Breaking: Van runs into crowd outside N. London Mosque

The Finsbury Park Mosque had an arsenal in its basement.

When was this? Recent? WTF it should have been shut down right then immediately, not allowed to continue.
It was when hook hand was in charge - over ten yrs ago I think - maybe 12 yrs. They had a basement full of weapons, was full to the brim with hate literature and terrorists connected with 9/11 and 7/7 and other attacks were also from that mosque. They claim to now be 'moderate' but the current ?imam/leader is a terrorist supporter, an antisemite and a great friend of Comrade Corbyn.
They used to block the local streets 'praying' and spewing hate. When the police closed the mosque (temporarily) they blocked all the streets for days spewing hate sermons.

Corbyn the Marxist filth I have heard on the BBC World Service he says that tonight he's going to go and pray INSIDE Finsbury Park mosque, he's a total vile POS, he sinks lower each day, as if it's not disgusting that he's spent nearly a week using the dead people of Grenfell Tower to score political points and further his Marxist wet dream by DEMANDING that the properties of rich people be SEIZED to house people, now he's going to pray with all the Kebabs in Finsbury Park mosque.

I thought he's an Athiest, who's he going to pray to? Or has he now converted to Islam so he'll pray to Allah?

I bet he had minimal comments when the people were mowed down on the London Bridge or children and teenagers were blown up at a concert in Manchester.
He condemned all of those attacks you lying fascist slag.

Go away little Marxist, don't you have some more DEAD PEOPLE to exploit for your Far Left political purposes?


You will make this guy a hero by tonight.
The Finsbury Park Mosque had an arsenal in its basement.

When was this? Recent? WTF it should have been shut down right then immediately, not allowed to continue.
It was when hook hand was in charge - over ten yrs ago I think - maybe 12 yrs. They had a basement full of weapons, was full to the brim with hate literature and terrorists connected with 9/11 and 7/7 and other attacks were also from that mosque. They claim to now be 'moderate' but the current ?imam/leader is a terrorist supporter, an antisemite and a great friend of Comrade Corbyn.
They used to block the local streets 'praying' and spewing hate. When the police closed the mosque (temporarily) they blocked all the streets for days spewing hate sermons.

Corbyn the Marxist filth I have heard on the BBC World Service he says that tonight he's going to go and pray INSIDE Finsbury Park mosque, he's a total vile POS, he sinks lower each day, as if it's not disgusting that he's spent nearly a week using the dead people of Grenfell Tower to score political points and further his Marxist wet dream by DEMANDING that the properties of rich people be SEIZED to house people, now he's going to pray with all the Kebabs in Finsbury Park mosque.

I thought he's an Athiest, who's he going to pray to? Or has he now converted to Islam so he'll pray to Allah?

I bet he had minimal comments when the people were mowed down on the London Bridge or children and teenagers were blown up at a concert in Manchester.
He condemned all of those attacks you lying fascist slag.

Go away little Marxist, don't you have some more DEAD PEOPLE to exploit for your Far Left political purposes?



Lol! That's awesome. :D
When was this? Recent? WTF it should have been shut down right then immediately, not allowed to continue.
It was when hook hand was in charge - over ten yrs ago I think - maybe 12 yrs. They had a basement full of weapons, was full to the brim with hate literature and terrorists connected with 9/11 and 7/7 and other attacks were also from that mosque. They claim to now be 'moderate' but the current ?imam/leader is a terrorist supporter, an antisemite and a great friend of Comrade Corbyn.
They used to block the local streets 'praying' and spewing hate. When the police closed the mosque (temporarily) they blocked all the streets for days spewing hate sermons.

Corbyn the Marxist filth I have heard on the BBC World Service he says that tonight he's going to go and pray INSIDE Finsbury Park mosque, he's a total vile POS, he sinks lower each day, as if it's not disgusting that he's spent nearly a week using the dead people of Grenfell Tower to score political points and further his Marxist wet dream by DEMANDING that the properties of rich people be SEIZED to house people, now he's going to pray with all the Kebabs in Finsbury Park mosque.

I thought he's an Athiest, who's he going to pray to? Or has he now converted to Islam so he'll pray to Allah?

I bet he had minimal comments when the people were mowed down on the London Bridge or children and teenagers were blown up at a concert in Manchester.
He condemned all of those attacks you lying fascist slag.

Go away little Marxist, don't you have some more DEAD PEOPLE to exploit for your Far Left political purposes?


You will make this guy a hero by tonight.

