'Breaking the silence', guilty of espionage?

Israeli government does seem to be going after leftwing NGO's - hence the statement about uncomfortable truths. It makes me wonder how much evidence is real and how much is contrived? Don't you wonder the same thing, when groups you oppose like B'tselem make claims?
Israeli right goes after Israeli left in brawl over NGOs and art
JERUSALEM — Israeli right-wing politicians and their allies are going after human rights activists, artists and pro-Palestinian voices on the left with tough new laws and scorching ad campaigns that reveal how deep and bitter the divide between the two camps is these days.
Officials from Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s conservative government are attempting to pass legislation seeking something akin to “loyalty oaths” from artists who receive state money. They also want members of nonprofit groups who get money from foreign governments to wear special badges in parliament.
Meanwhile, a once obscure but now viral ultranationalist group called Im Tirtzu has launched a social media campaign attacking artists, including two of Israel’s best-known (and liberal) authors, Amos Oz and David Grossman, calling them “foreign agents in the cultural world” and “moles.”...

Just the sort of thing the Nazis and Stalinist Communists did. looks like the Zionist paradise is turning totalitarian...
Cultural marxistics, calling others nazis ans stalinists. Muuucho funny!
Challenger, et al,

Again, I'm confused.

At the same time, the Israeli Foreign Ministry summoned the British Ambassador to Israel to express Israel’s “outrage” at the UK sponsorship for the “Breaking the Silence:” campaign.

I'm sure he was quaking in his boots...:rolleyes:

This is something of old news (six + Years).

• Did the "British Government" undertake to sponsor a fact-finding survey?
• Was this some kind of HAMAS sponsored media event using Palestinian Barristers in the UK to stir-up trouble?...​

What the UK FCO does or doesn't do is really none of your business umless it directly affects you. That said here's a quote from a letter in response to a FOI request.

"The UK supports a number of projects in Israeli and the OPTs that look to promote equality and human rights, build trust between communities and advance peace. Before we agree to provide financial support an organisation has to present a detailed bid for funding, and funding is only awarded if the project is in line with the Foreign Office's strategic objectives. There is no guarantee that we will provide funding indefinitely.

The UK does currently support Breaking the Silence. Specifically the work they do in Hebron. They are an organisation that does some excellent work to raise awareness of the impacts and suffering caused by the occupation.

Our funding for Breaking the Silence so far breaks down as follows:

Nov 2006 - £26,000

Oct 2007 - £26,000

Oct 2008 - £44,923

We plan to donate a further £38,233 in October 2009.

This is an example of FCO in action: we are giving money to an organisation, who, because of their position within Israeli society, can do a lot to raise awareness/promote human rights in the OPTs. Ultimately any lasting peace will need to be wanted and enforced by ordinary people on the ground, so helping ordinary people to learn more about the situation is vital to creating the conditions for peace. Hence our funding for projects like these.

We believe that ending the occupation and ending illegal settlement construction will help Israel achieve the peace and security it so deserves and needs." https://www.whatdotheyknow.com/request/15605/response/43193/attach/html/3/Reply 0666 09.doc.html

That, RoccoR, was a summary of what happened and why, but feel free to make things up like Bison1, it's the Zionist Hasbarist's way.

The issue was pretty much settled when the organization was unable to produce a single document proving its claims weren't nothing more than fiction.

Apparently Breaking the Silence, is remaining silent on providing so much as a shred of evidence to back up its wild claims.

Which wild claims were those then? Care to elaborate?

This Israeli group held a press conference on April 1, 2009 in Sderot, one mile from Gaza, in which they announced that the British government had financed them to survey more than 1000 Israeli soldiers who had taken part in last December/January Israeli military incursion into Gaza, in order to “find evidence of Israeli war crimes against Gaza civilians”

Please provide objective evidence that this actually happened.
The issue was pretty much settled when the organization was unable to produce a single document proving its claims weren't nothing more than fiction.

Apparently Breaking the Silence, is remaining silent on providing so much as a shred of evidence to back up its wild claims.

Which wild claims were those then? Care to elaborate?

This Israeli group held a press conference on April 1, 2009 in Sderot, one mile from Gaza, in which they announced that the British government had financed them to survey more than 1000 Israeli soldiers who had taken part in last December/January Israeli military incursion into Gaza, in order to “find evidence of Israeli war crimes against Gaza civilians”

Please provide objective evidence that this actually happened.

