BREAKING: US troops invading Syria

Through every Admin asswipe. You're welcome. You ever serve. Looking at your user nic and was wondering. I have and its common knowledge that troops are deployed, off the record, all over the world.

Its just like we don't spy on our allies lol. How naive are you?

Your insults really give your posts credibility. Keep it up.

We're talking about the current incompetent C-in-C not through every admin. Deflection fail noted.

Yes, I served and lost 6 squadron mates over the years. 4 of them were good friends. My security clearance was quite a bit higher than naïve.
Obamas foreign policy is exactly like his domestic police policy. Look at it.

Armed men maintaining some sort of order in a chaotic shit hole. Obama doesn't like it.

He pulls the armed men out of the shit hole and crushes their morale publicly.

Chaos erupts in the shit hole....

Obama says "OH SHIT! I wasn't expecting THAT to happen! Hey fellas....get back in there and um...fix this shit back to how it was before!"

Syria. Baltimore. Iraq. Ferguson. Shitholes with armed men keeping order. Pulled out or discouraged by the left. Chaos happens. They then say "What the hell is this!? Get back in there and fix it!!"

At least libs are consistent.
30 special forces is nothing. They are there to be murdered. Then obumble can say it was a non combat operation.
Through every Admin asswipe. You're welcome. You ever serve. Looking at your user nic and was wondering. I have and its common knowledge that troops are deployed, off the record, all over the world.

Its just like we don't spy on our allies lol. How naive are you?

Your insults really give your posts credibility. Keep it up.

We're talking about the current incompetent C-in-C not through every admin. Deflection fail noted.

Yes, I served and lost 6 squadron mates over the years. 4 of them were good friends. My security clearance was quite a bit higher than naïve.
I had a security clearance as well. Apparently you didn't see much outside your group or you would have been aware of what I stated in my previous post- we have undisclosed troops in many places all the time regardless of who is in office

You're welcome.
Did Assad asked the half wit in the White House for help? fighting in Syria?

When was that?

Haven't heard anything yet.
30 special forces is nothing. They are there to be murdered. Then obumble can say it was a non combat operation.

Sadly I agree.

I wish for once It was Barry himself the one who goes to fight. ....and never comes back.
U.S. Central Command | Pentagon discusses mission that saved 70 Kurdish hostages in Iraq

WASHINGTON (October 22, 2015) — U.S. Special Forces supported an Iraqi peshmerga operation earlier today to rescue about 70 hostages from an Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant prison near Hawijah, Iraq, Defense Department Press Secretary Peter Cook told reporters at the Pentagon this afternoon.

American Special Forces personnel carried out the planned operation at the request of the Kurdistan regional government after learning through intelligence sources that the hostages faced imminent mass execution, Cook said.

The Special Forces mission was consistent with Operation Inherent Resolve’s counter-ISIL efforts to train, advise, and assist Iraqi forces, he emphasized.

One U.S. service member and four peshmerga soldiers were wounded when ISIL extremists fired on U.S. and Iraqi forces during the rescue, he said, adding the U.S. service member was medically treated but later died.

The recovered hostages were placed with the Kurdistan Regional government, Cook said, adding that no hostages died during the rescue to his knowledge.

“The U.S. provided helicopter lift and accompanied Iraqi peshmerga forces to the compound,” where ISIL held the hostages, Cook said. While it appears more than 20 hostages were Iraqi security forces’ members and the remaining hostages were Iraqi civilians, that review remains under way.

“Five ISIL terrorists were detained by the Iraqis and a number of ISIL terrorists were killed,” he said. “In addition, the U.S. recovered important intelligence about ISIL.”

Cook offered the department’s sincere condolences to the family of the U.S. service member who died in the operation.
The Khurds have fought by our side................According to Centcom, the request for the rescue operation came from the Khurds.............

They had our back in the past...........and have stood their ground against ISIS while others have run...................

I have no problem with this operation to support those that have allied to us before Obama wan't President......................

To the Spec Ops........................Thank you for your Service and I'm sorry for your loss.
30 special forces is nothing. They are there to be murdered. Then obumble can say it was a non combat operation.

Sadly I agree.

I wish for once It was Barry himself the one who goes to fight. ....and never comes back.
I wish the same of you rw hack grl

As to the OP, "invade" is not the right word to use. Maybe OP needs a remedial vocabulary course. Perhaps ESL is his speed.

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