How are your heroes in the IRA doing these days? Maybe you should ask Jeremy Corbyn, email him they are his lifelong friends going back at least 45 years afterall.
The Muslims are always demanding things, they never ask, they issue demands.

Our brothers and sisters need protecting against these backward 7th Century knuckledraggers. Fuck the mosques, they all should have been raided several years ago and then shut down. We know from reports that the Iman's preach hatred of the West in them, we however have no idea what they are storing in those mosques, for all we know they could have arsenals of guns and suicide vest making materials.
The Finsbury Park Mosque had an arsenal in its basement.

When was this? Recent? WTF it should have been shut down right then immediately, not allowed to continue.
It was when hook hand was in charge - over ten yrs ago I think - maybe 12 yrs. They had a basement full of weapons, was full to the brim with hate literature and terrorists connected with 9/11 and 7/7 and other attacks were also from that mosque. They claim to now be 'moderate' but the current ?imam/leader is a terrorist supporter, an antisemite and a great friend of Comrade Corbyn.
They used to block the local streets 'praying' and spewing hate. When the police closed the mosque (temporarily) they blocked all the streets for days spewing hate sermons.

Corbyn the Marxist filth I have heard on the BBC World Service he says that tonight he's going to go and pray INSIDE Finsbury Park mosque, he's a total vile POS, he sinks lower each day, as if it's not disgusting that he's spent nearly a week using the dead people of Grenfell Tower to score political points and further his Marxist wet dream by DEMANDING that the properties of rich people be SEIZED to house people, now he's going to pray with all the Kebabs in Finsbury Park mosque.

I thought he's an Athiest, who's he going to pray to? Or has he now converted to Islam so he'll pray to Allah?

I bet he had minimal comments when the people were mowed down on the London Bridge or children and teenagers were blown up at a concert in Manchester.
He is a regular visitor to that Mosque and says it's extremist leader has provided valuable 'guidance' many times. They probably have nice chats about their 'friends' Hamas.
Yes they seem like real extremists.
Finsbury Park Mosque sisters visited their local church for an afternoon tea gathering | Finsbury Park Mosque

I saw a Muslim on the news commenting on this story, and he actually had the GALL to say that Muslims are being "terrorized." Lol.

I saw a Muslim on the news commenting on this story, and he actually had the GALL to say that Muslims are being "terrorized." Lol.

Nothing new-------the high way robber, rapist , enslaver, pillager, dog of mecca considered
himself "terrorized" if anyone did not want to lick his ass and worship him. Read the koran
When was this? Recent? WTF it should have been shut down right then immediately, not allowed to continue.
It was when hook hand was in charge - over ten yrs ago I think - maybe 12 yrs. They had a basement full of weapons, was full to the brim with hate literature and terrorists connected with 9/11 and 7/7 and other attacks were also from that mosque. They claim to now be 'moderate' but the current ?imam/leader is a terrorist supporter, an antisemite and a great friend of Comrade Corbyn.
They used to block the local streets 'praying' and spewing hate. When the police closed the mosque (temporarily) they blocked all the streets for days spewing hate sermons.

Corbyn the Marxist filth I have heard on the BBC World Service he says that tonight he's going to go and pray INSIDE Finsbury Park mosque, he's a total vile POS, he sinks lower each day, as if it's not disgusting that he's spent nearly a week using the dead people of Grenfell Tower to score political points and further his Marxist wet dream by DEMANDING that the properties of rich people be SEIZED to house people, now he's going to pray with all the Kebabs in Finsbury Park mosque.

I thought he's an Athiest, who's he going to pray to? Or has he now converted to Islam so he'll pray to Allah?

I bet he had minimal comments when the people were mowed down on the London Bridge or children and teenagers were blown up at a concert in Manchester.
He condemned all of those attacks you lying fascist slag.

Go away little Marxist, don't you have some more DEAD PEOPLE to exploit for your Far Left political purposes?



Lol! That's awesome. :D

I have others, stay tuned :smoke:
The Finsbury Park Mosque had an arsenal in its basement.

When was this? Recent? WTF it should have been shut down right then immediately, not allowed to continue.
It was when hook hand was in charge - over ten yrs ago I think - maybe 12 yrs. They had a basement full of weapons, was full to the brim with hate literature and terrorists connected with 9/11 and 7/7 and other attacks were also from that mosque. They claim to now be 'moderate' but the current ?imam/leader is a terrorist supporter, an antisemite and a great friend of Comrade Corbyn.
They used to block the local streets 'praying' and spewing hate. When the police closed the mosque (temporarily) they blocked all the streets for days spewing hate sermons.

