BREAKING : Theresa May's ultimatum to Putin: Explain yourself in next 24 hours or face retaliation

Big, big things are on the way Can UK expect Trumps support on this ? or Pynia holds Trump short with his "piss tape"?

"Theresa May has given Vladimir Putin until midnight on Tuesday to explain the use of a Russian-made nerve agent in the Salisbury attack or face retaliation for “a brazen attempt to murder innocent civilians on our soil”.

The Prime Minister told MPs that the Government "has concluded it is highly likely that Russia was responsible" for the attempted murder of the former spy Sergei Skripal and his daughter Yulia last weekend.

And she revealed that an illegal “weapons-grade” nerve agent known as Novichok was used in what she described as “an indiscriminate and reckless act against the United Kingdom”."

The world has about had it with batshit Putin. He's on this Kim Jong Un style bent where he wants to fuck with everyone. His recent statements about 'destroying the world' also reveal his mental state to be on a cliff edge.

And make no mistake England has a quite formidable spy agency with great capability. They've proven it over and over in the past. And the question does now become, who will Lying Trump side with? England our staunchest ally, or Putin one of our worst enemies. Three guesses and the first two don't count.

Can’t they handle their own problems , liberals want to cut military budgets but want America to be the worlds police, isn’t that the UNs job

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
since occupation of Crimea who wants to cut the military budget ? all over Europe its growing

Russia is an evil imperialistic empire. I know that----
and I am telling----but just about no one is listening
ps by the way, nikolay glushkov "died " today , in UK ...
I'd be interested in the political meaning of "explain" and how the country formerly known as England plans "retaliation" on Russia.

UK Prime Minister Theresa May is braced to take "extensive measures" against Russia should it not offer a credible explanation of how an ex-spy and his daughter were poisoned on British soil with a military-grade nerve agent.

"Should there be no credible response," Mrs May told parliament, "we will conclude that this action amounts to an unlawful use of force by the Russian state against the United Kingdom".

But what are the options available for the UK - both on its own, and with the help of allies? And how likely are the US, EU and others to be on board?

What could the UK do?
Britain could expel Russian diplomats, as it did after the poisoning of former Russian Federal Security Service operative Alexander Litvinenko in 2006 with radioactive polonium.

But many argue that this, and the other measures that were taken after that killing - including visa restrictions on Russian officials - did not go far enough. The man identified as the main suspect, Andrei Lugovoi, is not just at large, he is now a Russian MP.

It could also:

  • Expel senior diplomats, perhaps even the Russian ambassador, and known Russian intelligence agents
  • Take some sort of action to bar wealthy Russian oligarchs from accessing their mansions and other luxuries in London, as suggested by Tory MP and House of Commons foreign affairs committee chair Tom Tugendhat. One way this could happen is through the use of Unexplained Wealth Orders, which allow government officials to seize assets including property until they have been properly accounted for
  • A boycott of the Fifa World Cup in Russia later this year by officials and dignitaries - a symbolic move that UK allies are unlikely to emulate
  • Taking Russian broadcasters such as RT (formerly Russia Today) off the air - broadcasting regulator Ofcom has said it will "consider the implications for RT's broadcast licences" after Mrs May speaks on Wednesday
  • Pass a British version of the 2012 US Magnitsky act, which punishes Russians involved in corruption and human rights violations with asset freezes and travel bans. It is named after a Russian lawyer who died in custody after revealing alleged fraud by state officials. MPs have been pushing for a Magnitsky amendment to be added to the Sanctions and Anti-Money Laundering Bill now going through Parliament
Could the EU impose new sanctions?
Current sanctions on Russia that Britain supports are imposed via the European Union. They were first passed after Russia annexed Ukraine's Crimean peninsula in 2014 and backed rebels fighting in eastern Ukraine.

The measures target Russia's state finances, energy and arms sectors and include:

  • The exclusion of state banks from raising long-term loans in the EU
  • A ban on exports of dual-use equipment that could be put to military use and a ban on EU-Russia arms deals
  • A ban on exports of a wide range of oil industry technology
  • Western asset freezes and travel bans on 150 people, including senior officials, and 38 companies

Media captionPresident Vladimir Putin is asked whether Russia had a hand in the Skripal poisoning
EU countries are already divided on the sanctions, with diverging views among members as to how Russia should be treated. States like Hungary, Italy and Greece have all supported the weakening of sanctions.

