Breaking: Twitter is saying Cruz is ending his campaign

Would that make Carly Firoina the shortest lived V.P. candidate in history? It's a shame that most Americans seem to be smarter than Cruz. Nobody was fooled by his Hail Mary play to prematurely appoint Fiorina as his V.P. and nobody was fooled by his last desperate outburst calling Trump a "serial philanderer". As a matter of fact it seemed downright creepy.
CRuz will win in either 2020 or 2024.....just like Reagan....


So glad. Trump would be a disaster. But Ted would have been a systematic clusterfuck of zealotous proportions.
Why do you say Donald Trump will be a disaster? The office of President of the United States is the EXECUTIVE branch of our government. Donald Trump is a masterful executive.
Lyin' Ted will end up endorsing Trump.........All Republicans will rally around Trump. The alternatives are simply unacceptable....look at these two crackpots........

this fucking communist...


or this......

Cruz will do the right thing in order to defeat Hilary.......and he will earn a lot of points because of it...he is an incredible guy.........he can push left wingers around easily....and make them look like the fools they are....
Is Kasich still the lone Japanese soldier on the island.....
Let's see...Trump defeated 17 rivals........highly financed and organized rivals using very little money....

Hilary can only defeat Sanders because of super delegates...and she is barely doing that.....

Trump is going to beat her like a drum....

Crooked Hilary won't know what hit her.....

It will be Sanders winning the 2020 elections, if it is Cruz he is running against...

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