Breaking....Trump to allow drilling off virtually ALL off shore US waters!!

I gotta say............lived through many, many elections now in my lifetime and it is so heartwarming to see President Trump issuing an almost daily ass kicking of bozo progressive idea's and ideology. The pokes in the eye are getting to be profound..........and I thought we'd never see anybody out-do Soetero.

And the bean heads are still all tied up in knots over tweets while Trump dismantles their asses!!! It is politically fascinating!!:up:
I gotta say............lived through many, many elections now in my lifetime and it is so heartwarming to see President Trump issuing an almost daily ass kicking of bozo progressive idea's and ideology. The pokes in the eye are getting to be profound..........and I thought we'd never see anybody out-do Soetero.

And the bean heads are still all tied up in knots over tweets while Trump dismantles their asses!!! It is politically fascinating!!:up:

Donald Trump is the Godzilla of Presidents.
Unlikely that oil companies will be much interested in much other than a few spots. We still have a glut and oil is 60 bucks a barrel. Oil execs are likely to say - "Meh Stinky Zinke - thanks but no thanks."

And Governor Scott says not in Florida ya won't! :cool:

“I have already asked to immediately meet with Secretary Zinke to discuss the concerns I have with this plan and the crucial need to remove Florida from consideration," Scott said in a statement.

Florida's GOP governor opposes Trump move to expand offshore oil drilling
Like all the other countries that have drilling just outside our International waters?
It's about time.
I thought the fun in this forum had reached its pinnacle about a year ago but as Trump has followed through on nuking all the jerkoff Bush and Soetero asshat regulations, things have gotten downright giddy in here. The EPA getting blown to shit, Paris in the casket, the CPP on its last legs, coal, Trumps global warming tweets of pwn, the country frozen in a block of ice.........I could go on and on.

Its so awesome..........seeing progressives getting the daily bumpy.:ssex:
Drill baby, drill...

Unlikely that oil companies will be much interested in much other than a few spots. We still have a glut and oil is 60 bucks a barrel. Oil execs are likely to say - "Meh Stinky Zinke - thanks but no thanks."

And Governor Scott says not in Florida ya won't! :cool:

“I have already asked to immediately meet with Secretary Zinke to discuss the concerns I have with this plan and the crucial need to remove Florida from consideration," Scott said in a statement.

Florida's GOP governor opposes Trump move to expand offshore oil drilling

I don't know how economics works in the liberal Lolo Land of socialism, but in the real world it works like this: When the price of something is up, everyone scrambles to acquire or produce more of it. That in turn eventually causes the value of it to go down, which as a consumer of gasoline, even you would agree that is a good thing.

There is no "glut" of oil. Obama sold off a huge portion of our oil reserves and thanks to the cold weather we're experiencing, oil and gas consumption is at an all-time high.

If some states don't like the idea of drilling off their shores, well it sucks to be them. They're just going to miss out on some MAGA.
47 new areas!!!!:deal::rock::rock::rock:

How awesome is this?

Wait'll environmentalist folks get a load of this.........head explosions s0ns:blowup::blowup::blowup:

And I couldn't be laughing any harder.:boobies::boobies:

I hope that they build one off the NC coast. It would be great to have a definite fishing destination that is sure to hold fish rather than simply trolling areas that might or might not hold fish based on some small bottom anomaly or wreck. In addition oil rigs hold a large number of species from the surface to the bottom...wrecks and bottom anomalies don't generally hold a column of fish from surface to bottom.
47 new areas!!!!:deal::rock::rock::rock:

How awesome is this?

Wait'll environmentalist folks get a load of this.........head explosions s0ns:blowup::blowup::blowup:

And I couldn't be laughing any harder.:boobies::boobies:

I hope that they build one off the NC coast. It would be great to have a definite fishing destination that is sure to hold fish rather than simply trolling areas that might or might not hold fish based on some small bottom anomaly or wreck. In addition oil rigs hold a large number of species from the surface to the bottom...wrecks and bottom anomalies don't generally hold a column of fish from surface to bottom.

interesting stuff..........did not know that.
What is done by EO can be undone by EO. When President Pence loses the election in 2020, this can all be undone. In the meantime:

Building a New Wind Farm Costs Less Than Running an Old Coal Plant

Wind and solar power are getting cheaper every day, and lower costs means renewable energy is giving coal and nuclear power a run for its money—quite literally.

