Breaking: Twitter is saying Cruz is ending his campaign

If Trump says he will appoint Ted Cruz to the SCOTUS maybe he will get Cruz supporters on board. This election isn't about the Presidency, it is about who chooses the next four SCOTUS judges who will defend our Bill of Rights and support the Constitution. Hillary will appoint Trannies, gays, BLM types, Occupy,and othe far left radicals because she will owe it to them for her election.

He says a lot of things, then he turns around and says 'psych!'.

Even if he dangled Cruz for SC, he'd just as quick turn on a dime. Maybe he's bipolar? smh
Will you vote for Trump now..........or will you help Hillary....................Tis the next question..............

NO, the question is, how do Republicans scrub the racist stain of Trump off their party brand, when Hispanics go 90% Democratic in November.

Wow...the whining is in full swing!

If Trump says he will appoint Ted Cruz to the SCOTUS maybe he will get Cruz supporters on board. This election isn't about the Presidency, it is about who chooses the next four SCOTUS judges who will defend our Bill of Rights and support the Constitution. Hillary will appoint Trannies, gays, BLM types, Occupy,and othe far left radicals because she will owe it to them for her election.

He says a lot of things, then he turns around and says 'psych!'.

Even if he dangled Cruz for SC, he'd just as quick turn on a dime. Maybe he's bipolar? smh

No, what Trump did to Cruz is called 'rebranding' him, and now he makes amends after winning so that there's no hard feelings. ...and maybe a SCOTUS pick.
Don't blame that despicable asswipe one bit. Now, maybe the loser kasich can put down the pancakes long enough to drop out.
What special kind of retard makes an issue out of a candidate eating?

Seriously. What kind of fucking retard are you?

Do you think Trump doesn't eat? Do you think he doesn't have an anus? Do you think the fat fuck doesn't push a turd out of his ass with a funny face?
Lmao damn man. Melt down a little more.
CRuz will win in either 2020 or 2024.....just like Reagan....

Unlikely. Too many of you inbreds will die off by then.

Now, if the GOP wants to win in 2020, they need to get right with women and they need to get right with minorities.

He's polling well in all demographic sectors.
The target is about to shift to where it belongs..........against the Hildabeast and her laundry list of's about to become harder to keep the ball in the GOP court..................She's about to go on the block..........................and the Dems know it...............................

Gonna be interesting as hell...........

Get the popcorn.
And if Trump still fails to reach 1237 before the convention?
Impossible. Have you seen Kasichs numbers? He's a complete laughing stock. A true embarrassment to other politicians.

Trump must achieve 1237 delegates to avoid a contested convention. Even if Kasich does not do so, that doesn't mean Trump automatically does so.

There is a small part of me that hopes the Repulicans pull that crap on Trump...I have never seen Conservatives riot.......and it would be epic.........

Unless you want to see Clinton win in November, you should hope and pray that a contested convention happens and nominates Kasich. And the fake "conservatives" who want to riot can go right ahead and get the fuck out of the country if they don't like it. For all the talk about how the United States is a republic and not a democracy, it sure is bizarre that some fake conservatives can't get it through their fucking heads that the nomination process is not a democratic action of the people. It's a political action of the party.

kasich is an asshole and a moron. the only reason he beats hilary is because no one knew who he was or cares who he was....and now that he is insinuating himself in a race where he only won his home state he is fucking pissing off normal conservatives....

Why the hate? Because he is an excellent governor?
I would like to thank Donald Trump for elevating the conversation in this campaign. Calling Mexicans rapists, calling for a ban on Muslim immigration, making sure we all know the size of his penis is something to write home about, making fun of Ted Cruz's wife, hurling insults at every Republican you can name as often as possible. He has insulted Republicans so often and so scurrilously, he put Daily Kos, Huffington Post, and MSNBC to shame.

In fact, I can't think of a single thing Donald Trump has actually brought to the Republican race aside from a giant pile of dung.

Not. One. Thing.

When did Trump say 'Mexicans are racists'? I've went through several of his speeches, haven't heard that one yet. As far as the ban on Muslim immigration, it's plain common sense, considering the violence they wreak on the populace of the countries they emigrate to.
The only way Trump fails to get the nomination is if he dies.

You sure? Nobody really likes Ted Cruz. Most people supporting him were simply trying to jump on the anti-Trump train. Kasich is about to pick up alot of support. I've been looking for poll numbers, and many of these remaining contests don't have recent polling. In some cases the most recent polling is a full 12 months old. So it's hard to get a good read. But in a state like Washington I suspect there's plenty of people who aren't willing to roll over to a Trump nomination. Meanwhile, California looks like Trump is hovering just below 50% in recent polls. With Cruz out, will his supporters still vote for him? Will they stay home? Will they jump to Kasich? Still have to play the game, Sal.

What in the Sam Hell are you smoking.......................

Would Trump be the first candidate with 30% approval to win the presidential election,

or is that fairly common?

