'Breaking the silence', guilty of espionage?

It is so easy to write an article and point to your sources as being Captain A.G. of the IDF has told our reporter that he ordered his troops to rape a 2 year old baby repeatedly. Just because it is in print does not make it real. What makes it "real" is a subconscious need to have some reason to hate the Jews

I know it was just an example, and I have said this a hundred times - YOU CANNOT FOLLOW AN illegal order. Matter of fact, if given a illegal order you have a duty to report it to the branches Legal Affairs ( J.A.G ) or a criminal investigating authority ( CID - NCIS - OSI ).

You are not supposed to be retaliated against for doing so.....but it does happen, even from the Company Commander & First Sergeant. They tend to get irritated when you go over their heads.....but there is things that you are allowed to go over their heads for. But when you do.....make sure you have your ducks......AND FACTS ( along with any evidence ).....in a row.

Stories ( verbal accounts ) can be true, but documentation on paper with events, persons, places and times is better......and lawyers prefer it to be that way ; they get ecstatic and googly when they have documentation in their hand. The only problem.....is if a complaintant ges caught by the wrong people with the documentation, or the documentation gets lost or misplaced and someone sees it - OR the documentation on a computer system is compromised. Someone unauthorized seeing privileged documentation ( essentially written evidence ) turns that documentation into a time bomb, that in a sense can kill lots of people.

As the character "Cotton" said in the movie "Fire Down Below" ---->
"My Uncle told me to never tip your hand too early in a card game, your bound to loose."

Don't tip your hand too early in the game. Hold your "Aces" and your evidence till it is time to show them. Let the bad guys, think they have more on you than you have on them. Let their ego and their "boasting" be their downfall.

A few crumbs here and there to keep them guessing is alright though. As "Charlie Wax" said in the move " From Paris with Love" ----> "Wax on wax off. Gives them something to think about, keeps them off balance." AND "If you want to be a secret agent man, you have to roll like a secret agent man."

I loved John Travolta in that movie, and I wish I could have gotten a date with Mrs.Jones. ;)

Shadow 355
Yuli Novak, president of Breaking the Silence, has denied any improper behavior in return.

“I can tell you unequivocally that Breaking the Silence does not collect classified material. There is an attempt to frighten and silence anyone who criticizes” the Tel Aviv regime, she pointed out.
If you read the whole story and understand comprehension, do you not see how the story contradicts itself?

Quote - "According to NGO Monitor, between the years 2008 and 2014, the New Israel Fund approved $699,310 in grants to Breaking the Silence. This raises the question, are donors to the NIF unwittingly funding espionage against the IDF?"

Plus it is an Israeli Source.

Shadow 355

One of the best ways to discredit the speakers of uncomfortable truths is to criminalize them and espionage is a broad and vague category.

Are you all playing stupid or what? how does "uncovering uncomfortable truth" has to do with asking classified questions about the IDF? how is "fighting" "the occupation" has to do with figuring out what robot are they using to discover the tunnels or which units are doing what?

Or are you all really dense or... no!..that's the only option.

Breaking the Silence has uncovered a lot of uncomfortable truths.

OR HAS IT AFTER THIS REPORT, How much of what they report is based on truth and reality. It is so easy to write an article and point to your sources as being Captain A.G. of the IDF has told our reporter that he ordered his troops to rape a 2 year old baby repeatedly. Just because it is in print does not make it real. What makes it "real" is a subconscious need to have some reason to hate the Jews

And the same applies to the pro-Israeli side. Or have you figured that part out yet?

Which is why we use sources that can be trusted and verified. Unlike the new boy on team Palestine's books Global Research that admits it makes up most of its stories.

Using the single islamonazi sourced reports show that you have no evidence to back up your claims and are just spouting Jew hatred
Well that makes a change from them being called "traitors", they'll all be labelled "sex criminals" next; and all because they dare to talk about what really goes on in the Zionist paradise.
Shouldn't arabs be paddling off and away, if it's all so bad there?

