Breaking: Three Muslim Students Murdered at Chapel Hill

I've never heard of a militant atheist. Sounds like an oxy moron.

well that is what he calls himself

so there ya go
He sounds confused and not at all like a person that leans left.

only left but hard left

What a hopelessly asinine couple of posts.

Are y'all trying to tell us this was a political murder? Howzat work?
Because their friends say it's a hate crime. You know, all that "Islam is the root of all evil" sold on these pages on an hourly basis?

oops - AWKward...

Political philosophies don't kill people. Extremists and murderers kill people.
Usually with guns.
Perhaps you can explain why the left tried to claim that this guy was a christian and that he was a member of the tea party? Several posters on this board have made those claims.

Perhaps you could essplain what the fuck "the left" is that's some kind of monolith? What is it, a race to you people?

Perhaps you could essplain why the two posts above are trying to make a hate crime into a political one, running for the end zone in some political fooball game scoreboard before the bodies are cold. Perhaps you could essplain how that ain't disgusting partisan hackery.

I just got here. Been on the road all day. But all I've seen on a cursory view of this site is "atheist". Atheism has jack fucking squat to do with this. I know exactly what's going on -- y'all saw the phrase "gun toting atheist" and figured you'd better beat the shit out of the second noun so that the relevant one -- the first one -- would be forgotten. That ain't gonna happen. It's as transparent as a brand new window.
well that is what he calls himself

so there ya go
He sounds confused and not at all like a person that leans left.

only left but hard left

What a hopelessly asinine couple of posts.

Are y'all trying to tell us this was a political murder? Howzat work?
Because their friends say it's a hate crime. You know, all that "Islam is the root of all evil" sold on these pages on an hourly basis?

oops - AWKward...

Political philosophies don't kill people. Extremists and murderers kill people.
Usually with guns.
Perhaps you can explain why the left tried to claim that this guy was a christian and that he was a member of the tea party? Several posters on this board have made those claims.

Perhaps you could essplain what the fuck "the left" is that's some kind of monolith? What is it, a race to you people?

Perhaps you could essplain why the two posts above are trying to make a hate crime into a political one, running for the end zone in some political fooball game scoreboard before the bodies are cold. Perhaps you could essplain how that ain't disgusting partisan hackery.

I just got here. Been on the road all day. But all I've seen on a cursory view of this site is "atheist". Atheism has jack fucking squat to do with this. I know exactly what's going on -- y'all saw the phrase "gun toting atheist" and figured you'd better beat the shit out of the second noun so that the relevant one -- the first one -- would be forgotten. That ain't gonna happen. It's as transparent as a brand new window.
Wrong you retard this thread is in direct response to Noteapartyplease and his thread claiming that the killer was a christian tea party member. And in response to claims by sealybobo that conservatives caused the deaths, and of course Guno claiming that christian rightwingers did it. This thread does not claim it was political at all t points out that the claim that rightwing Christians not only did not do this but that a leftwing atheist did it.

I notice you have not called any of them to task for claim politics had something to do with it or religion.
Old people like to live in the past. Iraq is gone. Isis in.

Conquerors become Kings. Vae victis.
well that is what he calls himself

so there ya go
He sounds confused and not at all like a person that leans left.

only left but hard left

What a hopelessly asinine couple of posts.

Are y'all trying to tell us this was a political murder? Howzat work?
Because their friends say it's a hate crime. You know, all that "Islam is the root of all evil" sold on these pages on an hourly basis?

oops - AWKward...

Political philosophies don't kill people. Extremists and murderers kill people.
Usually with guns.
Perhaps you can explain why the left tried to claim that this guy was a christian and that he was a member of the tea party? Several posters on this board have made those claims.

Perhaps you could essplain what the fuck "the left" is that's some kind of monolith? What is it, a race to you people?