Corbyn the Marxist filth I have heard on the BBC World Service he says that tonight he's going to go and pray INSIDE Finsbury Park mosque, he's a total vile POS, he sinks lower each day, as if it's not disgusting that he's spent nearly a week using the dead people of Grenfell Tower to score political points and further his Marxist wet dream by DEMANDING that the properties of rich people be SEIZED to house people, now he's going to pray with all the Kebabs in Finsbury Park mosque.

I thought he's an Athiest, who's he going to pray to? Or has he now converted to Islam so he'll pray to Allah?

I bet he had minimal comments when the people were mowed down on the London Bridge or children and teenagers were blown up at a concert in Manchester.
He is a regular visitor to that Mosque and says it's extremist leader has provided valuable 'guidance' many times. They probably have nice chats about their 'friends' Hamas.
Yes they seem like real extremists.
Finsbury Park Mosque sisters visited their local church for an afternoon tea gathering | Finsbury Park Mosque

Where are all the men?
The Finsbury Park Mosque had an arsenal in its basement.

When was this? Recent? WTF it should have been shut down right then immediately, not allowed to continue.
It was when hook hand was in charge - over ten yrs ago I think - maybe 12 yrs. They had a basement full of weapons, was full to the brim with hate literature and terrorists connected with 9/11 and 7/7 and other attacks were also from that mosque. They claim to now be 'moderate' but the current ?imam/leader is a terrorist supporter, an antisemite and a great friend of Comrade Corbyn.
They used to block the local streets 'praying' and spewing hate. When the police closed the mosque (temporarily) they blocked all the streets for days spewing hate sermons.

Corbyn the Marxist filth I have heard on the BBC World Service he says that tonight he's going to go and pray INSIDE Finsbury Park mosque, he's a total vile POS, he sinks lower each day, as if it's not disgusting that he's spent nearly a week using the dead people of Grenfell Tower to score political points and further his Marxist wet dream by DEMANDING that the properties of rich people be SEIZED to house people, now he's going to pray with all the Kebabs in Finsbury Park mosque.

I thought he's an Athiest, who's he going to pray to? Or has he now converted to Islam so he'll pray to Allah?

I bet he had minimal comments when the people were mowed down on the London Bridge or children and teenagers were blown up at a concert in Manchester.
He is a regular visitor to that Mosque and says it's extremist leader has provided valuable 'guidance' many times. They probably have nice chats about their 'friends' Hamas.
Yes they seem like real extremists.
Finsbury Park Mosque sisters visited their local church for an afternoon tea gathering | Finsbury Park Mosque

Are either of those women the MAN I referred to?
When was this? Recent? WTF it should have been shut down right then immediately, not allowed to continue.
It was when hook hand was in charge - over ten yrs ago I think - maybe 12 yrs. They had a basement full of weapons, was full to the brim with hate literature and terrorists connected with 9/11 and 7/7 and other attacks were also from that mosque. They claim to now be 'moderate' but the current ?imam/leader is a terrorist supporter, an antisemite and a great friend of Comrade Corbyn.
They used to block the local streets 'praying' and spewing hate. When the police closed the mosque (temporarily) they blocked all the streets for days spewing hate sermons.

Corbyn the Marxist filth I have heard on the BBC World Service he says that tonight he's going to go and pray INSIDE Finsbury Park mosque, he's a total vile POS, he sinks lower each day, as if it's not disgusting that he's spent nearly a week using the dead people of Grenfell Tower to score political points and further his Marxist wet dream by DEMANDING that the properties of rich people be SEIZED to house people, now he's going to pray with all the Kebabs in Finsbury Park mosque.

I thought he's an Athiest, who's he going to pray to? Or has he now converted to Islam so he'll pray to Allah?

I bet he had minimal comments when the people were mowed down on the London Bridge or children and teenagers were blown up at a concert in Manchester.
He is a regular visitor to that Mosque and says it's extremist leader has provided valuable 'guidance' many times. They probably have nice chats about their 'friends' Hamas.
Yes they seem like real extremists.
Finsbury Park Mosque sisters visited their local church for an afternoon tea gathering | Finsbury Park Mosque

Where are all the men?
Yesterday, our sisters from the Finsbury Park Mosque visited the sisters at St. Thomas’s Church and had tea gathering together, this gathering was arranged after the horrible incident last week outside the House of Parliament.

The sisters from Finsbury Park Mosque were welcomed by the sisters from the church. They all had afternoon tea together and exchanged words and also planned two other activities together within the next two months.