Out of a population of 500,000 Syrians over 8 million have made it to Europe as refugees. I did not know that Syria was populated with Africans from Somalia, Sudan, Nigeria, Kenya and Morocco.

apparently the Europeans are sending a lot of them back. I have mixed feelings about that

Not enough to stem the tide, with at most 100 deportations a week. Parts of Europe are starting to look like the west bank and gaza now
It is so easy to write an article and point to your sources as being Captain A.G. of the IDF has told our reporter that he ordered his troops to rape a 2 year old baby repeatedly. Just because it is in print does not make it real. What makes it "real" is a subconscious need to have some reason to hate the Jews

I know it was just an example, and I have said this a hundred times - YOU CANNOT FOLLOW AN illegal order. Matter of fact, if given a illegal order you have a duty to report it to the branches Legal Affairs ( J.A.G ) or a criminal investigating authority ( CID - NCIS - OSI ).

You are not supposed to be retaliated against for doing so.....but it does happen, even from the Company Commander & First Sergeant. They tend to get irritated when you go over their heads.....but there is things that you are allowed to go over their heads for. But when you do.....make sure you have your ducks......AND FACTS ( along with any evidence ).....in a row.

Stories ( verbal accounts ) can be true, but documentation on paper with events, persons, places and times is better......and lawyers prefer it to be that way ; they get ecstatic and googly when they have documentation in their hand. The only problem.....is if a complaintant ges caught by the wrong people with the documentation, or the documentation gets lost or misplaced and someone sees it - OR the documentation on a computer system is compromised. Someone unauthorized seeing privileged documentation ( essentially written evidence ) turns that documentation into a time bomb, that in a sense can kill lots of people.

As the character "Cotton" said in the movie "Fire Down Below" ---->
"My Uncle told me to never tip your hand too early in a card game, your bound to loose."

Don't tip your hand too early in the game. Hold your "Aces" and your evidence till it is time to show them. Let the bad guys, think they have more on you than you have on them. Let their ego and their "boasting" be their downfall.

A few crumbs here and there to keep them guessing is alright though. As "Charlie Wax" said in the move " From Paris with Love" ----> "Wax on wax off. Gives them something to think about, keeps them off balance." AND "If you want to be a secret agent man, you have to roll like a secret agent man."

I loved John Travolta in that movie, and I wish I could have gotten a date with Mrs.Jones. ;)

Shadow 355

Yet still such reports are made up by team Palestine and they just whistle when confronted with your rhetoric. It does not alter the false reports from being made, in fact it enhances them as they look like the whole platoon was in on the action.

Try reading about the US troops and An Lok ?
Yuli Novak, president of Breaking the Silence, has denied any improper behavior in return.

“I can tell you unequivocally that Breaking the Silence does not collect classified material. There is an attempt to frighten and silence anyone who criticizes” the Tel Aviv regime, she pointed out.

Of course, she has to say something
Israeli government does seem to be going after leftwing NGO's - hence the statement about uncomfortable truths. It makes me wonder how much evidence is real and how much is contrived? Don't you wonder the same thing, when groups you oppose like B'tselem make claims?

Israeli right goes after Israeli left in brawl over NGOs and art

JERUSALEM — Israeli right-wing politicians and their allies are going after human rights activists, artists and pro-Palestinian voices on the left with tough new laws and scorching ad campaigns that reveal how deep and bitter the divide between the two camps is these days.

Officials from Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s conservative government are attempting to pass legislation seeking something akin to “loyalty oaths” from artists who receive state money. They also want members of nonprofit groups who get money from foreign governments to wear special badges in parliament.

Meanwhile, a once obscure but now viral ultranationalist group called Im Tirtzu has launched a social media campaign attacking artists, including two of Israel’s best-known (and liberal) authors, Amos Oz and David Grossman, calling them “foreign agents in the cultural world” and “moles.”...

Just the sort of thing the Nazis and Stalinist Communists did. looks like the Zionist paradise is turning totalitarian...
Yuli Novak, president of Breaking the Silence, has denied any improper behavior in return.

“I can tell you unequivocally that Breaking the Silence does not collect classified material. There is an attempt to frighten and silence anyone who criticizes” the Tel Aviv regime, she pointed out.

Standard "false flag" tactics.
Looks like our local rodent is at it again.

Speaking of false flag tactics



Jerusalem, Israel – Over the past few weeks, the Israeli government has gone on the offensive against human rights groups who have publicized allegations against Israel for many months, without any concerted Israeli response.

One of these rights groups which gained attention of late has been “Breaking the Silence”.

