BREAKING UPDATE: Ray Epps' lawsuit against Fox News reveals he's being criminally charged by DOJ, 2.5 years after Jan 6 riot

Dominion didn't win, Fox settled, it never went to trial.

Dominion got $787,000,000 dollars. That's almost 8 times their valuation and more than 45 times their annual revenue.

They won.

If only you would have saved Fox with your Email. You could have told them about your legally infalliable 'op-ed' defense.

Perhaps you'll save Trump? Or give us some sniveling excuses why you couldn't?
Dominion got $787,000,000 dollars. That's almost 8 times their valuation and more than 45 times their annual revenue.

They won.

If only you would have saved Fox with your Email. You could have told them about your legally infalliable 'op-ed' defense.

Perhaps you'll save Trump? Or give us some sniveling excuses why you couldn't?
Extortion is sometimes very lucrative. Just ask the Bidens.
Sure. Fox only payed hundreds of millions because they won.

Laughing......apparently Leo uses the Charlie Sheen school of 'winning' as his benchmark.
3/4 of a billion dollars in the largest defamation payout in the history of our species?

Guilliani and Powell face the same lawsuit for the same amounts.

I wonder if they'll be able to pay?

Maybe you should send them an Email too!
Only if they lose and, so far, no one has lost. There was never any trial.
If anyone should have been charged on day one, it would have to be Epps. So it appears that the FBI is throwing him under the bus to save face and make it appear that justice is their number one goal in life. Too late, in my opinion.

Why? Why not the guys who attacked the cops?
Leo is just wasting time. He's not a serious poster. Slap him around for exactly as long as he entertains. Then toss him when you're done with him.
Ask Skylar if the Dominion lawsuit ever really went to trial. Then watch him dance....
they were thinking this would be a good set up to bring trump down......he offered the nat guard but pelosi said no way

why was security so lax when every vip in the nation was in one building.why would that be...who was in charge of security?
LEO response underestimated the reaction of a crowd of mostly white magaturds and paid a big price for it. Shame on them, but lesson learned, I suppose. :dunno:
And why not the guy who instigated those attacks?

Instigated...says who? Can you cite a single person that says they attacked a cop because Ray Epps told them to?

Smiling.....can you even show us Ray even *advocating* attacking a cop?

Good luck.
Epps was just a guy at the rally. He had no following, no influence over others.
The guy who instigated the attack on the Capitol was Grifty Trump.

Of course not. But MAGA can't take responsibility for its own attack. It has to blame someone else.

So they picked some dude named Ray.....and blamed all of their own choices on him.

In the party of personal responsibility, its ALWAYS someone else's fault.

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