Breaking: Van runs into crowd outside N. London Mosque

This whole attack sounds like a hoax. The Imam protected the driver after the "major incident". I won't be surprised if the driver is a Muslim who did this solely to make Muslims look like victims and a chance for the media and their progressive automatons to rally around the "Muslim community".
They had dragged him from the van and were beating the crap out of him before the imam stepped in - and a patrol car was in the next street so got their immediately. Not that I blame them for attacking the perpetrator.
has the driver of the van been identified yet other than he is "white" in the mind of some limey cop?

Is he actually white? That was an early report on non major networks but I've also see a report that he is a fellow Muslim who had a dispute with the. Theyve had this guy in custody with no mug shot or information being released
Here is a picture of him, but it's not very clear.

I almost hope Islam does conquer where ever some of these libs are from. That would be hilarious if they all had to convert to Islam and pray 5 times a day, wear certain clothing, homosexuality would be illegal. Can you imagine? :lol:
has the driver of the van been identified yet other than he is "white" in the mind of some limey cop?

Is he actually white? That was an early report on non major networks but I've also see a report that he is a fellow Muslim who had a dispute with the. Theyve had this guy in custody with no mug shot or information being released
Here is a picture of him, but it's not very clear.

View attachment 134183

the "god" krishnah is depicted as BLUE
Maybe that's the best way to deal with them. Play their dirty game.

If nothing else, we (conservatives) are having a moment of great humility and introspection

It is amazing how yesterday's incident demonstrates to me how some liberals feel about the congressional baseball practice shooting

I can fully understand, and even emphasize with their thoughts of not really being upset that people are hurt, but still frustrated & angry about the incident at the same time

there are other amazing parallels

the DC shooter was motivated by rage & irrational fears - he was driven by the propaganda that the American main stream media has been happily dishing out for quite some time - worked into a frenzy over histrionic and unhinged wailing

this is very similar to what happens with terrorists - they get into their "group=think" & get all fired up to bring down the great satan

in the UK - we see that after months & months of crazed & irrational attacks from the Muslim community, attacks that most Muslims don't seem to care about, a guy finally snapped. The Muslims are screaming bloody murder & demanding that this be treated as a "terrorist attack" - well NO

it was not a terrorist attack, it was a criminal attack by someone who is mentally unstable

he needs to be made an example of, I am confident he will be

but I want to see the same level of outrage from the "moderate Muslim" community about attacks committed in the name of Allah

either that, or I want to see them rounded up and shipped out
You are so badly informed. the Muslim community has condemned all acts of terrorism. Why do you state otherwise ?
Not without endless qualifications and not before saying the scum ARE NOT EVEN MUSLIM. And certainly not with the PASSION they have displayed today.
Worldwide Muslims Condemn List
Plenty in there for you to suck on.
From the very first 'condemnation' on your list:

We agree wholeheartedly with the Prime Minister's assertion that this act was truly a 'perversion of Islam'.

You see, I didn't have to look far. Do you know why? Because if you listen to them carfefully or read the transcripts there is always a qualification that renders the 'condemnation' not a condemnation at all, and which invariably includes a refusal to acknowledge in any way where the problem lies.

Are you always so gullible, Tammy?

PS you shouldn't use words like 'suck' - it makes you sound creepy (again) :eek-52:
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Labour leader's 15 meetings with his 'friend' who wants to destroy Israel

Mr Corbyn captioned this photo on his Facebook page: "Really enjoyed Iftar supper at Finsbury Park Mosque with legendary Mohammed Kozbar and friends"

By Andrew Gilligan

10:26PM GMT 12 Mar 2016

...Mr Corbyn has spoken of his “friendship” with the “legendary” Mohammed Kozbar, chairman of the mosque and vice-president of the Muslim Association of Britain, which is closely linked to the Islamist Muslim Brotherhood.

Mr Kozbar claims that the Finsbury Park mosque, formerly notorious as the base of Abu Hamza, has turned over a new leaf under his leadership. Mr Corbyn, too, has praised it as a “wonderful place” which “guides me and many others”.

But in a demonstration in December 2011 Mr Kozbar called for the destruction of Israel, saying: “This time it will be the end of Israel, inshallah [God willing.]”

On October 11 last year, amid a wave of stabbings of Israelis by Palestinians in Jerusalem and elsewhere, he wrote that “Palestine is uprising, Alquds [Jerusalem] is uprising and our brothers and sisters are giving everything to defend Alaqsa Mosque [in Jerusalem]. The question is what are we doing to support them and show them that they are not alone on this.”

He has praised as “always cracking the words of truth” the extremist cleric and Muslim Brotherhood ideological leader Yusuf al-Qaradawi, who has supported suicide bombings of civilians and defended rape, saying that “to be absolved from guilt, the raped woman must have shown some sort of good conduct.”

...Under Mr Kozbar’s chairmanship Finsbury Park Mosque continues to host bigots, extremists and terrorist supporters. One of its other trustees, Mohammed Sawalha, is a leading activist and former commander in the terror group Hamas.