Some doubt whether Britain could convince the bloc to further toughen its measures against Moscow, especially with the UK on its way out of the Union.

Could Nato act?
By framing the poisoning as a possible "unlawful use of force" by Russia against the UK, Theresa May prompted questions as to whether this could be a matter for Nato, the military alliance of 29 countries.

The alliance's policy of collective defence - under Article 5 - states that an attack on any one ally is seen as an attack on all.

It was invoked for the first and only time by the United States after the 9/11 attacks.

Lord Ricketts, a former UK national security adviser, told the BBC that such an "unlawful act" warranted the involvement of Nato.

Any action "will be much more effective if there can be a broader, Nato-EU solidarity behind us", he said.

Media captionTheresa May: Spy poisoned by "military-grade nerve agent"
But Downing Street has played down suggestions that this is an Article 5 matter.

For its part, Nato has called the attack "horrendous and completely unacceptable". Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg said that the incident was of "great concern" to the alliance, which has moved in recent years to deter Russia by sending troops to Poland and the three Baltic states.

Lord Ricketts suggested one option involving Nato could be a reinforcement of resources on the group's eastern flank.

What about the UK's allies?
The UK could also seek to bring the issue to the UN - and seek to gather international support for action against Russia.

Theresa May has already spoken to France's President Macron and the two leaders "agreed that it would be important to continue to act in concert with allies", according to Downing Street. Although Mrs May has not yet spoken to President Trump about the case there have been "conversations at a senior official level"
How could the UK retaliate against Russia?
Big, big things are on the way Can UK expect Trumps support on this ? or Pynia holds Trump short with his "piss tape"?

"Theresa May has given Vladimir Putin until midnight on Tuesday to explain the use of a Russian-made nerve agent in the Salisbury attack or face retaliation for “a brazen attempt to murder innocent civilians on our soil”.

The Prime Minister told MPs that the Government "has concluded it is highly likely that Russia was responsible" for the attempted murder of the former spy Sergei Skripal and his daughter Yulia last weekend.

And she revealed that an illegal “weapons-grade” nerve agent known as Novichok was used in what she described as “an indiscriminate and reckless act against the United Kingdom”."

The world has about had it with batshit Putin. He's on this Kim Jong Un style bent where he wants to fuck with everyone. His recent statements about 'destroying the world' also reveal his mental state to be on a cliff edge.

And make no mistake England has a quite formidable spy agency with great capability. They've proven it over and over in the past. And the question does now become, who will Lying Trump side with? England our staunchest ally, or Putin one of our worst enemies. Three guesses and the first two don't count.

Can’t they handle their own problems , liberals want to cut military budgets but want America to be the worlds police, isn’t that the UNs job

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
since occupation of Crimea who wants to cut the military budget ? all over Europe its growing

Russia is an evil imperialistic empire. I know that----
and I am telling----but just about no one is listening
ps by the way, nikolay glushkov "died " today , in UK ...

I had to google-----WATDAHELL IS GOING ON?
Thank God President Trump isn't standing up against Putin. People can get killed!
NATO could be called in for this. It was a Russian attack on a nato ally
Big, big things are on the way Can UK expect Trumps support on this ? or Pynia holds Trump short with his "piss tape"?

"Theresa May has given Vladimir Putin until midnight on Tuesday to explain the use of a Russian-made nerve agent in the Salisbury attack or face retaliation for “a brazen attempt to murder innocent civilians on our soil”.

The Prime Minister told MPs that the Government "has concluded it is highly likely that Russia was responsible" for the attempted murder of the former spy Sergei Skripal and his daughter Yulia last weekend.

And she revealed that an illegal “weapons-grade” nerve agent known as Novichok was used in what she described as “an indiscriminate and reckless act against the United Kingdom”."

