BREAKING: Terrorist attack in Paris ?

And just think our clueless leader along with bleeding heart liberals are ready to open the doors for more Muslims to come in here.

Hopefully our idiot leaders are going to rethink that genius plan. :rolleyes-41: I've been against really any kind of immigration for a while now, unless maybe on a work visa or something like that. We don't NEED anymore people, especially ones who are not going to do anything but cause problems.
It appears martial law has been declared for the entire country... if by "curfew" or "state of emergency" they mean "martial law"


Confirms, civil law suspended. Military can do what they want and go where they want.
Army/police taking total control till this is over.

Them son of bitches love the "War on Terror"

yet another pretext to treat citizens like shit
Heartfelt sympathies to the people of France, especially those directly affected by this horrid and cowardly attack. I'm sure there are going to be some very pissed off people once the shock wears off.
There are plenty of pissed off people already.

Right now, the focus is on the victims and search and rescue and looking for suspects, making sure they account for everyone. Once that is done with, then we will be hearing some things from the people of France, I'm sure.
Been a while but Paris was hypnotic, I love being there.

Likely many other countries will close or highly restrict entry as well. Those trying to leave will likely be carefully scrutinized.

I fully expect refugees and groups of muslims will be targeted, even if not directly connected.

It will get worse before it gets better. Many refugees are probably wish they had stayed closer to home.
I've been watching Fox with the Skye News feed and, so far, they've only identified three gunmen who claim to represent ISIL. Over 100 dead in one spot.

Also reports are coming in that attacks occurred elsewhere to include a very busy shopping mall.

You cannot put out a hand to aid Muslims without having it bitten.
Well Europe, had enough ?

Fortunately for us (the U.S.), Western Europe went foolishly first letting tons of muzzies in and not protecting their borders. Tonites' attack should serve as a 'canary in a coalmine'. Yet, American muppets might still vote for the leftist hi-jacked Democrat Party that will eventually ignore this and rationalize it down the road as they advocate for mid-eastern refugee immigration.
It appears martial law has been declared for the entire country... if by "curfew" or "state of emergency" they mean "martial law"

No. Curfew is not martial law. They have declared etat d'urgence. State of emerg
It appears martial law has been declared for the entire country... if by "curfew" or "state of emergency" they mean "martial law"


Understandable considering the situation.

No martial law. State of emergency. There is a difference.

France on full martial law

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