Breaking - Thug Fight: 9 Dead in Waco, TX

For the second time, the police did shoot. What you don't see is the community in an uproar over cops shooting badly behaving whites or hispanics, other than the death threats to law enforcement from the gangs.
9 dead in Waco Texas biker brawl -
These bikers would be hero's in the black community

They're heros now where they are. Which is telling how white people tolerate such violent criminals.

Its not like they proudly wear their gang affiliation on their backs or anything.

Why do white people take their kids to biker bars?
Why does anyone take their kids to any bars? Poor

If I caught my kid in a biker bar, I'd go in slap the shit out of him and drag him out. Just like that mother in Baltimore

Guess white parents in Texas are not as good as black parents in Baltimore

How about you just stay married to one father, and have your kids with him...instead of multiple, absent fathers, of 6 kids requiring you to live on government welfare because you have limited your life prospects.....then they wouldn't be rioting ,and they wouln't hang out in bars with the first place....
Notice Waco has a White REPUBLICAN Mayor?

Baltimore.......0 Dead
Waco ....9 Dead

Why didn't the mayor try to stop it?

Are you fucking kidding me...baltimore is a fucking shooting gallery every single day.......and since the riots the shootings have increased...

Haven't seen a massacre like this in Baltimore.....let alone two like we got in Waco

Shows the limitations of Republican leadership

You do realize that baltimore is one of the most violent cities in the United States...right? and that it is a shooting gallery every day...right? So....wrong again...try harder....
Why do white people condone armed gangs shooting up restaurants?

Who is condoning any of this ?
These guys are thugs, and should be treated as such. Hopefully we will find out in the coming days whether or not any of the ones who were killed died from gunfire from the police.

192 Arrested - 9 Dead. Let me update my facebook

Imagine if two black gangs had shot up a restaurant and left 9 dead. Now look at this picture.
Why are the white thugs so violent....the Freddy Grey protest took ZERO lives...these white delinquents caused 9 dead and eighteen wounded....White people have genetic issues with violence...why was the para military vehicles with armors and snipers held back...where are the soldier dudes with camouflage....

They are so violent because they are thugs....and they aren't protestors they are criminals who were at a meeting to divide up drug territory....and unlike the protestors in baltimore...who were supposed to be peaceful, these guys didn't burn down any stores and kept the violence focused on each other, not innocent people nearby....
Their bullets fired downtown Waco have avoidance of innocents capacities ?...these white folks with guns represent the white race ...

See...the problem with you lefty nuts, you see everything as race...that is why when you talk to us, you think we also obsess on race...we don't, you do. We aren't going to defend these thugs because they are white....we won't defend them at all....we want them arrested and locked up to keep us racists, on the other hand, see race in everything, including when black criminals fight police and get bitch about racism......when black rioters burn down their bitch about racism.....

When we see thugs burning, looting or killing each other in a bar fight....we say lock them all up...they are all thugs....race doesn't matter.....

So you racists.....get help with that.......and if the cops killed any of these thugs in stopping the won't see conservatives rioting just because the thug was white.....if he forced police to shoot him by violently resisting arrest....good, saves money later on.....

192 Arrested - 9 Dead. Let me update my facebook

Imagine if two black gangs had shot up a restaurant and left 9 dead. Now look at this picture.

Yeah...they are all older and not young so when the police got control they chilled out...and are waiting for their lawyers...they are old hands at being arrested.....young inner city gang members...are young and stupid....and think fighting with the police is a winning idea.....big difference in age and maturity....of these thugs....
Why are the white thugs so violent....the Freddy Grey protest took ZERO lives...these white delinquents caused 9 dead and eighteen wounded....White people have genetic issues with violence...why was the para military vehicles with armors and snipers held back...where are the soldier dudes with camouflage....

They are so violent because they are thugs....and they aren't protestors they are criminals who were at a meeting to divide up drug territory....and unlike the protestors in baltimore...who were supposed to be peaceful, these guys didn't burn down any stores and kept the violence focused on each other, not innocent people nearby....
Their bullets fired downtown Waco have avoidance of innocents capacities ?...these white folks with guns represent the white race ...

See...the problem with you lefty nuts, you see everything as race...that is why when you talk to us, you think we also obsess on race...we don't, you do. We aren't going to defend these thugs because they are white....we won't defend them at all....we want them arrested and locked up to keep us racists, on the other hand, see race in everything, including when black criminals fight police and get bitch about racism......when black rioters burn down their bitch about racism.....

When we see thugs burning, looting or killing each other in a bar fight....we say lock them all up...they are all thugs....race doesn't matter.....