The mosque hosted as a guest-of-honour an Islamist leader, Abdullah Djaballah, who called on people to “wage holy Muslim war against the US and British invaders in Iraq.” Mr Djaballah was pictured with Mr Corbyn and Mr Kozbar on a visit to the mosque in 2014.

A regular preacher at the mosque, Fadel Soliman, says that wives who displease their husbands should be beaten, albeit that “the hitting must be done with a small stick”.

Mr Soliman ran a weekly lecture series at the mosque until six weeks ago.

Both Mr Kozbar and Mr Corbyn declined to comment when contacted by the Telegraph.

Jeremy Corbyn and the mosque leader who blames the UK for Isil
ZZZZZZZZZZZzz. Its not extreme to have a problem with the policies of the Israeli state.
Lol. You crack me up, Tammy, you really do. But you're a terrorist supporter so it's little wonder you find the above OK.

If Tammy had his way you would have NO security measures at all because of Muh Human Rights. This one as you and others know is actually openly calling for the overthrow of your democratically elected Government and that a Marxist-Trotskyite is installed as Prime Minister with a full Marxist Regime running your nation.

Even though the Marxist-Trotskyite Party LOST the election and got 56 less seats than the Conservatives who WON the election but just DIDN'T get an overall majority:

Conservatives 318 seats - Marxist-Trotskyite Party 262 seats.

He's of the ilk, like all Far Leftists who HATES his OWN people, especially the rich ones and wants to Redistribute The Wealth, to seize from and steal from the successful and educated to give to the failures and barely educated.

Tammy wants nothing short of a combination of the French Revolution and the Bolshevik Revolution. Tammy's wet dream is that all people who do NOT agree with this to be rounded up and put into Special Camps as "dangerous Fascists" In Tammy's wet dream Britain would be run by Marxists, Faggots and Dykes, Far Left Activists and Muslims.

If that crowd got their way you'd be having an Islamic Terrorist attack every other day.
Worldwide Muslims Condemn List

Well this shows how wrong you are.

The idiocy of your response is par for the course for dumb bigots. What did you do to stop the Charlotte Church massacre ?

stop the Charlotte murders?
well, for one, I don't give comfort & support to groups that meticulously plan and carry out such attacks

and I am aware that there have been milquetoast condemnations; but as long as these people are not marginalized & hunted down in their own communities, then they are complicit in this

and you must have missed this poll - 66% of Muslim Brits wouldn't share terrorism info: 2016 poll

there is an undercurrent of support for these thugs - same as there was for the KKK back in the 40's - 60's here in the USA

people like you that refuse to acknowledge this are actually helping them further their agenda
A little girl (probably around 11 or 12 years old) came into my place of work the other day and she was all wrapped up in her mummy clothes, as was her mother. Her father of course was wearing normal everyday clothes, shorts and a T shirt. It was like 98 degrees outside. The little girl had a black eye. I know the father did it. I just know it! I just stared him down the whole time he was there. Bastard. I'd love to give that misogynist douche a black eye!
A family friend works at a very large optical office. She fits people with glasses and contacts. There is a relatively large Muslim population in the area. She often gets Muslim women in full burka. Some refuse to remove it, thus they don't get glasses or contacts. It is so f**king crazy. that Tammy with her girlfriends?
It's interesting really.

Muslims do this and this is evidence that we need to kick Muslims out of the country. White people do it and it's evidence that Muslims deserve.

They hate Muslims because they drive vans at people. They like white people because they drive vans at Muslims.

Yep, jihadists of a different stripe.
This thread should end once and for all the idea that liberals are apologists for terrorists.
That's all the wingers have done in this thread.
A little girl (probably around 11 or 12 years old) came into my place of work the other day and she was all wrapped up in her mummy clothes, as was her mother. Her father of course was wearing normal everyday clothes, shorts and a T shirt. It was like 98 degrees outside. The little girl had a black eye. I know the father did it. I just know it! I just stared him down the whole time he was there. Bastard. I'd love to give that misogynist douche a black eye!
A family friend works at a very large optical office. She fits people with glasses and contacts. There is a relatively large Muslim population in the area. She often gets Muslim women in full burka. Some refuse to remove it, thus they don't get glasses or contacts. It is so f**king crazy. that Tammy with her girlfriends?

/---- Any libtard who thinks these women aren't held as slaves is in deep denial or just stupid. Maybe both.

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Labour leader's 15 meetings with his 'friend' who wants to destroy Israel

Mr Corbyn captioned this photo on his Facebook page: "Really enjoyed Iftar supper at Finsbury Park Mosque with legendary Mohammed Kozbar and friends"

By Andrew Gilligan

10:26PM GMT 12 Mar 2016

...Mr Corbyn has spoken of his “friendship” with the “legendary” Mohammed Kozbar, chairman of the mosque and vice-president of the Muslim Association of Britain, which is closely linked to the Islamist Muslim Brotherhood.

Mr Kozbar claims that the Finsbury Park mosque, formerly notorious as the base of Abu Hamza, has turned over a new leaf under his leadership. Mr Corbyn, too, has praised it as a “wonderful place” which “guides me and many others”.

