BREAKING! THIS IS IT ---- Biden Give's Ukraine permission to Use F-16 Jets to Launch Attacks Inside Russia


The European members of NATO do that now.
Obviously that’s not the case. There are 31 countries in NATO and yet only one is expected to pay the majority of the cost for defending this non-NATO country. 30 other countries if truly worried about Russia would be sending not only arms and money well beyond what the US can do but people to fight the Russians off. They aren’t doing that. So apparently they aren’t as worried about it as you are.

I’m all for helping Ukraine, but first I want to see the other NATO countries in the battle and 100% committed before we even begin sending aid.
China would head north and seize the Natural Resources in Russia.

Maybe. But that's only half the point. The US requires raw materials to pursue a war. Who's going to sell them to us? China already owns most of Africa, and it won't be them and it won't be the Russians. That's about half the world, it leaves maybe... the UK, and Europe which is already hurting....

And the other quarter of it is, Russia is hurting too, and if we start bombing their cities they may have no choice but to respond.

This is just a dumb move. Congress won't authorize any more money so the Neo's are looking for another way.
There you go again. I never said I was a democrat. I said I was an independent. You don't like the way I talk down to you, tough luck, toots. I owe you no respect. You don't seem to respect much anymore, honey. So, why should anybody respect you? You are owed something because you put a woman's name on the internet? That's a laugh! :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
And you’re a mod? For shame.
Maybe. But that's only half the point. The US requires raw materials to pursue a war. Who's going to sell them to us? China already owns most of Africa, and it won't be them and it won't be the Russians. That's about half the world, it leaves maybe... the UK, and Europe which is already hurting....

And the other quarter of it is, Russia is hurting too, and if we start bombing their cities they may have no choice but to respond.

This is just a dumb move. Congress won't authorize any more money so the Neo's are looking for another way.

All that's true too.
Yeah. Keep drinking, dipshit. :rolleyes:

Brandon is old and awkward, just like the orange bag O' shit, but Brandon inexplicably falls upstairs. It's uncanny. Like he was a leaf in that wind coming up on those AF1 stairs. He can fucking defy the laws of physics. There must be some new conspiracy there.
Nothing new.Short Stairs *Joe is in stage five dementia. He will be stage six in six months. Enjoy covering up for that.
And you’re a mod? For shame.
Don't start that crap. I post as a poster. You want to attack and disrespect and think people should respect you because you say you are a woman on the internet? You want Gender respect and allowances? Have you gone Democrat, too? You need to tremble and hide under your beds with the other rightwing nut ball cowards that are trembling, the Russians are coming! The Russians are coming! When in danger and in doubt, run in circles, scream and shout! You're just another internet Joke!:auiqs.jpg:
White 6 I don't want to get involved with you and Lisa but the Russians are more than likely already here and I still don't think you understand how serious this could be to Putin if word gets out that Biden is behind Ukraine's attack on his country.
Now we'll need 'trainers' to train pilots, maintenance crews etc, on top of the fact that this wasn't supposed to happen. Then again neither were missiles or clusterbombs. But the war machine gets paid and that's what it's really about.

Abysmal decision.
That‘s YOUR judgement. And given whom you voted for, your judgement is quite poor.

And don’t call me honey. It’s a condescending way to address a woman. (And they say Dems respect women. Ha.)
Here's mine:

And I can only base this upon your content, of course. :dunno:

I would call you a petty, horrible human being at your best. No one should tolerate your bullshit more than one paragraph. You're a magaturd political extremist hack and you suck out loud. I have absolutely no respect for you, I give no fucks about you being an oppressed Jew. :rolleyes:

Fuck off and die. K thx bye.
White 6 I don't want to get involved with you and Lisa but the Russians are more than likely already here and I still don't think you understand how serious this could be to Putin if word gets out that Biden is behind Ukraine's attack on his country.
RR. I have literally been main gun tube to main gun tube from 500 meters when those lost dumbasses wandered in across boarders, too stupid to know where they even were, but sober enough, to know all tubes were loaded. While the our captain walk out covered by our weapons to show them a map of where they were and tell thet me get their asses back across that border unless they were prepared for WWIII to start there, and then. They weren't even in T-64s and were well outnumbered.
Grown men acted like grown men, knowing it was not the day to die for stupidity. Captain bought the beer when we got back to post. Nothing over there rattles me.
I don't give shit about the Russians, anymore now, than I did back then. It won't happen, while they are at a disadvantage. I have people known to me over there. You have no idea the US/Nato/EU forces (personnel) and equipment (ground, air, and other) are on hand in the Eastern NATO countries as we speak, but we have a damned good idea what they have left. Why? Because we are better at this than they are, and with far superior logistics. We know it. They know it.

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