President Obama bans oil drilling to twart Trump's economic boom

Obama issues lots of executive orders and the MSM cheers him on.

Now if Trump issues one EO, he will be damned by libs and their media...the hypocrisy is a sight to behold.
Great. I mean good. I hope he does a lot more before he leaves office.

1. All liberal 'laws' will be reverted.
2. Marxism will be prohibited
3. Liberals at best will be sent to lunatic asylums.

Yes we will become the new Russian , and you will also bend over and take it. You think because you voted for the charlatan you will be ok, think again, he will put the screws to you as well. He got your vote, you are no longer needed.

A charlatan is lying crooked Killary an I voted for Trump.
We will never become Russia because:

1. USA is a protestant country
2. The 1st and 2nd Amendments
3. Hate toward Marxism
4. USA is a Free country
5. Trump is not Putin
6. Other mindset
7. USA were founded mostly by North-Europeans

Duh wake up, you no longer have a first amendment. Trump and Putin = 2 peas in a pod. USA is not a Protestant country.
Democrats are killers of jobs and prosperity, they shall go to live in their communist paradise: Venezuela
Great. I mean good. I hope he does a lot more before he leaves office.

Yeah, and I hope Trump rescinding everything his first day in office. It wouldn't surprise me if he did, and I would so enjoy seeing the freak out session here on the forum if he does.

He did it to protect the waters , Canada was part of it. Crap lets just spoil the oceans while we are at it. Pollute the land and pollute the waters. Stupid people.

Do you know where the best fishing in the Gulf of Mexico is?

I do not eat fish or anything from the gulf of Mexico.

I didnt ask if you ate fish from the gulf of mexico.

I don't know I never fished in the gulf of Mexico.
Democrats are killers of jobs and prosperity, they shall go to live in their communist paradise: Venezuela

Well its been the Pubs who really pushed all the trade. Come on, they have been trading for years, the SILK ROAD. If you have anger , have anger at the elites, like Trump, they are the ones who screwed you. Now you might get a job but no bennies and maybe 5 bucks an hours. Good luck.
Great. I mean good. I hope he does a lot more before he leaves office.

1. All liberal 'laws' will be reverted.
2. Marxism will be prohibited
3. Liberals at best will be sent to lunatic asylums.

Yes we will become the new Russian , and you will also bend over and take it. You think because you voted for the charlatan you will be ok, think again, he will put the screws to you as well. He got your vote, you are no longer needed.

A charlatan is lying crooked Killary an I voted for Trump.
We will never become Russia because:

1. USA is a protestant country
2. The 1st and 2nd Amendments
3. Hate toward Marxism
4. USA is a Free country
5. Trump is not Putin
6. Other mindset
7. USA were founded mostly by North-Europeans

Duh wake up, you no longer have a first amendment. Trump and Putin = 2 peas in a pod. USA is not a Protestant country.
Did we lose the First Amendment when Trump got elected?
Great. I mean good. I hope he does a lot more before he leaves office.

Yeah, and I hope Trump rescinding everything his first day in office. It wouldn't surprise me if he did, and I would so enjoy seeing the freak out session here on the forum if he does.

He did it to protect the waters , Canada was part of it. Crap lets just spoil the oceans while we are at it. Pollute the land and pollute the waters. Stupid people.
Why didn't he do it 8 years ago?
Great. I mean good. I hope he does a lot more before he leaves office.

Yeah, and I hope Trump rescinding everything his first day in office. It wouldn't surprise me if he did, and I would so enjoy seeing the freak out session here on the forum if he does.

He did it to protect the waters , Canada was part of it. Crap lets just spoil the oceans while we are at it. Pollute the land and pollute the waters. Stupid people.
Why didn't he do it 8 years ago?
He was busy trying to subvert the Constitution.
Great. I mean good. I hope he does a lot more before he leaves office.

Yeah, and I hope Trump rescinding everything his first day in office. It wouldn't surprise me if he did, and I would so enjoy seeing the freak out session here on the forum if he does.

He did it to protect the waters , Canada was part of it. Crap lets just spoil the oceans while we are at it. Pollute the land and pollute the waters. Stupid people.
Why didn't he do it 8 years ago?
He was busy trying to subvert the Constitution.

That does take up a lot of ones time.
Democrats are killers of jobs and prosperity, they shall go to live in their communist paradise: Venezuela
U.S. declares Venezuela a national security threat, sanctions top officials
Yeah....little weak impoverished Venezuela is a national security threat to the USA.

Typical BS from our BS government.