Perhaps you could essplain why the two posts above are trying to make a hate crime into a political one, running for the end zone in some political fooball game scoreboard before the bodies are cold. Perhaps you could essplain how that ain't disgusting partisan hackery.

I just got here. Been on the road all day. But all I've seen on a cursory view of this site is "atheist". Atheism has jack fucking squat to do with this. I know exactly what's going on -- y'all saw the phrase "gun toting atheist" and figured you'd better beat the shit out of the second noun so that the relevant one -- the first one -- would be forgotten. That ain't gonna happen. It's as transparent as a brand new window.

I dont even know what you just said and i read it twice, my head hurts now.
I think his political or religious beliefs have shit all to do with what he did.

This is a paranoid pyscho that went on a killing spree after being fed hate towards Muslims by the media and the internet.

Next up, in the line of reasoning:
* Guy rapes girl, therefore all men in x city are rapists.
* One 'Christian' bombs abortion clinic, therefore all Christians are 'terrorists' and endorse terrorism.
* One 'Muslim' suicide bombs a school, therefore all Muslims are 'terrorists' and endorse terrorism.
* Stalin kills millions, therefore all Communists are 'mass murderers' and endorse state repression.
* Pol Pot kills a million+ Cambodians, therefore all Cambodians are 'mass murderers' and endorse genocide as state policy.
* European settlers of the Americas (who just happen to be Christian) wipe out millions of native people's, therefore all Americans of European descent are 'genocidal maniacs'.

And, on, and on...
over a parking stall yeah sure

the guy is a hard core leftist

and self described Militant atheist
I've never heard of a militant atheist. Sounds like an oxy moron.

well that is what he calls himself

so there ya go
He sounds confused and not at all like a person that leans left.

only left but hard left

What a hopelessly asinine couple of posts.

Are y'all trying to tell us this was a political murder? Howzat work?
Because their friends say it's a hate crime. You know, all that "Islam is the root of all evil" sold on these pages on an hourly basis?

oops - AWKward...

Political philosophies don't kill people. Extremists and murderers kill people.
Usually with guns.
Just as religious beliefs – or the lack thereof – don't kill people.

Individuals alone are responsible for their actions, not the religion they belong to.
This is what happens when blind bigotry starts to run amok.
These three kids pay the price for the crimes of ISIS and died at the hands of America's best known homegrown product: the bigoted white redneck with a gun.

3 Muslim students shot to death in apartment near UNC Chapel Hill
3 Muslim students shot to death in apartment near UNC Chapel Hill -

"""Police haven't said what may have compelled the accused, Craig Stephen Hicks, to allegedly carry out the attack Tuesday evening. He turned himself in to police later in the night.

But given the victims' religion and comments the alleged shooter apparently left on a Facebook page, many social media users wondered what role, if any, the victims' faith played.
The victims were Muslims: Deah Shaddy Barakat, 23; Yusor Mohammad, 21; and Razan Mohammad Abu-Salha, 19.""""

A quick trip to the Craig Hicks's Facebook page reveals that not only was Hicks a fan of the SPLC, he was a self-described “militant atheist”- with numerous photos, memes and posts mocking Christianity. Some posts call God a sociopath and call Christianity a “pyramid scheme.” His other Facebook likes include the Neil DeGrasse Tyson television show “Cosmos,” famous British atheist Richard Dawkins, Bill Nye the Science Guy, Sarah Silverman, Friedrich Nietzsche, The Huffington Post, LGBT Ally groups and various other progressive fan pages. It is safe to say this is the same man as the Craig Hicks who appeared in court Feb.11, as Hicks's personal photos match the appearance of the man who appeared in court yesterday. - See more at: Chapel Hill Shooting Suspect a Fan of Left Wing Hate Group SPLC

he's a leftist assclown, like all leftist
This is what happens when blind bigotry starts to run amok.
These three kids pay the price for the crimes of ISIS and died at the hands of America's best known homegrown product: the bigoted white redneck with a gun.