This Israeli group held a press conference on April 1, 2009 in Sderot, one mile from Gaza, in which they announced that the British government had financed them to survey more than 1000 Israeli soldiers who had taken part in last December/January Israeli military incursion into Gaza, in order to “find evidence of Israeli war crimes against Gaza civilians”

An organization known as the Rabbis for Human Rights facilitated funding from the Spanish government to hold a conference this past Wednesday in which the Breaking the Silence organization promised to bring about thirty testimonies of Israeli soldiers who had witnesses crimes against Gazan civilians.


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Rabbis for Human Rights had claimed that it had brought such testimonies to the attention of the Israeli army. However, the Israeli army spokes man issued a strong statement, saying that “testimonies were never presented” to the Israeli army from Rabbis for Human Rights or from “Breaking the silence:”

Neither were testimonies brought to the Wednesday conference – only anonyms statements by Israeli soldiers that they had heard of abuse of Palestinian civilians by Israeli soldiers.

However, the damage was done, and the impression left by the Rabbis for Human Rights in the world media is that Israel must have conducted atrocities against civilians in Gaza.

Most importantly, some board members of the Rabbis for Human Rights have reacted with disappointment that the “Breaking the Silence” group, after all of its publicity, could not and would not provide even one affidavit from an Israeli soldier who witnessed any atrocity by an Israeli soldier.

At the same time, the Israeli Foreign Ministry summoned the British Ambassador to Israel to express Israel’s “outrage” at the UK sponsorship for the “Breaking the Silence:” campaign.

Meanwhile, the Israeli government has issued an internet accessible 164 page report, “The Operation in Gaza: Factual and Legal Aspects”, which examines the biases of non-government organizations that have been issuing reports against Israel since the recent conflict.

On the central issue of how Palestinians used civilians as human shields, this Israeli government report noted that prominent human rights groups such as Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch, claimed to have no evidence of Hamas’ utilization of this practice.

The Israeli report also quoted Hamas operatives who openly bragged that they had launched rocket attacks from schools.

The report also described incidents “in which Hamas activists requested children to wheel carts laden with rockets, in case IDF forces noticed them.”

Numerous examples are provided, including televised speeches of a Hamas legislator who encouraged women, children and the elderly to use their bodies to protect Hamas military sites against Israeli attack.

End Quote
Israeli government does seem to be going after leftwing NGO's - hence the statement about uncomfortable truths. It makes me wonder how much evidence is real and how much is contrived? Don't you wonder the same thing, when groups you oppose like B'tselem make claims?

Israeli right goes after Israeli left in brawl over NGOs and art

JERUSALEM — Israeli right-wing politicians and their allies are going after human rights activists, artists and pro-Palestinian voices on the left with tough new laws and scorching ad campaigns that reveal how deep and bitter the divide between the two camps is these days.

Officials from Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s conservative government are attempting to pass legislation seeking something akin to “loyalty oaths” from artists who receive state money. They also want members of nonprofit groups who get money from foreign governments to wear special badges in parliament.

Meanwhile, a once obscure but now viral ultranationalist group called Im Tirtzu has launched a social media campaign attacking artists, including two of Israel’s best-known (and liberal) authors, Amos Oz and David Grossman, calling them “foreign agents in the cultural world” and “moles.”...

Just the sort of thing the Nazis and Stalinist Communists did. looks like the Zionist paradise is turning totalitarian...

And the arab muslims don't forget, who have so much blood on their hands they turn left when they come to paradise and cross the river of death never to be reborn
Yuli Novak, president of Breaking the Silence, has denied any improper behavior in return.

“I can tell you unequivocally that Breaking the Silence does not collect classified material. There is an attempt to frighten and silence anyone who criticizes” the Tel Aviv regime, she pointed out.

Standard "false flag" tactics.

And once again no chance of giving a lucid reply so attempts a derailment and deflection. Isnt this now against the rules ?
The issue was pretty much settled when the organization was unable to produce a single document proving its claims weren't nothing more than fiction.

Apparently Breaking the Silence, is remaining silent on providing so much as a shred of evidence to back up its wild claims.
Looks like our local rodent is at it again.

Better a rodent than a producer of infinite bovine excrement and noxious gases. ;)

the Israeli government has gone on the offensive against human rights groups

Most reasonable people would find this statement greatly disturbing. When national governments go on the offensive against human rights groups, it's a sure sign of Totalitarian Fascism.

