BREAKING: Terrorist attack in Paris ?

if Hillary was President now, she would have to think about closing the border as she does the math to count future democrat votes.
This is more than a terrorist attack. It is out and out war from an invading force.

It is, that is exactly what it is. It needs to be treated as war. All out war. When its time to fight its time to fight. Its way past time.

If each of the larger nations in Nato should provide two divisions each, make up a total force of at least 200,000 with supporting air and sea power from our allies and go back into Iraq and Syria and obliterate these tiny groups. And they are tiny relatively speaking.

30,000 American troops, plus air support and we could do that by ourselves. America has the capability of wiping any terrorist group off the map.

We just don't have a President with that capability.

I heard a report that he condemned it.....without using the words Islam or Muslim.

More workplace violence....
One thing is for sure, John Kerry is going to have to have James Taylor do a whole concert to make up for Obama skipping the memorial service for all the victims today.
I sure don't want to have to send our guys back to the ME to deal with these savages. That really worries me. Let Russia and others deal with them. It doesn't always have to be US.
Russia doesn't care about ISIS. Their only goal is to prop up Assad. This is everyone's problem not just Frances. Unless you want to continue shitting on our allies

I don't care what their agenda is. It's better than US having to spend lives and resources.
At least we can be sure it's not muslims.

They wouldn't dare!
It might cost them the title 'Religion of Peace.'

It is because of syria, and most likely ISIS, so some muslims are likely responsible.

One arrested and several of the terrorists dead. France in control of media, so we will get a washed version for a time while investigation, clean up take place and arrests are made.

More the 100 dead, more expected before this ends
i feel like this event is the moment of truth for Europe considering the magnitude of it.

They either kick out muslims or they might as well just raise the crescent moon as their national flag and convert to islam
This is more than a terrorist attack. It is out and out war from an invading force.

It is, that is exactly what it is. It needs to be treated as war. All out war. When its time to fight its time to fight. Its way past time.

If each of the larger nations in Nato should provide two divisions each, make up a total force of at least 200,000 with supporting air and sea power from our allies and go back into Iraq and Syria and obliterate these tiny groups. And they are tiny relatively speaking.

30,000 American troops, plus air support and we could do that by ourselves. America has the capability of wiping any terrorist group off the map.
Like Iraq?

Like Iraq just before Obama cleared the field for ISIS
leftists college students will blame all this on Romney/Bush/White men because they created ISIS.
if this is ISIS, and Obama finds out, will he mention it when he speaks, or just blame it on the stupidity of the Paris Police Force?

Obama has actually called them terrorists. He still won't say that they are radical Islamists, but it's a start.

This attack took a great deal of planning. I suspect that many terrorists are all over the globe now and are ready to strike. Meanwhile, the refugees are still being settled everywhere and Obama wants more here. It does look like there are terrorists among those refugees, which is why most of them are young males. We need to be vigilant do more vetting of these refugees before allowing them in. France took a lot of them and this is the thanks they get.

Obama recently stated that mass killings don't happen in countries, like Paris, who are enlightened as far as gun control. Of course, their strict laws had no effect on terrorists just like they don't matter to the average criminal. Maybe armed people couldn't stop them, but neither do the laws. The evil people are the problem.

Only took Obama 8 yrs
God, these terrorists are such cowards. Talk about shooting fish in a barrel. :(

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