BREAKING: US troops invading Syria

The number going in I have heard is 50 I have great respect for our special forces operators and as good as they are I don't see 50 making any major difference on the battlefield.
Coordinate the bombing, organize and train the moderate rebels.
Isn't that we have been doing for the past 3-4 years? So far the bombing has not been by all accounts very effective and by last count we had trained between five and ten moderate rebels.
since when does 50 ppl = an invasion force? :eusa_eh:

Go back to the Race sub-forum where you belong OP. :bye1:

Well what is it? Syria is a sovereign nation right? US Special Forces are entering that nation to do some killing and some regime changing. They aren't on a policing mission are they? Syria has its own police.

So if not an invasion...what is it?

Is it LEGAL?? Didn't hear our declaration of war on Syria.

Did you ask the same questions with the invasion of Iraq?
The number going in I have heard is 50 I have great respect for our special forces operators and as good as they are I don't see 50 making any major difference on the battlefield.
Coordinate the bombing, organize and train the moderate rebels.

I don't think a small # of special forces could make much difference in organizing and training but you're probably right on with your first suggestion. What the U.S. lacks the most right now in their campaign against ISIS is competent spotters for air strikes. That's why a large percentage of fighter-bombers were returning to base without deploying their ordinance. Seeing exactly who's who on the ground and what the fuck the various groups are really doing so planners aren't forced to go with bullshit intelligence wouldn't hurt either.
Really? 30-50 Special Forces are invading Syria? How fucking stupid are you people? Well I've known for a long time that one symptom of blind Obama hatred is the tendency for hyperbole and hyperventilation and exaggerations so inflated they amount to bald-faced lies. Another symptom is a precipitous drop in I.Q. Obviously most of you were lacking in that commodity to start with so pardon me if I breach political correctness and tell the truth. You'd better all wear head protection and have a friend point out the short bus cuz you're all fucking retarded now if you weren't before.

P.S. guaranteeing not to start another land war in the M.E. like Bush did (which even you're leading Prez candidate knows was the worst foreign policy disaster in American history) does not preclude Special Ops. performing specific limited actions on Syrian soil. If they're needed to spot for air strikes or communicate with or vet possible allies on the ground.....fuck this is like trying to explain geometry to monkeys. Just fuck off.

Sept. 5, 2014
"With respect to the situation on the ground in Syria, we will not be placing U.S. ground troops to try to control the areas that are part of the conflict inside of Syria."
-Obama in remarks at a NATO conference

Sept. 10, 2014
"I want the American people to understand how this effort will be different from the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. It will not involve American combat troops fighting on foreign soil."
-Obama in his plan to destroy the Islamic State

Sept. 19, 2014
"The president has ruled out the option of deploying American boots on the ground in Iraq and in Syria in a combat role."
-Earnest in a press briefing

Sept. 20, 2014
"I won’t commit our troops to fighting another ground war in Iraq, or in Syria."
-Obama in his weekly address
Really? 30-50 Special Forces are invading Syria? How fucking stupid are you people? Well I've known for a long time that one symptom of blind Obama hatred is the tendency for hyperbole and hyperventilation and exaggerations so inflated they amount to bald-faced lies. Another symptom is a precipitous drop in I.Q. Obviously most of you were lacking in that commodity to start with so pardon me if I breach political correctness and tell the truth. You'd better all wear head protection and have a friend point out the short bus cuz you're all fucking retarded now if you weren't before.

P.S. guaranteeing not to start another land war in the M.E. like Bush did (which even you're leading Prez candidate knows was the worst foreign policy disaster in American history) does not preclude Special Ops. performing specific limited actions on Syrian soil. If they're needed to spot for air strikes or communicate with or vet possible allies on the ground.....fuck this is like trying to explain geometry to monkeys. Just fuck off.