If the scum at "breaking the silence" are unable to provide so much as one shred of actual evidence to prove their claims. They should be tried as traitors and declared persona non gratis, and expelled from Israel.
The issue was pretty much settled when the organization was unable to produce a single document proving its claims weren't nothing more than fiction.

Apparently Breaking the Silence, is remaining silent on providing so much as a shred of evidence to back up its wild claims.

Which wild claims were those then? Care to elaborate?

This Israeli group held a press conference on April 1, 2009 in Sderot, one mile from Gaza, in which they announced that the British government had financed them to survey more than 1000 Israeli soldiers who had taken part in last December/January Israeli military incursion into Gaza, in order to “find evidence of Israeli war crimes against Gaza civilians”

Please provide objective evidence that this actually happened.

If the scum at "breaking the silence" are unable to provide so much as one shred of actual evidence to prove their claims. They should be tried as traitors and declared persona non gratis, and expelled from Israel.

...so in other words Boston1 cannot substantiate his assertions and resorts to childish invective. Standard Hasbara troll technique:

"4. Smears and insults – if the top 3 fail then it’s just character assassination."


Then again you sound so much like Phoney, you could be his girlfriend...:eek:
Last edited:
Challenger, et al,

Again, I'm confused.

At the same time, the Israeli Foreign Ministry summoned the British Ambassador to Israel to express Israel’s “outrage” at the UK sponsorship for the “Breaking the Silence:” campaign.

I'm sure he was quaking in his boots...:rolleyes:

This is something of old news (six + Years).

• Did the "British Government" undertake to sponsor a fact-finding survey?
• Was this some kind of HAMAS sponsored media event using Palestinian Barristers in the UK to stir-up trouble?...​

What the UK FCO does or doesn't do is really none of your business umless it directly affects you. That said here's a quote from a letter in response to a FOI request.

"The UK supports a number of projects in Israeli and the OPTs that look to promote equality and human rights, build trust between communities and advance peace. Before we agree to provide financial support an organisation has to present a detailed bid for funding, and funding is only awarded if the project is in line with the Foreign Office's strategic objectives. There is no guarantee that we will provide funding indefinitely.

The UK does currently support Breaking the Silence. Specifically the work they do in Hebron. They are an organisation that does some excellent work to raise awareness of the impacts and suffering caused by the occupation.

Our funding for Breaking the Silence so far breaks down as follows:

Nov 2006 - £26,000

Oct 2007 - £26,000

Oct 2008 - £44,923

We plan to donate a further £38,233 in October 2009.

This is an example of FCO in action: we are giving money to an organisation, who, because of their position within Israeli society, can do a lot to raise awareness/promote human rights in the OPTs. Ultimately any lasting peace will need to be wanted and enforced by ordinary people on the ground, so helping ordinary people to learn more about the situation is vital to creating the conditions for peace. Hence our funding for projects like these.

We believe that ending the occupation and ending illegal settlement construction will help Israel achieve the peace and security it so deserves and needs." https://www.whatdotheyknow.com/request/15605/response/43193/attach/html/3/Reply 0666 09.doc.html

That, RoccoR, was a summary of what happened and why, but feel free to make things up like Bison1, it's the Zionist Hasbarist's way.

And I believe that if the British stopped subsidising the ship yards in Belfast and building illegal settlements in Northern Ireland the IRA would have done exactly what the Palestinians would do if Israel stopped building on Jewish owned land. They would have increased the terrorism and bombings until the Brits/Israelis had no other option but to return the compliment and bomb the crap out of them until all that was left was piles of rubble.

Look to gaza for the outcome of any perceived signs of Israel giving in and that is what would happen. Look to Jordan for what will happen if Israel starts to respond to the acts of war.
The issue was pretty much settled when the organization was unable to produce a single document proving its claims weren't nothing more than fiction.

Apparently Breaking the Silence, is remaining silent on providing so much as a shred of evidence to back up its wild claims.

Which wild claims were those then? Care to elaborate?

This Israeli group held a press conference on April 1, 2009 in Sderot, one mile from Gaza, in which they announced that the British government had financed them to survey more than 1000 Israeli soldiers who had taken part in last December/January Israeli military incursion into Gaza, in order to “find evidence of Israeli war crimes against Gaza civilians”

Please provide objective evidence that this actually happened.

