BREAKING! THIS IS IT ---- Biden Give's Ukraine permission to Use F-16 Jets to Launch Attacks Inside Russia

Then what “other” side did many so Americans die for?
Friends of mine died, answering the call of our country. I do not know about friends of yours, if you are old enough to have served there or had friends there.
Friends of mine died, answering the call of our country. I do not know about friends of yours, if you are old enough to have served there or had friends there.
Those were Americans fighting on the American side. What other Americans died, which is what you originally claimed.
Those were Americans fighting on the American side. What other Americans died, which is what you originally claimed.
Either you misunderstood or it was poorly worded. It is certainly not what I meant or believe.
I knew this would happen! Get ready folks. Biden and his handlers know that they haven't a chance in hell of beating Trump. Now, this is their plan B. My advice, stock up on Iodine Tablets.

The expansion of NATO into former Soviet states was driven by several factors.

Firstly, it was seen as a way to promote stability and security in the region, especially in the wake of the dissolution of the Soviet Union.

Additionally, it was viewed as a means to promote democracy and support the sovereignty of these newly independent states.

However, the promise of NATO not expanding eastward was made by Western leaders to Soviet leaders in the early 1990s as a condition for the reunification of Germany and the withdrawal of Soviet troops from Eastern Europe.

This promise was broken when NATO began to expand into former Soviet states such as Poland, Hungary, and the Czech Republic in the late 1990s and early 2000s.

The expansion of NATO into former Soviet states( including Ukraine )has been a source of tension between the West and Russia, as Russia sees it as a threat to its security and influence in the region. This has contributed to the deterioration of relations between Russia and the West in recent years.

War is a racket, but this one may be like Pandora's box. Amen!
Let's see; there are two countries at war, killing each other on a daily basis, but using fighter jets is somehow off the mark? Wake up.
more food for thought...:dunno:

More dead Ukrainians (the few that are left) more dead mercenaries.....

Because if that madness happens, and one hopes it won't,Russia will not take it lying down. :dunno:

If you invade another country, your right to be angry when they come across your border to fight you is gone.

Don't want Ukraine to use American aircraft to attack your supply lines and command centers for their troops? Don't invade Ukraine.
Ah, perhaps I was premature. Or overly optimistic.

I hadn't seen this oh-so-typical response from the QAnon'r J-Mac before I posted my belief he could be a better contributor to USMB.

"Suck-a-d*ck-poster" an unmistakable tell on the character, education, and intelligence of poor disadvantaged 'j-mac'.

But, in truth, it should not surprise anyone. As we've read j-mac's contributions here previously, he is firmly entrenched into MAGA/QAnon worldview. And as we all know that demographic here in America carries with it....fairly or unfairly .....the widely perceived belief (actually, a cliche' or 'folk-wisdom') that the MAGA/Q's are amongst America's most undereducated, least informed, identifiable segment of our nation's population.

Hell yes, it is sad.
But that phenomena of disadvantaged ones has been an anchor holding back other societies, and even here in America in other times.

Ah, I can see that my reply upset poor Chili….Tell me son, what do I have to do in any way, shape or form, with Biden giving billions to Ukraine?

See, whenever these bomb throwers like Chili get their whittle feewinggs hurt, they lash out with name calling like “MAGAt”, or “Qanon” showing the real lack of education here…it lies with Chili…

These infantile bastards merely accuse others of what they themselves do, think, and run on, to confuse the readers, and make themselves appear to be smarter than they truly are. But remember, it’s projection, and they really have no answer so they must deflect.
You did…He’s now plying word games to deflect…
It’s ok. I like White. I was merely busting gonads; and he doesn’t get too worked up over such jocularity.

At the risk of being on topic (yeah, I feel the need), there is some merit in the OP, as I see it. It doesn’t seem to ever dawn on our Democraps (or our demented President) that Potato’s actions can have consequences.

This particular escalation is quite likely to yield additional reactions from the scumbag, Putin. So, while it perhaps doesn’t — alone — put us in the crosshairs of a nuclear war, there is a perfectly logical reason to view it as a link in a chain. That chain could lead us where nobody wants to go.
It’s ok. I like White. I was merely busting gonads; and he doesn’t get too worked up over such jocularity.

At the risk of being on topic (yeah, I feel the need), there is some merit in the OP, as I see it. It doesn’t seem to ever dawn on our Democraps (or our demented President) that Potato’s actions can have consequences.

This particular escalation is quite likely to yield additional reactions from the scumbag, Putin. So, while it perhaps doesn’t — alone — put us in the crosshairs of a nuclear war, there is a perfectly logical reason to view it as a link in a chain. That chain could lead us where nobody wants to go.
Other than your assessment of White, I agree.
I only said they were stepping up since this conflict started with the Russian invasion, not that I thought they were paying their agreed upon share before this.

To borrow a favorite phrase of the left, it is funny they only start “paying their fair share“ when they are in iminent danger. If/when the Russian/Ukrainian war is over, you can bet you bottom dollar that if a typical spineless Democrat is in office, they will revert back to their frivolous ways and expect the US to pick up the slack.
Ah, I can see that my reply upset poor Chili….Tell me son, what do I have to do in any way, shape or form, with Biden giving billions to Ukraine?

See, whenever these bomb throwers like Chili get their whittle feewinggs hurt, they lash out with name calling like “MAGAt”, or “Qanon” showing the real lack of education here…it lies with Chili…

These infantile bastards merely accuse others of what they themselves do, think, and run on, to confuse the readers, and make themselves appear to be smarter than they truly are. But remember, it’s projection, and they really have no answer so they must deflect.
Who the fuck are you talking to? Why do RWNJs address the whole board? It's dumb.

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