The world has about had it with batshit Putin. He's on this Kim Jong Un style bent where he wants to fuck with everyone. His recent statements about 'destroying the world' also reveal his mental state to be on a cliff edge.

And make no mistake England has a quite formidable spy agency with great capability. They've proven it over and over in the past. And the question does now become, who will Lying Trump side with? England our staunchest ally, or Putin one of our worst enemies. Three guesses and the first two don't count.

Describe what you mean by "side with" exactly?
Go to war?
Would you say the same thing about "I can do more when election is over" Obama?
Thank God President Trump isn't standing up against Putin. People can get killed!

That is NOT true.

DJT is allowing the CIA, deep state, neocrazies and Likudnicks to manipulate him into a war with Russia over Syria.

Big, big things are on the way Can UK expect Trumps support on this ? or Pynia holds Trump short with his "piss tape"?

"Theresa May has given Vladimir Putin until midnight on Tuesday to explain the use of a Russian-made nerve agent in the Salisbury attack or face retaliation for “a brazen attempt to murder innocent civilians on our soil”.

The Prime Minister told MPs that the Government "has concluded it is highly likely that Russia was responsible" for the attempted murder of the former spy Sergei Skripal and his daughter Yulia last weekend.

And she revealed that an illegal “weapons-grade” nerve agent known as Novichok was used in what she described as “an indiscriminate and reckless act against the United Kingdom”."
Naw, Putin doesn't need to do anything with any piss tape and the only effect from it would be lolz.

If Trump doesn't do what Putin wants, Putin could:
1. Stop Russian online support for Trump. Most of his online support would be gone.
2. Tell extreme right groups to stop supporting him. There goes most of the rest of his online support. This and the above is referring to internet forums, Youtube and social media.
3. Order Breitbart and InfoWars to stop supporting him. Not to mention RT.
4. Stop support by cybercriminal groups and Wikileaks.
5. Tell certain politicians like Rohrabacher (R) to stop supporting him.

and other things, possibly financial as well. He could well have set up a retirement plan in Russia like Yanukovych.
Big, big things are on the way Can UK expect Trumps support on this ? or Pynia holds Trump short with his "piss tape"?

"Theresa May has given Vladimir Putin until midnight on Tuesday to explain the use of a Russian-made nerve agent in the Salisbury attack or face retaliation for “a brazen attempt to murder innocent civilians on our soil”.

The Prime Minister told MPs that the Government "has concluded it is highly likely that Russia was responsible" for the attempted murder of the former spy Sergei Skripal and his daughter Yulia last weekend.

And she revealed that an illegal “weapons-grade” nerve agent known as Novichok was used in what she described as “an indiscriminate and reckless act against the United Kingdom”."

FRESH UPDATED , SO Whats new? dare Trump to confront putler´s video tape?

Trump: Russia likely poisoned ex-spy, 'based on all the evidence'
(CNN)US President Donald Trump suggested on Tuesday that he believes the British government's theory that Russia was likely responsible for the nerve agent attack on a former Russian spy and his daughter in England earlier this month.

"It sounds to me like it would be Russia based on all the evidence they have," Trump told reporters outside the White House. "It sounds to me like they believe it was Russia and I would certainly take that finding as fact."
Trump added: "As soon as we get the facts straight, if we agree with them, we will condemn Russia or whoever it may be."
Trump also said he would speak to UK Prime Minister Theresa May on Tuesday about the incident.

Trump: Russia likely poisoned ex-spy, 'based on all the evidence' - CNN
Big, big things are on the way Can UK expect Trumps support on this ? or Pynia holds Trump short with his "piss tape"?

"Theresa May has given Vladimir Putin until midnight on Tuesday to explain the use of a Russian-made nerve agent in the Salisbury attack or face retaliation for “a brazen attempt to murder innocent civilians on our soil”.

The Prime Minister told MPs that the Government "has concluded it is highly likely that Russia was responsible" for the attempted murder of the former spy Sergei Skripal and his daughter Yulia last weekend.

And she revealed that an illegal “weapons-grade” nerve agent known as Novichok was used in what she described as “an indiscriminate and reckless act against the United Kingdom”."
Naw, Putin doesn't need to do anything with any piss tape and the only effect from it would be lolz.