If the scum at "breaking the silence" are unable to provide so much as one shred of actual evidence to prove their claims. They should be tried as traitors and declared persona non gratis, and expelled from Israel.

...so in other words Boston1 cannot substantiate his assertions and resorts to childish invective. Standard Hasbara troll technique:

"4. Smears and insults – if the top 3 fail then it’s just character assassination."


Then again you sound so much like Phoney, you could be his girlfriend...:eek:

And you could be penny's camel herder couldn't you with your pallywood fictions and inability to answer the posts in an adult and intelligent matter so refer to everything that destroys your fantasy world as hasbara.
The issue was pretty much settled when the organization was unable to produce a single document proving its claims weren't nothing more than fiction.

Apparently Breaking the Silence, is remaining silent on providing so much as a shred of evidence to back up its wild claims.

Which wild claims were those then? Care to elaborate?

This Israeli group held a press conference on April 1, 2009 in Sderot, one mile from Gaza, in which they announced that the British government had financed them to survey more than 1000 Israeli soldiers who had taken part in last December/January Israeli military incursion into Gaza, in order to “find evidence of Israeli war crimes against Gaza civilians”

Please provide objective evidence that this actually happened.

If the scum at "breaking the silence" are unable to provide so much as one shred of actual evidence to prove their claims. They should be tried as traitors and declared persona non gratis, and expelled from Israel.

...so in other words Boston1 cannot substantiate his assertions and resorts to childish invective. Standard Hasbara troll technique:

"4. Smears and insults – if the top 3 fail then it’s just character assassination."


Then again you sound so much like Phoney, you could be his girlfriend...:eek:

The hasbara you cling to is getting pretty deep. So I post about how breaking the silences hasbara is unfounded and you demand I provide evidence to support that claim.

That there is no evidence to support their claim.

Are you starting to catch on yet genius ? You are demanding evidence to support a lack of evidence.

Clearly your hasbara is blinding you to the truth
The hasbara you cling to is getting pretty deep. So I post about how breaking the silences hasbara is unfounded and you demand I provide evidence to support that claim.

That there is no evidence to support their claim.

Are you starting to catch on yet genius ? You are demanding evidence to support a lack of evidence.

Clearly your hasbara is blinding you to the truth

Wow, are you an idiot.

I'll try and keep it simple for you. I requested, (oops, big word, start again), I asked for, two bits of information (info/words/data/lowdown):
1. What exact claims were made by Breaking the Silence that they could not substantiate (prove)?
2. Some objective (real rather than made up) evidence (other than a Hasbara blog) that the press conference that allegedly occurred (might or might not have happened) in 2009 in Sderot, contained an announcement by BTS that "the British government had financed them to survey more than 1000 Israeli soldiers who had taken part in last December/January Israeli military incursion into Gaza, in order to “find evidence of Israeli war crimes against Gaza civilians”

The hasbara you cling to is getting pretty deep. So I post about how breaking the silences hasbara is unfounded and you demand I provide evidence to support that claim.

That there is no evidence to support their claim.

Are you starting to catch on yet genius ? You are demanding evidence to support a lack of evidence.

Clearly your hasbara is blinding you to the truth

Wow, are you an idiot.

I'll try and keep it simple for you. I requested, (oops, big word, start again), I asked for, two bits of information (info/words/data/lowdown):
1. What exact claims were made by Breaking the Silence that they could not substantiate (prove)?
2. Some objective (real rather than made up) evidence (other than a Hasbara blog) that the press conference that allegedly occurred (might or might not have happened) in 2009 in Sderot, contained an announcement by BTS that "the British government had financed them to survey more than 1000 Israeli soldiers who had taken part in last December/January Israeli military incursion into Gaza, in order to “find evidence of Israeli war crimes against Gaza civilians”




So you've missed the entire conversation and you want someone to explain it to you

Typical hasbara nonsense.

Maybe you should start at the top ;--)


Channel 2 news broadcast highly incriminating video evidence Thursday evening filmed with hidden cameras by nationalist group Ad Kan, which shows ultra-leftist group Breaking the Silence engaged in what appears like espionage activity against the IDF.