3 Muslim students shot to death in apartment near UNC Chapel Hill
3 Muslim students shot to death in apartment near UNC Chapel Hill -

"""Police haven't said what may have compelled the accused, Craig Stephen Hicks, to allegedly carry out the attack Tuesday evening. He turned himself in to police later in the night.

But given the victims' religion and comments the alleged shooter apparently left on a Facebook page, many social media users wondered what role, if any, the victims' faith played.
The victims were Muslims: Deah Shaddy Barakat, 23; Yusor Mohammad, 21; and Razan Mohammad Abu-Salha, 19.""""

A quick trip to the Craig Hicks's Facebook page reveals that not only was Hicks a fan of the SPLC, he was a self-described “militant atheist”- with numerous photos, memes and posts mocking Christianity. Some posts call God a sociopath and call Christianity a “pyramid scheme.” His other Facebook likes include the Neil DeGrasse Tyson television show “Cosmos,” famous British atheist Richard Dawkins, Bill Nye the Science Guy, Sarah Silverman, Friedrich Nietzsche, The Huffington Post, LGBT Ally groups and various other progressive fan pages. It is safe to say this is the same man as the Craig Hicks who appeared in court Feb.11, as Hicks's personal photos match the appearance of the man who appeared in court yesterday. - See more at: Chapel Hill Shooting Suspect a Fan of Left Wing Hate Group SPLC

he's a leftist assclown, like all leftist

Assclownage would be you, Sparky, for jumping over three dead bodies to try to score political points on an internet message board. Apparently that's all three innocent lives are worth to you.

If losers like you need to run association fallacies, that puts you in the same camp with all sorts of sleaze f4rom Steve McRacist to David Duke to Adolf Hitler.

Your logic. That what you want?

He sounds confused and not at all like a person that leans left.

only left but hard left

What a hopelessly asinine couple of posts.

Are y'all trying to tell us this was a political murder? Howzat work?
Because their friends say it's a hate crime. You know, all that "Islam is the root of all evil" sold on these pages on an hourly basis?

oops - AWKward...

Political philosophies don't kill people. Extremists and murderers kill people.
Usually with guns.
Perhaps you can explain why the left tried to claim that this guy was a christian and that he was a member of the tea party? Several posters on this board have made those claims.

Perhaps you could essplain what the fuck "the left" is that's some kind of monolith? What is it, a race to you people?

Perhaps you could essplain why the two posts above are trying to make a hate crime into a political one, running for the end zone in some political fooball game scoreboard before the bodies are cold. Perhaps you could essplain how that ain't disgusting partisan hackery.

I just got here. Been on the road all day. But all I've seen on a cursory view of this site is "atheist". Atheism has jack fucking squat to do with this. I know exactly what's going on -- y'all saw the phrase "gun toting atheist" and figured you'd better beat the shit out of the second noun so that the relevant one -- the first one -- would be forgotten. That ain't gonna happen. It's as transparent as a brand new window.
Wrong you retard this thread is in direct response to Noteapartyplease and his thread claiming that the killer was a christian tea party member. And in response to claims by sealybobo that conservatives caused the deaths, and of course Guno claiming that christian rightwingers did it. This thread does not claim it was political at all t points out that the claim that rightwing Christians not only did not do this but that a leftwing atheist did it.

I notice you have not called any of them to task for claim politics had something to do with it or religion.

obviously pogo once again

demonstrates that at best she is a dope


it is all too common for the left to try and blame

these wackadoos on the right

however in this day and age with the Internets

it is all too easy to see the truth
only left but hard left

What a hopelessly asinine couple of posts.

Are y'all trying to tell us this was a political murder? Howzat work?
Because their friends say it's a hate crime. You know, all that "Islam is the root of all evil" sold on these pages on an hourly basis?

oops - AWKward...

