BREAKING: Tony Podesta Not Only Worked for the KGB Bank / Russian Spy Agency that Spied on DNC


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Tony Podesta Made $500K Lobbying For Chinese Firm Convicted Of Illegal Sales To Iran

"Democratic super-lobbyist Tony Podesta grossed more than $500,000 to represent a Chinese company criminally convicted in March of sending illegal shipments of telecom equipment to Iran.

The seriousness of the illegal sales to Iran were so extreme and continued for so long — from 2010 to last year — the Department of Justice (DOJ) imposed a record $1.19 billion fine on the ZTE Telecommunications company, making it the largest penalty ever imposed in a U.S. sanctions case.

The Chinese firm hired the Podesta Group, one of Washington’s biggest and best-connected lobbying companies in the nation’s capital, in January 2016. ZTE retained Podesta’s personal help as negotiations intensified for a final resolution with DOJ during the final year of President Barack Obama’s tenure in the White House.

The Shenzhen-based company pleaded guilty on March 7 to violating a 22-year-old ban on shipments to Iran, including “conspiring by illegally shipping … U.S.-origin items to Iran, obstructing justice and making a material false statement,”
according to the DOJ.

Podesta also had personal connections throughout the Democratic Party. He was former President Bill Clinton’s presidential campaign director and worked for four prior Democratic candidates, including former Sens. George McGovern, Edward Kennedy and Walter Mondale, as well as former Massachusetts Gov. Michael Dukakis.

ZTE paid Podesta $35,000 per month as negotiations peaked in 2016, according to data
provided by the Center for Responsive Politics. The payments to the Podesta Group began in January 2016 and continue to this day, according to his company’s lobbying disclosure forms.

Podesta’s lobbying firm grossed $530,000 from ZTE through the first quarter of 2017.

The firm
reported its activities to the clerk of the U.S. Senate, including actively lobbying officials at the departments of Justice, Commerce, Treasury and State, as well as the White House National Security Council (NSC).

Podesta also represented ZTE in 2013 to encourage the departments of Defense and State to maintain “open and transparent markets in U.S.-China trade relations,” according to a Reuters
report that estimated ZTE paid Podesta $1.44 million in fees though March 2016."


Bill Clinton was working for Vlad's buddies, Ex-KGB

Hillary was taking money from foreigners - some 'not so much allies'

Her campaign manager is working for the Russians - 1/3 of his Company's board members are 1/3rd Prominent businessmen highly connected to the Kremlin

Her campaign manager's brother is working for the KGB bank and the Russian spy network that hacked the DNC's e-mails, AND he is working for the Chinese firm that was CONVICTED of Illegal sales to Iran.

While all this is going on the Hillary campaign was paying money to groups to have violent protestors attend Trump rallies to beat and bloody Trump riot, loot, fire-bomb GOP HQs, etc

The entire Clinton Camp - Mom, Pop, and the 3 Podesta kids - were dealing with, aiding/ abetting, working with Americans enemies to make a profit.

And the poor, CRIMINAL decision-making of all of them, including DWS, endangered our national security.

Let's not forget Debbie-Wasserma-Schultz who decided to ignore the Espionage investigation of the 3 Pakistani spy brothers connected to terrorists and their BAN from the House to hire one of the brothers and give him access to the DNC server, e-mails, and an I-pad containing Democrats usernames and password ... to the e-mails that were hacked, stolen, and embarrassing released.

EXCLUSIVE: Tony Podesta Made $500K Lobbying For Chinese Firm Convicted Of Illegal Sales To Iran
This Trump worked with the Russian government to get elected fairy tale hopefully is coming to an end shortly. It's hit the point of total ridiculousness. Is ridiculousness a word or did I just pull a Palin?
He wasn't a very good spy either being that his password was


But his price was affordable for The Chinese and Putin.
Clinton cost them $125 Million.
Obama cost them $64 Million
The Chinese only paid 500,000 for Podesta's "Services."
These feeble attempts at equivalency via guilt by association are laughably stupid.