This gathering has brought our relationship with our local church better & stronger and created a much better understanding between our two faith groups.
Well, a photo op has certainly changed my opinion, despite all the prior attacks on United States citizens and others around the world. This photo has now changed my opinion entirely of the cult of Islam. :lol:

This is the kind of thing that works for stupid liberals.
It was when hook hand was in charge - over ten yrs ago I think - maybe 12 yrs. They had a basement full of weapons, was full to the brim with hate literature and terrorists connected with 9/11 and 7/7 and other attacks were also from that mosque. They claim to now be 'moderate' but the current ?imam/leader is a terrorist supporter, an antisemite and a great friend of Comrade Corbyn.
They used to block the local streets 'praying' and spewing hate. When the police closed the mosque (temporarily) they blocked all the streets for days spewing hate sermons.

Corbyn the Marxist filth I have heard on the BBC World Service he says that tonight he's going to go and pray INSIDE Finsbury Park mosque, he's a total vile POS, he sinks lower each day, as if it's not disgusting that he's spent nearly a week using the dead people of Grenfell Tower to score political points and further his Marxist wet dream by DEMANDING that the properties of rich people be SEIZED to house people, now he's going to pray with all the Kebabs in Finsbury Park mosque.

I thought he's an Athiest, who's he going to pray to? Or has he now converted to Islam so he'll pray to Allah?

I bet he had minimal comments when the people were mowed down on the London Bridge or children and teenagers were blown up at a concert in Manchester.
He is a regular visitor to that Mosque and says it's extremist leader has provided valuable 'guidance' many times. They probably have nice chats about their 'friends' Hamas.
Yes they seem like real extremists.
Finsbury Park Mosque sisters visited their local church for an afternoon tea gathering | Finsbury Park Mosque

Where are all the men?
Yesterday, our sisters from the Finsbury Park Mosque visited the sisters at St. Thomas’s Church and had tea gathering together, this gathering was arranged after the horrible incident last week outside the House of Parliament.

The sisters from Finsbury Park Mosque were welcomed by the sisters from the church. They all had afternoon tea together and exchanged words and also planned two other activities together within the next two months.

This gathering has brought our relationship with our local church better & stronger and created a much better understanding between our two faith groups.
And that has WHAT exactly to do with the MAN I referred to as an extremist, antisemite and terrorist supporter, Tammy?
Are you going senile?
The Finsbury Park Mosque had an arsenal in its basement.

When was this? Recent? WTF it should have been shut down right then immediately, not allowed to continue.
It was when hook hand was in charge - over ten yrs ago I think - maybe 12 yrs. They had a basement full of weapons, was full to the brim with hate literature and terrorists connected with 9/11 and 7/7 and other attacks were also from that mosque. They claim to now be 'moderate' but the current ?imam/leader is a terrorist supporter, an antisemite and a great friend of Comrade Corbyn.
They used to block the local streets 'praying' and spewing hate. When the police closed the mosque (temporarily) they blocked all the streets for days spewing hate sermons.

Corbyn the Marxist filth I have heard on the BBC World Service he says that tonight he's going to go and pray INSIDE Finsbury Park mosque, he's a total vile POS, he sinks lower each day, as if it's not disgusting that he's spent nearly a week using the dead people of Grenfell Tower to score political points and further his Marxist wet dream by DEMANDING that the properties of rich people be SEIZED to house people, now he's going to pray with all the Kebabs in Finsbury Park mosque.

I thought he's an Athiest, who's he going to pray to? Or has he now converted to Islam so he'll pray to Allah?

I bet he had minimal comments when the people were mowed down on the London Bridge or children and teenagers were blown up at a concert in Manchester.
He is a regular visitor to that Mosque and says it's extremist leader has provided valuable 'guidance' many times. They probably have nice chats about their 'friends' Hamas.
Yes they seem like real extremists.
Finsbury Park Mosque sisters visited their local church for an afternoon tea gathering | Finsbury Park Mosque


^ Propaganda.

Not Propaganda:


It was when hook hand was in charge - over ten yrs ago I think - maybe 12 yrs. They had a basement full of weapons, was full to the brim with hate literature and terrorists connected with 9/11 and 7/7 and other attacks were also from that mosque. They claim to now be 'moderate' but the current ?imam/leader is a terrorist supporter, an antisemite and a great friend of Comrade Corbyn.
They used to block the local streets 'praying' and spewing hate. When the police closed the mosque (temporarily) they blocked all the streets for days spewing hate sermons.

