Breaking: Van runs into crowd outside N. London Mosque

well, thank God the UK has really strict gun control laws - right?

Mega original! Stupendous!
Why are you here?

What's the problem. You don't mind hearing the same fucking stupid comments every fucking time this happens? Is that because you are a fucking moron?
You really are a disgraceful POS. I wonder how amusing you'd find Terrorism if you lived with it or if your family were unlucky enough to be caught up in it. LoneLaugher is a very apt name for you, even murder and terrorism are funny to you and I'm another poster putting you on ignore.

If you were intelligent enough to grasp my intent here, I might be offended.

Your intent to be an ass? Successful! :D
Peoples who were crushed by the van living the mosquee.

Communicate from the autority keep on living your life " The usual speech " But remain vigilant.
Muslim Council of Britain : Van hit people living the mosquee demand protection outside of all mosquee.

The Muslims are always demanding things, they never ask, they issue demands.

Our brothers and sisters need protecting against these backward 7th Century knuckledraggers. Fuck the mosques, they all should have been raided several years ago and then shut down. We know from reports that the Iman's preach hatred of the West in them, we however have no idea what they are storing in those mosques, for all we know they could have arsenals of guns and suicide vest making materials.

The Finsbury Park Mosque had an arsenal in its basement.

It did? Do you have a link?

If so, that has to violate a list of laws.

It is common knowledge, I put a link here to their history earlier. But please look it up. And yes, it was of course illegal, and hook hand himself is I. Prison - I think he was tried in the US?
Also Anjem Choudary was connected with that Mosque. It is still on a blacklist and they continue to demand to be off it.

Again they are demanding, they are very brazen, people in their position should not be allowed to demand anything.
This is what happens when Muslims commit acts of violence, too often, in a land not their own.

Eventually, the backlash begins.

May God rest the souls of those who perished (if any), and give comfort to their families, and to those who were injured by that supposed right-wing Brit.

Still, given how often the Muzzies have savaged their Euro-neighbors in recent months and years, this had to start, sooner or later.

Not with respect to the victims themselves, but to the Islamic community at-large... in a very real sense, they have brought this upon themselves.

It did not have to come to this, but it was their choice, to maim and kill again and again and again, until somebody or another, on the other side, struck back.

That is the same exact rhetoric that ISIS uses. They say they commit terrorist attacks in the west. Because western nation keep bombing Muslim and middle eastern countries. So they attack in retaliation.

You should really do some self reflection if your line of thinking is the same as ISIS or Al-Qaeda.
That tired old rhetoric again? Sane people don't give a monkey what Isis 'think' - its you and your ilk who give them power by suggesting any of the filth they utter matters. It's a great pity so many Muslims are so eager to be swayed by their hate though - and that's on them.

I'm not asking you to care what ISIS thinks. What I am saying is that your mindset is the same as an ISIS member.
My mindset is the same as an Isis member? I don't remember when I last dissolved someone in acid or burnt them in a cage, nor do I recall having the 'mindset' to harm a single living soul because they dont share my views, so do please tell me more!

The mindset is that since a group of people from a different ethnic/religious group did something, that I need to retaliate with violence.

You said that Muslims had it coming because some deviant Muslims have committed terrorist attacks. Its not right to have this thinking just like its not right for ISIS to have this thinking.

It is a dangerous ideology to have.
Maybe that's the best way to deal with them. Play their dirty game.

Yes Chris, but not members of the public taking it upon themselves to do that, that's literally the worst thing that could happen.

They only can comprehend one thing and that's an eye for an eye, so they need to be fought using the methods they use, but this needs to be an operation carried out by Military, Counter Terrorism Units and all other appropriate Security Units and that would also include Black Ops and fuck International Law and fuck Political Correctness.

It's impossible to combat them if one hand is kept behind the back because of International Law for instance, the 7th Century knuckledraggers are not a recognised Army or anything approaching that, therefore neither International Law or the Geneva Conventions are applicable or any of the Human Rights crap.

That may be the ONLY way to stop them, regular people fighting back. Obviously our military has had their balls chopped off by political correctness.
I live in LA , most gangs and crimes are commuted by either blacks or Hispanics. Do i put all blacks and Hispanics in one basket and call for retaliation against the innocent ones no....only idiots would.

This is what happens when Muslims commit acts of violence, too often, in a land not their own.

Eventually, the backlash begins.

