In Abandoning Further Covid Relief, Trump Has Signaled He Intends To Bring The Country Down With Him

From this we must assume that Trump has now been served the truth about his dismal re-election prospects. Because this is the act of a desperate, flailing man with zero interest in the welfare of the American people, who sees his end approaching and is determined to make all Americans pay the price for it:

As reported by the New York Times:

President Trump on Tuesday abruptly ended talks with Democrats on an economic stimulus bill, sending the stock market sliding and dealing a final blow to an intensive set of on-again-off-again negotiations to deliver additional pandemic aid to struggling Americans before the November elections.
This is simply one man’s sociopathic rage, acted out: a final dose of pure, unadulterated spite by Donald Trump, in willful collusion with Mitch McConnell and the rest of the Republicans in the U.S. Senate. What it means, in practical terms, is that millions of Americans are going to lose their jobs, their health insurance, and for many, their homes, by the end of this calendar year as businesses struggling to stay afloat in the worst pandemic this country has seen in living memory finally give up the ghost, forced to lay off those workers they’ve struggled to retain. Then, the businesses themselves—hospitality, travel, leisure, personal services, restaurants, small businesses of every imaginable kind—will simply go belly up and fold.

Trump announced that he was pulling the plug on the effort in a series of afternoon tweets in which he accused Speaker Nancy Pelosi of California of “not negotiating in good faith" and urged Senate Republicans to focus solely on confirming his nominee to the Supreme Court in the coming weeks.
Ms. Pelosi and Steven Mnuchin, the Treasury secretary, had been scheduled to speak later Tuesday afternoon, after days of detailed talks aimed at a last-ditch compromise.
Instead, Mr. Trump said that he had instructed Mr. Mnuchin to stop negotiating, sending the S&P 500 down as much as 1 percent in the immediate aftermath of his tweet. It had been up more than half a percent in the moments before.
This means there will be absolutely no relief for any states with budgets for social services already crushed by the pandemic; no relief for businesses; no provision of any medical equipment, testing, PPE or other preventive funding to cope with the crisis; and not a penny for those rendered unemployed by the pandemic-- until Joe Biden is sworn in. By that time the economy-- as Fed Chairman Jerome Powell stated today with crystal clarity--will have re-entered recession or something worse. Thanks to Donald Trump, it’s going to be a very, very bleak winter for millions.

Congratulations for being the most blindly partisan person of USMB for the month of October.

sheep cnn.jpg
From this we must assume that Trump has now been served the truth about his dismal re-election prospects. Because this is the act of a desperate, flailing man with zero interest in the welfare of the American people, who sees his end approaching and is determined to make all Americans pay the price for it:

As reported by the New York Times:

President Trump on Tuesday abruptly ended talks with Democrats on an economic stimulus bill, sending the stock market sliding and dealing a final blow to an intensive set of on-again-off-again negotiations to deliver additional pandemic aid to struggling Americans before the November elections.
This is simply one man’s sociopathic rage, acted out: a final dose of pure, unadulterated spite by Donald Trump, in willful collusion with Mitch McConnell and the rest of the Republicans in the U.S. Senate. What it means, in practical terms, is that millions of Americans are going to lose their jobs, their health insurance, and for many, their homes, by the end of this calendar year as businesses struggling to stay afloat in the worst pandemic this country has seen in living memory finally give up the ghost, forced to lay off those workers they’ve struggled to retain. Then, the businesses themselves—hospitality, travel, leisure, personal services, restaurants, small businesses of every imaginable kind—will simply go belly up and fold.

