Breaking: Unclassified Huma Emails Show Her Warning State Dept AidsThat Hillary Is 'Often Confused'


Gold Member
Jul 11, 2013
Well, well, well! this is more proof she is unqualified to be president.

Huma: Hillary 'Often Confused' | The Weekly Standard

Trump Hump ... I bet 10-1 not a damn person gets arrested.

The Donald was "all up" in his private Obama Birth Certificate investigation too..

how did that work out anyway?
Confused means nothing in the world of politics-----in a hospital it is a serious
sign of pathology
I seriously don't think anything will cause liberal bots to abandon Hillary. Heck, they don't seem to care one bit that her incompetence got Stevens and three other Americans killed in Benghazi. They don't seem to care that we now know that she lied about not seeing security requests, that she lied about when she knew the attack was a planned terrorist attack, and that she lied about Stevens never mentioning his security concerns to her. They just don't care. She has a D after her name, and that's good enough for them.
Hillary could have a diagnosis of Alzheimers and the Democrats would claim she was still a good candidate because Reagan had it.

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