Breaking: Trump Floats Lawsuit To Determine If Cruz Is Eligible To Be A Natural Born Citizen

I don't like the guy, but Cruz has shown his loyalty to America. It's his country of birth he has shown disloyalty towards. That's why he's a scumbag.
Why on earth wasn't that rule changed years ago?? Why does the US have second class citizens who can't even aspire to be President??

The founders were wise to include the natural born Citizen clause.
I can't agree with that. The Will of the People is what matters in a Democracy; limiting the People's choices seems to me anti-Democratic. Surely what matters is that yes; they must be a citizen owing their allegiance to the US, but it must be up to the People to decide.

The court should consider this before one vote is cast. Should have been done long ago.
If you were not born inside our borders than both of your parents have to be US Citizens.
End of story
This is not an issue.

Trump's campaign, if a suit is filed, will be fined massively for instituting a frivolous suit, which will be summarily dismissed.
Very, very true. You are entitled to your own interpretation but not your own facts. The facts do not support your interpretation.

I'd like to see it done just to see the matter decided once and for all. I thought the "rule" was silly when it was aimed at Obama and I said so; I still think it is a silly thing that ANY Citizen can't run for the Highest Office in the Land. Has a certain "born into it" that reminds me of a Royalty thingy...and being a Constitutional Monarchist myself I have no problem with Royalty... but for the USA?? All for one and one for ALL!!

And he won't be eligible. Cruz is a statutory Citizen. A statutory Citizen (bestowed by man's pen/positive law) can never be made into a natural born Citizen (bestowed by God/nature/natural law).

Removal Motion: Donald Trump Floats Lawsuit Over Canadian-Born Cruz’s Article II Ineligibility - Birther Report

Trump is a Birther- and all Birthers are idiots.

Of course Trump appeals to racists and anti-semites like you.
No, he appeal's to patriots/constitutionalists like myself.
Why would you want to remove a beatable rival?
It's the patriotic thing to do. The Constitutions Article 2 Section 1 must be upheld, not subverted!
well what about George Washington? was he born in the United States?
Yes but he was grandfathered in as a Citizen president before natural born Citizens were eligible to be president.

Bullshit. Like the bogus quotes in your sigline.

NBCs have always been eligible. "Natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States at the Time of the Writing of this Constitution".
And he won't be eligible. Cruz is a statutory Citizen. A statutory Citizen (bestowed by man's pen/positive law) can never be made into a natural born Citizen (bestowed by God/nature/natural law).

Removal Motion: Donald Trump Floats Lawsuit Over Canadian-Born Cruz’s Article II Ineligibility - Birther Report

Trump is a Birther- and all Birthers are idiots.

Of course Trump appeals to racists and anti-semites like you.
No, he appeal's to patriots/constitutionalists like myself.

So does David Duke.
What does that tell us?
This is not an issue.

Trump's campaign, if a suit is filed, will be fined massively for instituting a frivolous suit, which will be summarily dismissed.
Very, very true. You are entitled to your own interpretation but not your own facts. The facts do not support your interpretation.

I'd like to see it done just to see the matter decided once and for all. I thought the "rule" was silly when it was aimed at Obama and I said so; I still think it is a silly thing that ANY Citizen can't run for the Highest Office in the Land. Has a certain "born into it" that reminds me of a Royalty thingy...and being a Constitutional Monarchist myself I have no problem with Royalty... but for the USA?? All for one and one for ALL!!


It's because at the time international borders were a bigger thing than they are today and the thinking was, if you were born a British subject, then your "loyalty" would be to Britain. As if a rule could read one's mind.

The flaw in that argument is -- none of us knows where or when we were born. We only know what we've been told.
"Trump Floats Lawsuit To Determine If Cruz Is Eligible To Be A Natural Born Citizen"

Trump needs to sink his 'lawsuit,' as it's idiocy and devoid of merit.

Cruz is a US citizen, he did not become a citizen through the naturalization process, consequently he's a natural born citizen jus sanguinis.
"Trump Floats Lawsuit To Determine If Cruz Is Eligible To Be A Natural Born Citizen"

Trump needs to sink his 'lawsuit,' as it's idiocy and devoid of merit.

Cruz is a US citizen, he did not become a citizen through the naturalization process, consequently he's a natural born citizen jus sanguinis.
Nope. He is a statutory citizen naturalized at birth. When you need a law to make you a citizen, you are not natural born.
And he won't be eligible. Cruz is a statutory Citizen. A statutory Citizen (bestowed by man's pen/positive law) can never be made into a natural born Citizen (bestowed by God/nature/natural law).

Removal Motion: Donald Trump Floats Lawsuit Over Canadian-Born Cruz’s Article II Ineligibility - Birther Report

Trump is a Birther- and all Birthers are idiots.

Of course Trump appeals to racists and anti-semites like you.
No, he appeal's to patriots/constitutionalists like myself.

So does David Duke.
What does that tell us?

Different target groups. It's a bit like saying that because the CPUSA supports Obama then all Dems are communists...hmmmm; not to say that that argument has ZERO merit!! lol

"Trump Floats Lawsuit To Determine If Cruz Is Eligible To Be A Natural Born Citizen"

Trump needs to sink his 'lawsuit,' as it's idiocy and devoid of merit.

Cruz is a US citizen, he did not become a citizen through the naturalization process, consequently he's a natural born citizen jus sanguinis.

Rump floats lawsuits like other fat people float turds. And they usually flush the same way.

Sued Palm Beach County -- three times -- because he didn't like planes flying over his estate. :gay:

Maybe should have done his research before buying the property.... :eusa_doh:
And he won't be eligible. Cruz is a statutory Citizen. A statutory Citizen (bestowed by man's pen/positive law) can never be made into a natural born Citizen (bestowed by God/nature/natural law).

Removal Motion: Donald Trump Floats Lawsuit Over Canadian-Born Cruz’s Article II Ineligibility - Birther Report

Trump is a Birther- and all Birthers are idiots.

Of course Trump appeals to racists and anti-semites like you.
No, he appeal's to patriots/constitutionalists like myself.

Yes- he appeals to racists like yourself.

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