Trump announced that he was pulling the plug on the effort in a series of afternoon tweets in which he accused Speaker Nancy Pelosi of California of “not negotiating in good faith" and urged Senate Republicans to focus solely on confirming his nominee to the Supreme Court in the coming weeks.
Ms. Pelosi and Steven Mnuchin, the Treasury secretary, had been scheduled to speak later Tuesday afternoon, after days of detailed talks aimed at a last-ditch compromise.
Instead, Mr. Trump said that he had instructed Mr. Mnuchin to stop negotiating, sending the S&P 500 down as much as 1 percent in the immediate aftermath of his tweet. It had been up more than half a percent in the moments before.
This means there will be absolutely no relief for any states with budgets for social services already crushed by the pandemic; no relief for businesses; no provision of any medical equipment, testing, PPE or other preventive funding to cope with the crisis; and not a penny for those rendered unemployed by the pandemic-- until Joe Biden is sworn in. By that time the economy-- as Fed Chairman Jerome Powell stated today with crystal clarity--will have re-entered recession or something worse. Thanks to Donald Trump, it’s going to be a very, very bleak winter for millions.

Has anyone posted that Trump has already walked part of this back in a Tweet?
That is all media lies and spin. Trump is negotiating .........Pelosi wants 2.5 trillion to help pay for a bunch of bs....Trump offered a billion for SPECIFIC items which isn't to cover Pelosis pet projects....but yes the media is spinning it as Trump changed his mind and has all of the sudden agreed to sign..........

Pure propaganda on the media's part--you shouldn't believe the BS that they put out.
Democrats need to remove her
She's the best thing since sliced bread and will go down in history as one of the best Speakers we ever had, and perfect for these tumultuous times with the big T.

Trump' s on steroids, they are making him whacky....
Lots of Democrats want her removed. You're in the minority

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The state's need money, they've been hurt badly, due to covid. No tourism, no shopping, no bars no restaurants no jobs to tax.... and have no way to collect state taxes, not enough to fund essentials of the states.
And the Demoncrats held that hostage in negotiations to try and get what they want. It's on them now, so let them go back explaining why they got refused for attempting to make and emergency bill a pork bill. They truly are dispicable.
How can the state's being broke due to covid, not be an emergency? Where TRUMPs buddies getting millions in covid relief from us tax payers? Or Trumps hotels getting covid relief? Or all of wall street corporations and banks getting covid relief by the Fed lowering the Fed borrowing rate to ZERO percent? Please spare me!
Democrats need to remove her
She's the best thing since sliced bread and will go down in history as one of the best Speakers we ever had, and perfect for these tumultuous times with the big T.

Trump' s on steroids, they are making him whacky....
Lots of Democrats want her removed. You're in the minority

2018 buddy.... And they ended up voting for her, to be speaker, including those who initially wanted someone young and New..... And they all are counting their blessings, it was Nancy that won the seat.
From this we must assume that Trump has now been served the truth about his dismal re-election prospects. Because this is the act of a desperate, flailing man with zero interest in the welfare of the American people, who sees his end approaching and is determined to make all Americans pay the price for it:

As reported by the New York Times:

President Trump on Tuesday abruptly ended talks with Democrats on an economic stimulus bill, sending the stock market sliding and dealing a final blow to an intensive set of on-again-off-again negotiations to deliver additional pandemic aid to struggling Americans before the November elections.
This is simply one man’s sociopathic rage, acted out: a final dose of pure, unadulterated spite by Donald Trump, in willful collusion with Mitch McConnell and the rest of the Republicans in the U.S. Senate. What it means, in practical terms, is that millions of Americans are going to lose their jobs, their health insurance, and for many, their homes, by the end of this calendar year as businesses struggling to stay afloat in the worst pandemic this country has seen in living memory finally give up the ghost, forced to lay off those workers they’ve struggled to retain. Then, the businesses themselves—hospitality, travel, leisure, personal services, restaurants, small businesses of every imaginable kind—will simply go belly up and fold.

