Breaking: Trump Hits Sessions, Hillary, And Acting FBI Head McCabe In Epic Tuesday Morning Tweets

"Epic" tweets? Give me a break. The only thing epic these days is the editorial spin the left leaning blogs give to the tweets.
It's an absolute disgrace what Trump and his bots are doing to this Nation and the Rule of Law/Justice,

Telling Americans that ALL OF OUR U.S. PROSECUTORS, INVESTIGATE and prosecute cases differently depending on what Party affiliation the accused is.... what bull crap!

Duh, I guess you forgot the Comey investigation of Clinton. "careless" "too dumb to understand classification rules". Come on, you are looking more stupid with each new post.
If only the far left wing of the Democratic Party gives a shit that Russians hacked into our private election business and broadcast it to Wikileaks to undermine the Democratic candidate, and if only far left wing Democrats want to know if Americans on the Trump campaign were aware of that help and advanced those efforts, then GOOD. We'll take it.
By the way, Mueller is a Republican.
If the Dem party cared, why didnt they turn in their servers?
TN, this is serious. We got the information we needed in spite of the fact that they didn't want to hand over their servers in the midst of their busiest campaign season.
That is not an argument.

one more time. What you are actually saying is that the truth about Hillary, the DNC, and the media MAY have cost her the election. Now, why is that bad for the USA?
An adversarial foreign power stole stuff out of our file cabinets and broadcast them with ill intent. If I have to explain why that's bad for the USA, there's something wrong with you.

Are you so naïve that you don't know that the USA has been trying to influence elections in other countries since 1776? This is nothing new. Obama spent millions of US dollars in a failed effort to beat Netanyahu in Israel.

There is also no proof that the data leaked by wikileaks came from Russia. It may have come from a disgruntled Bernie supporter in the DNC.

and for the final time, why is it bad for the voters to have access to the truth about the candidates, regardless of where that truth comes from?

last question: why would Russia prefer Trump over Clinton when they had reams of data that could be used to blackmail her?
Piping up in a public forum about who we openly support in another country's elections is not the same as what Russia did to us in 2016.
I believe my intelligence agencies over Putin.
Didn't you ever read Young Goodman Brown? IT MATTERS who we deal with.
Trump is playing into Putin's hands as much as the Congress and the generals will let him, it seems to me. Perhaps they just have a similar point of view, but either way, Trump as a newcomer to politics would be an easier mark. And Putin hates Clinton.
If the Dem party cared, why didnt they turn in their servers?
TN, this is serious. We got the information we needed in spite of the fact that they didn't want to hand over their servers in the midst of their busiest campaign season.
That is not an argument.

one more time. What you are actually saying is that the truth about Hillary, the DNC, and the media MAY have cost her the election. Now, why is that bad for the USA?
An adversarial foreign power stole stuff out of our file cabinets and broadcast them with ill intent. If I have to explain why that's bad for the USA, there's something wrong with you.

Are you so naïve that you don't know that the USA has been trying to influence elections in other countries since 1776? This is nothing new. Obama spent millions of US dollars in a failed effort to beat Netanyahu in Israel.

There is also no proof that the data leaked by wikileaks came from Russia. It may have come from a disgruntled Bernie supporter in the DNC.

and for the final time, why is it bad for the voters to have access to the truth about the candidates, regardless of where that truth comes from?

last question: why would Russia prefer Trump over Clinton when they had reams of data that could be used to blackmail her?
Piping up in a public forum about who we openly support in another country's elections is not the same as what Russia did to us in 2016.
I believe my intelligence agencies over Putin.
Didn't you ever read Young Goodman Brown? IT MATTERS who we deal with.
Trump is playing into Putin's hands as much as the Congress and the generals will let him, it seems to me. Perhaps they just have a similar point of view, but either way, Trump as a newcomer to politics would be an easier mark. And Putin hates Clinton.
The intelligence they gathered from a third party because DNC refused to give up their servers?
Nope, not that you'll remember this, but I'm not hoping he's guilty of something; I don't believe he's guilty of something. I'm waiting for the investigations to conclude and see what the people who ACTUALLY KNOW WHAT'S GOING ON have to say. There have been so many classified meetings and so much classified information given to the investigators that we know nothing about that it is crazy for any of us to be jumping to conclusions.

nice sentiments. But Mueller and his band of democrat lawyers are not looking for the truth. They are on a witch hunt to try to bring Trump down.

