Breaking: Trump Packing Defense Dept With Loyalists For Wartime Phase Of Overturning Elections

"Trump campaign surrogate Brian Trascher revealed on Tuesday that President Donald Trump is now entering the “wartime phase” of his efforts to overturn the 2020 election. During a panel discussion on Newsmax, Trascher was asked to comment on Attorney General Bill Barr’s recent resignation -- Trascher added: “President Trump is about to enter the true wartime phase of this operation with the rigged election and he needs a wartime consigliere and Bill Barr’s just not that guy.”

This is a brilliant move by Trump -- he is just doing what Obama did back in 2016 when he tried to mobilize the military to overturn the election and install Hillary as president; after multiple lawsuits failed and the Supreme Court rejected Obama's diabolical plans...So its only fair that Trump does the same thing now....and besides, military coups are totally OK if you simply claim the other side is evil and wants to destroy America and stuff...OR....if that doesn't work -- you can secede because of how much you love America and the Constitution and will all be bullshit, but at least you will feel better while doing it....and when enough time goes by, just simply pretend none of it ever happened....

You people just go stupid don't you.

I can believe how dumb people are to believe BS.
You people just go stupid don't you.
I can believe how dumb people are to believe BS.
Well, that's the Newsmax audience. They'll believe whatever they're told in their little world.

I wouldn't know, I never heard of Newsmax. I stay away from far wing nut job sites, left and right, it makes for less drama. I guess the OP is just a drama queen.
Anyone who takes any orders to wage war on american citvilians is a traitor and deserves death. No ifs ands or buts. Anyone who supports such an effort is also treasonous, and deserves the punishment for treason.

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