Trump announced that he was pulling the plug on the effort in a series of afternoon tweets in which he accused Speaker Nancy Pelosi of California of “not negotiating in good faith" and urged Senate Republicans to focus solely on confirming his nominee to the Supreme Court in the coming weeks.
Ms. Pelosi and Steven Mnuchin, the Treasury secretary, had been scheduled to speak later Tuesday afternoon, after days of detailed talks aimed at a last-ditch compromise.
Instead, Mr. Trump said that he had instructed Mr. Mnuchin to stop negotiating, sending the S&P 500 down as much as 1 percent in the immediate aftermath of his tweet. It had been up more than half a percent in the moments before.
This means there will be absolutely no relief for any states with budgets for social services already crushed by the pandemic; no relief for businesses; no provision of any medical equipment, testing, PPE or other preventive funding to cope with the crisis; and not a penny for those rendered unemployed by the pandemic-- until Joe Biden is sworn in. By that time the economy-- as Fed Chairman Jerome Powell stated today with crystal clarity--will have re-entered recession or something worse. Thanks to Donald Trump, it’s going to be a very, very bleak winter for millions.

Has anyone posted that Trump has already walked part of this back in a Tweet?
That is all media lies and spin. Trump is negotiating .........Pelosi wants 2.5 trillion to help pay for a bunch of bs....Trump offered a billion for SPECIFIC items which isn't to cover Pelosis pet projects....but yes the media is spinning it as Trump changed his mind and has all of the sudden agreed to sign..........

Pure propaganda on the media's part--you shouldn't believe the BS that they put out.
Propaganda is...every time you say the number you increase it.

Trump says crazy Nancy wants 2.4 Trillion.
Turtle on the internet says 2.5 Trillion.
The actual bill - 2.2. Trillion

I know, I know...your slight exaggerations are not meant to be used for propaganda.
The Don, seems to think he is president for only Trumpet voting states, NOT the United States....
The divider n chief sucks at being president....
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The state's need money, they've been hurt badly, due to covid. No tourism, no shopping, no bars no restaurants no jobs to tax.... and have no way to collect state taxes, not enough to fund essentials of the states.
And the Demoncrats held that hostage in negotiations to try and get what they want. It's on them now, so let them go back explaining why they got refused for attempting to make and emergency bill a pork bill. They truly are dispicable.
How can the state's being broke due to covid, not be an emergency? Where TRUMPs buddies getting millions in covid relief from us tax payers? Or Trumps hotels getting covid relief? Or all of wall street corporations and banks getting covid relief by the Fed lowering the Fed borrowing rate to ZERO percent? Please spare me!
States trying to get the federal government to pay for their decades of waste of their tax money---------------states like NY, MI, and CA that locked down instead of working around the virus as best as possible like florida. Why is my taxmoney going to bail out corrupt mismanaged states like NY?
The state's need money, they've been hurt badly, due to covid. No tourism, no shopping, no bars no restaurants no jobs to tax.... and have no way to collect state taxes, not enough to fund essentials of the states.
And the Demoncrats held that hostage in negotiations to try and get what they want. It's on them now, so let them go back explaining why they got refused for attempting to make and emergency bill a pork bill. They truly are dispicable.
How can the state's being broke due to covid, not be an emergency? Where TRUMPs buddies getting millions in covid relief from us tax payers? Or Trumps hotels getting covid relief? Or all of wall street corporations and banks getting covid relief by the Fed lowering the Fed borrowing rate to ZERO percent? Please spare me!
States trying to get the federal government to pay for their decades of waste of their tax money---------------states like NY, MI, and CA that locked down instead of working around the virus as best as possible like florida. Why is my taxmoney going to bail out corrupt mismanaged states like NY?
They are asking for COVID relief, which in no way covers anything else....

These states got hit hard as the places where tens of thousands of citizens died from covid.

This blue state crap that Trump always tries to use as President to HARM them, is an ABUSE O F POWER.
From this we must assume that Trump has now been served the truth about his dismal re-election prospects. Because this is the act of a desperate, flailing man with zero interest in the welfare of the American people, who sees his end approaching and is determined to make all Americans pay the price for it:

As reported by the New York Times:

President Trump on Tuesday abruptly ended talks with Democrats on an economic stimulus bill, sending the stock market sliding and dealing a final blow to an intensive set of on-again-off-again negotiations to deliver additional pandemic aid to struggling Americans before the November elections.
This is simply one man’s sociopathic rage, acted out: a final dose of pure, unadulterated spite by Donald Trump, in willful collusion with Mitch McConnell and the rest of the Republicans in the U.S. Senate. What it means, in practical terms, is that millions of Americans are going to lose their jobs, their health insurance, and for many, their homes, by the end of this calendar year as businesses struggling to stay afloat in the worst pandemic this country has seen in living memory finally give up the ghost, forced to lay off those workers they’ve struggled to retain. Then, the businesses themselves—hospitality, travel, leisure, personal services, restaurants, small businesses of every imaginable kind—will simply go belly up and fold.