What the dems are really scared of is that Trump is succeeding just as he promised during the campaign. They cannot attack him of what he is doing for the country, so they have to revert to their typical strategy or personal destruction.

That, Mary Poppins is what is really going on here.
7 out of the 15 man lawyer investigation team, have donated to Democrats, the other 8, have not. That's not unbalanced...

oh and Trump donated campaign funds to just Hillary (let alone all Democrats), MORE than all these 7 lawyers combined....why's it ok with Trump donating to Democrats in the past and not them?
Mueller should have picked neutral lawyers who haven't donated to any candidate. Wouldn't you agree?
No I do not agree because all prosecutors and every citizen has the right to free speech(donating) and a right to support the candidate of their choice.

These are professionals and what party they voted for would have nothing at all to do with how and what they investigate that their investigation leads them to...they are not on this witch hunt, they are simply tasked with finding out the truth....and whether any criminal acts occurred or not.

Why would ones party affiliation get in the way of that task?

your lack of historical knowledge on display. If you don't think the Mueller team is party driven, you are amazingly naïve.
nope! you are the one that has bought in to the Trumpaganda...with no support or facts....

While Mueller has HISTORY on his side and the fact that NEVER in his 40 years of serving his Nation at various levels, has he put party over Nation, and Justice for all...

yet you, like a good little Trump bot pawn of the TrumpMeister, tout his made up speal AGAIN that the Judges or Prosecutors are picking on him unfairly!

Cut me a break!

The boy has cried wolf one too much! :rolleyes:
It's an absolute disgrace what Trump and his bots are doing to this Nation and the Rule of Law/Justice,

Telling Americans that ALL OF OUR U.S. PROSECUTORS, INVESTIGATE and prosecute cases differently depending on what Party affiliation the accused is.... what bull crap!

Duh, I guess you forgot the Comey investigation of Clinton. "careless" "too dumb to understand classification rules". Come on, you are looking more stupid with each new post.
Comey said that there was no Prosecutor that could have brought a case against Clinton for what she had done and that there were no cases that anyone was ever charged and brought to court, in the history of the law, for what she had done....

case closed! Enough said.
It appears that Trump somehow still hasn't figured out that you can't run the United States Government like you run a private business.

Because running it like a government has worked out brilliantly, $20 trillion in debt, never ending borrowing, crumbling infrastructure in spite of spending nearly $40 trillion over the last 10 years, allowing foreign governments to fuck us over and take our jobs, yeah we need more professional politicians in charge /SARCASM
Why in the world would anyone want to work for Trump?
You couldn't understand. People who want to follow the law, and follow policies and want to do the right thing, would want to work for him. So far, he's been stung by the swamp creatures.

Lol! The guy is nuts!

Czar Trump wants to imprison his political rivals . Really just to distract from his own shadiness .
the political rival criminal, I'd have expected that already been done. I mean come now, deleting 33K of emails under a subpoena is as treasonous as one can get.
It appears that Trump somehow still hasn't figured out that you can't run the United States Government like you run a private business.
why not, he's working towards that goal. you think not? expalin? first measure of business is for everyone to do their job they were asked to do. If that doesn't work for the individual, he/she can resign or end up being on the 'you're fired' list. seems like what happens in my world. they don't fire incompetent workers in your field? ahhhh you must be union.
Why in the world would anyone want to work for Trump?
You couldn't understand. People who want to follow the law, and follow policies and want to do the right thing, would want to work for him. So far, he's been stung by the swamp creatures.
Fact is, people refusing to do a proper job, or looking the other way, or just plain being to lazy, is not just limited to politicians. it's nation wide. That garbage infested prison was just like that, 80 percent of the employees refused to follow policy, those who did, paid for it.
Why in the world would anyone want to work for Trump?
You couldn't understand. People who want to follow the law, and follow policies and want to do the right thing, would want to work for him. So far, he's been stung by the swamp creatures.
Fact is, people refusing to do a proper job, or looking the other way, or just plain being to lazy, is not just limited to politicians. it's nation wide. That garbage infested prison was just like that, 80 percent of the employees refused to follow policy, those who did, paid for it.
I think it's more of they work in the government and he isn't a per say government official, so they don't have to listen to him. I laugh at their ignorance. but once ignorant, always ignorant in my book. they are just now willing to show who they actually are. Time to get them to the unemployment line.
It appears that Trump somehow still hasn't figured out that you can't run the United States Government like you run a private business.
why not, he's working towards that goal. you think not? expalin? first measure of business is for everyone to do their job they were asked to do. If that doesn't work for the individual, he/she can resign or end up being on the 'you're fired' list. seems like what happens in my world. they don't fire incompetent workers in your field? ahhhh you must be union.
He can fire as many people as he wants.

