BREAKING : The White House has submitted a secret report to Congress outlining the (WINNING?) strategy for the war in Ukraine.


Platinum Member
Sep 3, 2017
How do we know the MAGA, commie (radical left&right) folks in Congress would not release this report to the 🇷🇺 putin ? what do we know about Biden´s (WINNING?) strategy?



As President Trump has broadly hinted, there will be no "winner" in the Ukraine war. Both parties will gain something and both will lose. The important thing is to bring peace, followed by massive rebuilding.

President Trump is the person most likely to get the parties to the table to "talk turkey." Can you even imagine Biden or Harris doing such a thing? Of course not.
Zelenskyy's secret strategy is to get Biden to send in US troops. He's tired of wasting his own men in a war of attrition.

Right now, Biden is trying figure out how to do that, draft American men to die on the Russian steppe this winter, without this affecting Kamala's campaign adversely.
As President Trump has broadly hinted, there will be no "winner" in the Ukraine war. Both parties will gain something and both will lose. The important thing is to bring peace, followed by massive rebuilding.

President Trump is the person most likely to get the parties to the table to "talk turkey." Can you even imagine Biden or Harris doing such a thing? Of course not.
I hear Harris is talking to reporters about her recipes now. Why not her policies?
Not much of a secret if you know about it.

Yes. Seems to me there should be more explicit emphasis that US/EU support for Ukraine is a national security issue, not a “foreign aid” issue.

Zelenskyy's secret strategy is to get Biden to send in US troops. He's tired of wasting his own men in a war of attrition.

Right now, Biden is trying figure out how to do that, draft American men to die on the Russian steppe this winter, without this affecting Kamala's campaign adversely.

I hear Harris is talking to reporters about her recipes now. Why not her policies?
How do we know the MAGA, commie (radical left&right) folks in Congress would not release this report to the 🇷🇺 putin ? what do we know about Biden´s (WINNING?) strategy?


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I hate to break it to ya, Sparky, but the US Military Industrial Complex has no desire to “win” any war.

Can you name the last war we were allowed to win?

Their only “strategy” is to prolong a war over decades to ensure decades of multi-billion dollar contracts
Patton was right, we should had obliterated the Bolsheviks.

But we didn’t and Marxism was allowed to proliferate across the globe and has overtaken our government as well as every other institution in America.

Jewish Bolsheviks murdered tens of millions of Russians and others within the USSR.

The Bolsheviks were set back by the fall of the Berlin Wall, but they have successfully taken over the Democratic Party in America. Now they want to finish the job and get into a nuclear war with Russia. Not only to kill as many white Christians in Russia and Ukraine as possible, but to kill offf most of America’s white Christian population.
Is the “winning strategy” to now attack civilian targets in Moscow?

I’m sure this will have a happy ending for Kiev terrorists.

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