Trump announced that he was pulling the plug on the effort in a series of afternoon tweets in which he accused Speaker Nancy Pelosi of California of “not negotiating in good faith" and urged Senate Republicans to focus solely on confirming his nominee to the Supreme Court in the coming weeks.
Ms. Pelosi and Steven Mnuchin, the Treasury secretary, had been scheduled to speak later Tuesday afternoon, after days of detailed talks aimed at a last-ditch compromise.
Instead, Mr. Trump said that he had instructed Mr. Mnuchin to stop negotiating, sending the S&P 500 down as much as 1 percent in the immediate aftermath of his tweet. It had been up more than half a percent in the moments before.
This means there will be absolutely no relief for any states with budgets for social services already crushed by the pandemic; no relief for businesses; no provision of any medical equipment, testing, PPE or other preventive funding to cope with the crisis; and not a penny for those rendered unemployed by the pandemic-- until Joe Biden is sworn in. By that time the economy-- as Fed Chairman Jerome Powell stated today with crystal clarity--will have re-entered recession or something worse. Thanks to Donald Trump, it’s going to be a very, very bleak winter for millions.

Has anyone posted that Trump has already walked part of this back in a Tweet?
That is all media lies and spin. Trump is negotiating .........Pelosi wants 2.5 trillion to help pay for a bunch of bs....Trump offered a billion for SPECIFIC items which isn't to cover Pelosis pet projects....but yes the media is spinning it as Trump changed his mind and has all of the sudden agreed to sign..........

Pure propaganda on the media's part--you shouldn't believe the BS that they put out.
"That is all media lies and spin. Trump is negotiating ..."

Hey asshole, care to explain what cashless bail has to do with WuFlu relief?

We've already established that jails are petri dishes where the disease can spread. So if someone isn't dangerous, there's no reason to keep them locked up.
People are in jail because they have been judged to be a threat to society. How does covid change that?
He's taking a hand full of weed smoker's, and saying look over here, but not over there. We've done seen the disasters of these idiot leftist governor's who let criminals out to kill and commit crime again. Can you imagine of being a good citizen, law abiding, doing your part to help get the criminals off the street, only to turn and have one looking back at you free in the street to your utter shock ??? Talk about intimidation where people either begin to take the law into their own hands or they don't report crime at all anymore, and therefore this then allows the streets to be taken over with criminals. Governor's and mayor's right now is some area's of the country need to be having their desk cleaned out as we speak, and then arrested after that. I'm like Tucker Carlson, this crap has been frustrating to say the least.
The state's need money, they've been hurt badly, due to covid. No tourism, no shopping, no bars no restaurants no jobs to tax.... and have no way to collect state taxes, not enough to fund essentials of the states.
And the Demoncrats held that hostage in negotiations to try and get what they want. It's on them now, so let them go back explaining why they got refused for attempting to make and emergency bill a pork bill. They truly are dispicable.
How can the state's being broke due to covid, not be an emergency? Where TRUMPs buddies getting millions in covid relief from us tax payers? Or Trumps hotels getting covid relief? Or all of wall street corporations and banks getting covid relief by the Fed lowering the Fed borrowing rate to ZERO percent? Please spare me!
States trying to get the federal government to pay for their decades of waste of their tax money---------------states like NY, MI, and CA that locked down instead of working around the virus as best as possible like florida. Why is my taxmoney going to bail out corrupt mismanaged states like NY?
They are asking for COVID relief, which in no way covers anything else....

These states got hit hard as the places where tens of thousands of citizens died from covid.