Tony Podesta had no position in the Clinton campaign...unlike lets say Paul Manafort who RAN THE FUCKING TRUMP CAMPAIGN, or Flynn who was his top foreign policy adviser, or Roger Stone who was working with Trump on political stuff since forever.
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Let's not forget Debbie-Wasserma-Schultz who decided to ignore the Espionage investigation of the 3 Pakistani spy brothers connected to terrorists and their BAN from the House to hire one of the brothers and give him access to the DNC server, e-mails, and an I-pad containing Democrats usernames and password ... to the e-mails that were hacked, stolen, and embarrassingly released.


Just wanted to add, that Podesta's password was "password". So his email could have been leaked by anyone. There is no hacking if you have a password like that. My bet in on Seth Rich who was a Sanders supporter. The overwhelming majority of leaks in Government and Private Industry come from insiders who already have access to the systems and are already authorized to be "inside the walls".

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He wasn't a very good spy either being that his password was


No you dumb fucking log that was JOHN PODESTA, not TONY PODESTA in the OP.

One bought and paid for Podesta is as good as another. Let's just call them "PODESTA INCORPORTATED" so we don't get confused about which Podesta was taking money from which government. It's hard to keep track.

New and improved PODESTA INCORPORATED, now with twice the slime at half the cost.

You're gonna love our product, or you'll be sleeping with the fishes!
One bought and paid for Podesta is as good as another.

Let me educate you on the weakness of your argument:

An association fallacy is an informal inductive fallacy of the hasty-generalization or red-herring type and which asserts, by irrelevant association and often by appeal to emotion, that qualities of one thing are inherently qualities of another. Two types of association fallacies are sometimes referred to as guilt by association and honor by association.

Association fallacy - Wikipedia

Just because they are brothers doesn't mean Podesta influenced Clinton to be pro Russian, the fact she was hard anti-Kremlin, while Trump was all but holding hands with Putin the entire campaign is the obvious proof in the pudding.
Tony Podesta Made $500K Lobbying For Chinese Firm Convicted Of Illegal Sales To Iran

"Democratic super-lobbyist Tony Podesta grossed more than $500,000 to represent a Chinese company criminally convicted in March of sending illegal shipments of telecom equipment to Iran.

The seriousness of the illegal sales to Iran were so extreme and continued for so long — from 2010 to last year — the Department of Justice (DOJ) imposed a record $1.19 billion fine on the ZTE Telecommunications company, making it the largest penalty ever imposed in a U.S. sanctions case.

The Chinese firm hired the Podesta Group, one of Washington’s biggest and best-connected lobbying companies in the nation’s capital, in January 2016. ZTE retained Podesta’s personal help as negotiations intensified for a final resolution with DOJ during the final year of President Barack Obama’s tenure in the White House.

The Shenzhen-based company pleaded guilty on March 7 to violating a 22-year-old ban on shipments to Iran, including “conspiring by illegally shipping … U.S.-origin items to Iran, obstructing justice and making a material false statement,” according to the DOJ.

Podesta also had personal connections throughout the Democratic Party. He was former President Bill Clinton’s presidential campaign director and worked for four prior Democratic candidates, including former Sens. George McGovern, Edward Kennedy and Walter Mondale, as well as former Massachusetts Gov. Michael Dukakis.

ZTE paid Podesta $35,000 per month as negotiations peaked in 2016, according to data provided by the Center for Responsive Politics. The payments to the Podesta Group began in January 2016 and continue to this day, according to his company’s lobbying disclosure forms.

Podesta’s lobbying firm grossed $530,000 from ZTE through the first quarter of 2017.

The firm reported its activities to the clerk of the U.S. Senate, including actively lobbying officials at the departments of Justice, Commerce, Treasury and State, as well as the White House National Security Council (NSC).

Podesta also represented ZTE in 2013 to encourage the departments of Defense and State to maintain “open and transparent markets in U.S.-China trade relations,” according to a Reuters report that estimated ZTE paid Podesta $1.44 million in fees though March 2016."


Bill Clinton was working for Vlad's buddies, Ex-KGB

Hillary was taking money from foreigners - some 'not so much allies'

Her campaign manager is working for the Russians - 1/3 of his Company's board members are 1/3rd Prominent businessmen highly connected to the Kremlin

Her campaign manager's brother is working for the KGB bank and the Russian spy network that hacked the DNC's e-mails, AND he is working for the Chinese firm that was CONVICTED of Illegal sales to Iran.

