BREAKING: The UN concludes that Israel has established an APARTHEID REGIME...

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Not really. The Zionist goal has always been, and continues to be, all of Palestine without the Palestinians. This goal is pursued with or without Palestinian activities.

Slander. There is absolutely no evidence that this is true, and quite a bit to the contrary. In other words, its an intentional lie fabricated so Arabs can continue to justify "resistance" (aka the mass murder of innocent people).

It’s actually comical to read your silly proclamations about “apartheid” (a term you don’t understand), while you applaud the actions of your fascist heroes.

Not really. The Zionist goal has always been, and continues to be, all of Palestine without the Palestinians. This goal is pursued with or without Palestinian activities.

Slander. There is absolutely no evidence that this is true, and quite a bit to the contrary. In other words, its an intentional lie fabricated so Arabs can continue to justify "resistance" (aka the mass murder of innocent people).

Still slander. Cutting down olive trees is just as stupid and extremist as planting olive trees on land that does not belong to you. But claiming that this proves the "Zionist goal" of ethnically cleansing the entire territory of Arabs is still slander. And unfounded.
Here we go, folks. Not that I don't enjoy "I told ya sos," but...

This report concludes that Israel has established an apartheid regime that dominates the Palestinian people as a whole. Aware of the seriousness of this allegation, the authors of the report conclude that available evidence establishes beyond a reasonable doubt that Israel is guilty of policies and practices that constitute the crime of apartheid as legally defined in instruments of international law...
After careful consideration...Nah. Palestinians could, now, (now, perhaps I am wrong here, but stop using violence and extremism) and be, like the kids say, open minded and tolerant of diversity? Could it hurt? Has that ever occurred to these geniuses? Instead of fanning the flames of hatred, accept move on and THAT might do more than the intifada ever could have accomplished. Shh, instead of blowing up people, co-exist with them. Could that be the secret of peace in the middle east?
Shh, instead of blowing up people, co-exist with them. Could that be the secret of peace in the middle east?
Not really. The Zionist goal has always been, and continues to be, all of Palestine without the Palestinians. This goal is pursued with or without Palestinian activities.

You keep saying that, while officially demanding a Jew-free territory.
Apartheid is exactly what Arabs demand for their future state.
I never said that.

So, you think it would be necessary to first transfer and remove every Jew?

"Absolutely. No, I’m not saying to transfer every Jew, I’m saying transfer Jews who, after an agreement with Israel, fall under the jurisdiction of a Palestinian state."

Any Jew who is inside the borders of Palestine will have to leave?

"Absolutely. I think this is a very necessary step, before we can allow the two states to somehow develop their separate national identities, and then maybe open up the doors for all kinds of cultural, social, political, economic exchanges, that freedom of movement of both citizens of Israelis and Palestinians from one area to another. You know you have to think of the day after."

The Palestinian ambassador to Washington

Not really. The Zionist goal has always been, and continues to be, all of Palestine without the Palestinians. This goal is pursued with or without Palestinian activities.

Slander. There is absolutely no evidence that this is true, and quite a bit to the contrary. In other words, its an intentional lie fabricated so Arabs can continue to justify "resistance" (aka the mass murder of innocent people).

Still slander. Cutting down olive trees is just as stupid and extremist as planting olive trees on land that does not belong to you. But claiming that this proves the "Zionist goal" of ethnically cleansing the entire territory of Arabs is still slander. And unfounded.

Still slander. Cutting down olive trees is just as stupid and extremist as planting olive trees on land that does not belong to you.
Any proof of that or are you just blowing smoke out your ass as usual?
Any proof of that or are you just blowing smoke out your ass as usual?

You made the claim that cutting down olive trees is proof that Zionism intends to claim all of Palestine without the (Arab) Palestinians. My response was that your claim is ridiculous. Its on you to prove your claim, not the other way around.
Any proof of that or are you just blowing smoke out your ass as usual?

