Breaking: Twitter is saying Cruz is ending his campaign

Is Cruz the WORST politician in contemporary times? He burned bridges with his senate colleagues, he gave Fioeina the VP spot waaaaay before the convention, where he could have played that card to better effect, he tied himself to Kasich too late and then untied himself within 72 hours.

He would have been consigned to the ash heap anyway. Good riddance.

Ted is one of those guys that is convinced he's the smartest guy in the room.

Or as pretty much anyone who has ever met him might put it....'the most miserable son of a bitch I've ever met'.
Okay I can gain a bit of respect for Ted Cruz coming into reality he wont win this. It's best for him to stay in the senate and fight for conservatism.
I would like to thank Donald Trump for elevating the conversation in this campaign. Calling Mexicans rapists, calling for a ban on Muslim immigration, making sure we all know the size of his penis is something to write home about, making fun of Ted Cruz's wife, hurling insults at every Republican you can name as often as possible. He has insulted Republicans so often and so scurrilously, he put Daily Kos, Huffington Post, and MSNBC to shame.

In fact, I can't think of a single thing Donald Trump has actually brought to the Republican race aside from a giant pile of dung.

Not. One. Thing.
Thankfully we won't be subjected to Ted any longer. The guy is annoying as hell. I felt like throwing him off stage the minute he walked on
He's suspending his campaign to work full time on back room deals to ensure Trump doesn't get the nomination. Bush, Rubio, and many GOP power brokers are involved.

Donald Trump is the presumptive nominee. He will have more than the 1,237 well before the convention.

Candidates suspend a campaign so they may continue to collect money, pay bills and close everything out. Cruz is toast.
CRuz will win in either 2020 or 2024.....just like Reagan....

Who is more disgusting to his/her own party, Clinton or Trump?

This seems to be the presidential race this year...
CRuz will win in either 2020 or 2024.....just like Reagan....
Let's see...Trump defeated 17 rivals........highly financed and organized rivals using very little money....

Hilary can only defeat Sanders because of super delegates...and she is barely doing that.....

Trump is going to beat her like a drum....

Crooked Hilary won't know what hit her.....
Like I told someone else this past weekend, there will be no second ballot.

I, for one, after the first of the year never thought there would be a second ballot. I was like 99% of other people who thought, last year, that he would bow out in a few weeks and never really make the effort. Wrong last year, right this year.
As he should. And Kasich should be laughed out of the party & banned from the convention

I was going to put up a thread about him later. Ohioans are freaking pissed off that he is continuing instead of doing his job in the state.

Can't blame them.
Four more years of a Democratic presidency is now guaranteed.

Trump will beat Hillary by one of the largest landslide victories in recent history. Trump will get a whole lot of the blue collar Democrats to vote for him. The coal miners, the factory workers, the mechanics, etc. He will also get the bulk of the military vote. Many of Bernie's supporters will vote for Trump because they feel Hillary stole the election from Bernie.

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