Breaking — U.S. Marine Lt. Col. ‘relieved of duty’ after emotional rebuke of Generals Milley and Austin…

Army Lieutenant Colonel Alexander Vindman's submission for retirement came shortly after his application to be promoted was approved by the Pentagon and right before it was set to reach the White House in a move that may have averted a looming partisan battle that could have held up the promotions of more than 1,000 U.S. service members if the promotion had been denied.
This is a ridiculous source. No one applies to be promoted.
It's rather kind of funny that many on the left look up to Eric Snowden as a hero and yet someone like this is a traitor and needs to be removed from duty.

Apples and Horse Apples.

First Snowden was a civilian and not subject to the Uniform Code of Military Justice.

Second. Snowden had information on illegal activity. Illegal being the operative word. There is nothing illegal about being a superior officer. And nobody told the Colonel to perform an unconstitutional or illegal action.

The Colonel was in charge of the Infantry School. His job is to insure Marines assigned to the school learn how to be infantrymen. He has no special information or duty that would give him insight into the decision making process.

So are you sure you want to continue this comparison?
Well it is the military and it is not a democracy that people vote on. Relieve of duty just means he will be reassigned or can retire if he has the number of years where he can retire with full benefits. All he did was lose any change to be promoted.

Yet the military guy who leaked the story of Trumps phone call was also relieved of duty as well as his brother. Why because he leaked the story.
Leaked trumps phone call? Wasn't it proven that he lied about Trumps phone call trying to play political games?

What Austin and Milley did was immoral and has caused the murder and rapes of hundreds soon to be thousands...
Apples and Horse Apples.

First Snowden was a civilian and not subject to the Uniform Code of Military Justice.

Second. Snowden had information on illegal activity. Illegal being the operative word. There is nothing illegal about being a superior officer. And nobody told the Colonel to perform an unconstitutional or illegal action.

The Colonel was in charge of the Infantry School. His job is to insure Marines assigned to the school learn how to be infantrymen. He has no special information or duty that would give him insight into the decision making process.

So are you sure you want to continue this comparison?
The two woke inept Biden Generals just caused the murder and rape of thousands----the Colonel is duty bound to speak out to try to end the needless bloodshed and crimes against humanity that the two corrupt inept generals are causing.
Leaked trumps phone call? Wasn't it proven that he lied about Trumps phone call trying to play political games?

What Austin and Milley did was immoral and has caused the murder and rapes of hundreds soon to be thousands...
Mike Esper also says the military was advising Trump not to draw down troops. Trump ignored them.
Leaked trumps phone call? Wasn't it proven that he lied about Trumps phone call trying to play political games?

What Austin and Milley did was immoral and has caused the murder and rapes of hundreds soon to be thousands...
What is to lie about. The call to the Ukrainian president is well documented. The call was recorded and transcript made of the call. It is available for anyone to read. Still the point I was making was that this military officer was escorted off the property and lost his job. Also his brother who is a military officer and does not appear to have leak the call also lost his job in the white house simply because he was the brother.

So it was similar to the removal of the subject (person) of this tread in the sense that the people were removed from current duty. Current duty meaning removed from his job and reassigned else where. This is a career killer and if one has the years in service will usually just retire.
The two woke inept Biden Generals just caused the murder and rape of thousands----the Colonel is duty bound to speak out to try to end the needless bloodshed and crimes against humanity that the two corrupt inept generals are causing.


The military does not decide policy or anything like that. The Military is the instrument of that policy. They serve the Nation and subjugate themselves to lawful authority of the Commander in Chief. That is the way it has always been. That is the way it must be. If we are to survive as a nation. If we are to support and defend that Constitution.

When I was a Sergeant in the Army I got instructions and orders I thought were dumb. But to the public and most importantly to my subordinates I was in full throated support of those policies and orders. That is the duty of every single leader in the Military. That is the sworn duty of every single commander in the Military.

The duty of the two traitor Generals as you call them is this. They offer options to the President. Realistic plans to implement upon his order. The President chooses one and it is the right one as far as they are concerned.

What you are celebrating and advocating is Mutiny. Where people decide what they will do or whatever based not upon laws and regulations. But upon personal whim. Where does it end? You order a Private to carry out an action. The Private says no because he thinks you support the wrong party. What punishment should he face? According to you. None.

According to me? Courts Martial for gross insubordination and refusal to carry out a lawful order.

The only situation where you have a duty to speak out and refuse an order is if you are given an illegal order. There aren’t many of those. And each illegal order requires you to violate a standing Regulation.

That Colonel had an option. If he disagreed so completely he could submit his Resignation. Instead he decided to violate Regulations and commit a gross crime under the Military.

Contrast this with the Captain of the Carrier. He had concerns. He sent those concerns to his chain of command. He did his duty. Someone there exposed those concerns to the public. He followed regulations and spoke only to those whom he had a duty to keep informed of the status of his command.

He conducted himself as an officer and honorable Military Man. Whoever leaked it is the one who violated regulations.
No one should be surprised by this yet it is outrageous and simply demonstrates the fact that Gen. Milley and Secrerary of Defense Austin are incompetent and little more than 'woke' generals.

A general has at least two grades higher rank than a lieutenant colonel of course — not that I disagree with the characterization of incompetent 'woke' generals — but a sense of humor is lacking here — it's a bit awkward for the lieutenant colonel can't reasonably remain under the command of Generals against whom he launched such a tirade.

How many private recruits "lose it" and cuss and swear at the drill sergeant at a Marine Corps boot camp?

If a carpenter believes in Jesus, is he really damned the first time he smashes his thumb with a hammer?

Does somebody have your back in war or battle, or are they just trying to trick you and trap you in your words and land you in prison?
Not me. He’s a traitor.

You folks love him though
"Traitor" means purposefully working with the enemy.....At the very worst, Lt. Col. Sheller was insubordinate.

You're more stupid than ever.
"Traitor" means purposefully working with the enemy.....At the very worst, Lt. Col. Sheller was insubordinate.

You're more stupid than ever.
Agree. Insubordinate. A good way to be relieved and disciplined. An officer should know better but some people would rather be internet famous.
No one should be surprised by this yet it is outrageous and simply demonstrates the fact that Gen. Milley and Secrerary of Defense Austin are incompetent and little more than 'woke' generals.

That’s what happens when you tell the truth.

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