Political philosophies don't kill people. Extremists and murderers kill people.
Usually with guns.
Perhaps you can explain why the left tried to claim that this guy was a christian and that he was a member of the tea party? Several posters on this board have made those claims.

Perhaps you could essplain what the fuck "the left" is that's some kind of monolith? What is it, a race to you people?

Perhaps you could essplain why the two posts above are trying to make a hate crime into a political one, running for the end zone in some political fooball game scoreboard before the bodies are cold. Perhaps you could essplain how that ain't disgusting partisan hackery.

I just got here. Been on the road all day. But all I've seen on a cursory view of this site is "atheist". Atheism has jack fucking squat to do with this. I know exactly what's going on -- y'all saw the phrase "gun toting atheist" and figured you'd better beat the shit out of the second noun so that the relevant one -- the first one -- would be forgotten. That ain't gonna happen. It's as transparent as a brand new window.
Wrong you retard this thread is in direct response to Noteapartyplease and his thread claiming that the killer was a christian tea party member. And in response to claims by sealybobo that conservatives caused the deaths, and of course Guno claiming that christian rightwingers did it. This thread does not claim it was political at all t points out that the claim that rightwing Christians not only did not do this but that a leftwing atheist did it.

I notice you have not called any of them to task for claim politics had something to do with it or religion.

obviously pogo once again

demonstrates that at best she is a dope


it is all too common for the left to try and blame

these wackadoos on the right

however in this day and age with the Internets

it is all too easy to see the truth

apparently you cannot

even tell

one gender from the other

so perhaps

you're out of your league here

He sounds confused and not at all like a person that leans left.

only left but hard left

What a hopelessly asinine couple of posts.

Are y'all trying to tell us this was a political murder? Howzat work?
Because their friends say it's a hate crime. You know, all that "Islam is the root of all evil" sold on these pages on an hourly basis?

oops - AWKward...

Political philosophies don't kill people. Extremists and murderers kill people.
Usually with guns.
Perhaps you can explain why the left tried to claim that this guy was a christian and that he was a member of the tea party? Several posters on this board have made those claims.

Perhaps you could essplain what the fuck "the left" is that's some kind of monolith? What is it, a race to you people?

Perhaps you could essplain why the two posts above are trying to make a hate crime into a political one, running for the end zone in some political fooball game scoreboard before the bodies are cold. Perhaps you could essplain how that ain't disgusting partisan hackery.

I just got here. Been on the road all day. But all I've seen on a cursory view of this site is "atheist". Atheism has jack fucking squat to do with this. I know exactly what's going on -- y'all saw the phrase "gun toting atheist" and figured you'd better beat the shit out of the second noun so that the relevant one -- the first one -- would be forgotten. That ain't gonna happen. It's as transparent as a brand new window.
Wrong you retard this thread is in direct response to Noteapartyplease and his thread claiming that the killer was a christian tea party member. And in response to claims by sealybobo that conservatives caused the deaths, and of course Guno claiming that christian rightwingers did it. This thread does not claim it was political at all t points out that the claim that rightwing Christians not only did not do this but that a leftwing atheist did it.

I notice you have not called any of them to task for claim politics had something to do with it or religion.

He can't be left wing, they are scared of guns right?
This is what happens when blind bigotry starts to run amok.
These three kids pay the price for the crimes of ISIS and died at the hands of America's best known homegrown product: the bigoted white redneck with a gun.

3 Muslim students shot to death in apartment near UNC Chapel Hill
3 Muslim students shot to death in apartment near UNC Chapel Hill -

"""Police haven't said what may have compelled the accused, Craig Stephen Hicks, to allegedly carry out the attack Tuesday evening. He turned himself in to police later in the night.

But given the victims' religion and comments the alleged shooter apparently left on a Facebook page, many social media users wondered what role, if any, the victims' faith played.
The victims were Muslims: Deah Shaddy Barakat, 23; Yusor Mohammad, 21; and Razan Mohammad Abu-Salha, 19.""""