So you racists.....get help with that.......and if the cops killed any of these thugs in stopping the won't see conservatives rioting just because the thug was white.....if he forced police to shoot him by violently resisting arrest....good, saves money later on.....

It's page 17, has any cons defended or made excuses for these thugs, or attacked the cops the way libs do?
These bikers would be hero's in the black community

They're heros now where they are. Which is telling how white people tolerate such violent criminals.

Its not like they proudly wear their gang affiliation on their backs or anything.

It seems to me you are pretty stupid......we want them arrested....they are not "civil rights" heroes, or "gentle giants" and we want them to be arrested and put away for a long time....and if the cops thump them a what......

It is you racists that put racism on other see the color of the thugs skin and if it isn't white you make excuses....racism blah blah blah....slavery blah blah guys need to stop coddling thugs because they have black only hurts law abiding people in those neighborhoods...who also have black skin...

racist morons......
But this reminder just in -- we "don't live in a gun culture". :rolleyes:

No...some of us live in places that have a criminal gang culture...the rest of American gun culture is peaceful and non violent......over 320 million guns in private hands, and over 90 million homes have guns in them and over 11.1 million law abiding citizens carry guns for self defense....

And they never shoot up the is violent gangs that need to be controlled, not law abiding gun owners....I know...that is a hard concept for people who went to schools controlled by the education wing of the democrat party...but we will keep trying to educate you to the truth, and reality..........

I didn't post anything about "law abiding gun owners" or about "controlling" anything.

I posted, sarcastically, that we live in a gun culture. And that's a fact.

Gun culture =/= injuring people with said guns.

I'm afraid it does. It's inevitable considering the whole purpose of the instrument is TO HURT PEOPLE.


It's inevitable considering the whole purpose of the instrument is TO HURT PEOPLE.

Wrong...the whole purpose of the gun, the instrument is to save the life of the user and the people the user wants to protect....and it does this often with out ever firing a shot.....since most police never use their guns, and most gun owners never use their guns in self defense and when they do most of the time they do it without firing a shot.....

"Save" and "protect" -------- from what?

Didn't quite think this through, didja?
Shootout shocks Waco residents - Local - Waco Trib

Darhonda McFarland was already on edge Sunday afternoon because of the massive shootout near Twin Peaks when 30 black-clad bikers walked into her restaurant about 1:30 p.m.

McFarland, assistant manager at Denny’s at the Flying J Travel Center on New Road and Interstate 35, was still on duty five hours later and said she was still “shook up.”

“About 30 of them came in here and sat over there against that wall,” McFarland said, pointing to the left side of the restaurant. “I thought they came in here just to get away from all the drama that had went on over there. But all at once they all got up just busted out of here.”

About five minutes later, heavily armed, suited-up SWAT team members came inside the Denny’s and fanned out in two columns around the restaurant, McFarland said.

They left as quickly as they entered, but she could see them through the windows looking around in the parking lot and questioning people.

“It was all kind of scary,” she said. “I am feeling a lot of anxiety. I have never personally been caught up in anything quite like this from such a personal point of view. It was too close for me.”

McFarland said she could not say if the bikers who came to her restaurant had been at Twin Peaks earlier Sunday. But she knows that when they got up and left, they stuck her with an unpaid bill for $179.94.

No condoning going on here, just no riots.
Show me anyone condoning it?
Twin Peaks Waco
And a few are showing their anger on their facebook page. Some have been deleted.
Why do white people condone armed gangs shooting up restaurants?
Obviously, you don't watch FNC. They may not condone it...but now they are doing nopthing but criticizing the cops for arresting gang members and for criticizing the restaurant for not cooperating...and ABC for shutting down the bar.

Go figure...they wanted all peaceful black protesters to be hung.
Why do white people condone armed gangs shooting up restaurants?

Who is condoning any of this ?
These guys are thugs, and should be treated as such. Hopefully we will find out in the coming days whether or not any of the ones who were killed died from gunfire from the police.
Thing is...many of your ilk aren't condemning it or excusing t because blackie exists.
Developing Nine dead in shooting involving rival bike gangs in Waco Texas

(CNN) — Nine people were killed Sunday in a shooting among rival bikers in Waco, Texas, CNN affiliates KXXV and KXTX reported.

“Multiple injuries to include multiple fatalities,” the Waco Police Department said in a post on Facebook. “Officers were on scene when shooting started. No officers have been injured.”

Police said the shooting took place at Twin Peaks restaurant and urged people to avoid the Central Texas Marketplace, a shopping center.

But this reminder just in -- we "don't live in a gun culture". :rolleyes:

No...some of us live in places that have a criminal gang culture...the rest of American gun culture is peaceful and non violent......over 320 million guns in private hands, and over 90 million homes have guns in them and over 11.1 million law abiding citizens carry guns for self defense....

