Breaking: Twitter is saying Cruz is ending his campaign

Ted Cruz was the perfect representative of the kind of conservative that conservatives have insisted was the guy they needed to win.

When push came to shove, they threw him under the bus.

He came around at the wrong time. Had Trump not threw his hat in the ring he would have won easily.

So you have nothing to say....

Far rightwing conservatives can't win.
Soon they'll all get behind trump. And pretend they always were. Just think about every Republican turning into a trump supporter. Scary.

But I'll take trump over Cruz kasich rubio bush huckabee Christie carson fiorino Paul kusinich Walker Snyder Dennis hastert
Is Cruz the WORST politician in contemporary times? He burned bridges with his senate colleagues, he gave Fioeina the VP spot waaaaay before the convention, where he could have played that card to better effect, he tied himself to Kasich too late and then untied himself within 72 hours.

He would have been consigned to the ash heap anyway. Good riddance.

Cruz's problem is that all he has is destruction. He can't pass legislation, he just gets the government shut down. And still fails to accomplish his goal. He can't build a worth while campaign platform. All he can do is eat away at everyone else's chances of success. Whatever he sets his sights on he'll fall short and ruin any meaningful chance for another alternative in the process. Fucking douche nozzle.
Ted Cruz was the perfect representative of the kind of conservative that conservatives have insisted was the guy they needed to win.

When push came to shove, they threw him under the bus.

He came around at the wrong time. Had Trump not threw his hat in the ring he would have won easily.

He came around at the right time. This was Cruz's best case scenario. He was simply out manuevered and out played by someone better.
I would like to thank Donald Trump for elevating the conversation in this campaign. Calling Mexicans rapists, calling for a ban on Muslim immigration, making sure we all know the size of his penis is something to write home about, making fun of Ted Cruz's wife, hurling insults at every Republican you can name as often as possible. He has insulted Republicans so often and so scurrilously, he put Daily Kos, Huffington Post, and MSNBC to shame.

In fact, I can't think of a single thing Donald Trump has actually brought to the Republican race aside from a giant pile of dung.

Not. One. Thing.

Is Cruz the WORST politician in contemporary times? He burned bridges with his senate colleagues, he gave Fioeina the VP spot waaaaay before the convention, where he could have played that card to better effect, he tied himself to Kasich too late and then untied himself within 72 hours.

He would have been consigned to the ash heap anyway. Good riddance.

Cruz's problem is that all he has is destruction. He can't pass legislation, he just gets the government shut down. And still fails to accomplish his goal. He can't build a worth while campaign platform. All he can do is eat away at everyone else's chances of success. Whatever he sets his sights on he'll fall short and ruin any meaningful chance for another alternative in the process. Fucking douche nozzle.
I suspect his career as an elected official will come to an end soon
So glad. Trump would be a disaster. But Ted would have been a systematic clusterfuck of zealotous proportions.

You concern for the success of the Republican party is duly noted.

I'm speaking of America. The GOP deserves what it gets.

If Trump is such a sure loser, then you should be happy. In reality, you're sad because you know Hillary is going to get slammed, and then there goes your check from the government.
Is Cruz the WORST politician in contemporary times? He burned bridges with his senate colleagues, he gave Fioeina the VP spot waaaaay before the convention, where he could have played that card to better effect, he tied himself to Kasich too late and then untied himself within 72 hours.

He would have been consigned to the ash heap anyway. Good riddance.

Cruz's problem is that all he has is destruction. He can't pass legislation, he just gets the government shut down. And still fails to accomplish his goal. He can't build a worth while campaign platform. All he can do is eat away at everyone else's chances of success. Whatever he sets his sights on he'll fall short and ruin any meaningful chance for another alternative in the process. Fucking douche nozzle.

What happened when he shut down the government....oh yeah.....the Republicans won in a landslide that year........not exactly destruction......

He is the 2nd place runner in a campaign of 17 of them Jeb Bush with the entire Republican Establishment behind him.........and Cruz had little to no national name recognition before he started.....

Can you guys use your brains before you would be helpful.
Trump was a shoe in after he revealed that Cruz's father was a fellow conspirator with Oswald

That is one of the most bizarre campaign lies ever told.

And he had the gall to accuse Cruz of being a liar.
And now in this speech he's praising Cruz, wtf, lol, I can't even....

It is no different than when two teams go at each other in the Superbowel....the fight is over .....time to be civil again....
Ted Cruz was the perfect representative of the kind of conservative that conservatives have insisted was the guy they needed to win.

When push came to shove, they threw him under the bus.

He came around at the wrong time. Had Trump not threw his hat in the ring he would have won easily.

He came around at the right time. This was Cruz's best case scenario. He was simply out manuevered and out played by someone better.

Like I said,if Trump hadnt run Cruz would have won easily.
Don't blame that despicable asswipe one bit. Now, maybe the loser kasich can put down the pancakes long enough to drop out.
Don't blame that despicable asswipe one bit. Now, maybe the loser kasich can put down the pancakes long enough to drop out.
What special kind of retard makes an issue out of a candidate eating?

Seriously. What kind of fucking retard are you?

Do you think Trump doesn't eat? Do you think he doesn't have an anus? Do you think the fat fuck doesn't push a turd out of his ass with a funny face?
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