A quick trip to the Craig Hicks's Facebook page reveals that not only was Hicks a fan of the SPLC, he was a self-described “militant atheist”- with numerous photos, memes and posts mocking Christianity. Some posts call God a sociopath and call Christianity a “pyramid scheme.” His other Facebook likes include the Neil DeGrasse Tyson television show “Cosmos,” famous British atheist Richard Dawkins, Bill Nye the Science Guy, Sarah Silverman, Friedrich Nietzsche, The Huffington Post, LGBT Ally groups and various other progressive fan pages. It is safe to say this is the same man as the Craig Hicks who appeared in court Feb.11, as Hicks's personal photos match the appearance of the man who appeared in court yesterday. - See more at: Chapel Hill Shooting Suspect a Fan of Left Wing Hate Group SPLC

he's a leftist assclown, like all leftist

Assclownage would be you, Sparky, for jumping over three dead bodies to try to score political points on an internet message board. Apparently that's all three innocent lives are worth to you.

If losers like you need to run association fallacies, that puts you in the same camp with all sorts of sleaze f4rom Steve McRacist to David Duke to Adolf Hitler.

Your logic. That what you want?


Are you referring to the OP who immediately jumped to a conclusion that fit his political agenda ?
This is what happens when blind bigotry starts to run amok.
These three kids pay the price for the crimes of ISIS and died at the hands of America's best known homegrown product: the bigoted white redneck with a gun.

3 Muslim students shot to death in apartment near UNC Chapel Hill
3 Muslim students shot to death in apartment near UNC Chapel Hill -

"""Police haven't said what may have compelled the accused, Craig Stephen Hicks, to allegedly carry out the attack Tuesday evening. He turned himself in to police later in the night.

But given the victims' religion and comments the alleged shooter apparently left on a Facebook page, many social media users wondered what role, if any, the victims' faith played.
The victims were Muslims: Deah Shaddy Barakat, 23; Yusor Mohammad, 21; and Razan Mohammad Abu-Salha, 19.""""

A quick trip to the Craig Hicks's Facebook page reveals that not only was Hicks a fan of the SPLC, he was a self-described “militant atheist”- with numerous photos, memes and posts mocking Christianity. Some posts call God a sociopath and call Christianity a “pyramid scheme.” His other Facebook likes include the Neil DeGrasse Tyson television show “Cosmos,” famous British atheist Richard Dawkins, Bill Nye the Science Guy, Sarah Silverman, Friedrich Nietzsche, The Huffington Post, LGBT Ally groups and various other progressive fan pages. It is safe to say this is the same man as the Craig Hicks who appeared in court Feb.11, as Hicks's personal photos match the appearance of the man who appeared in court yesterday. - See more at: Chapel Hill Shooting Suspect a Fan of Left Wing Hate Group SPLC

he's a leftist assclown, like all leftist

Assclownage would be you, Sparky, for jumping over three dead bodies to try to score political points on an internet message board. Apparently that's all three innocent lives are worth to you.

If losers like you need to run association fallacies, that puts you in the same camp with all sorts of sleaze f4rom Steve McRacist to David Duke to Adolf Hitler.

Your logic. That what you want?


Are you referring to the OP who immediately jumped to a conclusion that fit his political agenda ?

In this thread? That makes no sense.

There's nothing in the OP about politics. That came in TwoScums' post above -- and several others.
That kid of shit needs to crawl into a gutter and drown in its own puke.
He sounds confused and not at all like a person that leans left.

only left but hard left

What a hopelessly asinine couple of posts.

Are y'all trying to tell us this was a political murder? Howzat work?
Because their friends say it's a hate crime. You know, all that "Islam is the root of all evil" sold on these pages on an hourly basis?

oops - AWKward...

Political philosophies don't kill people. Extremists and murderers kill people.
Usually with guns.
Perhaps you can explain why the left tried to claim that this guy was a christian and that he was a member of the tea party? Several posters on this board have made those claims.

