BREAKING: US Senate Leader Schumer just threatened to send US soldiers to fight Russia in Eastern Ukraine if the border bill isn’t passed

MAGA Macho Man

Diamond Member
Apr 19, 2022
Threats, threats, threats!

This bill must fail. It must be dead on arrival. This bill does not do anything to stop the third world invasion of our country by brown vermin. It's a complete waste of money to send Ukraine $60 billion of Americans taxpayers dollars to a corrupt nation run by a grifter. This money could complete the Wall, hire enough manpower to hunt down and deport every illegal in this country via a stronger version of President Eisenhower's Operation Wetback government program he used. Lastly think of all the homeless veterans this money could house and fees. This bill must fail today!!!!

Threats, threats, threats!

This bill must fail. It must be dead on arrival. This bill does not do anything to stop the third world invasion of our country by brown vermin. It's a complete waste of money to send Ukraine $60 billion of Americans taxpayers dollars to a corrupt nation run by a grifter. This money could complete the Wall, hire enough manpower to hunt down and deport every illegal in this country via a stronger version of President Eisenhower's Operation Wetback government program he used. Lastly think of all the homeless veterans this money could house and fees. This bill must fail today!!!!

Sounded like a lucid moment from Chuckie, to me.
Let him follow through, that will basically cement a total red wave in November.
Threats, threats, threats!

This bill must fail. It must be dead on arrival. This bill does not do anything to stop the third world invasion of our country by brown vermin. It's a complete waste of money to send Ukraine $60 billion of Americans taxpayers dollars to a corrupt nation run by a grifter. This money could complete the Wall, hire enough manpower to hunt down and deport every illegal in this country via a stronger version of President Eisenhower's Operation Wetback government program he used. Lastly think of all the homeless veterans this money could house and fees. This bill must fail today!!!!

Yea, Schumer is a dangerous extremist.
The lying Democrats always give their Bills misleading names, like "the inflation reduction act."
This is not an immigration law enforcement bill, it's another greedy Democrat kick-back bill.
Schumer is a sociopathic liar.
Chuckle's sponsors in the military manufacturers lobby want their war profits and the serfs are less than enthusiastic.
Threats, threats, threats!

This bill must fail. It must be dead on arrival. This bill does not do anything to stop the third world invasion of our country by brown vermin. It's a complete waste of money to send Ukraine $60 billion of Americans taxpayers dollars to a corrupt nation run by a grifter. This money could complete the Wall, hire enough manpower to hunt down and deport every illegal in this country via a stronger version of President Eisenhower's Operation Wetback government program he used. Lastly think of all the homeless veterans this money could house and fees. This bill must fail today!!!!

Lol, whooptyshit
Threats, threats, threats!

This bill must fail. It must be dead on arrival. This bill does not do anything to stop the third world invasion of our country by brown vermin. It's a complete waste of money to send Ukraine $60 billion of Americans taxpayers dollars to a corrupt nation run by a grifter. This money could complete the Wall, hire enough manpower to hunt down and deport every illegal in this country via a stronger version of President Eisenhower's Operation Wetback government program he used. Lastly think of all the homeless veterans this money could house and fees. This bill must fail today!!!!

These people are as stupid as a bunch of rocks. Congress will never authorize that. It's an empty bluff to get the border security/Ukraine aid deal.
Get the last of the white heterosexuals out of the military in another purge. Fill the ranks with military age invaders and good to go on fighting Russians and Iranians.
Sounded like a lucid moment from Chuckie, to me.

I disagree totally.

First of all, the Ukraine originally was the homeland of Russia, with Kyiv being the capital of Russia.
The only reason they moved it north to Moscow was because of the Mongol invasion of 1200.
Second is that the western Ukrainians who took over in the illegal 2014 coup, were ancestors of Polish invaders defeated by Russia around 1700. They are very racist and the descendants of Vlad the Impaler.
Third is that the Ukraine is inside the Russian defense grid, so then can NOT allow the Ukraine to join NATO.
It would not just be a treaty violation, but would allow US cruise missiles to be installed in the Ukraine, that would allow a successful first strike capability. So then the only possible option Russia would have left is a pre-emptive first strike attempt on the US. Which we obviously should not want.

As far as Palestine, go back and read what happened from 1946 to 1949.
Menachim Begin murdered the British peacekeepers by blowing up the King David Hotel.
Why did he do that?
So his gang of terrorists could start wiping out hundreds of Arab villages like Deir Yassin.
Not only is that the worst genocide the world has ever seen, but Menachim Begin was then made Prime Minister expressly because took credit for these massacres.
So then all of Israel is complicit.
Also he gunned down Folke Bernadotte, the UN moderator.
These were not at all defensive acts, but acts of deliberate and systematic genocide.
First democrats wouldn't let Ukraine have migs, now they want to send US troops.

Democrats = WEF

Ukraine is a scam
Threats, threats, threats!

This bill must fail. It must be dead on arrival. This bill does not do anything to stop the third world invasion of our country by brown vermin. It's a complete waste of money to send Ukraine $60 billion of Americans taxpayers dollars to a corrupt nation run by a grifter. This money could complete the Wall, hire enough manpower to hunt down and deport every illegal in this country via a stronger version of President Eisenhower's Operation Wetback government program he used. Lastly think of all the homeless veterans this money could house and fees. This bill must fail today!!!!

He's lost it. Pure malicious hatred for America and Americans.

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