Breaking - Thug Fight: 9 Dead in Waco, TX

Gun culture =/= injuring people with said guns.

I'm afraid it does. It's inevitable considering the whole purpose of the instrument is TO HURT PEOPLE.


It's inevitable considering the whole purpose of the instrument is TO HURT PEOPLE.

Wrong...the whole purpose of the gun, the instrument is to save the life of the user and the people the user wants to protect....and it does this often with out ever firing a shot.....since most police never use their guns, and most gun owners never use their guns in self defense and when they do most of the time they do it without firing a shot.....

"Save" and "protect" -------- from what?

Didn't quite think this through, didja?

Guns save people from violent criminals, from dangerously mentally ill people, from governemnt out of control, from dangerous animals......guns are designed to save the lives of the users and the people the user wants to protect....

You didn't think it through....did you.....try to overcome your democrat controlled will be a better person for overcoming it......

Guns kill 32,000 Americans a other nation would tolerate it

No....guns murder 8,454 Americans in 2013.....guns accidentally were the tool in 505 deaths, and all the rest were people taking their own lives...and as we know from Japan, South Korea and many other countries with strict gun control...they have 2 times the rate of suicide that we have and they have no access to guns......

So out of 320 million people, 8,454 are murdered with guns...while close to 2 million times a year guns are used to stop violent criminal attack and save lives

Out of 320 million people, with over 320 million guns in private hands, and over 90 million homes with guns in them, and over 11.1 million people carrying guns for self defense...only 505 people died in gun accidents.......while over 35,000 died in car accidents.....
So your complaint is that I'm stating the obvious?

Hey, why pass up a chance to mock a nonworking meme?

Obvious? What's obvious is you can't help but whine about guns. Maybe, step back and learn about what's going down in TX. There's plenty of gun debate threads, dude. The OP; was it a gun debate? Somehow, that doesn't matter to a bitch like you.

Uh, you're the only one "whining" here Sparkles. What I did directly was mock a standard internet meme popular with gunnutters: "we don't live in a gun culture". And all you can do is whine about it.

Smatta? Can dish it out but can't take it?
So your complaint is that I'm stating the obvious?

Hey, why pass up a chance to mock a nonworking meme?

Obvious? What's obvious is you can't help but whine about guns. Maybe, step back and learn about what's going down in TX. There's plenty of gun debate threads, dude. The OP; was it a gun debate? Somehow, that doesn't matter to a bitch like you.

Uh, you're the only one "whining" here Sparkles. What I did directly was mock a standard internet meme popular with gunnutters: "we don't live in a gun culture". And all you can do is whine about it.

Smatta? Can dish it out but can't take it?

Guess we also live in a chain, clubs, and knife culture as well, then, since those were a number of the 50-100 weapons that were confiscated, according to the police chief, from the 150-200 outlaw bike gang members that were present.

Hey, find us regular stories of chain/club/knife violence, find me even one instance of somebody going into a school or movie theater or public event chaining/clubbing/knifing kids to death, find me an endless stream of chains/clubs/knives romanticized in most Hollywood flicks, an endless sorry parade of video games, too many comic books to count and any given TV channel on any given day, and I'll click an "Agree" on this post so fast it'll make your head spin.

Denialists are so amusing. Makes me wanna hand my wet laundry to 'em for the spin cycle.
Oh please, pogo. Denialists? You co-opted that from the agw crowd, thinking it would insult me. It doesn't. This is not about school shootings , this is about criminal syndicate biker gangs. Read up on the bandidos, one of the outlaw gangs involved. I can almost assure their guns are illegal, and they would have them even if all guns were illegal.
Bandidos Motorcycle Club - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
BANDIDOS MC - The Offical Website

I simply read your post -- that's all I needed to see Denialism. Even now you're trying desperately to shift the topic all the way out to "whether their guns are 'legal'". Who gives a shit? That was never the point. 'Legal' and 'illegal' guns do exactly the same thing and work exactly the same way.

No...wrong guns are used to stop or prevent violent criminal attack and save lives....illegal guns are used to commit crimes, and owning one is an illegal act that deserves arrest.........try harder.....
^^^^^Not a real 2A supporter. There should be no such thing as legal or illegal guns.
Developing Nine dead in shooting involving rival bike gangs in Waco Texas

(CNN) — Nine people were killed Sunday in a shooting among rival bikers in Waco, Texas, CNN affiliates KXXV and KXTX reported.

“Multiple injuries to include multiple fatalities,” the Waco Police Department said in a post on Facebook. “Officers were on scene when shooting started. No officers have been injured.”

Police said the shooting took place at Twin Peaks restaurant and urged people to avoid the Central Texas Marketplace, a shopping center.

But this reminder just in -- we "don't live in a gun culture". :rolleyes:

Do lefties even understand the difference between the Bill of Rights and committing felonies? Anybody think the thugs were NRA members? If you insist about whining about "gun culture" go out and picket Hollywood.