Perhaps you could essplain what the fuck "the left" is that's some kind of monolith? What is it, a race to you people?

Perhaps you could essplain why the two posts above are trying to make a hate crime into a political one, running for the end zone in some political fooball game scoreboard before the bodies are cold. Perhaps you could essplain how that ain't disgusting partisan hackery.

I just got here. Been on the road all day. But all I've seen on a cursory view of this site is "atheist". Atheism has jack fucking squat to do with this. I know exactly what's going on -- y'all saw the phrase "gun toting atheist" and figured you'd better beat the shit out of the second noun so that the relevant one -- the first one -- would be forgotten. That ain't gonna happen. It's as transparent as a brand new window.
Wrong you retard this thread is in direct response to Noteapartyplease and his thread claiming that the killer was a christian tea party member. And in response to claims by sealybobo that conservatives caused the deaths, and of course Guno claiming that christian rightwingers did it. This thread does not claim it was political at all t points out that the claim that rightwing Christians not only did not do this but that a leftwing atheist did it.

I notice you have not called any of them to task for claim politics had something to do with it or religion.

You sir are completely batshit insane. Not that that's breaking news.
There's nothing in the OP about "tea party", "Christians", politics or "rightwingers".
What I do see is the assessment that this is what hate bigotry leads to. And that is correct; I made exactly the same point in here. And this polarizing horseshit is just another version of it.

Batshit infuckingsane.
Last edited:
This is what happens when blind bigotry starts to run amok.
These three kids pay the price for the crimes of ISIS and died at the hands of America's best known homegrown product: the bigoted white redneck with a gun.

3 Muslim students shot to death in apartment near UNC Chapel Hill
3 Muslim students shot to death in apartment near UNC Chapel Hill -

"""Police haven't said what may have compelled the accused, Craig Stephen Hicks, to allegedly carry out the attack Tuesday evening. He turned himself in to police later in the night.

But given the victims' religion and comments the alleged shooter apparently left on a Facebook page, many social media users wondered what role, if any, the victims' faith played.
The victims were Muslims: Deah Shaddy Barakat, 23; Yusor Mohammad, 21; and Razan Mohammad Abu-Salha, 19.""""

This and similar incidents are what comes from the anti-arab/Muslim propaganda from US media since 9/11. Arabs, Muslims, and anyone not Christian is a threat. For most of us, being calm rational well-adjusted human beings we understand this isn't true and aren't so close to snapping simple repetition will push us over the line, but for some, it's enough. See someone in hijab or with a beard and you go off from the slightest provcation.
This is what happens when blind bigotry starts to run amok.
These three kids pay the price for the crimes of ISIS and died at the hands of America's best known homegrown product: the bigoted white redneck with a gun.

3 Muslim students shot to death in apartment near UNC Chapel Hill
3 Muslim students shot to death in apartment near UNC Chapel Hill -

"""Police haven't said what may have compelled the accused, Craig Stephen Hicks, to allegedly carry out the attack Tuesday evening. He turned himself in to police later in the night.

But given the victims' religion and comments the alleged shooter apparently left on a Facebook page, many social media users wondered what role, if any, the victims' faith played.
The victims were Muslims: Deah Shaddy Barakat, 23; Yusor Mohammad, 21; and Razan Mohammad Abu-Salha, 19.""""

This and similar incidents are what comes from the anti-arab/Muslim propaganda from US media since 9/11. Arabs, Muslims, and anyone not Christian is a threat. For most of us, being calm rational well-adjusted human beings we understand this isn't true and aren't so close to snapping simple repetition will push us over the line, but for some, it's enough. See someone in hijab or with a beard and you go off from the slightest provcation.
My Muslim neighbor and I were talking about this last night. He told me he hopes he is not paranoid but he is noticing that he gets a lot more menacing looks from idiots.

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