While all this is going on the Hillary campaign was paying money to groups to have violent protestors attend Trump rallies to beat and bloody Trump riot, loot, fire-bomb GOP HQs, etc

The entire Clinton Camp - Mom, Pop, and the 3 Podesta kids - were dealing with, aiding/ abetting, working with Americans enemies to make a profit.

And the poor, CRIMINAL decision-making of all of them, including DWS, endangered our national security.

Let's not forget Debbie-Wasserma-Schultz who decided to ignore the Espionage investigation of the 3 Pakistani spy brothers connected to terrorists and their BAN from the House to hire one of the brothers and give him access to the DNC server, e-mails, and an I-pad containing Democrats usernames and password ... to the e-mails that were hacked, stolen, and embarrassing released.

EXCLUSIVE: Tony Podesta Made $500K Lobbying For Chinese Firm Convicted Of Illegal Sales To Iran
Don't you know it is okay if Ds do it, but not if Rs do it? This is the new reality (actually rather old) in America 2017...really Orwell's 1984,

Adding to your post, remember Obama's "more flexibility" comment in 2012? Funny how the DNC media did no investigation or little criticism of that comment. Oh how the times are a changin...and useful idiots can't see the obvious.
Tony Podesta Made $500K Lobbying For Chinese Firm Convicted Of Illegal Sales To Iran

"Democratic super-lobbyist Tony Podesta grossed more than $500,000 to represent a Chinese company criminally convicted in March of sending illegal shipments of telecom equipment to Iran.

The seriousness of the illegal sales to Iran were so extreme and continued for so long — from 2010 to last year — the Department of Justice (DOJ) imposed a record $1.19 billion fine on the ZTE Telecommunications company, making it the largest penalty ever imposed in a U.S. sanctions case.

The Chinese firm hired the Podesta Group, one of Washington’s biggest and best-connected lobbying companies in the nation’s capital, in January 2016. ZTE retained Podesta’s personal help as negotiations intensified for a final resolution with DOJ during the final year of President Barack Obama’s tenure in the White House.

The Shenzhen-based company pleaded guilty on March 7 to violating a 22-year-old ban on shipments to Iran, including “conspiring by illegally shipping … U.S.-origin items to Iran, obstructing justice and making a material false statement,” according to the DOJ.

Podesta also had personal connections throughout the Democratic Party. He was former President Bill Clinton’s presidential campaign director and worked for four prior Democratic candidates, including former Sens. George McGovern, Edward Kennedy and Walter Mondale, as well as former Massachusetts Gov. Michael Dukakis.

ZTE paid Podesta $35,000 per month as negotiations peaked in 2016, according to data provided by the Center for Responsive Politics. The payments to the Podesta Group began in January 2016 and continue to this day, according to his company’s lobbying disclosure forms.

Podesta’s lobbying firm grossed $530,000 from ZTE through the first quarter of 2017.

The firm reported its activities to the clerk of the U.S. Senate, including actively lobbying officials at the departments of Justice, Commerce, Treasury and State, as well as the White House National Security Council (NSC).

Podesta also represented ZTE in 2013 to encourage the departments of Defense and State to maintain “open and transparent markets in U.S.-China trade relations,” according to a Reuters report that estimated ZTE paid Podesta $1.44 million in fees though March 2016."


Bill Clinton was working for Vlad's buddies, Ex-KGB

Hillary was taking money from foreigners - some 'not so much allies'

Her campaign manager is working for the Russians - 1/3 of his Company's board members are 1/3rd Prominent businessmen highly connected to the Kremlin

Her campaign manager's brother is working for the KGB bank and the Russian spy network that hacked the DNC's e-mails, AND he is working for the Chinese firm that was CONVICTED of Illegal sales to Iran.

While all this is going on the Hillary campaign was paying money to groups to have violent protestors attend Trump rallies to beat and bloody Trump riot, loot, fire-bomb GOP HQs, etc

The entire Clinton Camp - Mom, Pop, and the 3 Podesta kids - were dealing with, aiding/ abetting, working with Americans enemies to make a profit.

And the poor, CRIMINAL decision-making of all of them, including DWS, endangered our national security.