If Trump doesn't do what Putin wants, Putin could:
1. Stop Russian online support for Trump. Most of his online support would be gone.
2. Tell extreme right groups to stop supporting him. There goes most of the rest of his online support. This and the above is referring to internet forums, Youtube and social media.
3. Order Breitbart and InfoWars to stop supporting him. Not to mention RT.
4. Stop support by cybercriminal groups and Wikileaks.
5. Tell certain politicians like Rohrabacher (R) to stop supporting him.

and other things, possibly financial as well. He could well have set up a retirement plan in Russia like Yanukovych.

YOU MADE A GREAT POINT !!! , Trump is a such colorful character, Putler´s useful idiots/cyber-criminals/Wiki/etc. will just kill Trump (as a politician) in 4 weeks time
Last edited:
Russian spy: Police appeal over Sergei Skripal's red BMW
Police investigating the poisoning of an ex-Russian spy and his daughter have appealed for witnesses who saw the pair's red BMW car before the attack.

Sergei Skripal, 66, and Yulia, 33, parked the vehicle in Salisbury city centre - less than three hours before they were found slumped on a bench.

It comes as a deadline looms for Moscow to explain how a Russia-made nerve agent was used in the 4 March incident.

Theresa May is due to speak to Donald Trump about the case.

The prime minister has said the UK must "stand ready" to take measures against Russia and these would be set out in the Commons on Wednesday should there be no adequate explanation by midnight on Tuesday.

The US president said earlier he would take Britain's assessment that Russia was behind the attack "as fact", adding: "It sounds to me they believe it was Russia based on all the evidence they have".


Police appeal over spy's red BMW
Big, big things are on the way Can UK expect Trumps support on this ? or Pynia holds Trump short with his "piss tape"?

"Theresa May has given Vladimir Putin until midnight on Tuesday to explain the use of a Russian-made nerve agent in the Salisbury attack or face retaliation for “a brazen attempt to murder innocent civilians on our soil”.

The Prime Minister told MPs that the Government "has concluded it is highly likely that Russia was responsible" for the attempted murder of the former spy Sergei Skripal and his daughter Yulia last weekend.

And she revealed that an illegal “weapons-grade” nerve agent known as Novichok was used in what she described as “an indiscriminate and reckless act against the United Kingdom”."
Naw, Putin doesn't need to do anything with any piss tape and the only effect from it would be lolz.

If Trump doesn't do what Putin wants, Putin could:
1. Stop Russian online support for Trump. Most of his online support would be gone.
2. Tell extreme right groups to stop supporting him. There goes most of the rest of his online support. This and the above is referring to internet forums, Youtube and social media.
3. Order Breitbart and InfoWars to stop supporting him. Not to mention RT.
4. Stop support by cybercriminal groups and Wikileaks.
5. Tell certain politicians like Rohrabacher (R) to stop supporting him.

and other things, possibly financial as well. He could well have set up a retirement plan in Russia like Yanukovych.

unfortunately UK authorities hided Putler´s crimes i UK for years
"Is Russia Behind 14 'Natural' Deaths? U.K. Secret Service Looks Again at Mysterious Suicides After Novichok Attack"
After the latest Russian spy poisoning, 14 "natural" deaths are back under the microscope. Were they Kremlin hits?
" From Russia With Blood

Lavish London mansions. A hand-painted Rolls-Royce. And eight dead friends. For the British fixer Scot Young, working for Vladimir Putin's most vocal critic meant stunning perks – but also constant danger. His gruesome death is one of 14 that US spy agencies have linked to Russia – but the UK police shut down every last case. A bombshell cache of documents today reveals the full story of a ring of death on British soil that the government has ignored. "
From Russia With Blood
1) Expulsion of diplomats
A minimalist option deployed by David Cameron’s government after the poisoning with polonium of Alexander Litvinenko in 2006. Expulsion of the ambassador would be a major step, but would leave the UK bereft of a high-level conduit to Moscow. Retaliation, including the expulsion of the UK ambassador from Russia, would probably follow, putting UK relations in a deep freeze.

