Breaking: Twitter is saying Cruz is ending his campaign

I seriously doubt Cruz will endorse Trump. Seriously doubt it.

I'll take that bet.....Cruz knows how this works....
Did you see his 12 minute rant today? You don't walk something like that back. He is not going to endorse Trump.

Here's the thing.

Some dumb fuck hack reporter asked Trump a couple days ago if he would appoint Cruz to the Supreme Court. A completely made up fantasy scenario. Trump responded he did not know, because it obviously had never crossed his fucking mind.

But we there is an astonishing number of profoundly simple-minded rubes out there who think it was Trump who suggested this idea. And that has become their reality. The rubes have been living in an imaginary world for a very long time now. And now they have invented a scenariou whereby Trump is holding out a Supreme Court nomination to Cruz, and they have doubled down on their manufactured idiocy and created a quid pro quo situation whereby Cruz endorses Trump in exchange for a TOTALLY MADE UP SUPREME COURT APPOINTMENT!!!!

Jesus H. Christ. I have given up on thinking the retards have finally found the bottom of their stupidity.

Wanna see a political retard? Buy a fucking MIRROR!!!

kasich is an asshole and a moron. the only reason he beats hilary is because no one knew who he was or cares who he was....and now that he is insinuating himself in a race where he only won his home state he is fucking pissing off normal conservatives....

Yeah, that's it. It has nothing to do with the fact that he's the only one in the race on either side of the aisle that actually has any qualifications for the office. It couldn't possibly be because he's the only person alive who has actually written a balanced federal budget. Can't be because as Governor he overcame a deficit and turned it into a surplus while also lowering taxes and creating jobs at the same time. Who in their right minds would care about that?
Just in: @TedCruz is ending his presidential campaign, campaign manager Jeff Roe tells me.

Patrick Svitek on Twitter

.@tedcruz is quitting the presidential race, according to campaign manager Jeff Roe

BREAKING: AP source: Texas Sen. Ted Cruz ends presidential campaign, clearing Donald Trump's path to Republican nomination.
Patrick Svitek (@PatrickSvitek)
12 mins ago - View on Twitter
Just in: @TedCruz is ending his presidential campaign, campaign manager Jeff Roe tells me.
Bret Baier (@BretBaier)
2 mins ago - View on Twitter
Breaking: @FoxNews can confirm Senator @tedcruz will drop out of the 2016 presidential race. #FNPolitics
Hallie Jackson (@HallieJackson)
2 mins ago - View on Twitter
As just reported on @NBCNightlyNews: @tedcruz is dropping out of presidential race, per top aide. He's delivering a soaring, bio speech now
6 mins ago - View on Twitter
#Breaking: Ted Cruz drops out of the 2016 presidential race…
CBS Evening News (@CBSEveningNews)
44 secs ago - View on Twitter
JUST IN: @TedCruz expected to drop out of the GOP presidential race after loss in Indiana.…
3 mins ago - View on Twitter
BREAKING: @tedcruz ends presidential campaign, sources tell NBC News

Wouldnt that be funny if it was actually a fake tweet from the Trump campaign?

But the question now remains; can Trump pull off an upset and defeat Kasich in California?

If Trump says he will appoint Ted Cruz to the SCOTUS maybe he will get Cruz supporters on board. This election isn't about the Presidency, it is about who chooses the next four SCOTUS judges who will defend our Bill of Rights and support the Constitution. Hillary will appoint Trannies, gays, BLM types, Occupy,and othe far left radicals because she will owe it to them for her election.
Trump was a shoe in after he revealed that Cruz's father was a fellow conspirator with Oswald

That is one of the most bizarre campaign lies ever told.

And he had the gall to accuse Cruz of being a liar.

You are radically underestimating Donald Trump. He threw that out as red meat to infuriate Ted Cruz and his minions. worked and they made Donald the lead story on the news cycle.
If Trump says he will appoint Ted Cruz to the SCOTUS he will get Cruz supporters on board. This election isn't about the Presidency, it is about who chooses the next four SCOTUS judges who will defend our Bill of Rights and support the Constitution.

But even if Trump doesn't appoint Cruz....the Cruz supporters will not vote for that Hilda the Crook Beast! ;)
But even if Trump doesn't appoint Cruz....the Cruz supporters will not vote for that Hilda the Crook Beast!

Probably not.

But here's the thing. the people supporting Trump and Cruz are the same ones who voted for the Weird Mormon Robot in 2012.

I still have yet to hear any of you say how you are going to get folks like me who voted for Obama to vote for one of your guys.
If Trump says he will appoint Ted Cruz to the SCOTUS maybe he will get Cruz supporters on board. This election isn't about the Presidency, it is about who chooses the next four SCOTUS judges who will defend our Bill of Rights and support the Constitution. Hillary will appoint Trannies, gays, BLM types, because she will owe it to them for her election.

Trump has already said he would have to consider it.

He already praised Cruz for his competitiveness. How much of the bad language was genuine and how much for real is anybodies guess, thoguh Cruz did have a meltdown after the Trump tweet about Cruzes Dad being involved in the JFK assassination, lol.

For some people like Trump and Cruz, that means brass knucks, kicks in the nuts and biting the other guys neck....but they shake hands afterwards and part friendly...mostly.
Don't blame that despicable asswipe one bit. Now, maybe the loser kasich can put down the pancakes long enough to drop out.
What special kind of retard makes an issue out of a candidate eating?

Seriously. What kind of fucking retard are you?

Do you think Trump doesn't eat? Do you think he doesn't have an anus? Do you think the fat fuck doesn't push a turd out of his ass with a funny face?

Worked too did it not?

Your childish whining is duly noted.
Will you vote for Trump now..........or will you help Hillary....................Tis the next question..............

NO, the question is, how do Republicans scrub the racist stain of Trump off their party brand, when Hispanics go 90% Democratic in November.
People like you play that card every election...............Standard crap you say no matter who the hell wins the nomination.

To clear it up for you.

If Jesus was a Republican and was seen Walking on Water........

Your side would say,"See Jesus Can't Swim"...............

It's just what your side does..............People are getting tired of your lame ass rhetoric.
The only way Trump fails to get the nomination is if he dies.

You sure? Nobody really likes Ted Cruz. Most people supporting him were simply trying to jump on the anti-Trump train. Kasich is about to pick up alot of support. I've been looking for poll numbers, and many of these remaining contests don't have recent polling. In some cases the most recent polling is a full 12 months old. So it's hard to get a good read. But in a state like Washington I suspect there's plenty of people who aren't willing to roll over to a Trump nomination. Meanwhile, California looks like Trump is hovering just below 50% in recent polls. With Cruz out, will his supporters still vote for him? Will they stay home? Will they jump to Kasich? Still have to play the game, Sal.


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