May God rest the souls of those who perished (if any), and give comfort to their families, and to those who were injured by that supposed right-wing Brit.

Still, given how often the Muzzies have savaged their Euro-neighbors in recent months and years, this had to start, sooner or later.

Not with respect to the victims themselves, but to the Islamic community at-large... in a very real sense, they have brought this upon themselves.

It did not have to come to this, but it was their choice, to maim and kill again and again and again, until somebody or another, on the other side, struck back.
Blacks and Hispanics do not follow a hostile pseudo-religious Warrior Religion of Conquest, which holds that God smiles on warfare to advance The Cult.

Your inability to understand that difference puts you in the same "idiot" category that you would stupidly assign to others.
Peoples who were crushed by the van living the mosquee.

Communicate from the autority keep on living your life " The usual speech " But remain vigilant.
Muslim Council of Britain : Van hit people living the mosquee demand protection outside of all mosquee.

The Muslims are always demanding things, they never ask, they issue demands.

Our brothers and sisters need protecting against these backward 7th Century knuckledraggers. Fuck the mosques, they all should have been raided several years ago and then shut down. We know from reports that the Iman's preach hatred of the West in them, we however have no idea what they are storing in those mosques, for all we know they could have arsenals of guns and suicide vest making materials.

The Finsbury Park Mosque had an arsenal in its basement.

When was this? Recent? WTF it should have been shut down right then immediately, not allowed to continue.

It was when hook hand was in charge - over ten yrs ago I think - maybe 12 yrs. They had a basement full of weapons, was full to the brim with hate literature and terrorists connected with 9/11 and 7/7 and other attacks were also from that mosque. They claim to now be 'moderate' but the current ?imam/leader is a terrorist supporter, an antisemite and a great friend of Comrade Corbyn.
They used to block the local streets 'praying' and spewing hate. When the police closed the mosque (temporarily) they blocked all the streets for days spewing hate sermons.

Corbyn the Marxist filth I have heard on the BBC World Service he says that tonight he's going to go and pray INSIDE Finsbury Park mosque, he's a total vile POS, he sinks lower each day, as if it's not disgusting that he's spent nearly a week using the dead people of Grenfell Tower to score political points and further his Marxist wet dream by DEMANDING that the properties of rich people be SEIZED to house people, now he's going to pray with all the Kebabs in Finsbury Park mosque.

I thought he's an Athiest, who's he going to pray to? Or has he now converted to Islam so he'll pray to Allah?

I bet he had minimal comments when the people were mowed down on the London Bridge or children and teenagers were blown up at a concert in Manchester.
This is what happens when Muslims commit acts of violence, too often, in a land not their own.

Eventually, the backlash begins.

May God rest the souls of those who perished (if any), and give comfort to their families, and to those who were injured by that supposed right-wing Brit.

Still, given how often the Muzzies have savaged their Euro-neighbors in recent months and years, this had to start, sooner or later.

Not with respect to the victims themselves, but to the Islamic community at-large... in a very real sense, they have brought this upon themselves.

It did not have to come to this, but it was their choice, to maim and kill again and again and again, until somebody or another, on the other side, struck back.

That is the same exact rhetoric that ISIS uses. They say they commit terrorist attacks in the west. Because western nation keep bombing Muslim and middle eastern countries. So they attack in retaliation.

You should really do some self reflection if your line of thinking is the same as ISIS or Al-Qaeda.
Nothing wrong with my line of thinking on this.

It is merely pragmatism and an acknowledgement of Reality; something which myopic non-Muslim defenders of Islam simply do not understand.
Peoples who were crushed by the van living the mosquee.

Communicate from the autority keep on living your life " The usual speech " But remain vigilant.
Muslim Council of Britain : Van hit people living the mosquee demand protection outside of all mosquee.

The Muslims are always demanding things, they never ask, they issue demands.

Our brothers and sisters need protecting against these backward 7th Century knuckledraggers. Fuck the mosques, they all should have been raided several years ago and then shut down. We know from reports that the Iman's preach hatred of the West in them, we however have no idea what they are storing in those mosques, for all we know they could have arsenals of guns and suicide vest making materials.

The Finsbury Park Mosque had an arsenal in its basement.

When was this? Recent? WTF it should have been shut down right then immediately, not allowed to continue.