And they never shoot up the is violent gangs that need to be controlled, not law abiding gun owners....I know...that is a hard concept for people who went to schools controlled by the education wing of the democrat party...but we will keep trying to educate you to the truth, and reality..........

what a bunch of nonsense. :cuckoo:

you couldn't educate a sparrow to fly.

run along.
These bikers would be hero's in the black community

Really , Cliven Bundy and his gang of heavily armed scofflaw methamphetamine huffers were heroes to conservatives...I mean Hannity had Cliven Bundy himself on the air spewing his anti Government Conservative neo confederacy horse exhaust...

And they applauded Mack Brown and his teaper army for threatenng to use women as human shields.

Notice Waco has a White REPUBLICAN Mayor?

Baltimore.......0 Dead
Waco ....9 Dead

Why didn't the mayor try to stop it?

Are you fucking kidding me...baltimore is a fucking shooting gallery every single day.......and since the riots the shootings have increased...

Haven't seen a massacre like this in Baltimore.....let alone two like we got in Waco

Shows the limitations of Republican leadership

You do realize that baltimore is one of the most violent cities in the United States...right? and that it is a shooting gallery every day...right? So....wrong again...try harder....

Branch Davidians........too many guns
Twin Peaks.....too many guns

Thank your second amendment for both
Do you think I'm debating that there was a shooting? But turning every shooting story into a gun debate issue is like turn every incendiery remark story into a debate on free speech. You're a broken record that needs to get a TV.

So your complaint is that I'm stating the obvious?

Hey, why pass up a chance to mock a nonworking meme?

Obvious? What's obvious is you can't help but whine about guns. Maybe, step back and learn about what's going down in TX. There's plenty of gun debate threads, dude. The OP; was it a gun debate? Somehow, that doesn't matter to a bitch like you.

Uh, you're the only one "whining" here Sparkles. What I did directly was mock a standard internet meme popular with gunnutters: "we don't live in a gun culture". And all you can do is whine about it.

Smatta? Can dish it out but can't take it?
Do you think I'm debating that there was a shooting? But turning every shooting story into a gun debate issue is like turn every incendiery remark story into a debate on free speech. You're a broken record that needs to get a TV.

So your complaint is that I'm stating the obvious?

Hey, why pass up a chance to mock a nonworking meme?

Obvious? What's obvious is you can't help but whine about guns. Maybe, step back and learn about what's going down in TX. There's plenty of gun debate threads, dude. The OP; was it a gun debate? Somehow, that doesn't matter to a bitch like you.

Uh, you're the only one "whining" here Sparkles. What I did directly was mock a standard internet meme popular with gunnutters: "we don't live in a gun culture". And all you can do is whine about it.

Smatta? Can dish it out but can't take it?

Guess we also live in a chain, clubs, and knife culture as well, then, since those were a number of the 50-100 weapons that were confiscated, according to the police chief, from the 150-200 outlaw bike gang members that were present.

Hey, find us regular stories of chain/club/knife violence, find me even one instance of somebody going into a school or movie theater or public event chaining/clubbing/knifing kids to death, find me an endless stream of chains/clubs/knives romanticized in most Hollywood flicks, an endless sorry parade of video games, too many comic books to count and any given TV channel on any given day, and I'll click an "Agree" on this post so fast it'll make your head spin.

Denialists are so amusing. Makes me wanna hand my wet laundry to 'em for the spin cycle.
Oh please, pogo. Denialists? You co-opted that from the agw crowd, thinking it would insult me. It doesn't. This is not about school shootings , this is about criminal syndicate biker gangs. Read up on the bandidos, one of the outlaw gangs involved. I can almost assure their guns are illegal, and they would have them even if all guns were illegal.
Bandidos Motorcycle Club - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
BANDIDOS MC - The Offical Website

I simply read your post -- that's all I needed to see Denialism. Even now you're trying desperately to shift the topic all the way out to "whether their guns are 'legal'". Who gives a shit? That was never the point. 'Legal' and 'illegal' guns do exactly the same thing and work exactly the same way.
Bullshit. Plain and simple.
Show me anyone condoning it?
Twin Peaks Waco
And a few are showing their anger on their facebook page. Some have been deleted.
Why do white people condone armed gangs shooting up restaurants?
Obviously, you don't watch FNC. They may not condone it...but now they are doing nopthing but criticizing the cops for arresting gang members and for criticizing the restaurant for not cooperating...and ABC for shutting down the bar.

Go figure...they wanted all peaceful black protesters to be hung.

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