‘Breaking the Silence has crossed another red line,” Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu said after the report was aired. “The investigative security forces are looking into the matter.”

The videos were gathered by Ad Kan’s undercover agents who infiltrated Breaking the Silence over a three-year period.

They show Breaking the Silence activists questioning ex-IDF soldiers – who are, in fact, Ad Kan agents – about details of the IDF’s security operations and equipment along the border with Gaza. The questions relate to how Hamas tunnels were discovered, what special forces were deployed and when, what kind of gun is deployed atop an IDF robot vehicle and more.

None of these questions have anything to do with allegedly immoral activities by the military in Judea and Samaria, which Breaking the Silence claims to be interested in exposing. Instead, they appear to be aimed at gathering intelligence about sensitive IDF operations along the border with Hamas.

Shock: Video shows Breaking the Silence apparently spying on IDF
End Quote
The hasbara you cling to is getting pretty deep. So I post about how breaking the silences hasbara is unfounded and you demand I provide evidence to support that claim.

That there is no evidence to support their claim.

Are you starting to catch on yet genius ? You are demanding evidence to support a lack of evidence.

Clearly your hasbara is blinding you to the truth

Wow, are you an idiot.

I'll try and keep it simple for you. I requested, (oops, big word, start again), I asked for, two bits of information (info/words/data/lowdown):
1. What exact claims were made by Breaking the Silence that they could not substantiate (prove)?
2. Some objective (real rather than made up) evidence (other than a Hasbara blog) that the press conference that allegedly occurred (might or might not have happened) in 2009 in Sderot, contained an announcement by BTS that "the British government had financed them to survey more than 1000 Israeli soldiers who had taken part in last December/January Israeli military incursion into Gaza, in order to “find evidence of Israeli war crimes against Gaza civilians”


That the IDF deliberately and with malice aforethought set out to inflict pain and injury on innocent people. Until they give real names and divulge real facts then they are just making it all up for gullible idiots like you to point the finger and say " LOOK WE TOLD YOU THAT THE JEWS ARE MASS MURDERERS "

Bison1 squirms, he writhes, he ducks, he dives and still is unable to substantiate his allegations by answering two simple questions/requests:

1. What exact claims were made by Breaking the Silence that they could not substantiate (prove)?

2. Some objective (real rather than made up) evidence (other than a Hasbara blog) that the press conference that allegedly occurred (might or might not have happened) in 2009 in Sderot, contained an announcement by BTS that "the British government had financed them to survey more than 1000 Israeli soldiers who had taken part in last December/January Israeli military incursion into Gaza, in order to “find evidence of Israeli war crimes against Gaza civilians”

I'm starting to feel like Jeremy Paxman here...


So you've missed the entire conversation and you think I owe it to you to repeat myself.

Sorry but you're just going to have to learn to keep up

So you've missed the entire conversation and you think I owe it to you to repeat myself.

Sorry but you're just going to have to learn to keep up

OK, but meanwhile can you provide answers for the following,

1. What exact claims were made by Breaking the Silence that they could not substantiate (prove)?

2. Some objective (real rather than made up) evidence (other than a Hasbara blog) that the press conference that allegedly occurred (might or might not have happened) in 2009 in Sderot, contained an announcement by BTS that "the British government had financed them to survey more than 1000 Israeli soldiers who had taken part in last December/January Israeli military incursion into Gaza, in order to “find evidence of Israeli war crimes against Gaza civilians”

So you've missed the entire conversation and you think I owe it to you to repeat myself.

Sorry but you're just going to have to learn to keep up

OK, but meanwhile can you provide answers for the following,

1. What exact claims were made by Breaking the Silence that they could not substantiate (prove)?

2. Some objective (real rather than made up) evidence (other than a Hasbara blog) that the press conference that allegedly occurred (might or might not have happened) in 2009 in Sderot, contained an announcement by BTS that "the British government had financed them to survey more than 1000 Israeli soldiers who had taken part in last December/January Israeli military incursion into Gaza, in order to “find evidence of Israeli war crimes against Gaza civilians”

Acts of pre meditated murder by IDF troops
No don't help him. We've been over the whole thing and he's just obfuscating because he knows he's been exposed once again.

let him stew ;--)

On the other hand it'll be interesting to see just what comes of the espionage charges
No don't help him. We've been over the whole thing and he's just obfuscating because he knows he's been exposed once again.

let him stew ;--)

On the other hand it'll be interesting to see just what comes of the espionage charges

No you haven't. that's the point

All We get is another weak attempt to deflect from the simple point that in your post #49 you made accusations and repeated them in post #52 and #58

The issue was pretty much settled when the organization was unable to produce a single document proving its claims weren't nothing more than fiction.

