Breaking: Van runs into crowd outside N. London Mosque

London seems to be the location for cowards and dirtbags of all stripes. Targeting peaceful worshippers outside a Mosque, doesn't take a rocket scientist to deduce that it was a terror attack.

Seems to be a great deal of tension between different groups in London. Apparently this particular mosque has a particular history, so it may "have been a calculated attack" according to Peter Bergen on CNN.
------------------------------------- worshipper outside of a mosque should not be outside of a mosque in England or any Western land SCanadian .

I would think that people of faith should be free to be outside their houses of worship with out fear of attack. In fact, people should be free anywhere, without worrying about attacks. London has had more than it's share lately :(
It could be an accident.

It could be simply that which goes around comes around.

The 2nd American Civil War is just kicking off - could it be a world series of civil wars?
---------------------------------------------------- and on whose side [do you think] will the governments align with Henry ??
London seems to be the location for cowards and dirtbags of all stripes. Targeting peaceful worshippers outside a Mosque, doesn't take a rocket scientist to deduce that it was a terror attack.

Seems to be a great deal of tension between different groups in London. Apparently this particular mosque has a particular history, so it may "have been a calculated attack" according to Peter Bergen on CNN.
------------------------------------- worshipper outside of a mosque should not be outside of a mosque in England or any Western land SCanadian .

I would think that people of faith should be free to be outside their houses of worship with out fear of attack. In fact, people should be free anywhere, without worrying about attacks. London has had more than it's share lately :(

That's what happens when you bring Islamic cultures to Western Europe.

will the USA have to accept refugee Anglican Londoners ??

I have no problems with Anglican Londoners.

I have a problem with Islamists.

Skye.....notice something in here lately? These progressive bozo's have always thought that by labeling somebody a "right winger", they get in line with the PC crowd. But not anymore............:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:...........and Im laughing. Been looking for this moment for many years now probably much like you. Trumps election was far more than some quirky anomaly.........theres tens of millions of pissed off people out there done with these Disney people. And we know who's not winning!:coffee:
This is what happens when Muslims commit acts of violence, too often, in a land not their own.

Eventually, the backlash begins.

May God rest the souls of those who perished (if any), and give comfort to their families, and to those who were injured by that supposed right-wing Brit.

Still, given how often the Muzzies have savaged their Euro-neighbors in recent months and years, this had to start, sooner or later.

Not with respect to the victims themselves, but to the Islamic community at-large... in a very real sense, they have brought this upon themselves.

It did not have to come to this, but it was their choice, to maim and kill again and again and again, until somebody or another, on the other side, struck back.

Interesting. They brought this on themselves. Isn't that what people accused the west of - that their actions in the mideast brought these terror attacks on them?

You can't say on the one hand - god rest their souls and then on the other - they brought it on themselves. These are just ordinary people living ordinary lives who had nothing to do with what terrorists took upon themselves to do.
Skye.....if you are ever out to New York, look me up and you come with me and my son to the local outdoor range and blow some shit up all day!:rock:
Sky news is reporting that a man with a knife exited the van and started stabbing people.

Originally the San Bernardino gunmen were described as white too.

Is this a muzz on muzz attack?
London seems to be the location for cowards and dirtbags of all stripes. Targeting peaceful worshippers outside a Mosque, doesn't take a rocket scientist to deduce that it was a terror attack.

Seems to be a great deal of tension between different groups in London. Apparently this particular mosque has a particular history, so it may "have been a calculated attack" according to Peter Bergen on CNN.
------------------------------------- worshipper outside of a mosque should not be outside of a mosque in England or any Western land SCanadian .

I would think that people of faith should be free to be outside their houses of worship with out fear of attack. In fact, people should be free anywhere, without worrying about attacks. London has had more than it's share lately :(
London has passed it's tipping point. It is now more muzz than Brit. It shows.
It's interesting really.

Muslims do this and this is evidence that we need to kick Muslims out of the country. White people do it and it's evidence that Muslims deserve.

They hate Muslims because they drive vans at people. They like white people because they drive vans at Muslims.
Could be a revenge attack. Seems to be what muslims from the area are saying.

That's why I mentioned above watch and see, the radicals will start something over this which kicks off another little civil war shall we say. The natural borns are beginning to fight back and they won't like it.

When this bs begins in the US the same things will happen but worse.

Before all of this started this is exactly why Clinton, Giffords, Obama were all working on stripping the guns away from America. They knew what was coming and this is it.

Open borders, they knew the immigrant thing was going to take place they are part of the NWO which wants a ONE WORLD ORDER dominance and we are " almost" the last Country standing who still own guns.

and I said " almost" because obviously we have Russia etc. But most of the Countries falling are not allowed to have weapons.
London seems to be the location for cowards and dirtbags of all stripes. Targeting peaceful worshippers outside a Mosque, doesn't take a rocket scientist to deduce that it was a terror attack.

Seems to be a great deal of tension between different groups in London. Apparently this particular mosque has a particular history, so it may "have been a calculated attack" according to Peter Bergen on CNN.
------------------------------------- worshipper outside of a mosque should not be outside of a mosque in England or any Western land SCanadian .

I would think that people of faith should be free to be outside their houses of worship with out fear of attack. In fact, people should be free anywhere, without worrying about attacks. London has had more than it's share lately :(
London has passed it's tipping point. It is now more muzz than Brit. It shows.

How does it show when it sounds like you've never even been there.

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