But in a demonstration in December 2011 Mr Kozbar called for the destruction of Israel, saying: “This time it will be the end of Israel, inshallah [God willing.]”

On October 11 last year, amid a wave of stabbings of Israelis by Palestinians in Jerusalem and elsewhere, he wrote that “Palestine is uprising, Alquds [Jerusalem] is uprising and our brothers and sisters are giving everything to defend Alaqsa Mosque [in Jerusalem]. The question is what are we doing to support them and show them that they are not alone on this.”

He has praised as “always cracking the words of truth” the extremist cleric and Muslim Brotherhood ideological leader Yusuf al-Qaradawi, who has supported suicide bombings of civilians and defended rape, saying that “to be absolved from guilt, the raped woman must have shown some sort of good conduct.”

...Under Mr Kozbar’s chairmanship Finsbury Park Mosque continues to host bigots, extremists and terrorist supporters. One of its other trustees, Mohammed Sawalha, is a leading activist and former commander in the terror group Hamas.

The mosque hosted as a guest-of-honour an Islamist leader, Abdullah Djaballah, who called on people to “wage holy Muslim war against the US and British invaders in Iraq.” Mr Djaballah was pictured with Mr Corbyn and Mr Kozbar on a visit to the mosque in 2014.

A regular preacher at the mosque, Fadel Soliman, says that wives who displease their husbands should be beaten, albeit that “the hitting must be done with a small stick”.

Mr Soliman ran a weekly lecture series at the mosque until six weeks ago.

Both Mr Kozbar and Mr Corbyn declined to comment when contacted by the Telegraph.

Jeremy Corbyn and the mosque leader who blames the UK for Isil
ZZZZZZZZZZZzz. Its not extreme to have a problem with the policies of the Israeli state.
Lol. You crack me up, Tammy, you really do. But you're a terrorist supporter so it's little wonder you find the above OK.
Once again you defame me without a shred of evidence. You really are a disgusting nazi slag.

Tammy is flirting like crazy today with us, he's called me a "Fascist slag" now he's called Tilly a "Nazi slag", Tammy please control yourself, all these flirtatious compliments we are getting are too much already :smoke:
Labour leader's 15 meetings with his 'friend' who wants to destroy Israel

Mr Corbyn captioned this photo on his Facebook page: "Really enjoyed Iftar supper at Finsbury Park Mosque with legendary Mohammed Kozbar and friends"

By Andrew Gilligan

10:26PM GMT 12 Mar 2016

...Mr Corbyn has spoken of his “friendship” with the “legendary” Mohammed Kozbar, chairman of the mosque and vice-president of the Muslim Association of Britain, which is closely linked to the Islamist Muslim Brotherhood.

Mr Kozbar claims that the Finsbury Park mosque, formerly notorious as the base of Abu Hamza, has turned over a new leaf under his leadership. Mr Corbyn, too, has praised it as a “wonderful place” which “guides me and many others”.

But in a demonstration in December 2011 Mr Kozbar called for the destruction of Israel, saying: “This time it will be the end of Israel, inshallah [God willing.]”

On October 11 last year, amid a wave of stabbings of Israelis by Palestinians in Jerusalem and elsewhere, he wrote that “Palestine is uprising, Alquds [Jerusalem] is uprising and our brothers and sisters are giving everything to defend Alaqsa Mosque [in Jerusalem]. The question is what are we doing to support them and show them that they are not alone on this.”

He has praised as “always cracking the words of truth” the extremist cleric and Muslim Brotherhood ideological leader Yusuf al-Qaradawi, who has supported suicide bombings of civilians and defended rape, saying that “to be absolved from guilt, the raped woman must have shown some sort of good conduct.”

...Under Mr Kozbar’s chairmanship Finsbury Park Mosque continues to host bigots, extremists and terrorist supporters. One of its other trustees, Mohammed Sawalha, is a leading activist and former commander in the terror group Hamas.

The mosque hosted as a guest-of-honour an Islamist leader, Abdullah Djaballah, who called on people to “wage holy Muslim war against the US and British invaders in Iraq.” Mr Djaballah was pictured with Mr Corbyn and Mr Kozbar on a visit to the mosque in 2014.

A regular preacher at the mosque, Fadel Soliman, says that wives who displease their husbands should be beaten, albeit that “the hitting must be done with a small stick”.

Mr Soliman ran a weekly lecture series at the mosque until six weeks ago.

Both Mr Kozbar and Mr Corbyn declined to comment when contacted by the Telegraph.

Jeremy Corbyn and the mosque leader who blames the UK for Isil
ZZZZZZZZZZZzz. Its not extreme to have a problem with the policies of the Israeli state.
Lol. You crack me up, Tammy, you really do. But you're a terrorist supporter so it's little wonder you find the above OK.
Once again you defame me without a shred of evidence. You really are a disgusting nazi slag.

Tammy is flirting like crazy today with us, he's called me a "Fascist slag" now he's called Tilly a "Nazi slag", Tammy please control yourself, all these flirtatious compliments we are getting are too much already :smoke:


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