Breaking - Thug Fight: 9 Dead in Waco, TX

Oh Oh cops might have killed all the dead....why did they have to shoot,,,,they were good boys
The Negroes never did this kind of thing...what is wrong with white culture ...

Police in Texas are on alert after two biker gangs involved in a deadly shootout in Waco over the weekend allegedly issued orders to shoot and kill uniformed law enforcement officers.

State and federal authorities distributed memos to local police warning that the Cossacks and Bandidos motorcycle gangs had been told to arm themselves and head to North Texas in the wake of last weekend's bloody shootout.

Except for conservatives, who keep changing it to make themselves look superior. Just like SJ, who claims it is Democrats that are racist, but he can't explain why the south, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, are all bright red (Republican) and well known for their racism. They're also the biggest takers of "welfare" which just shows a bunch of ignorant people voting against their own interest.

You saw the absurd explanation by one of the Right wing slags that "the South flipped because it grew a middle class"....this ridiculous explanation came after he dismissed Ken Mehlman's admission that the GOP uses racism for votes...he says "that is just one man" yeah one man who actually ran the GOP as compared to the moron who dismissed him who is probably pushing a grocery cart loaded with cans while muttering to himself about "lazy blacks"

I lived in Alabama for 8 years....I know how racist the people are there, and yes, they are all conservatives. They make the mistake by assuming that all whites feel the same, and start sharing their bigoted racist comments without asking if you are conservative, first.....I liked to make them squirm after they ranted their racist shit by telling them that I was not a Republican and didn't feel the same way about blacks. They really turned red, especially those who were members of the same church I went to.
The Negroes never did this kind of thing...what is wrong with white culture ...

Police in Texas are on alert after two biker gangs involved in a deadly shootout in Waco over the weekend allegedly issued orders to shoot and kill uniformed law enforcement officers.

State and federal authorities distributed memos to local police warning that the Cossacks and Bandidos motorcycle gangs had been told to arm themselves and head to North Texas in the wake of last weekend's bloody shootout.

NOte the lack of cons denying the criminality of these thugs, making excuse for them, blaming the cops, blaming society, ect, ect. ect.

Except for conservatives, who keep changing it to make themselves look superior. Just like SJ, who claims it is Democrats that are racist, but he can't explain why the south, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, are all bright red (Republican) and well known for their racism. They're also the biggest takers of "welfare" which just shows a bunch of ignorant people voting against their own interest.

You saw the absurd explanation by one of the Right wing slags that "the South flipped because it grew a middle class"....this ridiculous explanation came after he dismissed Ken Mehlman's admission that the GOP uses racism for votes...he says "that is just one man" yeah one man who actually ran the GOP as compared to the moron who dismissed him who is probably pushing a grocery cart loaded with cans while muttering to himself about "lazy blacks"

I lived in Alabama for 8 years....I know how racist the people are there, and yes, they are all conservatives. They make the mistake by assuming that all whites feel the same, and start sharing their bigoted racist comments without asking if you are conservative, first.....I liked to make them squirm after they ranted their racist shit by telling them that I was not a Republican and didn't feel the same way about blacks. They really turned red, especially those who were members of the same church I went to.

Maybe you know, what policies did the GOP use to supposedly pander to racists?
NOte the lack of cons denying the criminality of these thugs, making excuse for them, blaming the cops, blaming society, ect, ect. ect.

Note that people protesting Police brutality and oppression are not the same as methamphetamine dealers , drunks and killers Police hogtied any of these punks nor did Police wantonly kill one of them by "snapping their spines"
Maybe you know, what policies did the GOP use to supposedly pander to racists?

Maybe you can point out what policies of the GOP "
grew the middle class" ...waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa...go ahead mental cripple make your case that the South flipped "because the Middle class grew"
Name the racists who control the Republican Party (and back it up with facts, not opinions).
GOP: 'We were wrong' to play racial politics
By Richard Benedetto, USA TODAY
Republican National Committee Chairman Ken Mehlman apologized to one of the nation's largest black civil rights groups Thursday, saying Republicans had not done enough to court blacks in the past and had exploited racial strife to court white voters, particularly in the South. - GOP We were wrong to play racial politics

House GOP Whip Spoke at White Supremacist Convention ...

Really? How did we do it?
with malice and forethought yeah really moron

And that is about the extent of the answer(s) I have been able to find.

It is a myth. THe South went Republican because it grew a middle class.

Poor whites kept voting dem. The new middle class is the one that started voting GOP, and flipped the South.

Republican/GOP Racism: The History

Something that’s rarely mentioned is how the voting power of the modern Republican party is largely grounded in racist sentiments that grew out of racist disfavor toward:

  1. A Democratic administration who passed the Civil Rights Act of 1964
  2. A subsequent switch of African Americans who began voting Democrat due to policy changes in Republican circles intended to gain the ‘anti-black’ vote.
It’s no secret that historically, it had been the Democratic Party who had catered to racist sentiment. Abraham Lincoln was himself a Republican (as Republicans happily point out). Martin Luther King was also a Republican in his day. But what people generally overlook is this: After 1964, when the Civil Rights Act passed under a Democratic administration, America’s racists switched to the Republican Party. The history of the electoral map makes this quite clear. 2016 Presidential Election Interactive Map and History of the Electoral College

After the Act passed, the electorate in the south went to the Republican party. The only exceptions to this are in 1968 when the South actually voted for George Wallace (who ran as an American Independent; a party that had very pro-segregation views) and Jimmy Carter, an evangelist from the South who unlike future Democrats, would have the backing of popular evangelists. You can see the voting trends for yourself below.

