Breaking — U.S. Marine Lt. Col. ‘relieved of duty’ after emotional rebuke of Generals Milley and Austin…

You are truly a keyboard commando. We need more people online with your bravery to protect the internet.
You just dont get it, you voted for an idiot because he lied to you, that he would be able to do things that the last President could. Then when the shit hit the fan, that douche you voted for, became an embarrassment to the world...
You know what pisses me off? Laura Ingraham was trashing these two very decorated Generals on her show. Laura Fucking Ingraham!! That stupid media whore is not qualified to shine those two mens low quarters, and she trashes them and the mindless cannon fodder who tune in then parrot the same thing on forums like this one. All of these fucks have less leadership skills than the local paperboy, and they are talking shit about Ranger tabbed, EIB, Airborne combat veterans? Milley is a fucking Green Beret!

Fucking Trump loving POS should keep their mouths shut.
We have gotten away from moving the best to the top. We are also top heavy with to many people at the top. In dangerous jobs, people depend on each other. We are in danger of American soldiers in some percentage of bugging out or not listening to orders in a general sense like we see in some other militaries of the world.
No one should be surprised by this yet it is outrageous and simply demonstrates the fact that Gen. Milley and Secrerary of Defense Austin are incompetent and little more than 'woke' generals.

Your under the false impression that Soldiers have the same freedom of speech rights that civilians do. When you ETS you can bitch about the brass as much as you want, but you can't do that shit while wearing the uniform.
No one should be surprised by this yet it is outrageous and simply demonstrates the fact that Gen. Milley and Secrerary of Defense Austin are incompetent and little more than 'woke' generals.

The Lt Col's conduct was outrageous. He should have been relieved. You people are the filth unlike Gen Milley and Gen Austin.
Well it is the military and it is not a democracy that people vote on. Relieve of duty just means he will be reassigned or can retire if he has the number of years where he can retire with full benefits. All he did was lose any change to be promoted.

Yet the military guy who leaked the story of Trumps phone call was also relieved of duty as well as his brother. Why because he leaked the story.

No because he testified before Congress. He refused to cover up for Trump. That is why he was relieved.
WTF, this Marine shows courage by speaking out and he gets relieved of duty, but a fat a$$ like Vindman does the same and get a promotion...:hellno:

You are not allowed to publicly criticize your superior officers. That is Military 101. Lt Col Vindman testified under oath to Congress.
Standards of conduct for Military Personnel exist regardless of who is in the White House. You can not allow a Military Member to denigrate superiors.

It doesn’t matter if you agree. You still have to punish them. Why? Discipline and unit cohesion.

It is the duty of Officers and NCO’s to be nothing but supportive and convinced about the wisdom of the orders to subordinates.

This is not new. This is the way it has always been. This idiot Colonel is going to be lucky if he maintains his rank. I say idiot because you just do not do this. Not in uniform. Not wearing your rank.

If he had done it as a private citizen wearing civilian clothing as a concerned American. The Military would have disapproved and insured he did not make General. But left it alone. Maybe even ignored it entirely.

But doing so in uniform? That is Conduct Unbecoming. Wearing you position? Your career is over. And it should be.

Let’s say you are the CEO of a corporation. Your company builds cars. A Plant Manager wearing company garb posts on Facebook that you are an idiot and are going to destroy the company. Would that manager have a job the next morning? Be honest. In any corporation in the world the answer is no.

This idiot Marine may have delusions of elected office in his future. But for now he is about to be lucky to get out with an Honorable Discharge.

If the Marines decide to Courts Martial him for Conduct Unbecoming and Disrespect towards a Superior Officer he will be found guilty and possibly face time in Prison for it.

You are not allowed to publicly criticize your superior officers. That is Military 101. Lt Col Vindman testified under oath to Congress.

Vindman did not get a promotion. He retired.

Sorry you're right his promotion was approved but he retired before it went through, it was his corrupt twin brother who just received a promotion a few months ago.
Sorry you're right his promotion was approved but he retired before it went through, it was his corrupt twin brother who just received a promotion a few months ago.

Alexzander Vindman was NOT approved for promotion. His brother, Eugene Vindman, was a JAG officer and was promoted.
Alexzander Vindman was NOT approved for promotion. His brother, Eugene Vindman, was a JAG officer and was promoted.

Army Lieutenant Colonel Alexander Vindman's submission for retirement came shortly after his application to be promoted was approved by the Pentagon and right before it was set to reach the White House in a move that may have averted a looming partisan battle that could have held up the promotions of more than 1,000 U.S. service members if the promotion had been denied.
No one should be surprised by this yet it is outrageous and simply demonstrates the fact that Gen. Milley and Secrerary of Defense Austin are incompetent and little more than 'woke' generals.

It's rather kind of funny that many on the left look up to Eric Snowden as a hero and yet someone like this is a traitor and needs to be removed from duty.

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