Breaking: Two Police Officers Shot Outside Ferguson Police Department

Here's the deal folks. 50 years of violence proves the civil rights movement was a waste of time. Citizenship in The United States requires contribution to fellow citizens, not burden and blame.

Americans have given too much to blacks, there is a reason they were never considered citizens of the U.S. by it's founders.

With that being said Missouri needs to decide whether they want to have police officers standing around like sitting ducks or are they going to crack down. These "protests" are not peaceful, they are a race based extortion attempt to remove Whites from the Ferguson PD. A real problem remains, as soon as Ferguson PD is ethnically cleansed of whites, that will embolden these feral black criminal extortionists to move on to the next White community and ruin it.

Though I accept the rabble are indeed out of line BIG TIME there is no need to tar all with the same brush. I trust that is NOT what you are doing.

But as regards the potential cop killers; there is a proper procedure to follow and I suggest that the Law has already begun it!!

This is obama's legacy.
Go ahead, use this tragedy for a political motive to trsh the President. We do not expect any better.

Let's go ahead and leave politics out of this. It is the political rhetoric that most likely led to this shooting.

No: it was some asshole with a gun and a chip against police. Nothing else is to blame except the asshole who pulled the trigger. The violence they used as cover is a different matter.

No: it was some asshole with a gun and a chip against police. Nothing else is to blame except the asshole who pulled the trigger. The violence they used as cover is a different matter.

But where did the shooter's hatred of police spawn from? Surely it couldn't have just been because of the perceived biases of the Police Department? The entire weight of the political world has been foisted on that city. All of them know that everyone is watching. Political rhetoric, inflammatory remarks, and chants of "no justice, no peace."
No: it was some asshole with a gun and a chip against police. Nothing else is to blame except the asshole who pulled the trigger. The violence they used as cover is a different matter.

But where did the shooter's hatred of police spawn from? Surely it couldn't have just been because of the perceived biases of the Police Department? The entire weight of the political world has been foisted on that city. All of them know that everyone is watching. Political rhetoric, inflammatory remarks, and chants of "no justice, no peace."

The Police are not to blame; the community is NOT to blame; the blame is on the shooters as it ever is.

No: it was some asshole with a gun and a chip against police. Nothing else is to blame except the asshole who pulled the trigger. The violence they used as cover is a different matter.

But where did the shooter's hatred of police spawn from? Surely it couldn't have just been because of the perceived biases of the Police Department? The entire weight of the political world has been foisted on that city. All of them know that everyone is watching. Political rhetoric, inflammatory remarks, and chants of "no justice, no peace."

The Police are not to blame; the community is NOT to blame; the blame is on the shooters as it ever is.


Agreed, and agreed. The blame should lie squarely on the cowards who shot those cops, and to a lesser extent the rhetoric which spurred their actions, should also be condemned. Without getting political, there are people out there who use these situations to incite tension. This is a product of such an atmosphere.

Whatever the case, two police officers are now fighting for their lives right now. A slew of circumstances (along with the shooters themselves) are to blame for this atrocity.
This is obama's legacy.
Go ahead, use this tragedy for a political motive to trsh the President. We do not expect any better.

Let's go ahead and leave politics out of this. It is the political rhetoric that most likely led to this shooting.

No: it was some asshole with a gun and a chip against police. Nothing else is to blame except the asshole who pulled the trigger. The violence they used as cover is a different matter.

So you think it's just a coincidence that it happened in Ferguson?
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The black community is going to get what it asked for. IN a race war, they don't stand a chance

Best withdraw your forces or the outcome will not be what we all want to see


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