192 Arrested - 9 Dead. Let me update my facebook

Imagine if two black gangs had shot up a restaurant and left 9 dead. Now look at this picture.

Yeah...they are all older and not young so when the police got control they chilled out...and are waiting for their lawyers...they are old hands at being arrested.....young inner city gang members...are young and stupid....and think fighting with the police is a winning idea.....big difference in age and maturity....of these thugs....

They arent even being arrested idiot. They're just there chilling, a gang, with the police, at a crime scene...just chillin
Are you fucking kidding me...baltimore is a fucking shooting gallery every single day.......and since the riots the shootings have increased...

Haven't seen a massacre like this in Baltimore.....let alone two like we got in Waco

Shows the limitations of Republican leadership

You do realize that baltimore is one of the most violent cities in the United States...right? and that it is a shooting gallery every day...right? So....wrong again...try harder....

Branch Davidians........too many guns
Twin Peaks.....too many guns

Thank your second amendment for both

No, the branch dividians was the government screwing up a simple shots had to be fired to do what they wanted since law enforcement had been out there all the time...and could easily have arrested the leader as he walked back to the compound...alone....from town.......

Twin Peaks...what is that one?

Lets see...

Branch Davidians shoot four Federal Agents and then shoot women and children during the fire
Twin Peaks shows how adding guns to a confrontation creates a massacre

Guns? Oh yea....guns don't change things

And using guns to kill lawful federal agents executing their duties is not protected by the 2nd Amendment...and is a crime.....and they should have been arrested...not burned alive.......

And again...what is Twin Peaks? Besides a television show from the 90s......a weird one at that....
At least these bikers aren't are afraid to mix it up with their own kind. Quite unlike sissy boys like bush and cheney that send the military to do their fighting for them.

what an idiot you are

What part of that post is wrong?


Bringing up Bush and Cheney in a CURRENT EVENT is just stupid. It's just retarded to continually bring every thread around to cutting down political figures. Of course you would agree if this had been a thread about blacks killing each other and someone had brought up Obama, but that's because you are a partisan shit stain.

So --- no part of it is wrong.
It's called an "analogy", Shirley, and analogies don't need to be "current". Your new word for the day. Learn it.

Show me anyone condoning it?
Twin Peaks Waco
And a few are showing their anger on their facebook page. Some have been deleted.
Why do white people condone armed gangs shooting up restaurants?
I've not seen any lectures for holding this type of activity in restaurants. There were many lectures when black people simply protested in restaurants.

192 Arrested - 9 Dead. Let me update my facebook

Imagine if two black gangs had shot up a restaurant and left 9 dead. Now look at this picture.

Yeah...they are all older and not young so when the police got control they chilled out...and are waiting for their lawyers...they are old hands at being arrested.....young inner city gang members...are young and stupid....and think fighting with the police is a winning idea.....big difference in age and maturity....of these thugs....

They arent even being arrested idiot. They're just there chilling, a gang, with the police, at a crime scene...just chillin

Are you really that fucking stupid...well, yes you are.....the police obviously didn't have the resources to immediately transport over 190 criminals....and notice these thugs are waiting patiently to be taken to jail.........inner city gang members should learn that lesson...they would live longer.....
So your complaint is that I'm stating the obvious?

Hey, why pass up a chance to mock a nonworking meme?

Obvious? What's obvious is you can't help but whine about guns. Maybe, step back and learn about what's going down in TX. There's plenty of gun debate threads, dude. The OP; was it a gun debate? Somehow, that doesn't matter to a bitch like you.

Uh, you're the only one "whining" here Sparkles. What I did directly was mock a standard internet meme popular with gunnutters: "we don't live in a gun culture". And all you can do is whine about it.

Smatta? Can dish it out but can't take it?
So your complaint is that I'm stating the obvious?

Hey, why pass up a chance to mock a nonworking meme?

Obvious? What's obvious is you can't help but whine about guns. Maybe, step back and learn about what's going down in TX. There's plenty of gun debate threads, dude. The OP; was it a gun debate? Somehow, that doesn't matter to a bitch like you.

Uh, you're the only one "whining" here Sparkles. What I did directly was mock a standard internet meme popular with gunnutters: "we don't live in a gun culture". And all you can do is whine about it.

Smatta? Can dish it out but can't take it?

Guess we also live in a chain, clubs, and knife culture as well, then, since those were a number of the 50-100 weapons that were confiscated, according to the police chief, from the 150-200 outlaw bike gang members that were present.

Hey, find us regular stories of chain/club/knife violence, find me even one instance of somebody going into a school or movie theater or public event chaining/clubbing/knifing kids to death, find me an endless stream of chains/clubs/knives romanticized in most Hollywood flicks, an endless sorry parade of video games, too many comic books to count and any given TV channel on any given day, and I'll click an "Agree" on this post so fast it'll make your head spin.