Corbyn the Marxist filth I have heard on the BBC World Service he says that tonight he's going to go and pray INSIDE Finsbury Park mosque, he's a total vile POS, he sinks lower each day, as if it's not disgusting that he's spent nearly a week using the dead people of Grenfell Tower to score political points and further his Marxist wet dream by DEMANDING that the properties of rich people be SEIZED to house people, now he's going to pray with all the Kebabs in Finsbury Park mosque.

I thought he's an Athiest, who's he going to pray to? Or has he now converted to Islam so he'll pray to Allah?

I bet he had minimal comments when the people were mowed down on the London Bridge or children and teenagers were blown up at a concert in Manchester.
He is a regular visitor to that Mosque and says it's extremist leader has provided valuable 'guidance' many times. They probably have nice chats about their 'friends' Hamas.
Yes they seem like real extremists.
Finsbury Park Mosque sisters visited their local church for an afternoon tea gathering | Finsbury Park Mosque

Where are all the men?
Yesterday, our sisters from the Finsbury Park Mosque visited the sisters at St. Thomas’s Church and had tea gathering together, this gathering was arranged after the horrible incident last week outside the House of Parliament.

The sisters from Finsbury Park Mosque were welcomed by the sisters from the church. They all had afternoon tea together and exchanged words and also planned two other activities together within the next two months.

This gathering has brought our relationship with our local church better & stronger and created a much better understanding between our two faith groups.
We can ALWAYS count on Tommy parroting the ruling class.

If the ruling class magically disappeared, Tommy would be brain dead.
I was just watching coverage of this on The Today show. OMG, the utter ridiculousness of the left wing media is on FULL display.
When was this? Recent? WTF it should have been shut down right then immediately, not allowed to continue.
It was when hook hand was in charge - over ten yrs ago I think - maybe 12 yrs. They had a basement full of weapons, was full to the brim with hate literature and terrorists connected with 9/11 and 7/7 and other attacks were also from that mosque. They claim to now be 'moderate' but the current ?imam/leader is a terrorist supporter, an antisemite and a great friend of Comrade Corbyn.
They used to block the local streets 'praying' and spewing hate. When the police closed the mosque (temporarily) they blocked all the streets for days spewing hate sermons.

Corbyn the Marxist filth I have heard on the BBC World Service he says that tonight he's going to go and pray INSIDE Finsbury Park mosque, he's a total vile POS, he sinks lower each day, as if it's not disgusting that he's spent nearly a week using the dead people of Grenfell Tower to score political points and further his Marxist wet dream by DEMANDING that the properties of rich people be SEIZED to house people, now he's going to pray with all the Kebabs in Finsbury Park mosque.

I thought he's an Athiest, who's he going to pray to? Or has he now converted to Islam so he'll pray to Allah?

I bet he had minimal comments when the people were mowed down on the London Bridge or children and teenagers were blown up at a concert in Manchester.
He is a regular visitor to that Mosque and says it's extremist leader has provided valuable 'guidance' many times. They probably have nice chats about their 'friends' Hamas.
Yes they seem like real extremists.
Finsbury Park Mosque sisters visited their local church for an afternoon tea gathering | Finsbury Park Mosque

Where are all the men?

"Where are all the men?"

Half of them having sex with underage girls in the Paki Paedophile Rings probably, the other half could be making suicide vests in the basement of the mosque.
I was just watching coverage of this on The Today show. OMG, the utter ridiculousness of the left wing media is on FULL display.

The Left Wing media needs shutting down, they are to be considered part of the Fifth Column in Western nations.
They'd better start stepping up to the plate to turn in their own terrorists or I'm sure we will be seeing a lot more attacks like this on them in the future.

Do I feel sad? After everything is said and done, no. Not really. Sorry, but I don't. I guess I have some animosity towards the Muslims. *shrugs*
The problem is, with Muslims in infidel lands, you will always have terrorism. CONQUEST for Allah is in their religion. It cannot be separated.
FPM wins apology from Thomson Reuters | Finsbury Park Mosque

And just to refute another one of tillys many lies.

It was only after the intervention of the BBC that we discovered we were labelled under ‘Terrorism’ by WorldCheck. We thank the BBC and especially Peter Oborne for telling the world about this clandestine financial compliance industry. Having found out about this false and defamatory WorldCheck profile we were able to bring legal proceedings which have resulted in these untrue allegations being removed. WorldCheck has today confirmed in court that it has withdrawn any allegation that the mosque has any current or suspected connections to terrorism, it has expressed its regret for publishing those false allegations and agreed to pay us damages and our legal costs.

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