A good manager - inside government or out - knows how to get the best from their people in all situations. Trump is demonstrating that his "management style" - overwhelming people with the sheer force his personality - doesn't translate to government. And of course, his sycophants either don't or won't see that.
TN, this is serious. We got the information we needed in spite of the fact that they didn't want to hand over their servers in the midst of their busiest campaign season.
That is not an argument.

one more time. What you are actually saying is that the truth about Hillary, the DNC, and the media MAY have cost her the election. Now, why is that bad for the USA?
An adversarial foreign power stole stuff out of our file cabinets and broadcast them with ill intent. If I have to explain why that's bad for the USA, there's something wrong with you.

Are you so naïve that you don't know that the USA has been trying to influence elections in other countries since 1776? This is nothing new. Obama spent millions of US dollars in a failed effort to beat Netanyahu in Israel.

There is also no proof that the data leaked by wikileaks came from Russia. It may have come from a disgruntled Bernie supporter in the DNC.

and for the final time, why is it bad for the voters to have access to the truth about the candidates, regardless of where that truth comes from?

last question: why would Russia prefer Trump over Clinton when they had reams of data that could be used to blackmail her?
Piping up in a public forum about who we openly support in another country's elections is not the same as what Russia did to us in 2016.
I believe my intelligence agencies over Putin.
Didn't you ever read Young Goodman Brown? IT MATTERS who we deal with.
Trump is playing into Putin's hands as much as the Congress and the generals will let him, it seems to me. Perhaps they just have a similar point of view, but either way, Trump as a newcomer to politics would be an easier mark. And Putin hates Clinton.
The intelligence they gathered from a third party because DNC refused to give up their servers?
Still chewing that bone, huh? I got an idea--start a thread.
It appears that Trump somehow still hasn't figured out that you can't run the United States Government like you run a private business.
why not, he's working towards that goal. you think not? expalin? first measure of business is for everyone to do their job they were asked to do. If that doesn't work for the individual, he/she can resign or end up being on the 'you're fired' list. seems like what happens in my world. they don't fire incompetent workers in your field? ahhhh you must be union.
He can fire as many people as he wants.

A good manager - inside government or out - knows how to get the best from their people in all situations. Trump is demonstrating that his "management style" - overwhelming people with the sheer force his personality - doesn't translate to government. And of course, his sycophants either don't or won't see that.
yep, exactly, similar to what I just posted.
Why in the world would anyone want to work for Trump?
Pathetic synchophants like this:
It appears that Trump somehow still hasn't figured out that you can't run the United States Government like you run a private business.

Because running it like a government has worked out brilliantly, $20 trillion in debt, never ending borrowing, crumbling infrastructure in spite of spending nearly $40 trillion over the last 10 years, allowing foreign governments to fuck us over and take our jobs, yeah we need more professional politicians in charge /SARCASM
it wasn't created to run smoothly, it was created to run slowly and clumsily with all kinds of things to slow it down, like 3 equal branches of Government....
Why in the world would anyone want to work for Trump?
You couldn't understand. People who want to follow the law, and follow policies and want to do the right thing, would want to work for him. So far, he's been stung by the swamp creatures.

Lol! The guy is nuts!

Czar Trump wants to imprison his political rivals . Really just to distract from his own shadiness .

wrong, he thinks that political criminals should be prosecuted, so do I. why do you think that Hillary's crimes should be ignored? Why should the illegal deal between bubba and Lynch be ignored? Why do you think that dem politicians are above the law?
Where's those indictments and convictions? We've been waiting years now.
I'm not liking the tone of this. Maybe the jackass WILL work himself up to fire Sessions in order to get to Mueller. He seems to be setting up his excuses.
This will backfire, buddy. Or it had better backfire, if this is still the United States of America.
Yes, because govt accountability is an American tradition :lol:
So if Trump fires Mueller, you predict he will be allowed to continue on his way with no repercussions?

Mueller is not serving the interests of the USA, he is serving the far left wing of the dem party. He should be fired.
Too funny! :rofl: :rofl:

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