Breaking — U.S. Marine Lt. Col. ‘relieved of duty’ after emotional rebuke of Generals Milley and Austin…

No one should be surprised by this yet it is outrageous and simply demonstrates the fact that Gen. Milley and Secrerary of Defense Austin are incompetent and little more than 'woke' generals.

Milley and Austin get away with it because we stopped executing traitors
You know what pisses me off? Laura Ingraham was trashing these two very decorated Generals on her show. Laura Fucking Ingraham!! That stupid media whore is not qualified to shine those two mens low quarters, and she trashes them and the mindless cannon fodder who tune in then parrot the same thing on forums like this one. All of these fucks have less leadership skills than the local paperboy, and they are talking shit about Ranger tabbed, EIB, Airborne combat veterans? Milley is a fucking Green Beret!

Fucking Trump loving POS should keep their mouths shut.
And how was that different from the past 4 years dude?

Now that the shoe is on the other foot suddenly it's a bad thing?

What is to lie about. The call to the Ukrainian president is well documented. The call was recorded and transcript made of the call. It is available for anyone to read. Still the point I was making was that this military officer was escorted off the property and lost his job. Also his brother who is a military officer and does not appear to have leak the call also lost his job in the white house simply because he was the brother.

So it was similar to the removal of the subject (person) of this tread in the sense that the people were removed from current duty. Current duty meaning removed from his job and reassigned else where. This is a career killer and if one has the years in service will usually just retire.
And what the left and other communists try to vaguely imply such as you have never happened. The call was recorded, but trump didn't say what the left usual, the left just lied its ass off again. It's really gotten to the point, where if the left ever told the truth about something most would be shocked.
And what the left and other communists try to vaguely imply such as you have never happened. The call was recorded, but trump didn't say what the left usual, the left just lied its ass off again. It's really gotten to the point, where if the left ever told the truth about something most would be shocked.

and the right is in denial as to what was said. explain what was the purpose of the call. Trump clearly asked the president of Ukraine to have his people meet with the presidents personal lawyers. Rudy is not a government official. He is Trumps lawyer.

This was also at the same time that Trump was withholding funds

Obvious truths that are still denied by the right
and the right is in denial as to what was said. explain what was the purpose of the call. Trump clearly asked the president of Ukraine to have his people meet with the presidents personal lawyers. Rudy is not a government official. He is Trumps lawyer.

This was also at the same time that Trump was withholding funds

Obvious truths that are still denied by the right
Trump trusted Rudy to be better than the swamps attorneys...WASHINGTON is corrupt to its core----Trump was simply avoiding using the swamp creatures.

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