BREAKING: Terrorist attack in Paris ?

If there was such a thing as moderate Muslims, than logic would dictate, that an attack of this size involving so many attackers, would have come to the attention of some 'moderates', in the planning stage.

Therefore, we can deduce form this, that 'moderate Muslims' are a myth!

Even if they do exist, they are certainly NOT worth the trouble of allowing mass amounts of them into our country, IMO.
Christiane Amanapour just said on CNN that, "we have to put this in context......we don't know who these people are."

She is some kind of special stupid!

If the prisoner they arrested or the chatter from ISIS is any indication, they know who is responsible.
This was because of syria. France is opposing ISIS.

It a good bet the christians, jews or hindu are not behind this coordinated attack on France.

We just narrowed the possible suspects
Geraldo Rivera’s daughter was at stadium in France.

Mr. pro illegal immigration was in tears on tv because they cannot find her. It is amazing when it is one of theirs that is in danger how important all this becomes but when it is some American somewhere in the US who gets killed it is all about not rushing to judgments.
This is more than a terrorist attack. It is out and out war from an invading force.

It is, that is exactly what it is. It needs to be treated as war. All out war. When its time to fight its time to fight. Its way past time.

If each of the larger nations in Nato should provide two divisions each, make up a total force of at least 200,000 with supporting air and sea power from our allies and go back into Iraq and Syria and obliterate these tiny groups. And they are tiny relatively speaking.

30,000 American troops, plus air support and we could do that by ourselves. America has the capability of wiping any terrorist group off the map.
It appears martial law has been declared for the entire country... if by "curfew" or "state of emergency" they mean "martial law"

No. Curfew is not martial law. They have declared etat d'urgence. State of emerg
It appears martial law has been declared for the entire country... if by "curfew" or "state of emergency" they mean "martial law"


Understandable considering the situation.

No martial law. State of emergency. There is a difference.
We should all be very afraid:

Stephanopoulos asked Obama if ISIS was gaining in strength, to which Obama denied they were.

“I don’t think they’re gaining strength,” Obama responded. “What is true is that from the start, our goal has been first to contain and we have contained them. They have not gained ground in Iraq, and in Syria they’ll come in, they’ll leave, but you don’t see this systemic march by ISIL across the terrain.”

“What we have not yet been able to do is to completely decapitate their command and control structures,” he admitted. “We’ve made some progress in trying to reduce the flow of foreign fighters and part our goal has to be to recruit more effective Sunni partners in Iraq to really go on offense rather than simply engage in defense.”

Obama: ISIS Is Not Getting 'Stronger,' We Have 'Contained' Them - Breitbart
This is more than a terrorist attack. It is out and out war from an invading force.

It is, that is exactly what it is. It needs to be treated as war. All out war. When its time to fight its time to fight. Its way past time.

If each of the larger nations in Nato should provide two divisions each, make up a total force of at least 200,000 with supporting air and sea power from our allies and go back into Iraq and Syria and obliterate these tiny groups. And they are tiny relatively speaking.

30,000 American troops, plus air support and we could do that by ourselves. America has the capability of wiping any terrorist group off the map.

IF and it's a huge if...they untie their hands, get rid of ROE and let the mightiest military in the world do it's thing
This is more than a terrorist attack. It is out and out war from an invading force.

It is, that is exactly what it is. It needs to be treated as war. All out war. When its time to fight its time to fight. Its way past time.

If each of the larger nations in Nato should provide two divisions each, make up a total force of at least 200,000 with supporting air and sea power from our allies and go back into Iraq and Syria and obliterate these tiny groups. And they are tiny relatively speaking.

30,000 American troops, plus air support and we could do that by ourselves. America has the capability of wiping any terrorist group off the map.
Like Iraq?
This is more than a terrorist attack. It is out and out war from an invading force.

It is, that is exactly what it is. It needs to be treated as war. All out war. When its time to fight its time to fight. Its way past time.

If each of the larger nations in Nato should provide two divisions each, make up a total force of at least 200,000 with supporting air and sea power from our allies and go back into Iraq and Syria and obliterate these tiny groups. And they are tiny relatively speaking.

30,000 American troops, plus air support and we could do that by ourselves. America has the capability of wiping any terrorist group off the map.

But our Feckless Dear Leader lacks The Will.
This is more than a terrorist attack. It is out and out war from an invading force.

It is, that is exactly what it is. It needs to be treated as war. All out war. When its time to fight its time to fight. Its way past time.

If each of the larger nations in Nato should provide two divisions each, make up a total force of at least 200,000 with supporting air and sea power from our allies and go back into Iraq and Syria and obliterate these tiny groups. And they are tiny relatively speaking.

30,000 American troops, plus air support and we could do that by ourselves. America has the capability of wiping any terrorist group off the map.

I agree we do, but THEY need to see ALL the nations of the west send large amounts of troops and military forces. AND Nato needs to announce on tv in broad daylight, WE ARE COMING FOR YOU, so that after they are gone all the other bad players over there know that we mean what we say, Nato and the West.
I sure don't want to have to send our guys back to the ME to deal with these savages. That really worries me. Let Russia and others deal with them. It doesn't always have to be US.
Russia doesn't care about ISIS. Their only goal is to prop up Assad. This is everyone's problem not just Frances. Unless you want to continue shitting on our allies

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