out of their us vs them political crap mode has problems. This thread has produced many ignores.
This is more than a terrorist attack. It is out and out war from an invading force.

It is, that is exactly what it is. It needs to be treated as war. All out war. When its time to fight its time to fight. Its way past time.

If each of the larger nations in Nato should provide two divisions each, make up a total force of at least 200,000 with supporting air and sea power from our allies and go back into Iraq and Syria and obliterate these tiny groups. And they are tiny relatively speaking.

A few strategically aimed nukes would cut many heads off the hydra as well.

No one can use nuclear weapons. It would green light every other nation on Earth to use them at their slightest whim. And nuclear weapons are not warranted or tactical. There aren't large enough numbers in one place.

If we went back in with overwhelming force it would be the same as the two Iraq wars, over in days with piles of IsiL bodies. THAT is what NEEDS to happen. When force is needed then force is needed and we should show them in no uncertain terms what REAL power is, again. They want our attention, let's give them our undivided attention.
Time to bring back the draft so that all Americans take responsibility for taking care of this problem once and for all.

Don't need one. The force required is likely ready and the time required would be months.

We would be fighting morons who's best weapon is a friggin Toyota pickup.
Nope...need the draft so that everyone participates in this. If it's that important, maybe even put the nation on a war footing like we did with WWII.

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