Breaking: Twitter is saying Cruz is ending his campaign

Trump was a shoe in after he revealed that Cruz's father was a fellow conspirator with Oswald, and that Cruz had disgusting eating habits. Of course, it didn't hurt Trump when he said he would cancel the lease of a Starbucks owner in his building for taking snowflakes off of their Christmas cups, and later revealed that he had a large penis...
CRuz will win in either 2020 or 2024.....just like Reagan....
I was thinking the same thing. Cruz is only 46 years old.

He'll be back.
He won't even win his Senate re-election. He has no friends left.

I'd bet money he does.
I guess there's always a chance. Texans did elect Dubya and Rick Perry after all. Can't put any stupid little thing passed them.

We suck so bad here in Texas all the yankees cant wait to get here and pucker up...Am I right?
Let's see...Trump defeated 17 rivals........highly financed and organized rivals using very little money....

Hilary can only defeat Sanders because of super delegates...and she is barely doing that.....
She's winning in both pledged and super delegates. With far more votes.

Trivial detail. Hardly worth mentioning.

Trump is going to beat her like a drum....

Crooked Hilary won't know what hit her.....

Trump has a 65% disapproval rating with 54% of folks saying they would never vote for him. And 1 in 4 republicans indicating they'd vote for Hillary before Trump.

Good luck with that.

You need to catch up. That is changing. Bernie Sanders has won Indiana, adding to the embarrassment of Hillary Clinton and all her baggage.

Trump...vs. 17 and Trump wins.

Hilary vs. one angry old man..and she has to stack the deck to lose states to him but still have more delegates......

Tell us again how strong Hilary is.....
I was thinking the same thing. Cruz is only 46 years old.

He'll be back.
He won't even win his Senate re-election. He has no friends left.

I'd bet money he does.
I guess there's always a chance. Texans did elect Dubya and Rick Perry after all. Can't put any stupid little thing passed them.

We suck so bad here in Texas all the yankees cant wait to get here and pucker up...Am I right?
Only if we can do it in Niggerhead
He'll be back.
He won't even win his Senate re-election. He has no friends left.

I'd bet money he does.
I guess there's always a chance. Texans did elect Dubya and Rick Perry after all. Can't put any stupid little thing passed them.

We suck so bad here in Texas all the yankees cant wait to get here and pucker up...Am I right?
Only if we can do it in Niggerhead

Cant say I've ever been there.
NBC projects Sanders wins Indiana! Like or dislike socialism, income inequality is the biggest problem the middle-class faces and success for Sanders is success for anti-establishment candidates on either side
Ted Cruz was the perfect representative of the kind of conservative that conservatives have insisted was the guy they needed to win.

When push came to shove, they threw him under the bus.

He came around at the wrong time. Had Trump not threw his hat in the ring he would have won easily.

So you have nothing to say....

Far rightwing conservatives can't win.
So glad. Trump would be a disaster. But Ted would have been a systematic clusterfuck of zealotous proportions.
Why do you say Donald Trump will be a disaster? The office of President of the United States is the EXECUTIVE branch of our government. Donald Trump is a masterful executive.
Yeah, he can masterfully take us to bankruptcy like he did with his businesses 4 times.

You want to compare failures between Barry and Trump?
Not interested. Obama isn't running. I don't like either Trump or Clinton, but if either makes any noise about ending unfair trade agreements or ending the H1-B program, I'll consider voting for them.
Ted Cruz was the perfect representative of the kind of conservative that conservatives have insisted was the guy they needed to win.

When push came to shove, they threw him under the bus.

He came around at the wrong time. Had Trump not threw his hat in the ring he would have won easily.

So you have nothing to say....

Far rightwing conservatives can't win.

Were have I heard that before?
Now he will have plenty of time to make new friends


May I remind you that Palin endorsed Trump. Cruz is the forever alone guy.
Now he has a chance to win her over for another election.
NBC projects Sanders wins Indiana! Like or dislike socialism, income inequality is the biggest problem the middle-class faces and success for Sanders is success for anti-establishment candidates on either side
How about he try to win New Jersey and California, though. Just tells you right there how fraud the DNC is being right now.

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