Apparently Breaking the Silence, is remaining silent on providing so much as a shred of evidence to back up its wild claims.

All very pleasantly distracting from the one simple fact that breaking the silence are themselves silent when it comes to actually legally documenting so much as a single claim.

All those purported interviews and not one single person willing to step for ward and testify.

OH my

If the scum at "breaking the silence" are unable to provide so much as one shred of actual evidence to prove their claims. They should be tried as traitors and declared persona non gratis, and expelled from Israel.

When challenged regarding these claims, which have nothing to do with the alleged "espionage investigation" (aka attempt to intimidate) against Breaking the Silence you duck, you dive, you squirm, anything to avoid having to provide any links or evidence to substantiate your claims, so I'll ask again:

1. What exact claims were made by Breaking the Silence that they could not substantiate (prove)?

2. Some objective (real rather than made up) evidence (other than a Hasbara blog) that the press conference that allegedly occurred (might or might not have happened) in 2009 in Sderot, contained an announcement by BTS that "the British government had financed them to survey more than 1000 Israeli soldiers who had taken part in last December/January Israeli military incursion into Gaza, in order to “find evidence of Israeli war crimes against Gaza civilians”
While we wait for Boston1 to answer the questions/requests. I thought it might be interesting to listen to an interview with Amiram Levin, a retired Major General who once commanded the IDF Northern Command. Served in and eventually commanded Sayeret Matkal. He also served as a deputy of the Mossad Director, so has I think most would agree a fair insight.

No don't help him. We've been over the whole thing and he's just obfuscating because he knows he's been exposed once again.

let him stew ;--)

On the other hand it'll be interesting to see just what comes of the espionage charges

No you haven't. that's the point

All We get is another weak attempt to deflect from the simple point that in your post #49 you made accusations and repeated them in post #52 and #58

The issue was pretty much settled when the organization was unable to produce a single document proving its claims weren't nothing more than fiction.

Apparently Breaking the Silence, is remaining silent on providing so much as a shred of evidence to back up its wild claims.

All very pleasantly distracting from the one simple fact that breaking the silence are themselves silent when it comes to actually legally documenting so much as a single claim.

All those purported interviews and not one single person willing to step for ward and testify.

OH my

If the scum at "breaking the silence" are unable to provide so much as one shred of actual evidence to prove their claims. They should be tried as traitors and declared persona non gratis, and expelled from Israel.

When challenged regarding these claims, which have nothing to do with the alleged "espionage investigation" (aka attempt to intimidate) against Breaking the Silence you duck, you dive, you squirm, anything to avoid having to provide any links or evidence to substantiate your claims, so I'll ask again:

1. What exact claims were made by Breaking the Silence that they could not substantiate (prove)?

2. Some objective (real rather than made up) evidence (other than a Hasbara blog) that the press conference that allegedly occurred (might or might not have happened) in 2009 in Sderot, contained an announcement by BTS that "the British government had financed them to survey more than 1000 Israeli soldiers who had taken part in last December/January Israeli military incursion into Gaza, in order to “find evidence of Israeli war crimes against Gaza civilians”

That un-named IDF soldiers admitted that he and his fellow soldiers committed acts that could be seen as war crimes without corroborative evidence to support their claims. Once again you ignore the very large pachyderm in the room because you are in such a rush to attack the Jews with your racism and Jew hatred
Don't actually ever read the links provided do you

I read the links that are actually provided, care to provide the links that answer these questions/requests:

1. What exact claims were made by Breaking the Silence that they could not substantiate (prove)?

2. Some objective (real rather than made up) evidence (other than a Hasbara blog) that the press conference that allegedly occurred (might or might not have happened) in 2009 in Sderot, contained an announcement by BTS that "the British government had financed them to survey more than 1000 Israeli soldiers who had taken part in last December/January Israeli military incursion into Gaza, in order to “find evidence of Israeli war crimes against Gaza civilians”

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