It was when hook hand was in charge - over ten yrs ago I think - maybe 12 yrs. They had a basement full of weapons, was full to the brim with hate literature and terrorists connected with 9/11 and 7/7 and other attacks were also from that mosque. They claim to now be 'moderate' but the current ?imam/leader is a terrorist supporter, an antisemite and a great friend of Comrade Corbyn.
They used to block the local streets 'praying' and spewing hate. When the police closed the mosque (temporarily) they blocked all the streets for days spewing hate sermons.

Corbyn the Marxist filth I have heard on the BBC World Service he says that tonight he's going to go and pray INSIDE Finsbury Park mosque, he's a total vile POS, he sinks lower each day, as if it's not disgusting that he's spent nearly a week using the dead people of Grenfell Tower to score political points and further his Marxist wet dream by DEMANDING that the properties of rich people be SEIZED to house people, now he's going to pray with all the Kebabs in Finsbury Park mosque.

I thought he's an Athiest, who's he going to pray to? Or has he now converted to Islam so he'll pray to Allah?

I bet he had minimal comments when the people were mowed down on the London Bridge or children and teenagers were blown up at a concert in Manchester.

He condemned all of those attacks you lying fascist slag.
This is what happens when Muslims commit acts of violence, too often, in a land not their own.

Eventually, the backlash begins.

May God rest the souls of those who perished (if any), and give comfort to their families, and to those who were injured by that supposed right-wing Brit.

Still, given how often the Muzzies have savaged their Euro-neighbors in recent months and years, this had to start, sooner or later.

Not with respect to the victims themselves, but to the Islamic community at-large... in a very real sense, they have brought this upon themselves.

It did not have to come to this, but it was their choice, to maim and kill again and again and again, until somebody or another, on the other side, struck back.

That is the same exact rhetoric that ISIS uses. They say they commit terrorist attacks in the west. Because western nation keep bombing Muslim and middle eastern countries. So they attack in retaliation.

You should really do some self reflection if your line of thinking is the same as ISIS or Al-Qaeda.
That tired old rhetoric again? Sane people don't give a monkey what Isis 'think' - its you and your ilk who give them power by suggesting any of the filth they utter matters. It's a great pity so many Muslims are so eager to be swayed by their hate though - and that's on them.

I'm not asking you to care what ISIS thinks. What I am saying is that your mindset is the same as an ISIS member.
My mindset is the same as an Isis member? I don't remember when I last dissolved someone in acid or burnt them in a cage, nor do I recall having the 'mindset' to harm a single living soul because they dont share my views, so do please tell me more!

The mindset is that since a group of people from a different ethnic/religious group did something, that I need to retaliate with violence.

You said that Muslims had it coming because some deviant Muslims have committed terrorist attacks. Its not right to have this thinking just like its not right for ISIS to have this thinking.

It is a dangerous ideology to have.

Yes the solution is that maybe the British should just invite them for a nice cup of Darjeeling tea and some cucumber sandwiches....that's the ticket, that will stop ISIS and the Killer Kebabs :rolleyes-41:

Well don't forget people. we have ANTIFA planning to start some BS on JULY 2nd.... Question is who else will be starting something JULY 2nd.
you must go through a lot of depends
This is what happens when Muslims commit acts of violence, too often, in a land not their own.

Eventually, the backlash begins.

May God rest the souls of those who perished (if any), and give comfort to their families, and to those who were injured by that supposed right-wing Brit.

Still, given how often the Muzzies have savaged their Euro-neighbors in recent months and years, this had to start, sooner or later.

Not with respect to the victims themselves, but to the Islamic community at-large... in a very real sense, they have brought this upon themselves.

It did not have to come to this, but it was their choice, to maim and kill again and again and again, until somebody or another, on the other side, struck back.

That is the same exact rhetoric that ISIS uses. They say they commit terrorist attacks in the west. Because western nation keep bombing Muslim and middle eastern countries. So they attack in retaliation.

You should really do some self reflection if your line of thinking is the same as ISIS or Al-Qaeda.
That tired old rhetoric again? Sane people don't give a monkey what Isis 'think' - its you and your ilk who give them power by suggesting any of the filth they utter matters. It's a great pity so many Muslims are so eager to be swayed by their hate though - and that's on them.

I'm not asking you to care what ISIS thinks. What I am saying is that your mindset is the same as an ISIS member.
My mindset is the same as an Isis member? I don't remember when I last dissolved someone in acid or burnt them in a cage, nor do I recall having the 'mindset' to harm a single living soul because they dont share my views, so do please tell me more!

The mindset is that since a group of people from a different ethnic/religious group did something, that I need to retaliate with violence.