Let's not forget Debbie-Wasserma-Schultz who decided to ignore the Espionage investigation of the 3 Pakistani spy brothers connected to terrorists and their BAN from the House to hire one of the brothers and give him access to the DNC server, e-mails, and an I-pad containing Democrats usernames and password ... to the e-mails that were hacked, stolen, and embarrassing released.

EXCLUSIVE: Tony Podesta Made $500K Lobbying For Chinese Firm Convicted Of Illegal Sales To Iran
Don't you know it is okay if Ds do it, but not if Rs do it? This is the new reality (actually rather old) in America 2017...really Orwell's 1984,

Adding to your post, remember Obama's "more flexibility" comment in 2012? Funny how the DNC media did no investigation or little criticism of that comment. Oh how the times are a changin...and useful idiots can't see the obvious.
The whole episode stinks to high Heaven to me..It needs to be purged.......
Tony Podesta Made $500K Lobbying For Chinese Firm Convicted Of Illegal Sales To Iran

"Democratic super-lobbyist Tony Podesta grossed more than $500,000 to represent a Chinese company criminally convicted in March of sending illegal shipments of telecom equipment to Iran.

The seriousness of the illegal sales to Iran were so extreme and continued for so long — from 2010 to last year — the Department of Justice (DOJ) imposed a record $1.19 billion fine on the ZTE Telecommunications company, making it the largest penalty ever imposed in a U.S. sanctions case.

The Chinese firm hired the Podesta Group, one of Washington’s biggest and best-connected lobbying companies in the nation’s capital, in January 2016. ZTE retained Podesta’s personal help as negotiations intensified for a final resolution with DOJ during the final year of President Barack Obama’s tenure in the White House.

The Shenzhen-based company pleaded guilty on March 7 to violating a 22-year-old ban on shipments to Iran, including “conspiring by illegally shipping … U.S.-origin items to Iran, obstructing justice and making a material false statement,” according to the DOJ.

Podesta also had personal connections throughout the Democratic Party. He was former President Bill Clinton’s presidential campaign director and worked for four prior Democratic candidates, including former Sens. George McGovern, Edward Kennedy and Walter Mondale, as well as former Massachusetts Gov. Michael Dukakis.

ZTE paid Podesta $35,000 per month as negotiations peaked in 2016, according to data provided by the Center for Responsive Politics. The payments to the Podesta Group began in January 2016 and continue to this day, according to his company’s lobbying disclosure forms.

Podesta’s lobbying firm grossed $530,000 from ZTE through the first quarter of 2017.

The firm reported its activities to the clerk of the U.S. Senate, including actively lobbying officials at the departments of Justice, Commerce, Treasury and State, as well as the White House National Security Council (NSC).

Podesta also represented ZTE in 2013 to encourage the departments of Defense and State to maintain “open and transparent markets in U.S.-China trade relations,” according to a Reuters report that estimated ZTE paid Podesta $1.44 million in fees though March 2016."


Bill Clinton was working for Vlad's buddies, Ex-KGB

Hillary was taking money from foreigners - some 'not so much allies'

Her campaign manager is working for the Russians - 1/3 of his Company's board members are 1/3rd Prominent businessmen highly connected to the Kremlin

Her campaign manager's brother is working for the KGB bank and the Russian spy network that hacked the DNC's e-mails, AND he is working for the Chinese firm that was CONVICTED of Illegal sales to Iran.

While all this is going on the Hillary campaign was paying money to groups to have violent protestors attend Trump rallies to beat and bloody Trump riot, loot, fire-bomb GOP HQs, etc

The entire Clinton Camp - Mom, Pop, and the 3 Podesta kids - were dealing with, aiding/ abetting, working with Americans enemies to make a profit.

And the poor, CRIMINAL decision-making of all of them, including DWS, endangered our national security.

Let's not forget Debbie-Wasserma-Schultz who decided to ignore the Espionage investigation of the 3 Pakistani spy brothers connected to terrorists and their BAN from the House to hire one of the brothers and give him access to the DNC server, e-mails, and an I-pad containing Democrats usernames and password ... to the e-mails that were hacked, stolen, and embarrassing released.

