BREAKING! THIS IS IT ---- Biden Give's Ukraine permission to Use F-16 Jets to Launch Attacks Inside Russia

Billions of dollars spent helping to exhaust Russian military power is a bargain. We should be so lucky with all our foreign adversaries.

The balls for what? It isn't our country or our place to tell Ukraine when to stop fighting.
Never said they had to stop fighting. Just for us to stop spending deficit dollars which is no fucking deal at all when we have Americans suffering right here.
Denial is a river In Mexico, as Biden would say,

Those of us seeing reality are alarmed that a demented puppet was installed as president, and the powers that be are pulling his strings as they systematically weaken our country.
Putin likes Biden best of all.
Never said they had to stop fighting. Just for us to stop spending deficit dollars which is no fucking deal at all when we have Americans suffering right here.
Of course it's a deal. Weakening Russia's military for billions and no American lives is the bargain deal of a lifetime.
Billions of dollars spent helping to exhaust Russian military power is a bargain. We should be so lucky with all our foreign adversaries.
How/why were all you leftists so sure we would eventually go to war with Russia?
The balls for what? It isn't our country or our place to tell Ukraine when to stop fighting.
Ukraine would have stopped fighting long ago if it not for Americas best citizens being robbed.
How/why were all you leftists so sure we would eventually go to war with Russia?
I'm not. We don't have to be going to war with Russia for it to be a good thing for their military power to be depleted.
Ukraine would have stopped fighting long ago if it not for Americas best citizens being robbed.
Just because we have policies you dislike doesn't mean you're being robbed. You live in a democracy but you can fuck off into the wilderness anytime you feel like, Snowflake.
Weird that all the self proclaimed war heroes / Vets on this forum whom ‘happen’ to be left as fuck seem to think we should engage Russia over this border invasion in Ukraine…yet none of them can articulate how/why we have a dog in the fight…or what the risk/reward is for the U.S.
Further, NO confirmed and legitimate Veteran I know thinks we should have anything to do the bullshit going on in Ukraine.
Why is that?
Golfing Gator

Well Loser, the reason I hadn’t commented is I was at work. It’s how I make my money.

As for if I support it? Absolutely the weapons fighter combos would allow Ukraine to strike logistics behind the lines. If Russia is going to fire into Ukraine, it seems only fair that Ukraine fires into Russia doesn’t it?
We couldn't even permanently remove a band of goat herders from Afganistan after spending trillions and American lives and these loons think they now have the stomach for a long conflict with Russia.

Ukraine is fast running out of conscripts and begging foreigners to join the cause.
I think the warmongering liberals should start signing up.

It won’t be a long conflict. Three to five days. Max.

You see after the initial launch of nuclear weapons, the second strike countdown begins. It is generally accepted that those weapons fire in three to five days. After that, the war is over.

So it won’t be a long war. A week at the outside.
I knew this would happen! Get ready folks. Biden and his handlers know that they haven't a chance in hell of beating Trump. Now, this is their plan B. My advice, stock up on Iodine Tablets.

Questions here are.

1) Does Russia want a war with the EU or the US or NATO?
Nope. Not a hell's chance

2) What would China do?
Nothing. They can't afford to do anything, their economy is reliant on the US and EU.
What a coincidence this news comes just when Fanni's Clown Show went up in FLAMES......🤔
One of the biggest problems Americans have is the inability to believe the type of evil the people who run this place are capable of.
We actually export a lot to Europe. We get technology from and export technology to Europe. It is comprised mostly of democratic countries, not strongman authoritarian countries. GDP and ability to produce don't mean jack without free markets. Russia ain't exactly a big free market country. Control of Euope by Russia and Asia by China, and our goose would be cooked and served for lunch, no other nation in the world able to withstand, so If looking for a one world government, that is the path. If either of those two, ever looked out for the interests of any other nations, I do not remember it. If either of those two are known to support human rights, nobody has ever heard of that either.

Maybe these EU NATO members should pitch in their agreed upon 2% to protect themselves. Instead, they rely on the US to foot the majority of the bill, from both a percentage and dollar perspective, while they spend the extra cash that they don’t send to NATO on far-out green policies and other such childish nonsense.
If the people of Europe need our services why wouldn't they always need our services…why would who leads the nation change that?

So…why should that matter to Americans?

GDP don’t mean jack shit…have you been to any of the big GDP producing shitholes in America? They’re all dirty, disgusting, dangerous, divided taxpayer dependent hell-holes that offer ZERO quality of life.

Why…we have nukes?

Good leaders don’t look out for the interests of other nations. Shouldn’t they exhaust all effort in their home country?

Human rights” WTF?
Sane people would argue…Putin wouldn’t allow fentanyl across his border by the ton. That’s a human rights issue…isn’t it?
Walking away from responsibilities to support freedom, self-determination and support for allies is a new Trump thing, as he failed to learn the lessons of history, as did his cult followers, as yourself.

GDP means quite a bit, unless it is in a closed environment, where little or nothing is sold or bought outside the bubble. That is not the case for the vast majority of countries in the world, certainly not the ones that last or thrive. If you have dirty production centers spoiling your environment, clean them up and regulate them, not to destroy your environment. This was once a hallmark of long range thinking of the Republican Party, when they created the Environmental Protection Agency, whole cloth, legislatively giving it, it mandate by both houses of Congress and the Republican President that brought it about. The created many Superfund cleanup sites of industrial pollution, to large to be handled with local fund, where business that created them mess had been allowed to do as they please, externalizing the costs of the operational production, while retaining the profits, walking away from damage done. Yes, from the beginning of the war on pollution, the Republican Party, led the way, as was a wise, conservative investment in the nations future, for the good of all. Alas, no more, do they seem to care. Some Republicans like you, with little understanding of economics would simply stop production, shipping the productivity and jobs to foreign countries but that is not the conservative way, and very shortsighted.
In every organized human endeavor, there is a balancing act, be it government or private interest business, of cost, profit, benefit and harm to short term/long term benefit, and continuity. Conservative philosophy recognized this, in the past, legislating controls so short term private profit, did not externalize costs to society or the planet as a whole, thus providing long term stability and continued opportunity to those around us, as well as our children and our children's children into the future, in this a relatively clean environment, while providing jobs, goods and services, general prosperity, opportunity. Small businesses that do not take conservative management and planning seriously are short lived. History says much the same of countries.

Why have nukes? Simply, we do not live in a utopian world, and probably will not, now that the genie is out of the bottle, and bad actors having the same destructive genie will not unilaterally disarm. If ever facing a gun fight, would you prefer to be the one, that gave up all your guns first, defenseless under the guns of superior strength? Or would you prefer to be in a situation to force a standoff, where those guns are not fired? Peace and security through strength at home and abroad with allies, is the conservative way to conserve the general good.

Isolationism and protectionism are not the way, or even feasible on a planet, where the good of the whole is inextricably tied to the interactions of the many, and must be cooperatively managed. This like all other governmental policy is best managed with the input of the many, rather than to the short term benefit of the few. Our conservative founding fathers knew this, almost 250 years ago, when they designed this experiment in representative democracy, that has now out live many countries, where top down rule by the few have failed.

Indeed, Russian governments for over 150 years through Vodka, and are unlikely to give in their that up in their country to competition with unregulated black market fentanyl. We must do better to control the black market here. Article abound on the government sponsored use and production of alcohol to control the masses in that country.
You're a dumbass all you liberals were yelling Trump will start ww3. You're a typical liberal and you do as you're told to do.
Probably not...but you're way too stupid to have noticed~ of the few positives I'll say about Trump is how he resisted the efforts of Bannon and the warhawks during his administration.

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