BREAKING: US troops invading Syria

Within hours, anti-war protestors will surround the White House howling against Obama's war mongering.

Oh, wait.

"Our war on terror begins with Al Qaeda, but it does not end there."

"It will not end until every terrorist group of global reach has been found, stopped and defeated."

"Americans should not expect one battle, but a lengthy campaign unlike any other we have ever seen. It may include dramatic strikes visible on TV and covert operations secret even in success."

"We will starve terrorists of funding, turn them one against another, drive them from place to place until there is no refuge or no rest."

Guess who?
U.S. to Deploy Special Operations Forces in Syria

Despite saying he wouldnt....Obama is going to war in Syria. Special Ops are being deployed. Boots on ground. With Russia and Iran flying overhead.

With this commander in chief...what could go wrong!!??

Should have done it two years ago when he was blabbering about "Red Lines" in the sand.

Pathetic, but will learn the meaning of the expression: "Too little, too late".

Not that he gives a shit with only a bit more than a year to go before his "phone and pen" tyranny' will come to a long-awaited halt.
since when does 50 ppl = an invasion force? :eusa_eh:

Go back to the Race sub-forum where you belong OP. :bye1:

Well what is it? Syria is a sovereign nation right? US Special Forces are entering that nation to do some killing and some regime changing. They aren't on a policing mission are they? Syria has its own police.

So if not an invasion...what is it?

Is it LEGAL?? Didn't hear our declaration of war on Syria.
U.S. to Deploy Special Operations Forces in Syria

Despite saying he wouldnt....Obama is going to war in Syria. Special Ops are being deployed. Boots on ground. With Russia and Iran flying overhead.

With this commander in chief...what could go wrong!!??

Like I've said numerous times, who the President is doesn't mean shit in this regard. Think tanks have come up with ways to do what defense contractors all want, have more wars. President can play along or either not become President, have some major scandal come up ala Clinton, or get Kennedy'd.

We're not spending all this money on DoD for secure our borders from tanks rolling across. We're spending it to take over the world.
U.S. to Deploy Special Operations Forces in Syria

Despite saying he wouldnt....Obama is going to war in Syria. Special Ops are being deployed. Boots on ground. With Russia and Iran flying overhead.

With this commander in chief...what could go wrong!!??

Should have done it two years ago when he was blabbering about "Red Lines" in the sand.

Pathetic, but will learn the meaning of the expression: "Too little, too late".

Not that he gives a shit with only a bit more than a year to go before his "phone and pen" tyranny' will come to a long-awaited halt.

I'm so pessimistic with this idiot in chief that at this point in think he's sending them just to be bombed by there can be an outrage vs Russia and he has the power to back down and take it...further weakening America's standing in the world during his final year.
Watching White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest now trying to polish this turd of an announcement. It was only in 2013 when Obama promised no boots on the ground in Syria. Even the fawning leftist White House reporters aren't buying this snake oil.
Watching White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest now trying to polish this turd of an announcement. It was only in 2013 when Obama promised no boots on the ground in Syria. Even the fawning leftist White House reporters aren't buying this snake oil.

This is gonna keep Hilary out of the WH. Watch the dominoes.

But yes....what a clusterfuck.

Now....what happens when Russian and Iranian fighters bomb a US Spec Ops squad???
I think we have an interest in fighting ISIS but I'm not sure why we have to fight the government in Syria.
I think we have an interest in fighting ISIS but I'm not sure why we have to fight the government in Syria.

Because Russia is supporting the Syrian government.

So now....Russia/Iran/Syrian govt are fighting ISIS. We are fighting ISIS and the Syrian govt. Which places our troops squarely between a regional war between ISIS and Russia, Iran and Syria....not to mention vigilantes from Iraq.

Oh what a leader we have!!!
This is 50 times more troops than Obama promised us would NOT be in Syria. Worst foreign policy of a president EVER.
The spin the WH is trying to sell is the use of Special Ops troops on the ground in Syria is not combat related.

'Cause ya know Special OPs forces are well known for just going into countries to organize book clubs and sewing circles. They're pretty much just like the Girl Scouts.

Totally credible and believable.

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since when does 50 ppl = an invasion force? :eusa_eh:

Go back to the Race sub-forum where you belong OP. :bye1:

Well what is it? Syria is a sovereign nation right? US Special Forces are entering that nation to do some killing and some regime changing. They aren't on a policing mission are they? Syria has its own police.

So if not an invasion...what is it?

Is it LEGAL?? Didn't hear our declaration of war on Syria.
NEWSFLASH!!! We have undeclared forces all over the globe. Welcome to the real world jackass. :thup:
Obama got bitch slapped by Assad AND Putin. Now Americans are deliberately being put into a meat grinder so he can maybe somehow not look quite as much like a pussy? How many more will end up being sent over there to die for Obama's ego?
Relax. Having a few special OPs on the ground is no biggie. We should have done this a long time ago - drop a hundred or more in there with orders to kill everything in sight. Total stealth mode.
Bush, but it was found objectionable by the Dem's when his Presidency was coming to a close so as their anti-war guy could be elected. It was a ploy, that succeeded. What do you bet most of the Dem's remain silent, no anti-war rallies every weekend with protesters bussed in, etc., like they did with Bush?

Glad you brought this up, as it is a reminder Bush did understand this was not the war of past, but a war of ideology, that could take decades to defeat, and its not being defeated by the end of his second term, did not mean he failed. It showed he was right. It will take years upon years to fight this new war of ideology..

We might be further along in accomplishing their defeat, if we had earnestly been continuing work toward the goal of their defeat, these last few years.

"Our war on terror begins with Al Qaeda, but it does not end there."

"It will not end until every terrorist group of global reach has been found, stopped and defeated."

"Americans should not expect one battle, but a lengthy campaign unlike any other we have ever seen. It may include dramatic strikes visible on TV and covert operations secret even in success."

"We will starve terrorists of funding, turn them one against another, drive them from place to place until there is no refuge or no rest."

Guess who?

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