BREAKING! THIS IS IT ---- Biden Give's Ukraine permission to Use F-16 Jets to Launch Attacks Inside Russia

Yay! Magaturds celebrate mutually assured destruction if they don't get their way and their orange bag O' shit loses again in November.

Well, I'mma continue reveling in magaturd misery and grievances. I'm super apathetic to their unhappiness. No empathy for unamerican pieces of shit. Suffer moar.
Not to worry Mumbling Dickweed. There’s only nine more months remaining for Short Stairs *Joe to mumble, bumble, stumble, fall , forget names, mix up countries, shake hands with nobody, get lost on stage, stare blankly, let China and Russia run roughshod over him ….i could keep going but I need another beer.
Not to worry Mumbling Dickweed. There’s only nine more months remaining for Short Stairs *Joe to mumble, bumble, stumble, fall , forget names, mix up countries, shake hands with nobody, get lost on stage, stare blankly, let China and Russia run roughshod over him ….i could keep going but I need another beer.
Yeah, but Obama can do a lot of damage (via his puppet) in nine months.
says the guy thats so skeered he needs an aggressive dog to protect him .
Never scared. If somebody comes in uninvited somehow, they get to be scared. That is the reason doors and fences are locked, and gates have nice decorative signs, like below To us, she is a loving pet.

Calm yourself child. Man up. Be Macho Man. Your OK. Your OK. Your OK. Just say it over and over in your bed with your eyes closed and the covers pulled up.

Don't you grasp the seriousness of this? If it were Trump doing this you would accuse him of poking the bear too.

This retard half brain should not be making these decisions.

He's not, his administration is.

Good. We should declare war on Russia and bomb the hell out of their air fields and military bases until they surrender.

Okay, I still find it incredible that I'm the one who's mentally challenged and I get it and people who aren't don't. If Russia is attacked and Putin discovers that it's through our president's orders, who do you think will have a bone to pick with the USA?
Settle down into a war with Russia?

OMG. Yikes.

You do realize the US is 34-soon-to-be-40 trillion dollars in debt, yes?

Such a thing tends to give our authoritarian cousins quite a bit of leverage.

China controls over a third of the world's natural resources, what do you think they'll do? Sit idly by while the US and Russia engage in a hot war?
No war with Russia, you trembling lil rabbit. Grow up. You are embarrassing yourself. You can come out now. It's safe.
Settle down into a war with Russia?

OMG. Yikes.

You do realize the US is 34-soon-to-be-40 trillion dollars in debt, yes?

Such a thing tends to give our authoritarian cousins quite a bit of leverage.

China controls over a third of the world's natural resources, what do you think they'll do? Sit idly by while the US and Russia engage in a hot war?

China would head north and seize the Natural Resources in Russia.
No war with Russia, you trembling lil rabbit. Grow up. You are embarrassing yourself. You can come out now. It's safe.

Again, think about it. How do you think Putin is going to feel about the US if our president gives the order to attack him and his country?
Are you too stupid to know what that refers to? Or did the lib media you watch hide one of Biden’s recent big mistakes confusing Egypt and Mexico?
Are you too stupid to know, that is the lamest Biden joke, any woman has posted on this board in the last 4 years. Wise up, honey.
Are you too stupid to know, that is the lamest Biden joke, any woman has posted on this board in the last 4 years. Wise up, honey.
That‘s YOUR judgement. And given whom you voted for, your judgement is quite poor.

And don’t call me honey. It’s a condescending way to address a woman. (And they say Dems respect women. Ha.)
That‘s YOUR judgement. And given whom you voted for, your judgement is quite poor.

And don’t call me honey. It’s a condescending way to address a woman. (And they say Dems respect women. Ha.)
There you go again. I never said I was a democrat. I said I was an independent. You don't like the way I talk down to you, tough luck, toots. I owe you no respect. You don't seem to respect much anymore, honey. So, why should anybody respect you? You are owed something because you put a woman's name on the internet? That's a laugh! :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
Not to worry Mumbling Dickweed. There’s only nine more months remaining for Short Stairs *Joe to mumble, bumble, stumble, fall , forget names, mix up countries, shake hands with nobody, get lost on stage, stare blankly, let China and Russia run roughshod over him ….i could keep going but I need another beer.
Yeah. Keep drinking, dipshit. :rolleyes:

Brandon is old and awkward, just like the orange bag O' shit, but Brandon inexplicably falls upstairs. It's uncanny. Like he was a leaf in that wind coming up on those AF1 stairs. He can fucking defy the laws of physics. There must be some new conspiracy there.

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