Every candidate during the Primary can't expect a high approval rating simply because people are supporting other candidates. trumps approval with GOP voters will improve now the Primary is pretty much over. Look at sHillary, she lost Indiana to a socialist! LOL
Just in: @TedCruz is ending his presidential campaign, campaign manager Jeff Roe tells me.

Patrick Svitek on Twitter

.@tedcruz is quitting the presidential race, according to campaign manager Jeff Roe

BREAKING: AP source: Texas Sen. Ted Cruz ends presidential campaign, clearing Donald Trump's path to Republican nomination.
Patrick Svitek (@PatrickSvitek)
12 mins ago - View on Twitter
Just in: @TedCruz is ending his presidential campaign, campaign manager Jeff Roe tells me.
Bret Baier (@BretBaier)
2 mins ago - View on Twitter
Breaking: @FoxNews can confirm Senator @tedcruz will drop out of the 2016 presidential race. #FNPolitics
Hallie Jackson (@HallieJackson)
2 mins ago - View on Twitter
As just reported on @NBCNightlyNews: @tedcruz is dropping out of presidential race, per top aide. He's delivering a soaring, bio speech now
6 mins ago - View on Twitter
#Breaking: Ted Cruz drops out of the 2016 presidential race…
CBS Evening News (@CBSEveningNews)
44 secs ago - View on Twitter
JUST IN: @TedCruz expected to drop out of the GOP presidential race after loss in Indiana.…
3 mins ago - View on Twitter
BREAKING: @tedcruz ends presidential campaign, sources tell NBC News

You won supporting an anti-free trade liberal, but whatever, you won. I'd say congratulations but you just fucked yourself as much as anyone else, you're just not smart enough to grasp it
When did Trump say 'Mexicans are racists'? I've went through several of his speeches, haven't heard that one yet. As far as the ban on Muslim immigration, it's plain common sense, considering the violence they wreak on the populace of the countries they emigrate to.

I dont think he said that.

But for the record, Mexicans have far more problems with racism than Southern whites do.

IF you are black in Mayheeko, you just shut up about it and pretend your Indian.
The only way Trump fails to get the nomination is if he dies.

You sure? Nobody really likes Ted Cruz. Most people supporting him were simply trying to jump on the anti-Trump train. Kasich is about to pick up alot of support. I've been looking for poll numbers, and many of these remaining contests don't have recent polling. In some cases the most recent polling is a full 12 months old. So it's hard to get a good read. But in a state like Washington I suspect there's plenty of people who aren't willing to roll over to a Trump nomination. Meanwhile, California looks like Trump is hovering just below 50% in recent polls. With Cruz out, will his supporters still vote for him? Will they stay home? Will they jump to Kasich? Still have to play the game, Sal.

What in the Sam Hell are you smoking.......................

You posted a Nickelback song. Your argument is invalid.
Yup. The path is wide open for Hillary now. As it is now, I won't vote von Trump. I'll be writing a candidate in. Just about everyone else here in our lunch room pretty much feels the same. I thought I could do the anyone but Hillary thing, but just like the last two presidential elections I can't bring my self to vote for a fake. Couldn't do it with McCain, would not do it with the Mormon freak show Mittens and I can't do it now with the Donald. I'll vote to keep Cruz in the Senate where he has done exactly what he said he would do. Was a good race. Good on our guy. Hope I'm wrong about the Donald.
So glad. Trump would be a disaster. But Ted would have been a systematic clusterfuck of zealotous proportions.

I was just wondering what a kool-aid swilling leftist though, thanks!
As he should. And Kasich should be laughed out of the party & banned from the convention

And if Trump still fails to reach 1237 before the convention?

The only way Trump fails to get the nomination is if he dies. No one wants that
Will you vote for Trump now..........or will you help Hillary....................Tis the next question..............

Voting for Trump is helping Clinton.
You won supporting an anti-free trade liberal,

This nation was BUILT on high tariffs and economic monetarism.

There is nothing 'conservative' about trading away all the heavy industry your ancestors built up over 300 years of back breaking labor.
The only way Trump fails to get the nomination is if he dies.

You sure? Nobody really likes Ted Cruz. Most people supporting him were simply trying to jump on the anti-Trump train. Kasich is about to pick up alot of support. I've been looking for poll numbers, and many of these remaining contests don't have recent polling. In some cases the most recent polling is a full 12 months old. So it's hard to get a good read. But in a state like Washington I suspect there's plenty of people who aren't willing to roll over to a Trump nomination. Meanwhile, California looks like Trump is hovering just below 50% in recent polls. With Cruz out, will his supporters still vote for him? Will they stay home? Will they jump to Kasich? Still have to play the game, Sal.

What in the Sam Hell are you smoking.......................

You posted a Nickelback song. Your argument is invalid.

It's over and you know it.................Kasich can't stop what's coming.

I played nickelback because your posts are nothing more than a pipe dream............Dream on.........It's over............

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