BREAKING! THIS IS IT ---- Biden Give's Ukraine permission to Use F-16 Jets to Launch Attacks Inside Russia

We lose more buffer zone between Russia and NATO, as well as free trade there in the 6th largest country on that continent, for the time being and then watch more as other Break Away countries are threatened, while you sit and watch in misguided fear. Nobody asking you fight, simply support the country that has the fight.
Ukraine gains or keeps there freedom. NATO/EU solidarity is enhanced. Freedom and self determinant rule use to mean something here, for those over 60. Maybe you wish somebody ruled over you?
Democrats said the very same thing about Viet Nam in the 60s. The domino theory. What a disaster that was. You would think democrats would have learned to stay out of civil wars.
Democrats said the very same thing about Viet Nam in the 60s. The domino theory. What a disaster that was. You would think democrats would have learned to stay out of civil wars.
Does not appear to be a civil war. It appears, Russia feels entitle to retake control of that break away country, and others. The cold war of Russia threatening and invading neighbors did not end, when we claimed victory publicly, clapping Reagan on the back. They forgot to consult the enemy.
Does not appear to be a civil war. It appears, Russia feels entitle to retake control of that break away country, and others. The cold war of Russia threatening and invading neighbors did not end, when we claimed victory publicly, clapping Reagan on the back. They forgot to consult the enemy.
That's a pathetic excuse for warmongers to prop up deadbeat Eurotrash. Sad, though expected.
Does not appear to be a civil war. It appears, Russia feels entitle to retake control of that break away country, and others. The cold war of Russia threatening and invading neighbors did not end, when we claimed victory publicly, clapping Reagan on the back. They forgot to consult the enemy.
The Confederacy was also a breakaway country, as was South Vietnam.
I knew this would happen! Get ready folks. Biden and his handlers know that they haven't a chance in hell of beating Trump. Now, this is their plan B. My advice, stock up on Iodine Tablets.

I knew the war was a sham the moment Bribin denied migs to Ukraine.
Calm yourself child. Man up. Be Macho Man. Your OK. Your OK. Your OK. Just say it over and over in your bed with your eyes closed and the covers pulled up.
Did you mean “you’re ok?”
The Confederacy was also a breakaway country, as was South Vietnam.
The confederacy never got to break away, only attempting. Vietnam was a mistake, costing a lot of American lives on both sides.
The confederacy never got to break away, only attempting. Vietnam was a mistake, costing a lot of American lives on both sides.
Vietnam was a Democrat mistake as was Korea. A republican had to get us out of both wars.
The confederacy never got to break away, only attempting. Vietnam was a mistake, costing a lot of American lives on both sides.
There were lots of Americans on the Viet Cong side?
We lose more buffer zone between Russia and NATO, as well as free trade there in the 6th largest country on that continent, for the time being and then watch more as other Break Away countries are threatened, while you sit and watch in misguided fear. Nobody asking you fight, simply support the country that has the fight.
Ukraine gains or keeps there freedom. NATO/EU solidarity is enhanced. Freedom and self determinant rule use to mean something here, for those over 60. Maybe you wish somebody ruled over you?
hahaha…cool theories.
Lets carry on with the theories….So what if Russia were to take all of Europe…how are the lives of Americans impacted?
Tumblin Tumbleweed
It's amazing how bloodthirsty democrats are these days. They can't pick on some weak hell hole like Iraq or Afghanistan. They have to take on a world power with nukes. Crazy shitheads.
It's amazing how bloodthirsty democrats are these days. They can't pick on some weak hell hole like Iraq or Afghanistan. They have to take on a world power with nukes. Crazy shitheads.
We couldn't even permanently remove a band of goat herders from Afganistan after spending trillions and American lives and these loons think they now have the stomach for a long conflict with Russia.

Ukraine is fast running out of conscripts and begging foreigners to join the cause.
I think the warmongering liberals should start signing up.
Just be honest White 6 citygator
CNN and all the other purple hair weirdos screaming “from the river to the sea” said you should want the U.S. engaged in a proxy war with Russia so you do….JUST FUCKING ADMIT IT!
Hey leftists, during the early years of your TDS penetration, surely you guys remember your cry how "Trump will start WWIII"?

Of course you do, I know you guys are blank, but you can't be that blank. Anyway, that was funny.

When the left points a finger it's projection, a distraction, distortion, antonym, ambition and/or confession. Every time, all the time.
Just be honest White 6 citygator
CNN and all the other purple hair weirdos screaming “from the river to the sea” said you should want the U.S. engaged in a proxy war with Russia so you do….JUST FUCKING ADMIT IT!
Nah, my opinion on Russia was carved in stone about 50 years ago in my enlisted days and didn't change, only becoming more inform at higher levels in my Officer days. People on the right have lost track, that history does not change much, only dates. Rogue nations are going to be rogue nations and will plan to and actually attack and invade neighbors for their national goals, if that their mindset.

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