BREAKING: Terrorist attack in Paris ?

My prayers go out for the families and loved ones who were killed. Horrific news! This is Europe's wake up call. Transfer all the Muslim refugees in Europe to Saudi Arabia and the other Arab nations. It is time for the Islamic nations to take in their own people / refugees from Syria. It's not working in Europe. This is too much.
I dont recall any major city in the USA seeing anything like we are seeing in Paris...well maybe Chicago.
And people wonder why I say the rubes were in a coma until January 20, 2009...

Europe reaps what it sows.

Europeans are sheep led to slaughter and gotz the Govt's they voted for.

Will Americans be as stupid?..........Maybe?.......Probably?

You know...we told you this was going to happen....we saw it happen in Mumbai and Kenya....and all you lefties said we were also keep telling us how gun control keeps the bad guys from getting guns......

as I keep telling you...the terrorists and criminals get all the guns they want or need and the extreme gun control laws only keep normal people from having guns...

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