Ray Epps Sues Fox

Good luck proving that bullcrap. You just pull stuff out of your ass except your head. Deal with it. Trump will be the GOP candidate next year.
Thank goodness. the country needs a Democratic landslide desperately. The Give away to the rich New BS GOP long running disaster must end....
Ray Epps is officially suing Fox News. He is also suing Tucker Carlson. Given the Discovery about Fox and Carlson already this can't be good. What will the MAGAs do now?

That man is *so* getting paid. The Epps conspiracy that Tucker Carlson pushed about that man is one of the stupidest fucking things I've ever heard in my life.

And backed by jack shit.

Carlson is such a liability for Fox, even after they shitcanned the man.
Hell the way that FOX news caved into dominion I may sue them myself....
Fox had to settle with Dominion because Fox had been peddling untrue stolen 2020 election horseshit.
And EVERYONE knows that Donald Trump LOST to Joe Biden legitimately in one of the most secure elections in American History.
Fox had to settle with Dominion because Fox had been peddling untrue stolen 2020 election horseshit.
And EVERYONE knows that Donald Trump LOST to Joe Biden legitimately in one of the most secure elections in American History.
Wrong I've heard a dozen lawyers if I've heard one say that FOX news caved but could have won... they caved because of ad revenue and fear of losing contracts....
Wrong I've heard a dozen lawyers if I've heard one say that FOX news caved but could have won... they caved because of ad revenue and fear of losing contracts....
Bullshit. The judge had already ruled against Fox on issues of falsity. Essentially doing all the heavy lifting for Dominion on the
actual malice standard.

All dominion had to do to win was then prove damages.

Fox caved....because their liability was enormous.
The videos shown on Fucked were heavily edited for content. The script written for various Fucked programs describes what the edited tape reflects.

Very in manner of the tapes/scripted programming Fucker Carlson when he was talking his shit about Dominion. Those doozies cost Fucked $787.5 Million in court.

Fucked time and again used and still uses heavily video to show whatever they want to show. Epps proves his case in court, Fucked gets Fucked again.
Thank goodness. the country needs a Democratic landslide desperately. The Give away to the rich New BS GOP long running disaster must end....
Huh? You want us to put up with out-of-control inflation when the Democrats don't tell you that their pleasure of beating up on Grandma's denial of benefits for food that everyone else gets is withheld from her? How different is that from Howard Hughes the lady's man taking away Grandma's living when Grandpa died? It's a big fat manipulation of gummint creeps to make sure grandma is painted as an enemy before the noose. It's criminal punishment of the poor based on some gummint bum who feels like grandma is an easy mark to keep her in poverty and them in the big bucks. :cranky:
Huh? You want us to put up with out-of-control inflation when the Democrats don't tell you that their pleasure of beating up on Grandma's denial of benefits for food that everyone else gets is withheld from her? How different is that from Howard Hughes the lady's man taking away Grandma's living when Grandpa died? It's a big fat manipulation of gummint creeps to make sure grandma is painted as an enemy before the noose. It's criminal punishment of the poor based on some gummint bum who feels like grandma is an easy mark to keep her in poverty and them in the big bucks. :cranky:
Of course, everything you know is ridiculous propaganda. Everyountry in the world basically has inflation problems since Putin attacked the Ukraine and screwed up 13% of the oil and grain markets, that caused this inflation. Biden has given us the best economy in the world with the lowest inflation in the world. And you never get to hear any good news just depressing BS from proven scumbag liars on your one channel and your internet nut job network....
Huh? You want us to put up with out-of-control inflation when the Democrats don't tell you that their pleasure of beating up on Grandma's denial of benefits for food that everyone else gets is withheld from her? How different is that from Howard Hughes the lady's man taking away Grandma's living when Grandpa died? It's a big fat manipulation of gummint creeps to make sure grandma is painted as an enemy before the noose. It's criminal punishment of the poor based on some gummint bum who feels like grandma is an easy mark to keep her in poverty and them in the big bucks. :cranky:
All you know is GOP Give away to the rich national tax rates and policies of the last 40 years, except for Obamacare barely by the skin of their teeth and it's the GOP plan that keeps insurance companies, bad idea. thank you Joe Lieberman the P O S....
Of course, everything you know is ridiculous propaganda. Everyountry in the world basically has inflation problems since Putin attacked the Ukraine and screwed up 13% of the oil and grain markets, that caused this inflation. Biden has given us the best economy in the world with the lowest inflation in the world. And you never get to hear any good news just depressing BS from proven scumbag liars on your one channel and your internet nut job network....
No, it's the truth. I truly hate the Biden administrations' dirty tricks. Biden uses the FBI to deny benefits of older people who voted for trump. He hated us first. He gets even, and we're gonna vote him out of office asap.
No, it's the truth. I truly hate the Biden administrations' dirty tricks. Biden uses the FBI to deny benefits of older people who voted for trump. He hated us first. He gets even, and we're gonna vote him out of office asap.

Biden is a sick and exceedingly hateful old man, and he is going to be ushered out by the 25th Amendment. His spokesman is a bigger liar than he is. :(

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