This blue state crap that Trump always tries to use as President to HARM them, is an ABUSE O F POWER.
You act as if people are to dumb to read.
Nancy Pelosi and the Democratic House have done their job. Mitch McConnell and to Senate need to do theirs and pass a bill for Trump to sing and stop whining.

No - Campppppppppppp

Pelosi and the Dem House haven't done their job - which is to take care of the citizens of America.
To busy playing politic's these demoncrats are.... They are the worst. The amazing thing is that they've convinced so many sheeple that they are the best choice going forward, now how does that work ?? People today have got some of the shortest memories ever. They're easily intimidated, and got no moral compass anymore.
Nancy Pelosi and the Democratic House have done their job. Mitch McConnell and to Senate need to do theirs and pass a bill for Trump to sing and stop whining.

No - Campppppppppppp

Pelosi and the Dem House haven't done their job - which is to take care of the citizens of America.
To busy playing politic's these demoncrats are.... They are the worst. The amazing thing is that they've convinced so many sheeple that they are the best choice going forward, now how does that work ?? People today have got some of the shortest memories ever. They're easily intimidated, and got no moral compass anymore.
People continue getting sick from COVID and the economy teeters on crashing or recession and Trump and Republicans are stuck on making excuses with no solutions in sight.
The state's need money, they've been hurt badly, due to covid. No tourism, no shopping, no bars no restaurants no jobs to tax.... and have no way to collect state taxes, not enough to fund essentials of the states.
And the Demoncrats held that hostage in negotiations to try and get what they want. It's on them now, so let them go back explaining why they got refused for attempting to make and emergency bill a pork bill. They truly are dispicable.
How can the state's being broke due to covid, not be an emergency? Where TRUMPs buddies getting millions in covid relief from us tax payers? Or Trumps hotels getting covid relief? Or all of wall street corporations and banks getting covid relief by the Fed lowering the Fed borrowing rate to ZERO percent? Please spare me!
Oh you talking about all those job creator's and business owners across America that keep the economy rolling and strong ? You dam right they get relief, but those living in tents, crapping on sidewalks, shoving needles in their arms or those protesting in the streets burning down cities, killing cop's, beating up the innocent, framing people, calling for the dismantling of police forces, defunding the police, pro-choice abortion, and every other manor of self inflicted evil they bring upon themselves, no and hell no. Working class America is tired of the paying for bullcrap, and it has to change now.
Nancy Pelosi and the Democratic House have done their job. Mitch McConnell and to Senate need to do theirs and pass a bill for Trump to sing and stop whining.

No - Campppppppppppp

Pelosi and the Dem House haven't done their job - which is to take care of the citizens of America.
To busy playing politic's these demoncrats are.... They are the worst. The amazing thing is that they've convinced so many sheeple that they are the best choice going forward, now how does that work ?? People today have got some of the shortest memories ever. They're easily intimidated, and got no moral compass anymore.
People continue getting sick from COVID and the economy teeters on crashing or recession and Trump and Republicans are stuck on making excuses with no solutions in sight.
Ever tried working together ??? That's a novel concept.
People are in jail because they have been judged to be a threat to society. How does covid change that?

Except a lot of them aren't. A lot of them are in there for property and minor offenses...

if you should be able to qualify for bail, you shouldn't be in jail.
So, bail is now superfluous?

The concept of bail is kind of abused, really.

We have a prison industrial complex where we lock up people we plain old don't need to lock up. Bail is part of that, because we aren't processing people fast enough, but we don't have space to lock them all up, either.

So simple enough solution. You only get locked up prior to trial if you are a dangerous person. Period. Done.
So, bail is now superfluous?

The concept of bail is kind of abused, really.

We have a prison industrial complex where we lock up people we plain old don't need to lock up. Bail is part of that, because we aren't processing people fast enough, but we don't have space to lock them all up, either.

So simple enough solution. You only get locked up prior to trial if you are a dangerous person. Period. Done.
That would lead to a logical conclusion that the acts for which the individuals were arrested should not be illegal.

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