2) Ask Ofcom to declare that Russian media outlets such as RT are not fit to hold a broadcasting licence
Public figures including shadow cabinet members, or the football manager José Mourinho, could be formally encouraged to pull out of the lucrative contracts they have signed to appear on RT. Such a move would be welcomed at least in France, where strong measures have been taken against fake news after allegations of Russian interference in the French presidential elections.

3) Seek support in the EU for sports officials not to attend the World Cup
This would not involve a boycott by footballers, but, in any case, many countries are unlikely to want to follow suit.

4) Introduce amendments to the sanctions and anti-money laundering bill
The legislation could be amended to allow stronger sanctions against human rights abusers, such as the persecutors of Sergei Magnitsky, a Russian tax accountant who died in jail in Russia after revealing details of massive state-sponsored fraud.

The Foreign Office says it already has full confiscatory powers, but under pressure from Tory backbenchers such as Richard Benyon, and the Europe minister, Sir Alan Duncan, said ministers were minded to support a Magnitsky clause once the bill reaches report stage and the technical legal definitions of gross human rights abuse have been resolved. But ministers see this as a symbolic act to assuage public opinion.

5) Freeze assets of Russian oligarchs unable to explain sources of London property wealth
This would be legally risky and might hit as many Putin opponents as allies.

6) Seek further EU-wide sanctions on Russia
Russia, country under the most sanctions in the world apart from North Korea, has proved resilient to punitive measures. It is often a battle to persuade Germany, Italy and Greece to maintain existing EU sanctions against Russia over Ukraine. Most experts say these sanctions reduced Russian growth by only 1% last year. In a recent report the Estonian intelligence agency said Putin “uses western sanctions to shield himself from criticism of a failed economic policy”, saying they help “to some degree to paper over the fundamental weaknesses in the economy”.

In the US, sanctions are being driven by Congress, not the White House, mainly through the Countering America’s Adversaries Through Sanctions Act passed in August. The law aims to punish Russia for its alleged meddling in the 2016 US presidential election.

In support of the act, Congress demanded the US Treasury name and shame those who had benefited from close association with Putin and put them on notice that they could be targeted for sanctions, or more sanctions, in the future. No one on the list has been put under sanctions, and it appears to have been derived from a Forbes magazine list of Russian businessmen.

7) Step up Nato presence on the Russian border
The British army already has a four-year rotational presence, but moves closer to Belarus would send a signal.

The Trump administration says it has already asked to increase funding for the European Deterrence Initiative, a Barack Obama-era programme aimed at bolstering Nato’s defences against Russia, by almost $2bn. The White House says it has provided the Ukrainian military with extra arms for east Ukraine.

Nato can also step up the strategic pressure on Moscow by speeding the process of admitting Ukraine into provisional Nato membership through agreeing a membership action plan. Similar encouragement can be offered in the Balkans, a key area of conflict with Russia. The EU foreign policy chief, Federica Mogherini, is visiting Ukraine this week on the fourth anniversary of the annexation of Crimea.

8) Designate Russia as a state sponsor of terrorism
In the US, designation results in a variety of unilateral sanctions, including a ban on arms-related exports and sales, prohibitions on economic assistance, and other punitive measures.

9) Cut Russian banks off from Swift
Some Russian banks linked to Iran have been cut off from the international system for the exchange of financial data (Swift). This might weaken Russia’s ability to trade internationally, but Russian banks have switched to a Russian payment system called SPFS set up with larger non-G7 countries.

10) Leak or publish classified material on the scale of alleged money laundering by Putin and his allies
The UK intelligence services have access to a large volume of material, some open sourced, setting out where Putin, his family and business entourage have placed money abroad. It would be possible for the UK government to give an official imprimatur to such information. The downside is that it would be viewed as an attempt to interfere in the current Russian presidential election campaign. Publishing personal information on rival political leaders has been seen as off limits, and might only prompt unwelcome reprisals aimed at UK politicians."

10 possible British responses to Russia over the Sergei Skripal affair
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