You said that Muslims had it coming because some deviant Muslims have committed terrorist attacks. Its not right to have this thinking just like its not right for ISIS to have this thinking.

It is a dangerous ideology to have.
Lol. Please show me where i said ' they had it coming' or STFU with your taqiyya :thup:
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They'd better start stepping up to the plate to turn in their own terrorists or I'm sure we will be seeing a lot more attacks like this on them in the future.

Do I feel sad? After everything is said and done, no. Not really. Sorry, but I don't. I guess I have some animosity towards the Muslims. *shrugs*
The Muslims are always demanding things, they never ask, they issue demands.

Our brothers and sisters need protecting against these backward 7th Century knuckledraggers. Fuck the mosques, they all should have been raided several years ago and then shut down. We know from reports that the Iman's preach hatred of the West in them, we however have no idea what they are storing in those mosques, for all we know they could have arsenals of guns and suicide vest making materials.
The Finsbury Park Mosque had an arsenal in its basement.

When was this? Recent? WTF it should have been shut down right then immediately, not allowed to continue.
It was when hook hand was in charge - over ten yrs ago I think - maybe 12 yrs. They had a basement full of weapons, was full to the brim with hate literature and terrorists connected with 9/11 and 7/7 and other attacks were also from that mosque. They claim to now be 'moderate' but the current ?imam/leader is a terrorist supporter, an antisemite and a great friend of Comrade Corbyn.
They used to block the local streets 'praying' and spewing hate. When the police closed the mosque (temporarily) they blocked all the streets for days spewing hate sermons.

Corbyn the Marxist filth I have heard on the BBC World Service he says that tonight he's going to go and pray INSIDE Finsbury Park mosque, he's a total vile POS, he sinks lower each day, as if it's not disgusting that he's spent nearly a week using the dead people of Grenfell Tower to score political points and further his Marxist wet dream by DEMANDING that the properties of rich people be SEIZED to house people, now he's going to pray with all the Kebabs in Finsbury Park mosque.

I thought he's an Athiest, who's he going to pray to? Or has he now converted to Islam so he'll pray to Allah?

I bet he had minimal comments when the people were mowed down on the London Bridge or children and teenagers were blown up at a concert in Manchester.
He condemned all of those attacks you lying fascist slag.

Go away little Marxist, don't you have some more DEAD PEOPLE to exploit for your Far Left political purposes?


Peoples who were crushed by the van living the mosquee.

Communicate from the autority keep on living your life " The usual speech " But remain vigilant.
Muslim Council of Britain : Van hit people living the mosquee demand protection outside of all mosquee.

The Muslims are always demanding things, they never ask, they issue demands.

Our brothers and sisters need protecting against these backward 7th Century knuckledraggers. Fuck the mosques, they all should have been raided several years ago and then shut down. We know from reports that the Iman's preach hatred of the West in them, we however have no idea what they are storing in those mosques, for all we know they could have arsenals of guns and suicide vest making materials.

The Finsbury Park Mosque had an arsenal in its basement.

When was this? Recent? WTF it should have been shut down right then immediately, not allowed to continue.

It was when hook hand was in charge - over ten yrs ago I think - maybe 12 yrs. They had a basement full of weapons, was full to the brim with hate literature and terrorists connected with 9/11 and 7/7 and other attacks were also from that mosque. They claim to now be 'moderate' but the current ?imam/leader is a terrorist supporter, an antisemite and a great friend of Comrade Corbyn.
They used to block the local streets 'praying' and spewing hate. When the police closed the mosque (temporarily) they blocked all the streets for days spewing hate sermons.

Corbyn the Marxist filth I have heard on the BBC World Service he says that tonight he's going to go and pray INSIDE Finsbury Park mosque, he's a total vile POS, he sinks lower each day, as if it's not disgusting that he's spent nearly a week using the dead people of Grenfell Tower to score political points and further his Marxist wet dream by DEMANDING that the properties of rich people be SEIZED to house people, now he's going to pray with all the Kebabs in Finsbury Park mosque.

I thought he's an Athiest, who's he going to pray to? Or has he now converted to Islam so he'll pray to Allah?

I bet he had minimal comments when the people were mowed down on the London Bridge or children and teenagers were blown up at a concert in Manchester.

He is a regular visitor to that Mosque and says it's extremist leader has provided valuable 'guidance' many times. They probably have nice chats about their 'friends' Hamas.

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