Yep, but this whole pretend the Democrats are even for anything similar to Venezuela........especially when they sure as hell tried to overthrow the "Marxist" regime has to stop. The Democrats 100% back neoliberal policies and push for "free market" in foreign policy. This game allows them to hide as if they really, really support these type of governments when they do not.
Poor obama, those waters can still be drilled. "If you have a milkshake, and I have a milkshake, and I have a straw. my straw reaches all the way across the room, I drink your milkshake."
Yeah, and I hope Trump rescinding everything his first day in office. It wouldn't surprise me if he did, and I would so enjoy seeing the freak out session here on the forum if he does.

He did it to protect the waters , Canada was part of it. Crap lets just spoil the oceans while we are at it. Pollute the land and pollute the waters. Stupid people.

Do you know where the best fishing in the Gulf of Mexico is?

I do not eat fish or anything from the gulf of Mexico.

I didnt ask if you ate fish from the gulf of mexico.

I don't know I never fished in the gulf of Mexico.

Around the oil rigs.
Barry is going to be really disappointed when Trump reverses all his BS pen and phone mandates.
What can unite Marxist and other liberals?Their continuously unstoppably pursue to transform rich countries and folks to poor ones. Anywhere socislist-democrats-communists-liberals run countries exist poverty, unemployment, social degradation, low birth rates? Why?
The communist gang needs poor people, poor slaves without any property and rights.Look what does now Merkel in Merkelstan, how she devastates this former rich country.
Obama is a good communist too, as a Kenyan Muslim he hates this country probably much more as Merkel hates her enslaved Merkelstan.
No new jobs for America, no growing of GDP, Americans shall be as poor as Venezuelans!
Hopefully Trump shall revert all laws created by Muslim Kenyan enemy within and make America great again!
Additionally he shall prohibit Marxism / Liberalism of any kind in USA!

Obama used a little-known law called the Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act to protect large portions of the Chukchi and Beaufort seas in the Arctic and a string of canyons in the Atlantic stretching from Massachusetts to Virginia. In addition to a five-year moratorium already in place in the Atlantic, removing the canyons from drilling puts much of the eastern seaboard off limits to oil exploration even if companies develop plans to operate around them.

The announcement by the White House late in the afternoon was coordinated with similar steps being taken by Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau to shield large areas of that nation’s Arctic waters from drilling. Neither measure affects leases already held by oil and gas companies and drilling activity in state waters.

President Obama bans oil drilling in large areas of Atlantic and Arctic oceans

The True Goal of Marxists- Liberals- Democrats!


Read here what Liberals can do in America
Communism in Ambush -
Fusion (an energy with a future), that is where it is at.
1. All liberal 'laws' will be reverted.
2. Marxism will be prohibited
3. Liberals at best will be sent to lunatic asylums.

Yes we will become the new Russian , and you will also bend over and take it. You think because you voted for the charlatan you will be ok, think again, he will put the screws to you as well. He got your vote, you are no longer needed.

You just described how the democrats lost the past 6 years... Earth to Penelope do you live in an alternative universe?

P.s. girl I can't wait for you to read the latest news out of Israel..

You are going to be so mad at Trump now :)

Yes well he is a jew so nothing new. I knew what a trump elect would do, I am not surprised. Trump has no problem screwing the poor, same as Israel has no problem screwing the Palestinians, thief's are thief's , he has learned from the best, Jews , how to prey on the little guys, and he is going to screw you.

Take it like a man, you are going to get screwed. I bet you are just in a fit about him not locking Hillary up.

I wasn't not taken in by the charlatan. Are you too old for war, its coming .

Locking up Hillary was to good for her, knowing she will go to her grave that she got beat by us ...the deplorables is justice enough.

I am not going to get screwed, Trump is a social liberal, he is along the lines of JFK....


Trump is not a social liberal, you are wrong.

Three marriages does not make one a social conservative...

Yes we will become the new Russian , and you will also bend over and take it. You think because you voted for the charlatan you will be ok, think again, he will put the screws to you as well. He got your vote, you are no longer needed.

You just described how the democrats lost the past 6 years... Earth to Penelope do you live in an alternative universe?

P.s. girl I can't wait for you to read the latest news out of Israel..

You are going to be so mad at Trump now :)

Yes well he is a jew so nothing new. I knew what a trump elect would do, I am not surprised. Trump has no problem screwing the poor, same as Israel has no problem screwing the Palestinians, thief's are thief's , he has learned from the best, Jews , how to prey on the little guys, and he is going to screw you.

Take it like a man, you are going to get screwed. I bet you are just in a fit about him not locking Hillary up.

I wasn't not taken in by the charlatan. Are you too old for war, its coming .

Locking up Hillary was to good for her, knowing she will go to her grave that she got beat by us ...the deplorables is justice enough.

I am not going to get screwed, Trump is a social liberal, he is along the lines of JFK....


Trump is not a social liberal, you are wrong.

No with him its all about money and power. He also was a male slut in his prime, now he probably needs Viagra.

It's not about money or power with Trump now..

You can tell it isn't.


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