A year ago, solar power became the world’s cheapest form of energy, and wind and solar are the best investments in large swaths of the U.S. Now, a new report from financial firm Lazard Ltd. concludes that solar and wind are so cheap that building new wind and solar farms costs less money than continuing to run current coal or nuclear plants.

Lazard’s annual study, the Levelized Cost of Energy Analysis (LCOE), compares the costs of different types of energy generation and storage tech. According to their most recent report, released earlier this month, the cost of alternative energy sources like wind and solar have fallen far enough to make new facilities competitive with current coal and nuclear plants.

“In some scenarios the full-lifecycle costs of building and operating renewables-based projects have dropped below the operating costs alone of conventional generation technologies such as coal or nuclear,” according to the press release.

And now other companies are starting to build huge battery factories in other nations. That will introduce new technologies, and price competition to the batteries for the EV's and Grid. Which will make the EV's far more competitive with the ICE's. Then we can stop burning a valuable resource and use it for an industrial feed stock.

Battery storage “gigafactory” planned for Darwin for 2018

Australia’s first battery storage “gigafactory” is likely to be built in Darwin, with a new consortium planing to establish a large-scale lithium-ion manufacturing plant by the end of 2018.

Energy Renaissance, a company backed by engineering group UGL (now owned by CIMIC) says the first phase of the $100 million plant will create four distinct production lines, and will target niche utility and industrial scale markets in Australia and Asia.

Energy Renaissance is partnering with US battery storage company 24M, and is said to have the enthusiastic support, if not the financial backing, of the new Labor government, which also has a 50 per cent renewable energy target by 2030.

“Renaissance One” – as it will be known – is one of at least two “gigafactory” proposals for Australia, with the Boston Energy consortium led by former Macquarie Group property guru Bill Moss looking at a much larger 15GWh production line in Townsville.
I find shocking that so many liberals missed the memo as it applies to Trump. These people think that if they dig up enough dirt on Trump he will be impeached of the congress flips. Got some bad news......Trump isn't going anywhere.......stuck with him for 3 more years no matter what s0ns. Impeachment basically doesn't mean dick as we found out 19 years ago.
What is done by EO can be undone by EO. When President Pence loses the election in 2020, this can all be undone. In the meantime:

Building a New Wind Farm Costs Less Than Running an Old Coal Plant

Wind and solar power are getting cheaper every day, and lower costs means renewable energy is giving coal and nuclear power a run for its money—quite literally.

A year ago, solar power became the world’s cheapest form of energy, and wind and solar are the best investments in large swaths of the U.S. Now, a new report from financial firm Lazard Ltd. concludes that solar and wind are so cheap that building new wind and solar farms costs less money than continuing to run current coal or nuclear plants.

Lazard’s annual study, the Levelized Cost of Energy Analysis (LCOE), compares the costs of different types of energy generation and storage tech. According to their most recent report, released earlier this month, the cost of alternative energy sources like wind and solar have fallen far enough to make new facilities competitive with current coal and nuclear plants.

“In some scenarios the full-lifecycle costs of building and operating renewables-based projects have dropped below the operating costs alone of conventional generation technologies such as coal or nuclear,” according to the press release.

And now other companies are starting to build huge battery factories in other nations. That will introduce new technologies, and price competition to the batteries for the EV's and Grid. Which will make the EV's far more competitive with the ICE's. Then we can stop burning a valuable resource and use it for an industrial feed stock.

Battery storage “gigafactory” planned for Darwin for 2018

Australia’s first battery storage “gigafactory” is likely to be built in Darwin, with a new consortium planing to establish a large-scale lithium-ion manufacturing plant by the end of 2018.

Energy Renaissance, a company backed by engineering group UGL (now owned by CIMIC) says the first phase of the $100 million plant will create four distinct production lines, and will target niche utility and industrial scale markets in Australia and Asia.

Energy Renaissance is partnering with US battery storage company 24M, and is said to have the enthusiastic support, if not the financial backing, of the new Labor government, which also has a 50 per cent renewable energy target by 2030.

“Renaissance One” – as it will be known – is one of at least two “gigafactory” proposals for Australia, with the Boston Energy consortium led by former Macquarie Group property guru Bill Moss looking at a much larger 15GWh production line in Townsville.
The regulations are now GONE... the red tape is now gone.. they are not simply put there by EO and the new rules governing the agencies and need for real science to back up changes will keep your EO fantasy at bay..

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