In other words, the Democratic party indeed used to be the party of racists, but this changed after 1964. Those who attempt to tie the Democratic party to racism rely well into the past in order to claim that the Democratic party is the party of racism.


Republican Racism Tea Party Racism GOP Tactics Fact and Myth
So what policies did the GOP put forth to pander to white racist?
Ask Ken Mehlman former head of the GOP who apologized for racism in the GOP....

I'm asking you. YOu made the claim. Support it.
You , being a moron, made the claim the South is GOP because it grew a Middle made the claim but so far you have not supported it with anything except your worthless opinions ....,make your case moron that the GOP is popular among racists because "the middle class grew"...I on the other hand make my case by citing GOP leaders acknowledging is another one
Lee Atwater's Infamous 1981 Interview on the Southern Strategy
Dan and Amy the local radio show here in chicago talked to a former law enforcement infiltrator of bike gangs and he explained what happened in Texas.....Charles Falco infiltrated the mongols biker gang working for law enforcement...he said biker gangs are more disciplined than inner city street gangs and are set up in a military style.....they are more organized and when they fight they are precise in their violence doing a lot of intelligence work against their enemies....also, he said he was asked to consult with the local police just before the event but couldn't make it down there...

The bandidos gang has been moving in on the cossack territory......and they did this by wearing a Texas "rocker" on their colors......which led to the meeting......

Yeah...selll that to your lefty retard freinds.......the efforts to smear the Tea Party as racists have been long known and explained.....moron....
I do not have to sell anything it is Self Evident...the GOP is about exploiting racism....the Tea Party are the GOP racist Brown shirts ....

Says the guy who supports the party of racism, the democrats.....who is the home of all racists in the racists....La Raza, black racists, NAACP, jesse jackson, al sharpton, jeremiah right and who voted in a racist, barak obama who attended a racist church for 20 years with his wife, was married by the racist pastor, had his children baptized by the racist pastor.....

And yet you guys lie about the Tea Party and the Republicans...I know you have to....if Blacks in this country ever took a moment and thought about the democrats and their would never hold an elected office again....
Dan and Amy the local radio show here in chicago talked to a former law enforcement infiltrator of bike gangs and he explained what happened in Texas.....Charles Falco infiltrated the mongols biker gang working for law enforcement...he said biker gangs are more disciplined than inner city street gangs and are set up in a military style.....they are more organized and when they fight they are precise in their violence doing a lot of intelligence work against their enemies....also, he said he was asked to consult with the local police just before the event but couldn't make it down there...

The bandidos gang has been moving in on the cossack territory......and they did this by wearing a Texas "rocker" on their colors......which led to the meeting......

No, You have the story right, but the players wrong. The Cossacks had taken to wearing Texas on their colors, which was an affront to the Bandidos, who have been the dominant biker gang in Texas.
Name the racists who control the Republican Party (and back it up with facts, not opinions).
GOP: 'We were wrong' to play racial politics
By Richard Benedetto, USA TODAY
Republican National Committee Chairman Ken Mehlman apologized to one of the nation's largest black civil rights groups Thursday, saying Republicans had not done enough to court blacks in the past and had exploited racial strife to court white voters, particularly in the South. - GOP We were wrong to play racial politics

House GOP Whip Spoke at White Supremacist Convention ...

Really? How did we do it?
with malice and forethought yeah really moron

And that is about the extent of the answer(s) I have been able to find.

It is a myth. THe South went Republican because it grew a middle class.

Poor whites kept voting dem. The new middle class is the one that started voting GOP, and flipped the South.

Republican/GOP Racism: The History

Something that’s rarely mentioned is how the voting power of the modern Republican party is largely grounded in racist sentiments that grew out of racist disfavor toward:

  1. A Democratic administration who passed the Civil Rights Act of 1964
  2. A subsequent switch of African Americans who began voting Democrat due to policy changes in Republican circles intended to gain the ‘anti-black’ vote.
It’s no secret that historically, it had been the Democratic Party who had catered to racist sentiment. Abraham Lincoln was himself a Republican (as Republicans happily point out). Martin Luther King was also a Republican in his day. But what people generally overlook is this: After 1964, when the Civil Rights Act passed under a Democratic administration, America’s racists switched to the Republican Party. The history of the electoral map makes this quite clear. 2016 Presidential Election Interactive Map and History of the Electoral College

After the Act passed, the electorate in the south went to the Republican party. The only exceptions to this are in 1968 when the South actually voted for George Wallace (who ran as an American Independent; a party that had very pro-segregation views) and Jimmy Carter, an evangelist from the South who unlike future Democrats, would have the backing of popular evangelists. You can see the voting trends for yourself below.

In other words, the Democratic party indeed used to be the party of racists, but this changed after 1964. Those who attempt to tie the Democratic party to racism rely well into the past in order to claim that the Democratic party is the party of racism.


Republican Racism Tea Party Racism GOP Tactics Fact and Myth

You do realize that the Republicans voted for all the civil rights acts while the democrats fought against all of them...and only passed the 1964 act when johnson said if they got blacks hooked on welfare they could get them to vote for the racist democrats for 200 years.....that Nixon pushed civil rights.....right? moron....

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