Sept. 5, 2014
"With respect to the situation on the ground in Syria, we will not be placing U.S. ground troops to try to control the areas that are part of the conflict inside of Syria."
-Obama in remarks at a NATO conference

Sept. 10, 2014
"I want the American people to understand how this effort will be different from the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. It will not involve American combat troops fighting on foreign soil."
-Obama in his plan to destroy the Islamic State

Sept. 19, 2014
"The president has ruled out the option of deploying American boots on the ground in Iraq and in Syria in a combat role."
-Earnest in a press briefing

Sept. 20, 2014
"I won’t commit our troops to fighting another ground war in Iraq, or in Syria."
-Obama in his weekly address
^ that

rw kool aid drinking :booze: short buses will be rw kool aid drinking :booze: short buses :thup:
U.S. to Deploy Special Operations Forces in Syria

Despite saying he wouldnt....Obama is going to war in Syria. Special Ops are being deployed. Boots on ground. With Russia and Iran flying overhead.

With this commander in chief...what could go wrong!!??
Tards whined when he wouldn't do anything gonna whine when he is doing something now....just shut the fuck up already. US needs to stay the fuck out and ONLY reason they are going in is to train more terrorists that Russia is taking out.
Within hours, anti-war protestors will surround the White House howling against Obama's war mongering.

Oh, wait.

Somehow, this is all really Bush's fault.
We sure don't need any troops in Syria.

Let the Russians have that shit hole.
That "shithole" has a warm water port for Ruskie ships. What are your foreign policy bona fides again? :eusa_eh:

Probably better than yours.

The Russians can have that millstone. We've spent enough blood and treasure in the ME. If they want it, they can have it. No need for any more Americans to die in that shithole.
We sure don't need any troops in Syria.

Let the Russians have that shit hole.
That "shithole" has a warm water port for Ruskie ships. What are your foreign policy bona fides again? :eusa_eh:

Probably better than yours.

The Russians can have that millstone. We've spent enough blood and treasure in the ME. If they want it, they can have it. No need for any more Americans to die in that shithole.
sooo..... no answer to my question? Expected :thup:

Funny how conservatives are all of a sudden tired of being in the middle east. Its like they reboot their brains every time a Democrat President is elected so that they forget all their Repub predecessors blunders. Interesting how that works.
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We sure don't need any troops in Syria.

Let the Russians have that shit hole.
That "shithole" has a warm water port for Ruskie ships. What are your foreign policy bona fides again? :eusa_eh:

Probably better than yours.

The Russians can have that millstone. We've spent enough blood and treasure in the ME. If they want it, they can have it. No need for any more Americans to die in that shithole.
sooo..... no answer to my question? Expected :thup:

Funny how conservatives are all of a sudden tired of being in the middle east. Its like they reboot their brains every time aq Democrat President is elected so that they forget all their Repub predecessors blunders. Interesting how that works.

Excuse me while I stand over here and LMAO.

I've not forgotten any blunders and have never wanted any of our troops in the ME.

How bout you?? Still licking Obamas ass?

Yep. Thought so. Once an ass licker. Always an ass licker. And I'll bet you get Barry hot as hell while licking his ass. LOL.
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We sure don't need any troops in Syria.

Let the Russians have that shit hole.
That "shithole" has a warm water port for Ruskie ships. What are your foreign policy bona fides again? :eusa_eh:

Probably better than yours.

The Russians can have that millstone. We've spent enough blood and treasure in the ME. If they want it, they can have it. No need for any more Americans to die in that shithole.
sooo..... no answer to my question? Expected :thup:

Funny how conservatives are all of a sudden tired of being in the middle east. Its like they reboot their brains every time aq Democrat President is elected so that they forget all their Repub predecessors blunders. Interesting how that works.

Excuse me while I stand over here and LMAO.

I've not forgotten any blunders and have never wanted any of our troops in the ME.

How bout you?? Still licking Obamas ass?

Yep. Thought so. Once an ass licker. Always an ass licker. And I'll bet you get Barry hot as hell while licking his ass. LOL.
why resort to homo erotic insults? :eusa_eh: Let me guess, you a conservative?
We sure don't need any troops in Syria.