EXCLUSIVE: Tony Podesta Made $500K Lobbying For Chinese Firm Convicted Of Illegal Sales To Iran

assuming it's true (it is from the lunatic daily caller, after all) did he fail to declare the income and lie to congress, you low life trump loon?
Tony Podesta Made $500K Lobbying For Chinese Firm Convicted Of Illegal Sales To Iran

"Democratic super-lobbyist Tony Podesta grossed more than $500,000 to represent a Chinese company criminally convicted in March of sending illegal shipments of telecom equipment to Iran.

The seriousness of the illegal sales to Iran were so extreme and continued for so long — from 2010 to last year — the Department of Justice (DOJ) imposed a record $1.19 billion fine on the ZTE Telecommunications company, making it the largest penalty ever imposed in a U.S. sanctions case.

The Chinese firm hired the Podesta Group, one of Washington’s biggest and best-connected lobbying companies in the nation’s capital, in January 2016. ZTE retained Podesta’s personal help as negotiations intensified for a final resolution with DOJ during the final year of President Barack Obama’s tenure in the White House.

The Shenzhen-based company pleaded guilty on March 7 to violating a 22-year-old ban on shipments to Iran, including “conspiring by illegally shipping … U.S.-origin items to Iran, obstructing justice and making a material false statement,” according to the DOJ.

Podesta also had personal connections throughout the Democratic Party. He was former President Bill Clinton’s presidential campaign director and worked for four prior Democratic candidates, including former Sens. George McGovern, Edward Kennedy and Walter Mondale, as well as former Massachusetts Gov. Michael Dukakis.

ZTE paid Podesta $35,000 per month as negotiations peaked in 2016, according to data provided by the Center for Responsive Politics. The payments to the Podesta Group began in January 2016 and continue to this day, according to his company’s lobbying disclosure forms.

Podesta’s lobbying firm grossed $530,000 from ZTE through the first quarter of 2017.

The firm reported its activities to the clerk of the U.S. Senate, including actively lobbying officials at the departments of Justice, Commerce, Treasury and State, as well as the White House National Security Council (NSC).

Podesta also represented ZTE in 2013 to encourage the departments of Defense and State to maintain “open and transparent markets in U.S.-China trade relations,” according to a Reuters report that estimated ZTE paid Podesta $1.44 million in fees though March 2016."


Bill Clinton was working for Vlad's buddies, Ex-KGB

Hillary was taking money from foreigners - some 'not so much allies'

Her campaign manager is working for the Russians - 1/3 of his Company's board members are 1/3rd Prominent businessmen highly connected to the Kremlin

Her campaign manager's brother is working for the KGB bank and the Russian spy network that hacked the DNC's e-mails, AND he is working for the Chinese firm that was CONVICTED of Illegal sales to Iran.

While all this is going on the Hillary campaign was paying money to groups to have violent protestors attend Trump rallies to beat and bloody Trump riot, loot, fire-bomb GOP HQs, etc

The entire Clinton Camp - Mom, Pop, and the 3 Podesta kids - were dealing with, aiding/ abetting, working with Americans enemies to make a profit.

And the poor, CRIMINAL decision-making of all of them, including DWS, endangered our national security.

Let's not forget Debbie-Wasserma-Schultz who decided to ignore the Espionage investigation of the 3 Pakistani spy brothers connected to terrorists and their BAN from the House to hire one of the brothers and give him access to the DNC server, e-mails, and an I-pad containing Democrats usernames and password ... to the e-mails that were hacked, stolen, and embarrassing released.

EXCLUSIVE: Tony Podesta Made $500K Lobbying For Chinese Firm Convicted Of Illegal Sales To Iran

assuming it's true (it is from the lunatic daily caller, after all) did he fail to declare the income and lie to congress, you low life trump loon?
Oh God...Silly Jilly is here.
What is the great draw of the Russians that had so many Americans flocking to them?
Surely these guys have plenty of money without the Ruskies..
These scumbags would sell their grandmother for a buck.

Wake the fuck up!

trump and his fellow rightwingnut adherants? yes, you're right.

funny how you wackjobs are ranting about irrelevant garbage while your orange sociopath gives the country to putin.

now be a good little wackjob and piss off.

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