Denialists are so amusing. Makes me wanna hand my wet laundry to 'em for the spin cycle.
Oh please, pogo. Denialists? You co-opted that from the agw crowd, thinking it would insult me. It doesn't. This is not about school shootings , this is about criminal syndicate biker gangs. Read up on the bandidos, one of the outlaw gangs involved. I can almost assure their guns are illegal, and they would have them even if all guns were illegal.
Bandidos Motorcycle Club - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
BANDIDOS MC - The Offical Website

I simply read your post -- that's all I needed to see Denialism. Even now you're trying desperately to shift the topic all the way out to "whether their guns are 'legal'". Who gives a shit? That was never the point. 'Legal' and 'illegal' guns do exactly the same thing and work exactly the same way.

Yet you contend by making guns illegal, the criminals won't still get them. You are simply wrong. How many still got pot when it was illegal everywhere?

DO I now.

And where did I say anything like this? :popcorn:
Lock the thugs up and throw away the key, that or just give them all a lethal injection. The world is better off without them.
Show me anyone condoning it?
Twin Peaks Waco
And a few are showing their anger on their facebook page. Some have been deleted.
Why do white people condone armed gangs shooting up restaurants?
I've not seen any lectures for holding this type of activity in restaurants. There were many lectures when black people simply protested in restaurants.

No....people were lecturing about burning down stores in a "peaceful" protest.....and no one has brought up your stupid point if criminals are going to divvy up gang territroy in a restarurant they should be told to leave.........moron.....
Show me anyone condoning it?
Twin Peaks Waco
And a few are showing their anger on their facebook page. Some have been deleted.
Why do white people condone armed gangs shooting up restaurants?
I've not seen any lectures for holding this type of activity in restaurants. There were many lectures when black people simply protested in restaurants.
:lol: The idiot teapers on this forum get mad when black people simply eat n a restaurant.
Show me anyone condoning it?
Twin Peaks Waco
And a few are showing their anger on their facebook page. Some have been deleted.
Why do white people condone armed gangs shooting up restaurants?
I've not seen any lectures for holding this type of activity in restaurants. There were many lectures when black people simply protested in restaurants.

No....people were lecturing about burning down stores in a "peaceful" protest.....and no one has brought up your stupid point if criminals are going to divvy up gang territroy in a restarurant they should be told to leave.........moron.....
You are confused. A couple of months ago there was a protest movement where black people went into restaurants and lectured people eating. There were many instances of finger pointing on this forum alone about how bad it was to interupt people's meals, and much lumping together of black people as being evil because this happened. There is nothing anywhere criticizing white people for a shootout in a restaurant.
Developing Nine dead in shooting involving rival bike gangs in Waco Texas

(CNN) — Nine people were killed Sunday in a shooting among rival bikers in Waco, Texas, CNN affiliates KXXV and KXTX reported.

“Multiple injuries to include multiple fatalities,” the Waco Police Department said in a post on Facebook. “Officers were on scene when shooting started. No officers have been injured.”

Police said the shooting took place at Twin Peaks restaurant and urged people to avoid the Central Texas Marketplace, a shopping center.

But this reminder just in -- we "don't live in a gun culture". :rolleyes:

Do lefties even understand the difference between the Bill of Rights and committing felonies? Anybody think the thugs were NRA members? If you insist about whining about "gun culture" go out and picket Hollywood.

Culture has nothing to do with "Bills of Rights". You don't legislate culture.
Hollywood's part of the problem, but in a reactive way. The culture preceded filmmaking. By plenty.

192 Arrested - 9 Dead. Let me update my facebook

Imagine if two black gangs had shot up a restaurant and left 9 dead. Now look at this picture.

Yeah...they are all older and not young so when the police got control they chilled out...and are waiting for their lawyers...they are old hands at being arrested.....young inner city gang members...are young and stupid....and think fighting with the police is a winning idea.....big difference in age and maturity....of these thugs....

They arent even being arrested idiot. They're just there chilling, a gang, with the police, at a crime scene...just chillin

Are you really that fucking stupid...well, yes you are.....the police obviously didn't have the resources to immediately transport over 190 criminals....and notice these thugs are waiting patiently to be taken to jail.........inner city gang members should learn that lesson...they would live longer.....

AHAHAHA....Dudes going to jail with his cell phone huh?

Its really easy to remain calm when you arent being tear gassed. Even the police on site has his back to the scene of a crime, with a criminal gang. :rolleyes:
So biker gangs have good aim and don't run from a fair fight? Dumb but somewhat brave shitheads?
animals. Sad to see that many people die but when you celebrate violence, glorify thug culture and tote weapons around, there's a big risk of something like this happening.
It is something wrong in this country!
9? Only 9? Seems like a typical weekend in Chicago.
Deflection FAIL.

I gave you my answer fuck face.

At the time they were referred to as conservative Democrats because they didn't want to change the status quo. They're still Democrats, but they seem to prefer the term liberal now, and instead of calling it Jim Crow, they just get the blacks dependant on Welfare and stick them off in the slums somewhere.

Same people, just a little confused about what to call themselves.

Are you really that stupid?
So you agree that it's always been the conservatives who have been the racists. Thank you!

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