This Israeli group held a press conference on April 1, 2009 in Sderot, one mile from Gaza, in which they announced that the British government had financed them to survey more than 1000 Israeli soldiers who had taken part in last December/January Israeli military incursion into Gaza, in order to “find evidence of Israeli war crimes against Gaza civilians”

Did they? When did that happen as the FCO didn't send any funds to Breaking the Silence until October of that year; £38,233.00 to be exact. prior to that FCO contibutions were £44,923.00 in October 2008, there was no other funding given between those dates.
Meanwhile, the Israeli government has issued an internet accessible 164 page report, “The Operation in Gaza: Factual and Legal Aspects”, which examines the biases of non-government organizations that have been issuing reports against Israel since the recent conflict.

It's from the Israeli Government...so it MUST be true.
Challenger, et al,

Again, I'm confused.

At the same time, the Israeli Foreign Ministry summoned the British Ambassador to Israel to express Israel’s “outrage” at the UK sponsorship for the “Breaking the Silence:” campaign.

I'm sure he was quaking in his boots...:rolleyes:

This is something of old news (six + Years).

• Did the "British Government" undertake to sponsor a fact-finding survey?
• Was this some kind of HAMAS sponsored media event using Palestinian Barristers in the UK to stir-up trouble?

We all, of course know, that this is an ongoing use to employ media people, and all the various sectors to perform their role --- exercised through financial and media control, as well as the consequences that all this lead to in the greater part of the world.

"Jihad is not confined to the carrying of arms and the confrontation of the enemy. The effective word, the good article, the useful book, support and solidarity - together with the presence of sincere purpose for the hoisting of Allah's banner higher and higher - all these are elements of the Jihad for Allah's sake."

Most Respectfully,
Breaking the Silence is funded through various grants it receives from Israeli and international donor community. In 2007, Breaking the Silence received a total ofNIS 500,000, in 2008 it was able to raise NIS 1.5 million,[59] around €275,000 and in 2014 NIS 3.8 million.[60][61] This included funding from the New Israel Fundamounting to NIS 229,949[59] and funding from international governments.[21] In 2008, according to the NGO's presentation to The Jerusalem Post, the British Embassy in Tel Aviv gave the organization NIS 226,589 (c €40,000); the Dutch Embassy donated €19,999; and the European Union gave €43,514.[59] In addition, during 2008, Spain is reported to have provided tens of thousands of euros to fund patrols run by Breaking the Silence in Hebron.[62] The Women Soldiers' Testimonies report published as part of the NGO's in January 2010 was funded by The Moriah Foundation, the New Israel Fund, ICCO, SIVMO, OxfamGB, The British Embassy in Tel Aviv, the EU, and the Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation.[18]

"Breaking the Silence" representatives who tour to campuses and US Jewish communities, criticizing the IDF policy in the West Bank are sponsored by Jewish and Palestinian organizations.[63]

In 2010, according to Moshe Dann, writing in The Jerusalem Post, Breaking the Silence's budget was 3,100,000 NIS. It received 1.5 million from the EU, UK and Spanish governments. The rest came from Oxfam, the New Israel Fund (NIF), Dutch, German, Danish and Irish church organizations, and NDC, the Palestinian NGO which promotes Boycott/Divest/Sanctions (BDS) campaigns.[64]

Israel has protested the international government funding of Breaking the Silence. It made clear that it objected to the funding by Britain, the Netherlands andSpain of NGOs "with a clear anti-government agenda",[65] and made attempts to dissuade the governments from continuing that funding. In relation to Spain's provision of tens of thousands of euros to fund patrols run by Breaking the Silence in Hebron, Israel said that this funding was disproportionate to that for human rights organizations in Arab countries.[62] The Israeli Ambassador to the Netherlands said that Israel is a democracy and that such funds should go to places are not. Breaking the Silence was a "legal and legitimate organization", he said, but its funding by the Dutch government was unreasonable "in light of the political sensitivities". Another senior Israeli official said: "A friendly government cannot fund opposition bodies. We are not a third world country."
Breaking the Silence (non-governmental organization) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
All very pleasantly distracting from the one simple fact that breaking the silence are themselves silent when it comes to actually legally documenting so much as a single claim.

All those purported interviews and not one single person willing to step for ward and testify.

OH my
What would happen to anyone critical of things israel does?

NOTHING unlike what would happen to anyone critical of hamas or fatah. Would you like the graphic content again showing how they treat their own ?

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