You made the claim that cutting down olive trees is proof that Zionism intends to claim all of Palestine without the (Arab) Palestinians. My response was that your claim is ridiculous. Its on you to prove your claim, not the other way around.

He objects to Israel “ intending” to claim ALL of Palestine? He keeps posting a ridiculous You Tube Video of Hasic Jews stating Israel
Should not exist.
I recently posted a You Tube Video in which many Palestinian stated that IF there is “ Right of Return” their Goal is to take over all the land and throw every Israeli out yet he had the CHUTZPAH to talk about “ apartheid “ and “ International Law?” It’s actually quite pathetic and desperate. :hellno:

If Arab demand for a Jew free Palestine is not apartheid - then nothing is.
  • If You have no problem with middle east being ethnically cleansed of virtually all Jews, but demand the end of the only Jewish state - then it's You who supports apartheid.
  • If You have no problem with Jordan being a Jew-free Arab state (BY LAW), with it's Palestinian majority on 78% of Mandatory Palestine, then You have no argument calling Israel an apartheid with it's 20% of Arab minority who enjoy more rights than in any other Arab state - it's just a blood libel and outright racist bigotry.

It's really that simple.
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I think it's comical that islamic fascists don't understand the slogans they use.

Opinion | Why Israel Is Nothing Like Apartheid South Africa

JERUSALEM — Among critics of Israel, it has become ever more common to accuse the Jewish state of imitating apartheid South Africa. This month, an obscure United Nations agency, the Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia, whose membership comprises 18 Arab states, caused an uproar when it issued a report accusing Israel of applying the same racism in its conflict with Palestinians that made South Africa an international pariah. The United Nations secretary general swiftly repudiated the report, and it was removed from the agency’s website.
Mudar Zahran Tells The Truth About Israel
and The Treatment of Arabs in Neighbouring Countries

"You have to be fair and square to achieve justice. Justice is collective.You cannot promise us justice by denying justice to our Jewish neighbors"
- M. Zahran addressing the EU parliament

If Arab demand for a Jew free Palestine is not apartheid - then nothing is.
  • If You have no problem with middle east being ethnically cleansed of virtually all Jews, but demand the end of the only Jewish state - then it's You who supports apartheid.
  • If You have no problem with Jordan being a Jew-free Arab state (BY LAW), with it's Palestinian majority on 78% of Mandatory Palestine, then You have no argument calling Israel an apartheid with it's 20% of Arab minority who enjoy more rights than in any other Arab state - it's just a blood libel and outright racist bigotry.
It's really that simple.

There will be no response; consider the source. I know I’m repeating myself but if he can post a You Tube Video with HASIDIC JEWS claiming Israel does not have the right to exist there is nothing else to say
So Obama's Dream of Firing up The Gas Ovens becomes a reality again?

The UN is a joke and is Antisemitic. No one should pay them any attention.

In fact, we should quit funding them and demand they become self sustaining.

Fake Organization Supporting a FAKE PEOPLE.

There is no such thing as a Palestinian.
So Obama's Dream of Firing up The Gas Ovens becomes a reality again?

The UN is a joke and is Antisemitic. No one should pay them any attention.

In fact, we should quit funding them and demand they become self sustaining.

Fake Organization Supporting a FAKE PEOPLE.

There is no such thing as a Palestinian.

I realize it was a while ago but what could be worse then UN “ peacekeepers “ leaving the area just prior to the 67 War and Egypt blocking
So Obama's Dream of Firing up The Gas Ovens becomes a reality again?

The UN is a joke and is Antisemitic. No one should pay them any attention.

In fact, we should quit funding them and demand they become self sustaining.

Fake Organization Supporting a FAKE PEOPLE.

There is no such thing as a Palestinian.

The U.N. “ Peacekeepers “ deliberately left International Waters The Straits of Tiran while Nasser was threatening to close them and he did. That action actually initiated the 67 War.
They have the CHUTZPAH to talk about “ International Law?” They are filled with nothing but Biased Hate towards Israel
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