Let the Russians have that shit hole.
That "shithole" has a warm water port for Ruskie ships. What are your foreign policy bona fides again? :eusa_eh:

Probably better than yours.

The Russians can have that millstone. We've spent enough blood and treasure in the ME. If they want it, they can have it. No need for any more Americans to die in that shithole.
When I went to Afghanistan (Kandahar) on business several years ago, on arrival at the American base, I noticed large fields of parked military equipment in several locations. My escort informed me that these were Russian military equipment left behind when they abandoned that particular shithole.

The entire Middle East is one big Muslim shithole, occupied by tribal mentality goons who insist on living under archaic rules made by a demented pedophile who called himself a prophet, wipe their asses with their hands, and still call others filthy. Muslims are the closest living relatives of neanderthals.
We have undeclared forces all over the globe.

"We?" There is only ONE Commander in Chief of the U.S. Armed Forces. He's had the job for 7 years.

We have Obama has undeclared forces all over the globe.

There. Fixed it for ya.
Through every Admin asswipe. You're welcome. You ever serve. Looking at your user nic and was wondering. I have and its common knowledge that troops are deployed, off the record, all over the world.

Its just like we don't spy on our allies lol. How naive are you?

Pretty much.
We sure don't need any troops in Syria.

Let the Russians have that shit hole.
That "shithole" has a warm water port for Ruskie ships. What are your foreign policy bona fides again? :eusa_eh:

Probably better than yours.

The Russians can have that millstone. We've spent enough blood and treasure in the ME. If they want it, they can have it. No need for any more Americans to die in that shithole.
When I went to Afghanistan (Kandahar) on business several years ago, on arrival at the American base, I noticed large fields of parked military equipment in several locations. My escort informed me that these were Russian military equipment left behind when they abandoned that particular shithole.

The entire Middle East is one big Muslim shithole, occupied by tribal mentality goons who insist on living under archaic rules made by a demented pedophile who called himself a prophet, wipe their asses with their hands, and still call others filthy. Muslims are the closest living relatives of neanderthals.

I agree and to them if you are not Muslim you are nothing.

Imagine. Those Neanderthals think everyone but them are worth nothing.

Hell. They treat their wives, sisters and all women like slaves.

Yup. The Muslim paradise is one big shithole and always will be.
Last time I checked, Syria is a sovereign country with a functioning government. we have no authority to actually send troops except that Obama says go. What happens if the Syrians start killing US troops? It might be a third world shithole in the middle of a civil war, but they have a lot of Russian backing.
Sovereign states don't mean idly squat to people like Obama because he's a bully. Just like every other president before him.

And even worse, Obama failed to realize that Syria was far to strong to fall victim to that arab spring. If a country is capable of shooting our planes down in large numbers, like Syria is, maybe it best we just leave them the fuck alone..
Last time I checked, Syria is a sovereign country with a functioning government. we have no authority to actually send troops except that Obama says go. What happens if the Syrians start killing US troops? It might be a third world shithole in the middle of a civil war, but they have a lot of Russian backing.
Sovereign states don't mean idly squat to people like Obama because he's a bully. Just like every other president before him.

And even worse, Obama failed to realize that Syria was far to strong to fall victim to that arab spring. If a country is capable of shooting our planes down in large numbers, like Syria is, maybe it best we just leave them the fuck alone..

We have no business in Syria and that idiot in the WH has sent advisors there.

Anyone who remembers Vietnam remembers what advisers led to.

Apparently you can't cure stupid.
You know it's bad when even MSNBC and far left Obama shill, Andrea Mitchell says 'The U.S. looks very weak'.

Obama's malignant narcissistic personality disorder prevents him from every having a “If I’ve lost Cronkite, I’ve lost Middle America.” moment.

If you're a lefty and you've lost MSNBC...


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